tREADME - mixmaster - mixmaster 3.0 patched for libressl
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       tREADME (8417B)
            1 Mixmaster 3.0 -- anonymous remailer software -- (C) 1999 - 2000 Anonymizer Inc.
            2                                   (C) 2000-2008 The Mixmaster Development Team
            3 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
            5 This program consists of
            7 * a remailer client:
            9   The remailer client supports sending anonymous mail using Cypherpunk and
           10   Mixmaster remailers. It supports OpenPGP encryption (compatible with PGP 2,
           11   PGP 5 and up, and GnuPG).
           13   The client can be used with a menu-based user interface and with command line
           14   options.
           16 * a remailer:
           18   The remailer supports the Cypherpunk and Mixmaster message formats.  It can
           19   be integrated with the mail delivery system of Unix-based computers or use
           20   the POP3 and SMTP protocols for mail transfer.  Mixmaster includes an
           21   automated abuse-handling system.
           23 Please report any problems via the bug and patch trackers at
           27 Installation:
           28 ------------
           30 Libraries:
           32   Mixmaster requires the libraries OpenSSL, zlib, and pcre. 
           34   If you want to use the menu-based user interface, you also need the ncurses
           35   library. If these libraries are not installed on your system, you will need
           36   to obtain the latest versions from the sources below and extract them in the
           37   the Src/ directory first.
           39   OpenSSL is available from
           41   Ncurses can be obtained from
           43   The Perl Compatable Regular Expressions library can be obtained from
           46   The zlib compression libraries can be obtained from
           49 To install or upgrade Mixmaster, type `./Install'.
           51 Mixmaster clients rely on pingers to compile statistics and keyrings for
           52 currently operating remailers.  A list of public pingers can be obtained from
           55 Alternatively clients can operate their own pingers to generate statistics.
           56 Pinger software can be obtained from  If you
           57 choose this option, please publish the pinger results for the benefit of other
           58 Mixmaster users and notify the metastats maintainer at
           60 The required files published by pingers are:-
           61   pubring.asc    Type 1 remailer keys
           62   pubring.mix    Type 2 remailer keys
           63   rlist.txt      List of reliable type 1 remailers
           64   mlist.txt      List of reliable type 2 remailers
           65   type2.list     List of known type 2 remailers (optional)
           67 Using the remailer client:
           68 -------------------------
           70 To use the menu-based user interface, simply run `mixmaster'. To send an
           71 anonymous or pseudonymous reply to a message from within your mail or news
           72 reader, you can pipe it to `mixmaster'.
           74 The interactive mode supports sending mail and contains a simple mail reading
           75 function. OpenPGP messages are encrypted and decrypted automatically. 
           77 In the non-interactive mode, Mixmaster reads a message from a file or from its
           78 standard input. The command line options are described in the manual page
           79 (mixmaster.1).
           82 Mixmaster as a remailer:
           83 -----------------------
           85 The Mixmaster remailer can be installed on any account that can receive mail.
           86 Non-remailer messages will be delivered as usual. If you have root access, you
           87 may want to create a new user (e.g., `remailer') and install Mixmaster under
           88 that user id.
           90 The Install script provides a simple way to set up the remailer. More
           91 information about configuring Mixmaster can be found in the manual page.
           92 Typically, incoming mail is piped to "mixmaster -RM". In a UUCP setting, it may
           93 be useful to use just "mixmaster -R", and run "mixmaster -S" once all messages
           94 have arrived.
           96 Announcing a new remailer to the public is most commonly done by posting the
           97 remailer keys and capabilities to alt.privacy.anon-server as well as the
           98 "remops" mailing list. Information about the remops list can be found here:
          102 Installation problems:
          103 ---------------------
          105 In case one of the libraries Mixmaster uses is installed incorrectly on your
          106 system, place the library source code (available from the locations listed
          107 above) in the Src directory, remove the old Makefile, run the Install script
          108 again and answer `y' when asked whether to use the source code.
          110 The ncurses library can use termcap and terminfo databases. The Mixmaster
          111 Install script tries to find out whether terminfo is available. If you get a
          112 "Can't open display" error when starting the Mixmaster menu, run "./configure
          113 --enable-termcap; make lib/libncurses.a" in the ncurses directory.
          116 Security notes:
          117 --------------
          119 The ciphers and the anonymizing mix-net protocol used in Mixmaster correspond
          120 to the state of the art (see the Security Considerations section of the
          121 Mixmaster Protocol specification for details). However, no security proofs
          122 exist for any practical cryptosystem. It is unlikely that their security will
          123 be broken, but there is no "perfect security". Software can also contain
          124 implementation errors. The complete Mixmaster source code is available for
          125 public review, so that everyone can verify what the program does, and it is
          126 unlikely that security related errors or secret back doors in the software
          127 would go unnoticed.
          129 No software is secure if run in an insecure environment. For that reason you
          130 must make sure that there is no malicious software (such as viruses) running on
          131 your computer. Deleted files and even passphrases can in many cases be read
          132 from the hard disk if an adversary has access to the computer. The use of disk
          133 encryption programs is recommended to avoid this risk.
          135 Anonymous messages are secure as long as at least one of the remailers you use
          136 in a chain is honest. You can use up to 20 remailers in a chain, but
          137 reliability and speed decrease with longer chains. Four is a reasonable number
          138 of remailers to use. Many remailer operators sign their keys. You should verify
          139 those signatures with OpenPGP to make sure that you have the actual remailer
          140 keys.
          142 Anonymous keys usually cannot be introduced to the OpenPGP web of trust without
          143 giving up anonymity. For that reason, this client will use any OpenPGP key
          144 found on the key ring, whether it is certified or not. Your key ring must not
          145 contain any invalid keys when used with this program.
          147 If you want to use a pseudonym, the client will ask you for a passphrase to
          148 protect the nym database. Your passphrase should be long, and hard to guess.
          149 Anyone who gets hold of your nym database and private keys and can determine
          150 the passphrase will be able to compromise your pseudonymous identities. Note
          151 that some operating systems may store your passphrase on your hard disk in
          152 clear.
          154 While a good client passphrase can protect your keys if someone gets hold of
          155 your files, the remailer passphrase offers only casual protection for the
          156 remailer keys. If you install a remailer, the remailer passphrase must be
          157 different from your private passphrases.
          159 Note that style nym-servers are trivially breakable by an
          160 adversary performing a long-term intersection attack. Discussion of 
          161 these attacks can be found in section 4.2 of The Pynchon Gate, by 
          162 Sassaman, Cohen, and Mathewson, 2005. Use of Type I remailers for any 
          163 purpose is discouraged.
          166 Copyright:
          167 ---------
          169 Mixmaster may be redistributed and modified under certain conditions.  This
          170 software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND,
          171 either express or implied. See the file COPYRIGHT for details.
          173 A license is required to use the IDEA(TM) algorithm for commercial purposes;
          174 see the file idea.txt for details.
          176 Mixmaster uses the compression library zlib by Jean-loup Gailly and Mark Adler,
          177 the free ncurses library and the regex library by Philip Hazel.  This product
          178 includes cryptographic software written by Eric Young ( This
          179 product includes software developed by the OpenSSL Project for use in the
          180 OpenSSL Toolkit (  For some platforms: This product
          181 includes software developed by the University of California, Berkeley and its
          182 contributors.
          184 Additionally, this software uses code provided by the members of the 
          185 Mixmaster development team. The members respectively hold the copyright 
          186 to the code in question, having elected to make it available under the 
          187 Mixmaster license.
          189 All trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
          191 $Id: README 974 2008-03-03 17:40:11Z rabbi $