tmixmaster.1 - mixmaster - mixmaster 3.0 patched for libressl
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       tmixmaster.1 (27418B)
            1 .TH MIXMASTER 1 "Mixmaster Version 3.0"
            2 .\" $Id: mixmaster.1 974 2008-03-03 17:40:11Z rabbi $
            3 .SH NAME
            4 mixmaster \- anonymous remailer software
            5 .SH SYNOPSIS
            6 .B mixmaster
            7 [\fB\-hpmdSvT\fR]
            8 [\fB\-t \fIuser@host\fR]
            9 [\fB\-g \fInewsgroup\fR]
           10 [\fB\-s \fIsubject\fR]
           11 [\fB\-a \fIfilename\fR]
           12 [\fB\-l \fImix1,mix2,mix3,...\fR]
           13 [\fB\-c \fInum\fR]
           14 [\fIuser@host\fR]
           15 [\fIfilename\fR]
           16 .PP
           17 .B mixmaster
           18 [\fB\-f\fR[\fBrfg\fR] \fIfilename\fR]
           19 .PP
           20 .B mixmaster \fR[\fB\-RGKSP\fR]
           21 .SH DESCRIPTION
           22 Mixmaster is an anonymous remailer. Remailers provide protection
           23 against traffic analysis and allow sending mail anonymously or
           24 pseudonymously.
           25 .PP
           26 In the non-interactive mode, Mixmaster reads a message from its
           27 standard input or from a file.  Destination address and input file can
           28 be specified in the command line.  If no address is given in the
           29 command line, the input file is expected to contain a message complete
           30 with mail headers.
           31 .SH OPTIONS
           32 .TP
           33 .B "\-h, \-\-help"
           34 Print a summary of command line options.
           35 .TP
           36 .B "\-V, \-\-version"
           37 Print version information.
           38 .TP
           39 .B "\-\-about"
           40 Print authorship and copyright information.
           41 .TP
           42 .B "\-\-config=\fIfilename"
           43 Read configuration from an alternate file.
           44 .TP
           45 .B "\-t, \-\-to=\fIuser@host"
           46 Add the destination address(es) to the message header. The input file
           47 contains the message body without headers.
           48 .TP
           49 .B "\-g, \-\-post-to=\fInewsgroup"
           50 Add the newsgroup(s) to the message header. The input file
           51 contains the message body without headers.
           52 .TP
           53 .B
           54 \-p, \-\-post
           55 Post the message to Usenet.
           56 .TP
           57 .B
           58 \-m, \-\-mail
           59 Send the message as electronic mail. (This is the default.)
           60 .TP
           61 .B "\-s, \-\-subject=\fIsubject"
           62 Add the
           63 .I subject
           64 to the message header.
           65 .TP
           66 .B "\-\-header=\fI'Header: text'
           67 Add the header line to the message header.
           68 .TP
           69 .B "\-a, \-\-attachment=\fIfilename"
           70 Attach
           71 .I file
           72 to the message.
           73 .TP
           74 .B \-\-encrypt
           75 Encrypt the message using the OpenPGP format.
           76 .TP
           77 .B \-\-sign
           78 Sign the message using the OpenPGP format.
           79 .TP
           80 .B "\-l, \-\-chain=\fImix1,mix2,mix3,..."
           81 Use this remailer chain to send the message. Alternatively, the input
           82 message may contain a pseudo-header
           83 .BR Chain: .
           84 If no chain is specified, Mixmaster will use a chain of four random
           85 remailers.
           86 .TP
           87 .B "\-T, \-\-type\-list"
           88 Display the contents of the
           89 .BR type2.list
           90 file.
           91 .TP
           92 .B "\-c, \-\-copies=\fInum"
           93 Send
           94 .I num
           95 copies of the message to increase reliability.
           96 .TP
           97 .B \-d, \-\-dummy
           98 Generate a dummy message as protection against traffic analysis.
           99 .TP
          100 .B \-S, \-\-send
          101 Send the message(s) from the pool.
          102 .TP
          103 .B \-v, \-\-verbose
          104 Output informational messages.
          105 .TP
          106 .B "\-f\fR [\fIfile\fR]"
          107 Read a mail folder or news article. This function requires ncurses support.
          108 .TP
          109 .B "\-fr\fR [\fIfile\fR]"
          110 Reply to a message.
          111 .TP
          112 .B "\-ff\fR [\fIfile\fR]"
          113 Post a follow-up to a message.
          114 .TP
          115 .B "\-fg\fR [\fIfile\fR]"
          116 Send a group reply to a message.
          117 .TP
          118 .B "\-\-update-pinger-list"
          119 Download an updated all pingers list file.
          120 .TP
          121 .B "\-\-update-stats\fI[=source\fR]"
          122 Download updated stats.
          123 .SS Remailer options:
          124 .TP
          125 .B "\-\-config=\fIfilename"
          126 Read configuration from an alternate file.
          127 .TP
          128 .B \-R, \-\-read\-mail
          129 Read a remailer message from standard input and store it in the pool.
          130 .TP
          131 .B \-I, \-\-store\-mail
          132 Read a remailer message from standard input and store it in the pool
          133 without decrypting it immediately. It will be processed the next time
          134 Mixmaster processes the queue (called with \fP-M\fP or in daemon mode).
          135 .TP
          136 .B \-P, \-\-pop-mail
          137 Read mail from the POP3 servers listed in
          138 .BR pop3.cfg .
          139 .TP
          140 .B \-M, \-\-remailer
          141 Check if it is time to perform the regular remailer actions:
          142 Send messages from the pool, get mail from POP3 servers and keep the
          143 internal files up\-to\-date.
          144 .TP
          145 .B \-D, \-\-daemon
          146 Detach from the console and process the pool, get mail and update the
          147 internal files at regular intervals.
          148 .TP
          149 .B \-\-no-detach
          150 Run as daemon but do not detach from the terminal (This option is
          151 only useful together with \fB--daemon\fP).
          152 .TP
          153 .B -G, \-\-generate\-key
          154 Generate a new remailer key.
          155 .TP
          156 .B \-K, \-\-update\-keys
          157 Generate remailer keys if necessary.
          158 .TP
          159 .B \-S, \-\-send
          160 Force sending the message(s) from the pool.
          161 .TP
          162 .B \-\-install\-svc
          163 Install the Mixmaster Service on Win32.
          164 .TP
          165 .B \-\-remove\-svc
          166 Remove the Mixmaster Service on Win32.
          167 .TP
          168 .B \-\-run\-svc
          169 Run the Mixmaster Service on Win32.
          170 .TP
          171 .B \-\-redirect
          172 Read a Mixmaster packet from stdin and route it through a chain given with
          173 .B \-\-no\-ask\-passphrase
          174 Do not ask for the remailer passphrase even if we don't have it compiled in,
          175 don't have it in the config file, don't have it in the environment and we are
          176 on a tty.
          177 \fB\-\-chain\fP.
          178 Note that this may corrupt the packet if there is not enough space in the
          179 headers (that is, if there are more than 20 hops total).  This function is
          180 not normally needed but may come in handy in certain cases.
          181 .SH CONFIGURATION
          182 Mixmaster reads its configuration from the file
          183 .B mix.cfg
          184 in its working directory.  The configuration file consists of lines of
          185 the type
          186 .PP
          187 .I VARIABLE       values
          188 .PP
          189 and of comments, which begin with a
          190 .B #
          191 character.  The variables have reasonable default values, but it is
          192 useful to create a configuration file using the
          193 .B Install
          194 script when setting up a remailer.
          195 .PP
          196 All configuration variables can be overridden from the command line,
          197 e.g.
          198 .B mixmaster -S --POOLSIZE=0 --RATE=100
          199 will send all messages currently in the message pool.
          200 .SS Client configuration:
          201 .TP
          202 .B ADDRESS
          203 Your address for sending non-anonymous messages.
          204 .TP
          205 .B NAME
          206 Your real name (used for sending non-anonymous messages).
          207 .TP
          208 .B MAILtoNEWS
          209 Address of a mail-to-news gateway. Default:
          210 .BR .
          211 .TP
          212 .B CHAIN
          213 Default chain for anonymous messages to be sent.
          214 .B CHAIN
          215 is a comma-separated list of remailer names or addresses.
          216 A
          217 .B *
          218 represents a random reliable remailer. Default:
          219 .BR *,*,*,* .
          220 .TP
          221 .B NUMCOPIES
          222 Number of redundant copies of an anonymous message to be
          223 sent, unless specified otherwise on the command line.
          224 Default:
          225 .BR 1 .
          226 .TP
          227 .B DISTANCE
          228 When selecting random remailers, the chain will contain
          229 .I DISTANCE
          230 other remailers between two occurrences of the
          231 same remailer in the chain. Default:
          232 .BR 2 .
          233 .TP
          234 .B MINREL
          235 Only select remailers with a reliability of at least
          236 .IR MINREL %.
          237 Default:
          238 .BR 98 .
          239 .TP
          240 .B RELFINAL
          241 Only select a remailer with a reliability of at least
          242 .IR RELFINAL %
          243 as the final remailer. Default:
          244 .BR 99 .
          245 .TP
          246 .B MAXLAT
          247 Only select remailers with a latency of at most
          248 .IR MAXLAT .
          249 Default:
          250 .BR 36h .
          251 .TP
          252 .B MINLAT
          253 Only select remailers with a latency of at least
          254 .IR MINLAT .
          255 Default:
          256 .BR 5m .
          257 .TP
          258 .B PGPPUBRING
          259 Path to your public PGP key ring. Default:
          260 .BR ~/.pgp/pubring.pkr .
          261 (Windows default: PGP registry value.)
          262 .TP
          263 .B PGPSECRING
          264 Path to your secret PGP key ring. Default:
          265 .BR ~/.pgp/secring.skr .
          266 (Windows default: PGP registry value.)
          267 .TP
          268 .B CLIENTAUTOFLUSH
          269 If 
          270 .B REMAIL
          271 is set to
          272 .BR n
          273 automatically flush the pool every time Mixmaster is run. Default:
          274 .BR n .
          275 .TP
          276 .B SENDMAIL
          277 Path to the
          278 .BR sendmail (1)
          279 program. If set to
          280 .BR outfile ,
          281 Mixmaster will create text files named
          282 .BI out * .txt
          283 in the
          284 .B pool
          285 directory instead of sending mail.
          286 Default:
          287 .BR "/usr/lib/sendmail -t" .
          288 .TP
          289 .B SMTPRELAY
          290 Name of SMTP relay. If set, mail will be delivered to the relay
          291 rather than by
          292 .BR sendmail (1).
          293 .TP
          294 .B HELONAME
          295 Host name used in the SMTP dialogue.
          296 Default: The
          297 .I ENVFROM
          298 host name or the current network name associated with the socket.
          299 .TP
          300 .B SMTPUSERNAME
          301 Some mail servers require authentication for sending mail. This is
          302 the authenticated SMTP user name.
          303 .B SMTPPASSWORD
          304 Password for authenticated SMTP.
          305 .TP
          306 .B ENVFROM
          307 Envelope from address used in the SMTP dialogue. (When the client is
          308 used to send non-anonymous messages,
          309 .I ADDRESSS
          310 is used instead.)
          311 Default:
          312 .IR ANONADDR .
          313 .TP
          314 .B ALLPINGERSURL
          315 URL from which to download the 
          316 .IR ALLPINGERSFILE .
          317 Default:
          318 .BR .
          319 .TP
          320 .B WGET
          321 Define the http protocol download tool. Default:
          322 .BR wget .
          323 .SS Remailer configuration:
          324 .TP
          325 .B NEWS
          326 Path to the news posting program, or address of a
          327 mail-to-news gateway. Default: no news posting.
          328 (When using a news posting program,
          329 .I ORGANIZATION
          330 contains
          331 an Organization line for anonymous messages. Default:
          332 .BR "Anonymous Posting Service" .)
          333 .TP
          334 .B SENDANONMAIL
          335 Path to a program for sending anonymous mail. Default:
          336 .IR SENDMAIL .
          337 .B SENDANONMAIL
          338 can be used to invoke an external mail filter for anonymized messages.
          339 .TP
          340 .B SHORTNAME
          341 A short name for the remailer to be used in lists. Defaults to the host name.
          342 .TP
          343 .B REMAILERADDR
          344 The remailer mail address.
          345 .TP
          346 .B ANONADDR
          347 An address to be inserted in the
          348 .B From:
          349 line of anonymous messages. Default:
          350 .IR REMAILERADDR .
          351 .TP
          352 .B REMAILERNAME
          353 A name to be inserted in the
          354 .B From:
          355 line of remailer status
          356 messages. Default:
          357 .BR "Anonymous Remailer" .
          358 .TP
          359 .B ANONNAME
          360 A name to be inserted in the
          361 .B From:
          362 line of anonymous messages.
          363 Default:
          364 .BR "Anonymous" .
          365 .TP
          366 .B COMPLAINTS
          367 An address for complaints to be sent to. Default:
          368 .IR REMAILERADDR .
          369 .TP
          370 .B ERRLOG
          371 Name of a file to log error messages, or
          372 .B stdout
          373 or
          374 .BR stderr .
          375 Default:
          376 .BR stderr .
          377 (When run from a tty, Mixmaster will always print a copy of error
          378 messages to
          379 .BR stderr .)
          380 .TP
          381 .B MAILBOX
          382 A generic mail folder for non-remailer messages that are not stored in
          383 any of the following folders.
          384 If
          385 .B MAILBOX
          386 begins with a
          387 .BR | ,
          388 it specifies the path to a program. If it contains an
          389 .B @
          390 sign, the message is forwarded to the given address (with an
          391 .B X-Loop:
          392 header to prevent mail loops). If it ends with a
          393 .B /
          394 it is treated as a Maildir, otherwise the message is appended
          395 to the given file name or written to standard output if
          396 .B MAILBOX
          397 is
          398 .BR stdout .
          399 Default:
          400 .BR mbox .
          401 .TP
          402 .B MAILABUSE
          403 Mail folder for messages sent to the
          404 .I COMPLAINTS
          405 address.
          406 Default:
          407 .IR MAILBOX .
          408 .TP
          409 .B MAILBLOCK
          410 Mail folder for messages sent to the remailer address with a
          411 .B DESTINATION-BLOCK
          412 line.
          413 Default:
          414 .IR MAILBOX .
          415 .TP
          416 .B MAILUSAGE
          417 Mail folder for messages sent to the remailer address that do not
          418 contain any valid remailer commands. Default:
          419 .BR /dev/null .
          420 .TP
          421 .B MAILANON
          422 Mail folder for replies sent to the
          423 .I ANONADDR
          424 address.
          425 Default:
          426 .BR /dev/null .
          427 .TP
          428 .B MAILERROR
          429 Mail folder for messages that cannot be decrypted or contain other
          430 errors. Default:
          431 .BR /dev/null .
          432 .TP
          433 .B MAILBOUNCE
          434 Mail folder for bounce messages. Default:
          435 .IR MAILBOX .
          436 .TP
          437 .B MAILIN
          438 If defined an additional mail folder where Mixmaster should read messages from
          439 when processing its pool. If it ends with a
          440 .B /
          441 it is treated as a Maildir, otherwise a standard mbox format file
          442 is expected. All messages are removed from the folder after reading.
          443 .B MAILIN
          444 is not set by default.
          445 It is an incredibly bad idea to set this the same as \fBMAILBOX\fP.
          446 .TP
          447 .B VERBOSE
          448 If
          449 .B VERBOSE
          450 is set to
          451 .BR 0 ,
          452 Mixmaster will log error
          453 messages only. If it is set to
          454 .BR 1 ,
          455 error messages and warnings are logged. If
          456 .B VERBOSE
          457 is set to
          458 .BR 2 ,
          459 successful operation is logged as well.
          460 If set to
          461 .BR 3 ,
          462 a log file entry is created whenever a message
          463 enters or leaves the pool.  Default:
          464 .BR 2 .
          465 .TP
          466 .B PASSPHRASE
          467 A passphrase used to protect the remailer secret keys from
          468 casual attackers. This setting overrides the compile-time
          469 defined
          470 .B COMPILEDPASS
          471 which is now deprecated.
          472 This should
          473 .I not
          474 be the same as the client passphrase.
          475 .TP
          476 .B EXTFLAGS
          477 Additional flags you want to set in the remailer's capabilities string.
          478 Defaults to the empty string, which means none.  Example:
          479 .BR testing .
          480 .TP
          481 .B PRECEDENCE
          482 Sets the header Precedence: to this value for all outgoing mail.
          483 Defaults to the empty string, which means no such header is added.
          484 Example: 
          485 .BR anon .
          486 If you use this you might want to block user supplied precedence
          487 headers in your header block file.
          488 .PP
          489 The following variables can be set to
          490 .B y
          491 or
          492 .BR n :
          493 .TP
          494 .B REMAIL
          495 Enable remailer functionality. Default:
          496 .BR n .
          497 .TP
          498 .B MIDDLEMAN
          499 Act as an intermediate hop only, forward anonymized
          500 messages to another remailer. This mode can be used
          501 where complaints about anonymous messages must be
          502 avoided. (The variable
          503 .B FORWARDTO
          504 specifies the remailer
          505 chain to be used; default:
          506 .BR * .)
          507 Default:
          508 .BR n .
          509 .TP
          510 .B AUTOREPLY
          511 Send help files in response to non-remailer messages. Explicit
          512 .B remailer-help
          513 requests are always served.
          514 Default:
          515 .BR n .
          516 .TP
          517 .B MIX
          518 Accept Mixmaster messages. Default:
          519 .BR y .
          520 .TP
          521 .B PGP
          522 Accept OpenPGP-encrypted Cypherpunk remailer messages.
          523 Default:
          524 .BR n .
          525 .TP
          526 .B UNENCRYPTED
          527 Accept unencrypted Cypherpunk remailer messages.
          528 Default:
          529 .BR n .
          530 .TP
          531 .B REMIX
          532 Re-encrypt Type I messages to other remailers in the Mixmaster format
          533 .RB ( x
          534 = only when requested by user explicitly).
          535 Default:
          536 .BR y .
          537 .TP
          538 .B BINFILTER
          539 Filter out binary attachments. Default:
          540 .BR n .
          541 .TP
          542 .B LISTSUPPORTED
          543 List known remailers and their keys in remailer-conf reply. Default:
          544 .BR y .
          545 .TP
          546 .B MID
          547 Use a hash of the message body as Message-ID, to avoid
          548 Usenet spam. Default:
          549 .BR y .
          550 If
          551 .B MID
          552 is set to a string
          553 beginning with
          554 .BR @ ,
          555 that string is used as the domain part of the message ID.
          556 .TP
          557 .B AUTOBLOCK
          558 Allow users to add their address to the
          559 .B dest.blk
          560 file by sending the remailer a message containing the line
          561 .BR destination-block .
          562 Default:
          563 .BR y .
          564 .TP
          565 .B STATSDETAILS
          566 List statistics on intermediate vs. final delivery in remailer-stats.
          567 Default:
          568 .BR y .
          569 .PP
          570 The following variables have numeric values:
          571 .TP
          572 .B POOLSIZE
          573 The size of the Mixmaster reordering pool. Larger sizes
          574 imply higher security and longer delays. Remailer default:
          575 .BR 45 .
          576 Client default:
          577 .BR 0 .
          578 .TP
          579 .B RATE
          580 Percentage of messages from the pool to be sent. Remailer default:
          581 .BR 65 .
          582 Client default:
          583 .BR 100 .
          584 Lower values cause the pool to increase in size when
          585 many messages are received at a time, reducing the effect
          586 of flooding attacks.
          587 .TP
          588 .B INDUMMYP
          589 Probability that Mixmaster will generate dummy messages upon
          590 receipt of incoming mail. Larger numbers mean more dummy
          591 messages on average. For instance,
          592 .B 10
          593 means that on average one in nine incoming messages will trigger
          594 a dummy generation, and
          595 .B 20
          596 means that one in four will.
          597 .B 0
          598 means no dummy messages. Remailer default:
          599 .BR 10 .
          600 Client default:
          601 .BR 3 .
          602 .TP
          603 .B OUTDUMMYP
          604 Probability that Mixmaster will generate dummy messages at
          605 .B SENDPOOL
          606 time. If the pool is processed frequently, this should be a lower value
          607 than if there are long intervals between pool processing. Examples:
          608 .B 50
          609 means on average, one dummy message will be generated per pool
          610 processing.
          611 .B 80
          612 means four will be generated.
          613 .B 0
          614 means no dummy messages. Remailer default:
          615 .BR 90 .
          616 Client default:
          617 .BR 3 .
          618 .TP
          619 .B SIZELIMIT
          620 Maximum size for anonymous messages in kB.
          621 .B 0
          622 means no limit.
          623 Default:
          624 .BR 0 .
          625 .TP
          626 .B POP3SIZELIMIT
          627 Maximum size for incoming messages in kB when using POP3.
          628 .B 0
          629 means no limit.
          630 Default:
          631 .BR 0 .
          632 Larger messages are deleted unread if
          633 .B POP3DEL
          634 is set to
          635 .BR y ,
          636 and left on the server otherwise.
          637 .TP
          638 .B INFLATEMAX
          639 Maximum size for
          640 .B Inflate:
          641 padding in kB.
          642 .B 0
          643 means padding is not allowed.
          644 Default:
          645 .B 50
          646 .BR kB .
          647 .TP
          648 .B MAXRANDHOPS
          649 Maximum chain length for message forwarding requested by
          650 .B Rand-Hop
          651 directives.
          652 Default:
          653 .BR 4 .
          654 .TP
          655 .B MAXRECIPIENTS
          656 limits the number of allowed recipients in outgoing mail.  Anything that exceeds this
          657 number is dropped silently.  Default:
          658 .BR 5 .
          659 .TP
          660 .B TEMP_FAIL
          661 exit with this exit code when a timeskew problem is suspected.  Also see
          662 .BR TIMESKEW_BACK
          663 and
          664 .BR TIMESKEW_FORWARD .
          665 The default of
          666 .B 75
          667 should cause your MTA to requeue the message if you are running
          668 mixmaster from a
          669 .BR .forward
          670 file.
          671 .TP
          672 .B STATSAUTOUPDATE
          673 Set non-zero to enable Daemon stats download mode. Default: 
          674 .BR 0 .
          675 .PP
          676 The following are time variables. They can be given as years (
          677 .BR y
          678 ), months (
          679 .BR b
          680 ), days (
          681 .BR d
          682 ), hours (
          683 .BR h
          684 ), minutes (
          685 .BR m
          686 ), or seconds (
          687 .BR s
          688 ).
          689 .TP
          690 .B SENDPOOLTIME
          691 How often Mixmaster should check the pool for messages
          692 to be sent. Remailer default:
          693 .BR 15m .
          694 Client default:
          695 .BR 0h .
          696 .TP
          697 .B POP3TIME
          698 How often Mixmaster should check the POP3 accounts
          699 listed in
          700 .B pop3.cfg
          701 for new mail.
          702 Default:
          703 .BR 1h .
          704 .TP
          705 .B MAILINTIME
          706 How often Mixmaster should read mail from
          707 .BR MAILIN
          708 and process mails fetched via POP3. Processing here means to
          709 answer remailer-xxx requests and decrypt messages to the Mixmaster
          710 and place them in the pool. No other processing of the pool is
          711 done. This action is always performed sending out messages from the pool (at
          712 .BR SENDPOOLTIME
          713 intervals) or receiving mail via POP3 (at
          714 .BR POP3TIME
          715 intervals). Default:
          716 .BR 5m .
          717 .TP
          718 .B PACKETEXP
          719 How long to store parts of incomplete multipart messages and other
          720 temporary pool files.
          721 Default:
          722 .BR 7d .
          723 .TP
          724 .B IDEXP
          725 Mixmaster keeps a log of packet IDs to prevent replay
          726 attacks.
          727 .B IDEXP
          728 specifies after which period of time old
          729 IDs are expired. Default:
          730 .BR 7d ,
          731 minimum:
          732 .BR 5d .
          733 If set to
          734 .BR 0 ,
          735 no log is kept.
          736 .TP
          737 .B KEYLIFETIME
          738 Mixmaster sets an expiration date on its remailer keys 
          739 .B KEYLIFETIME
          740 after the key creation date. Default:
          741 .BR 13b .
          742 .TP
          743 .B KEYGRACEPERIOD
          744 Mixmaster will continue to decrypt messages encrypted to an expired key 
          745 for
          746 .B KEYGRACEPERIOD 
          747 period of time after the expiration. This is done to ensure that messages
          748 already injected into the network are allowed to exit. Do not change this
          749 value unless you know what you are doing, or you will risk partitioning
          750 attacks. Default:
          751 .BR 7d . 
          752 .TP
          754 Mixmaster will generate and advertise a new key 
          756 period of time before the expiration of the key. Clients should always use 
          757 the most recently created valid key. Clients that deviate from this 
          758 recommended behavior risk partitioning attacks. Default:
          759 .BR 7d .
          760 .TP
          761 .B TIMESKEW_BACK
          762 Allow going back up to
          763 .BR TIMESKEW_BACK
          764 in time.  If the time moved further back mixmaster will assume
          765 there is a problem with your clock and refuse to start as a remailer.
          766 This is done by comparing the latest timestamp in 
          767 .BR time.log
          768 with the current timestamp.  If set to
          769 .BR 0
          770 then this test is skipped.  If the system time is indeed correct, simply
          771 remove
          772 .BR time.log .
          773 Default: 
          774 .BR 12h .
          775 .TP
          776 .B TIMESKEW_FORWARD
          777 Similar to
          778 .BR TIMESKEW_BACK
          779 but allow jumping this far into the future.
          780 Default: 
          781 .BR 2w .
          782 .TP
          783 .B STATSINTERVAL
          784 Time interval between daemon downloads of stats files. Enabled by
          785 .BR STATSAUTOUPDATE .
          786 Default: 
          787 .BR 2h .
          788 .PP
          789 The following strings must be specified at compile-time in
          790 .BR config.h .
          791 It is not usually necessary to modify any of these:
          792 .TP
          793 .B
          794 DISCLAIMER
          795 A default string to be inserted in the header of all anonymous
          796 messages if no
          797 .B disclaim.txt
          798 file is available. If
          799 .B DISCLAIMER
          800 contains the substring
          801 .BR "%s" ,
          802 it will be substituted with the
          803 .I COMPLAINTS
          804 address.
          805 .TP
          806 .B FROMDISCLAIMER
          807 A default string to be inserted at the top of the message body
          808 if an anonymous message contains a user-supplied
          809 .B From:
          810 line and no
          811 .B fromdscl.txt
          812 file is available.
          813 .TP
          814 .B MSGFOOTER
          815 A default string to be inserted at the bottom of the message body
          816 of all anonymous messages if no
          817 .B footer.txt
          818 file is available.
          819 .TP
          820 .B BINDISCLAIMER
          821 A string to replace the body of a binary attachment when
          822 the remailer is configured to filter out binaries.
          823 .TP
          824 .B CHARSET
          825 The character set used for MIME-encoded header lines.
          826 .TP
          827 .B DESTBLOCK
          828 A quoted list of files that contain blocked addresses.
          829 Files must be separated by one space. Mixmaster will choose
          830 the first file for writing if
          831 .B AUTOBLOCK
          832 is enabled.
          833 .PP
          834 The following variables can be set in the
          835 .B Makefile
          836 or in
          837 .BR config.h :
          838 .TP
          839 .B COMPILEDPASS
          840 A passphrase used to protect the remailer secret keys from
          841 casual attackers. You can use
          842 .B `make PASS="\fIyour passphrase\fB"'
          843 to set a passphrase. This should
          844 .I not
          845 be the same as the client passphrase. This option is now deprecated in
          846 favor of the configuration file option
          847 .BR PASSPHRASE .
          848 .TP
          849 .B SPOOL
          850 Set
          851 .B SPOOL
          852 if you want to use a default directory other than
          853 .B ~/Mix
          854 or if Mixmaster is run in an environment where
          855 .B $HOME
          856 is not set, e.g. when invoked via
          857 .BR .forward .
          858 This value can be overridden by use of the environment variable
          859 .BR $MIXPATH .
          860 .TP
          861 .B USE_SSLEAY
          862 Use the SSLeay/OpenSSL cryptographic library. Currently this is the
          863 only cryptographic library supported by Mixmaster.
          864 .TP
          865 .B USE_IDEA
          866 Use the IDEA encryption algorithm. A license is required to use IDEA
          867 for commercial purposes. See file
          868 .B idea.txt
          869 for details.
          870 .TP
          871 .B USE_PGP
          872 Support the OpenPGP encryption format. Mixmaster does not call any
          873 external encryption program.
          874 .TP
          875 .B USE_PCRE
          876 Use the regular expression library.
          877 .TP
          878 .B USE_ZLIB
          879 Use the
          880 .B zlib
          881 compression library.
          882 .TP
          883 .B USE_NCURSES
          884 Use the
          885 .B ncurses
          886 library.
          887 .TP
          888 .B USE_SOCK
          889 Use sockets to transfer mail by POP3 and SMTP.
          890 .TP
          891 .B USE_WINGUI
          892 Use the
          893 .B Win32
          894 GUI.
          895 .TP
          897 The
          898 .BR getdomainname (2)
          899 function is available.
          900 .SH FILES
          901 These filenames can be overridden by setting the corresponding configuration
          902 option (given in parentheses).
          903 .TP
          904 .B mix.cfg
          905 Mixmaster configuration file.
          906 .TP
          907 .B pubring.asc
          908 Type 1 remailer keys (\fBPGPREMPUBASC\fP).
          909 .TP
          910 .B pubring.mix
          911 Type 2 remailer keys (\fBPUBRING\fP).
          912 .TP
          913 .B rlist.txt
          914 List of reliable type 1 remailers (\fBTYPE1LIST\fP).
          915 .TP
          916 .B mlist.txt
          917 List of reliable type 2 remailers (\fBTYPE2REL\fP).
          918 .TP
          919 .B type2.list
          920 List of known type 2 remailers (optional) (\fBTYPE2LIST\fP).
          921 .TP
          922 .B starex.txt
          923 List of remailers which should not be used in randomly generated
          924 remailer chains (\fBSTAREX\fP).
          925 .SS Remailer files:
          926 .TP
          927 .B disclaim.txt
          928 A string to be inserted in the header of all anonymous
          929 messages (\fBDISCLAIMFILE\fP).
          930 .TP
          931 .B fromdscl.txt
          932 A string to be inserted at the top of the message body
          933 if an anonymous message contains a user-supplied
          934 .B From:
          935 line (\fBFROMDSCLFILE\fP).
          936 .TP
          937 .TP
          938 .B footer.txt
          939 A string to be inserted at the bottom of the message body
          940 of all anonymous messages (\fBMSGFOOTERFILE\fP).
          941 .TP
          942 .B help.txt
          943 Help file sent in response to
          944 .B remailer-help
          945 requests (\fBHELPFILE\fP).
          946 .TP
          947 .B adminkey.txt
          948 The PGP key of the remailer operator sent in response to
          949 .B remailer-adminkey
          950 requests (\fBADMKEYFILE\fP).
          951 .TP
          952 .B abuse.txt
          953 File sent in response to mail to the
          954 .I COMPLAINTS
          955 address if
          956 .B AUTOREPLY
          957 is set (\fBABUSEFILE\fP).
          958 .TP
          959 .B reply.txt
          960 Help file sent in response to replies to anonymous messages if
          961 .B AUTOREPLY
          962 is set (\fBREPLYFILE\fP).
          963 .TP
          964 .B usage.txt
          965 Help file sent in response to non-remailer message sent to
          966 .I REMAILERADDR
          967 if
          968 .B AUTOREPLY
          969 is set. If
          970 .B usage.log
          971 exists, recipients are logged and a reply is sent only once to avoid
          972 mail loops (\fBUSAGEFILE\fP).
          973 .TP
          974 .B blocked.txt
          975 Information sent in response to automatically processed blocking requests if
          976 .B AUTOREPLY
          977 is set (\fBBLOCKFILE\fP).
          978 .TP
          979 .B pop3.cfg
          980 List of POP3 accounts with lines of the form
          981 .I account@host.domain password
          982 to get remailer messages from. The lines may optionally contain the
          983 keyword "apop" or "pass" to select an authentication method (\fBPOP3CONF\fP).
          984 .TP
          985 .B dest.alw
          986 List of addresses to which Mixmaster will deliver, even in middleman mode (\fBDESTALLOW\fP).
          987 .TP
          988 .B dest.alw.nonpublished
          989 Similar to
          990 .BR dest.alw ,
          991 with the only difference that this list is not published in remailer-conf replies (\fBDESTALLOW2\fP).
          992 .TP
          993 .B dest.blk
          994 List of blocked destination addresses.
          995 Mixmaster does not send mail to the blocked addresses listed in this file (\fBDESTBLOCK\fP).
          996 .TP
          997 .B rab.blk
          998 Identical to
          999 .BR dest.blk ,
         1000 except Mixmaster will not write to this file.
         1001 For use with external remailer abuse blocklists.
         1002 .TP
         1003 .B source.blk
         1004 List of blocked source addresses.  If an incoming message originates
         1005 from an address or IP in this list, it will be ignored. This
         1006 feature can be used to avoid spam and other abusive mail (\fBSOURCEBLOCK\fP).
         1007 .TP
         1008 .B header.blk
         1009 List of unwanted header fields. The file is used to delete unwanted
         1010 header lines (e.g. lines that indicate a false identity, or Usenet
         1011 control messages), and do other header filtering (\fBHDRFILTER\fP).
         1013 A destination address or header line is left out if it contains a
         1014 search string or matches a regular expression specified in the block
         1015 file. Lines in the block file that begin and end with a slash
         1016 .RB ( /\fIregexp\fB/ )
         1017 are interpreted as regular expressions. Lines without
         1018 slashes are used for case-independent substring search.
         1020 If a message contains a header line that matches a
         1021 .B /\fIregexp\fB/q
         1022 entry in
         1023 .BR header.blk ,
         1024 the entire message is deleted.
         1026 In addition, regular expressions can be substituted. Back-references
         1027 are supported. For example
         1029  /^From: *([^@]*) <.*>/From: $1/
         1030  /^From:.* \\(([^@]*)\)/From: $1/
         1031  /^From: *([^@]*).*$/From: $1 <\fInobody@remailer.domain\fR>/
         1033 would allow user-defined names in the
         1034 .B From:
         1035 line, while replacing any given address with the remailer address.
         1036 .TP
         1037 .B allpingers.txt
         1038 Information on all known pingers (\fBALLPINGERSFILE\fP).
         1039 .SS
         1040 Mixmaster uses the following files internally:
         1041 .TP
         1042 .B mixrand.bin
         1043 Random seed file (\fBMIXRAND\fP).
         1044 .TP
         1045 .B secring.pgp
         1046 Remailer type 1 secret keys (\fBPGPREMSECRING\fP).
         1047 .TP
         1048 .B secring.mix
         1049 Remailer type 2 secret keys (\fBSECRING\fP).
         1050 .TP
         1051 .B pgpkey.txt
         1052 The public type 1 remailer key (\fBPGPKEY\fP).
         1053 .TP
         1054 .B key.txt
         1055 The public type 2 remailer key (\fBKEYFILE\fP).
         1056 .TP
         1057 .B id.log
         1058 Log file of messages already processed (\fBIDLOG\fP).
         1059 .TP
         1060 .B stats.log
         1061 Log file for remailer statistics (\fBSTATS\fP).
         1062 .TP
         1063 .B stats-src.txt
         1064 File for name of most recent statistics source (\fBSTATSSRC\fP).
         1065 .TP
         1066 .B pgpmaxcount.log
         1067 Log file for PGP Max-Count statistics (\fBPGPMAXCOUNT\fP).
         1068 .TP
         1069 .B time.log
         1070 Time for periodic remailer actions (\fBREGULAR\fP).
         1071 .TP
         1072 .B dhparam.mix
         1073 Public Diffie-Hellman parameters used for El-Gamal key generation (\fBDHPARAMS\fP).
         1074 .TP
         1075 .B dsaparam.mix
         1076 Public DSA parameters used for DSA key generation (\fBDSAPARAMS\fP).
         1077 .TP
         1078 .B
         1079 Pid file in daemon mode (\fBPIDFILE\fP).
         1080 .TP
         1081 .BI pool/
         1082 Message pool directory (\fBPOOL\fP).
         1083 .TP
         1084 .BI pool/m *
         1085 Message pool files.
         1086 .TP
         1087 .BI pool/p *
         1088 Partial messages.
         1089 .TP
         1090 .BI pool/l *
         1091 Latent messages.
         1092 .TP
         1093 .BI pool/s *
         1094 Messages to be sent.
         1095 .TP
         1096 .BI pool/t *
         1097 Temporary files.
         1098 .SH ENVIRONMENT
         1099 .TP
         1100 .I MIXPATH
         1101 The path to the Mixmaster directory. The default is
         1102 .BR ~/Mix .
         1103 .TP
         1104 .I MIXPASS
         1105 The passphrase used to protect your nyms and PGP keys.
         1106 (The remailer uses a different passphrase.) If
         1107 .I MIXPASS
         1108 is not set, the client will ask for a passphrase.
         1109 .SH SEE ALSO
         1110 .BR mpgp (1),
         1111 .BR pgp (1),
         1112 .BR procmail (1),
         1113 .BR sendmail (8).
         1114 .SH HISTORY
         1115 Mixmaster is an implementation of a Chaumian mix-net system.
         1116 Versions 1.0 through 2.0.3 of the 
         1117 .BR mixmaster
         1118 remailer were originally written by Lance Cottrell. Mixmaster was first 
         1119 released in 1995. Ulf Moeller collaborated on version 2.0.4, and began an 
         1120 entire rewrite of
         1121 .BR mixmaster
         1122 in 1999. This rewrite was released in 2002 as version 2.9.0, with major 
         1123 contributions from Janis Jagars, Peter Palfrader, and Len Sassaman.
         1124 Mixmaster 3.0 is based on the 2.9 codebase. Peter Palfrader and Len 
         1125 Sassaman were the principal maintainers until 2006. Since then, Steve 
         1126 Crook, Len Sassaman, and Colin Tuckley have filled the role of 
         1127 principal maintaners. For more information on contributing authors, 
         1128 please see the file THANKS for details.
         1129 .SH COPYRIGHT
         1130 Copyright 1999 - 2008 Anonymizer Inc., The Mixmaster Development Team, 
         1131 and others.
         1133 Mixmaster may be redistributed and modified under certain conditions.
         1134 This software is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF
         1135 ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the file COPYRIGHT for
         1136 details.