tAdd code - sraft - simple raft implementation
 (HTM) git clone https://git.parazyd.org/sraft
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 (DIR) commit db0dad77964a9efc1f9301f33aa185a4857dc216
 (HTM) Author: parazyd <parazyd@dyne.org>
       Date:   Thu, 31 Mar 2022 02:00:00 +0200
       Add code
         A .gitignore                          |       2 ++
         A Cargo.toml                          |      20 ++++++++++++++++++++
         A README.md                           |      14 ++++++++++++++
         A examples/peer.rs                    |      55 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A rustfmt.toml                        |       9 +++++++++
         A src/lib.rs                          |     463 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A src/method.rs                       |      40 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       7 files changed, 603 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
       t@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
 (DIR) diff --git a/Cargo.toml b/Cargo.toml
       t@@ -0,0 +1,20 @@
       +name = "sraft"
       +version = "0.1.0"
       +edition = "2021"
       +async-channel = "1.6.1"
       +async-std = {version = "1.11.0", features = ["attributes"]}
       +borsh = "0.9.3"
       +futures = "0.3.21"
       +lazy_static = "1.4.0"
       +log = "0.4.16"
       +rand = "0.8.5"
       +async-executor = "1.4.1"
       +clap = {version = "3.1.6", features = ["derive"]}
       +easy-parallel = "3.2.0"
       +simplelog = "0.12.0-alpha1"
       +smol = "1.2.5"
 (DIR) diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
       t@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
       +Simple Raft consensus implementation.
       +$ cargo build --example peer
       +$ ./target/debug/examples/peer -p -p -i 1 -l
       +$ ./target/debug/examples/peer -p -p -i 2 -l
       +$ ./target/debug/examples/peer -p -p -i 3 -l
       +Try stopping and starting certain nodes to see how new leaders are
 (DIR) diff --git a/examples/peer.rs b/examples/peer.rs
       t@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
       +use std::net::SocketAddr;
       +use async_executor::Executor;
       +use async_std::sync::Arc;
       +use clap::Parser;
       +use easy_parallel::Parallel;
       +use simplelog::{ColorChoice, Config, LevelFilter, TermLogger, TerminalMode};
       +use sraft::{Raft, RaftRpc};
       +struct Args {
       +    #[clap(long, short)]
       +    peer: Vec<SocketAddr>,
       +    #[clap(long, short)]
       +    id: u64,
       +    #[clap(long, short)]
       +    listen: SocketAddr,
       +async fn main() {
       +    let args = Args::parse();
       +    TermLogger::init(LevelFilter::Debug, Config::default(), TerminalMode::Mixed, ColorChoice::Auto)
       +        .unwrap();
       +    let mut raft = Raft::new(args.id);
       +    for (k, v) in args.peer.iter().enumerate() {
       +        raft.peers.insert(k as u64, *v);
       +    }
       +    let raft_rpc = RaftRpc(args.listen);
       +    let ex = Arc::new(Executor::new());
       +    let (_signal, shutdown) = async_channel::unbounded::<()>();
       +    Parallel::new()
       +        .each(0..4, |_| smol::future::block_on(ex.run(shutdown.recv())))
       +        //
       +        .add(|| {
       +            smol::future::block_on(async move {
       +                raft_rpc.start().await;
       +            });
       +            Ok(())
       +        })
       +        //
       +        .finish(|| {
       +            smol::future::block_on(async move {
       +                raft.start().await;
       +            })
       +        });
 (DIR) diff --git a/rustfmt.toml b/rustfmt.toml
       t@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
       +reorder_imports = true
       +imports_granularity = "Crate"
       +use_small_heuristics = "Max"
       +comment_width = 100
       +wrap_comments = false
       +binop_separator = "Back"
       +trailing_comma = "Vertical"
       +trailing_semicolon = false
       +use_field_init_shorthand = true
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/lib.rs b/src/lib.rs
       t@@ -0,0 +1,463 @@
       +use std::{collections::HashMap, io, net::SocketAddr, time::Duration};
       +use async_channel::{Receiver, Sender};
       +use async_std::{
       +    io::{ReadExt, WriteExt},
       +    net::{TcpListener, TcpStream},
       +    stream::StreamExt,
       +    sync::Mutex,
       +    task,
       +use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
       +use futures::{select, FutureExt};
       +use lazy_static::lazy_static;
       +use log::{debug, error};
       +use rand::Rng;
       +mod method;
       +use crate::method::{HeartbeatArgs, HeartbeatReply, RaftMethod, VoteArgs, VoteReply};
       +#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Clone, Debug)]
       +pub struct LogEntry {
       +    log_term: u64,
       +    log_index: u64,
       +    log_data: Vec<u8>,
       +pub struct LogStore(pub Vec<LogEntry>);
       +impl LogStore {
       +    fn get_last_index(&self) -> u64 {
       +        let rlen = self.0.len();
       +        if rlen == 0 {
       +            return 0
       +        }
       +        self.0[rlen - 1].log_index
       +    }
       +lazy_static! {
       +    pub static ref LOG_STORE: Mutex<LogStore> = Mutex::new(LogStore(vec![]));
       +    // This is used for heartbeats
       +    pub static ref HEARTBEAT_CHAN: (Sender<bool>, Receiver<bool>) = async_channel::unbounded();
       +    // This is used to let our node know when it has become a leader
       +    pub static ref TOLEADER_CHAN: (Sender<bool>, Receiver<bool>) = async_channel::unbounded();
       +    pub static ref STATE: Mutex<State> = Mutex::new(State::new());
       +pub struct State {
       +    pub current_term: u64,
       +    pub voted_for: u64,
       +    pub vote_count: u64,
       +    pub commit_index: u64,
       +    pub _last_applied: u64,
       +    pub next_index: Vec<u64>,
       +    pub match_index: Vec<u64>,
       +impl State {
       +    pub fn new() -> Self {
       +        Self {
       +            current_term: 0,
       +            voted_for: 0,
       +            vote_count: 0,
       +            commit_index: 0,
       +            _last_applied: 0,
       +            next_index: vec![],
       +            match_index: vec![],
       +        }
       +    }
       +pub enum Role {
       +    Follower,
       +    Candidate,
       +    Leader,
       +pub struct Raft {
       +    pub peers: HashMap<u64, SocketAddr>,
       +    node_id: u64,
       +    role: Role,
       +impl Raft {
       +    pub fn new(node_id: u64) -> Self {
       +        Self { peers: Default::default(), node_id, role: Role::Follower }
       +    }
       +    pub async fn start(&mut self) {
       +        debug!("Raft::start()");
       +        self.role = Role::Follower;
       +        let mut state = STATE.lock().await;
       +        state.current_term = 0;
       +        state.voted_for = 0;
       +        drop(state);
       +        let mut rng = rand::thread_rng();
       +        loop {
       +            let delay = Duration::from_millis(rng.gen_range(0..200) + 300);
       +            match self.role {
       +                Role::Follower => {
       +                    select! {
       +                        _ = HEARTBEAT_CHAN.1.recv().fuse() => {
       +                            debug!("[FOLLOWER] Raft::start(): follower_{} got heartbeat", self.node_id);
       +                        }
       +                        _ = task::sleep(delay).fuse() => {
       +                            debug!("[FOLLOWER] Raft::start(): follower_{} timeout", self.node_id);
       +                            self.role = Role::Candidate;
       +                        }
       +                    }
       +                }
       +                Role::Candidate => {
       +                    debug!("[CANDIDATE] Raft::start(): peer_{} is now a candidate", self.node_id);
       +                    let mut state = STATE.lock().await;
       +                    state.current_term += 1;
       +                    state.voted_for = self.node_id;
       +                    state.vote_count = 1;
       +                    drop(state);
       +                    // TODO: In background
       +                    debug!("[CANDIDATE] Raft::start(): broadcasting request_vote");
       +                    self.broadcast_request_vote().await;
       +                    select! {
       +                        _ = task::sleep(delay).fuse() => {
       +                            debug!("[CANDIDATE] Raft::start(): Timeout as candidate, becoming a follower");
       +                            self.role = Role::Follower;
       +                        }
       +                        _ = TOLEADER_CHAN.1.recv().fuse() => {
       +                            debug!("[CANDIDATE] Raft::start(): We are now the leader");
       +                            self.role = Role::Leader;
       +                            let mut state = STATE.lock().await;
       +                            state.next_index = vec![1_u64; self.peers.len()];
       +                            state.match_index = vec![0_u64; self.peers.len()];
       +                            drop(state);
       +                            // TODO: In background
       +                            let t = task::spawn(async {
       +                                let mut i = 0;
       +                                loop {
       +                                    debug!("[CANDIDATE] Raft::start(): Appending data in bg loop");
       +                                    i += 1;
       +                                    let state = STATE.lock().await;
       +                                    let logentry = LogEntry {
       +                                        log_term: state.current_term,
       +                                        log_index: i,
       +                                        log_data: format!("user send: {}", i).as_bytes().to_vec(),
       +                                    };
       +                                    drop(state);
       +                                    debug!("[CANDIDATE] Raft::start(): Acquiring logstore lock in bg loop");
       +                                    let mut logstore = LOG_STORE.lock().await;
       +                                    logstore.0.push(logentry);
       +                                    drop(logstore);
       +                                    debug!("[CANDIDATE] Raft::start(): Dropped logstore lock in bg loop");
       +                                    task::sleep(Duration::from_secs(3)).await;
       +                                }
       +                            });
       +                        }
       +                    }
       +                }
       +                Role::Leader => {
       +                    debug!("[LEADER] Raft::start(): Broadcasting heartbeat as leader");
       +                    self.broadcast_heartbeat().await;
       +                    task::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)).await;
       +                }
       +            }
       +        }
       +    }
       +    async fn broadcast_request_vote(&mut self) {
       +        debug!("Raft::broadcast_request_vote()");
       +        let state = STATE.lock().await;
       +        let args = VoteArgs { term: state.current_term, candidate_id: self.node_id };
       +        drop(state);
       +        // TODO: Do this concurrently
       +        for i in self.peers.clone() {
       +            debug!("Raft::broadcast_request_vote(): Sending req to peer {}", i.1);
       +            match self.send_request_vote(i.0, args.clone()).await {
       +                Ok(v) => debug!("Raft::broadcast_request_vote(): Got reply: {:?}", v),
       +                Err(e) => {
       +                    error!("Raft::broadcast_request_vote(): Failed vote to peer {}, ({})", i.1, e);
       +                    continue
       +                }
       +            };
       +        }
       +    }
       +    async fn send_request_vote(
       +        &mut self,
       +        node_id: u64,
       +        args: VoteArgs,
       +    ) -> Result<VoteReply, io::Error> {
       +        debug!("Raft::send_request_vote()");
       +        let addr = self.peers[&node_id];
       +        let method = RaftMethod::Vote(args);
       +        let payload = method.try_to_vec().unwrap();
       +        debug!("Raft::send_request_vote(): Connecting to peer_{}", node_id);
       +        let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(addr).await?;
       +        debug!("Raft::send_request_vote(): Writing to stream");
       +        stream.write_all(&payload).await?;
       +        debug!("Raft::send_request_vote(): Wrote to stream");
       +        debug!("Raft::send_request_vote(): Reading from stream");
       +        let mut buf = vec![0_u8; 4096];
       +        stream.read(&mut buf).await?;
       +        debug!("Raft::send_request_vote(): Read from stream");
       +        let reply = try_from_slice_unchecked::<VoteReply>(&buf)?;
       +        let mut state = STATE.lock().await;
       +        if reply.term > state.current_term {
       +            debug!("Raft::send_request_vote(): reply.term > state.current_term");
       +            state.current_term = reply.term;
       +            state.voted_for = 0;
       +            drop(state);
       +            self.role = Role::Follower;
       +            return Ok(reply)
       +        }
       +        drop(state);
       +        if reply.vote_granted {
       +            debug!("Raft::send_request_vote(): reply.vote_granted == true");
       +            let mut state = STATE.lock().await;
       +            state.vote_count += 1;
       +            drop(state);
       +        }
       +        let state = STATE.lock().await;
       +        if state.vote_count >= (self.peers.len() / 2 + 1).try_into().unwrap() {
       +            debug!("Raft::send_request_vote(): Elected for leader");
       +            TOLEADER_CHAN.0.send(true).await.unwrap();
       +        }
       +        drop(state);
       +        Ok(reply)
       +    }
       +    async fn broadcast_heartbeat(&mut self) {
       +        debug!("[LEADER] Raft::broadcast_heartbeat()");
       +        for i in self.peers.clone() {
       +            let state = STATE.lock().await;
       +            let mut args = HeartbeatArgs {
       +                term: state.current_term,
       +                leader_id: self.node_id,
       +                prev_log_index: 0,
       +                prev_log_term: 0,
       +                entries: vec![],
       +                leader_commit: state.commit_index,
       +            };
       +            let prev_log_index = state.next_index[i.0 as usize] - 1;
       +            drop(state);
       +            debug!("[LEADER] Raft::broadcast_heartbeat(): Acquiring lock on LOG_STORE");
       +            let logstore = LOG_STORE.lock().await;
       +            if logstore.get_last_index() > prev_log_index {
       +                args.prev_log_index = prev_log_index;
       +                args.prev_log_term = logstore.0[prev_log_index as usize].log_term;
       +                args.entries = logstore.0[prev_log_index as usize..].to_vec();
       +                drop(logstore);
       +                debug!("[LEADER] Raft::broadcast_heartbeat(): Dropped lock on LOG_STORE");
       +                debug!("[LEADER] Raft::broadcast_heartbeat(): Send entries: {:?}", args.entries);
       +            }
       +            // TODO: Run in background
       +            match self.send_heartbeat(i.0, args).await {
       +                Ok(v) => debug!("[LEADER] Raft::broadcast_heartbeat(): Got reply: {:?}", v),
       +                Err(e) => {
       +                    error!(
       +                        "[LEADER] Raft::broadcast_heartbeat(): Failed heartbeat to peer_{} ({})",
       +                        i.0, e
       +                    );
       +                    continue
       +                }
       +            };
       +        }
       +    }
       +    async fn send_heartbeat(
       +        &mut self,
       +        node_id: u64,
       +        args: HeartbeatArgs,
       +    ) -> Result<HeartbeatReply, io::Error> {
       +        debug!("Raft::send_heartbeat({}, {:?}", node_id, args);
       +        let addr = self.peers[&node_id];
       +        let method = RaftMethod::Heartbeat(args);
       +        let payload = method.try_to_vec()?;
       +        debug!("Raft::send_heartbeat(): Connecting to peer_{}", node_id);
       +        let mut stream = TcpStream::connect(addr).await?;
       +        debug!("Raft::send_heartbeat(): Writing to stream");
       +        stream.write_all(&payload).await?;
       +        debug!("Raft::send_heartbeat(): Wrote to stream");
       +        debug!("Raft::send_heartbeat(): Reading from stream");
       +        let mut buf = vec![0_u8; 4096];
       +        stream.read(&mut buf).await?;
       +        debug!("Raft::send_heartbeat(): Read from stream");
       +        let reply = try_from_slice_unchecked::<HeartbeatReply>(&buf)?;
       +        let mut state = STATE.lock().await;
       +        if reply.success {
       +            debug!("Raft::send_heartbeat(): Got success reply");
       +            if reply.next_index > 0 {
       +                state.next_index[node_id as usize] = reply.next_index;
       +                state.match_index[node_id as usize] = reply.next_index - 1;
       +            }
       +        } else if reply.term > state.current_term {
       +            debug!("Raft::send_heartbeat(): reply.term > state.current_term");
       +            state.current_term = reply.term;
       +            state.voted_for = 0;
       +            self.role = Role::Follower;
       +        }
       +        drop(state);
       +        Ok(reply)
       +    }
       +pub struct RaftRpc(pub SocketAddr);
       +impl RaftRpc {
       +    pub async fn start(&self) {
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::start()");
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Binding to {}", self.0);
       +        let listener = TcpListener::bind(self.0).await.unwrap();
       +        let mut incoming = listener.incoming();
       +        while let Some(stream) = incoming.next().await {
       +            debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Got RPC request");
       +            let stream = stream.unwrap();
       +            let (reader, writer) = &mut (&stream, &stream);
       +            debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Reading from reader...");
       +            let mut buf = vec![0_u8; 4096];
       +            reader.read(&mut buf).await.unwrap();
       +            debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Read from reader");
       +            match try_from_slice_unchecked::<RaftMethod>(&buf).unwrap() {
       +                RaftMethod::Vote(args) => {
       +                    debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Got RaftMethod::Vote");
       +                    let reply = self.request_vote(args).await;
       +                    let payload = reply.try_to_vec().unwrap();
       +                    debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Vote: Writing to writer...");
       +                    writer.write_all(&payload).await.unwrap();
       +                    debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Vote: Wrote to writer");
       +                }
       +                RaftMethod::Heartbeat(args) => {
       +                    debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Got RaftMethod::Heartbeat");
       +                    let reply = self.heartbeat(args).await;
       +                    let payload = reply.try_to_vec().unwrap();
       +                    debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Heartbeat: Writing to writer...");
       +                    writer.write_all(&payload).await.unwrap();
       +                    debug!("RaftRpc::start(): Heartbeat: Wrote to writer");
       +                }
       +            }
       +        }
       +    }
       +    async fn request_vote(&self, args: VoteArgs) -> VoteReply {
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::request_vote()");
       +        let mut reply = VoteReply { term: 0, vote_granted: false };
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::request_vote(): Acquiring state lock");
       +        let mut state = STATE.lock().await;
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::request_vote(): Got lock");
       +        if args.term < state.current_term {
       +            reply.term = state.current_term;
       +            drop(state);
       +            reply.vote_granted = false;
       +            return reply
       +        }
       +        if state.voted_for == 0 {
       +            state.current_term = args.term;
       +            state.voted_for = args.candidate_id;
       +            drop(state);
       +            reply.term = args.term;
       +            reply.vote_granted = true;
       +            return reply
       +        }
       +        drop(state);
       +        reply
       +    }
       +    async fn heartbeat(&self, args: HeartbeatArgs) -> HeartbeatReply {
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat()");
       +        let mut reply = HeartbeatReply { success: false, term: 0, next_index: 0 };
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat(): Acquiring state lock");
       +        let state = STATE.lock().await;
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat(): Got state lock");
       +        let current_term = state.current_term;
       +        drop(state);
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat(): Dropped state lock");
       +        if args.term < current_term {
       +            reply.success = false;
       +            reply.term = current_term;
       +            return reply
       +        }
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat(): Sending to channel");
       +        HEARTBEAT_CHAN.0.send(true).await.unwrap();
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat(): Sent to channel");
       +        if args.entries.is_empty() {
       +            reply.success = true;
       +            reply.term = current_term;
       +            return reply
       +        }
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat(): Acquiring logstore lock");
       +        let mut logstore = LOG_STORE.lock().await;
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat(): Got logstore lock");
       +        if args.prev_log_index > logstore.get_last_index() {
       +            reply.success = false;
       +            reply.term = current_term;
       +            reply.next_index = logstore.get_last_index() + 1;
       +            drop(logstore);
       +            return reply
       +        }
       +        logstore.0.extend_from_slice(&args.entries);
       +        reply.next_index = logstore.get_last_index() + 1;
       +        drop(logstore);
       +        debug!("RaftRpc::heartbeat(): Dropped logstore lock");
       +        reply.success = true;
       +        reply.term = current_term;
       +        reply
       +    }
       +fn try_from_slice_unchecked<T: BorshDeserialize>(data: &[u8]) -> Result<T, io::Error> {
       +    let mut data_mut = data;
       +    let result = T::deserialize(&mut data_mut)?;
       +    Ok(result)
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/method.rs b/src/method.rs
       t@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
       +use borsh::{BorshDeserialize, BorshSerialize};
       +use crate::LogEntry;
       +#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]
       +pub enum RaftMethod {
       +    Vote(VoteArgs),
       +    Heartbeat(HeartbeatArgs),
       +#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Clone, Debug)]
       +pub struct VoteArgs {
       +    pub term: u64,
       +    pub candidate_id: u64,
       +#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]
       +pub struct VoteReply {
       +    pub term: u64,
       +    pub vote_granted: bool,
       +#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]
       +pub struct HeartbeatArgs {
       +    pub term: u64,
       +    pub leader_id: u64,
       +    pub prev_log_index: u64,
       +    pub prev_log_term: u64,
       +    pub entries: Vec<LogEntry>,
       +    pub leader_commit: u64,
       +#[derive(BorshSerialize, BorshDeserialize, Debug)]
       +pub struct HeartbeatReply {
       +    pub success: bool,
       +    pub term: u64,
       +    pub next_index: u64,