tgtomb gui based on zenity, contributed by Parazyd - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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 (DIR) commit 00e0ac323b4122ee5dd2b70d957a261544dd5446
 (DIR) parent 46c41f35728a581ab8fce1e879aa4c5f2a48cc01
 (HTM) Author: Jaromil <>
       Date:   Wed, 30 Dec 2015 17:45:10 +0100
       gtomb gui based on zenity, contributed by Parazyd
         A extras/gtomb/LICENSE                |      15 +++++++++++++++
         A extras/gtomb/              |      26 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++
         A extras/gtomb/gtomb                  |     985 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       3 files changed, 1026 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/extras/gtomb/LICENSE b/extras/gtomb/LICENSE
       t@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
       +gtomb - A GUI wrapper for Tomb, the crypto undertaker
       +Copyright (C) 2015 Parazyd <parazyd AT dyne DOT org>
       +This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       +it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       +the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
       +(at your option) any later version.
       +This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +GNU General Public License for more details.
       +You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       +along with this program. If not, see
 (DIR) diff --git a/extras/gtomb/ b/extras/gtomb/
       t@@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
       +# gtomb
       +A GUI for Tomb (
       +`gtomb` is a wrapper for another wrapper called [Tomb](  
       +It is imagined to make usage of Tomb even easier for end-users.
       +## Usage
       +![gtomb UI]( "gtomb UI")  
       +The UI consists of all commands included in Tomb. You can choose a command you wish to run via the
       +list and the script will run it for you. Easy-peasy.
       +### Random notes
       +* If you type in your sudo password once correctly, in the next 5 (or whatever your sudoers timeout is) minutes, you can type in the wrong password as well.
       +* The function for catching cancellation sometimes fails because of bad ps syntax. No idea why yet.
       +## Dependencies
       +* [tomb]( (also get tomb's dependencies)
       +* zenity
       +## TODO
       +* Complete error checking
       +* Figure out why ps fails sometimes
       +* and more stuff 
       +## What you need to do
       +* Be patient or help with coding :)
 (DIR) diff --git a/extras/gtomb/gtomb b/extras/gtomb/gtomb
       t@@ -0,0 +1,985 @@
       +#!/usr/bin/env zsh
       +# gtomb - a GUI wrapper for Tomb 
       +# Maintained and written by parazyd <parazyd AT dyne DOT org>
       +# gtomb is experimental software. It still does not work completely as 
       +# intended and should be used with caution.
       +# {{{ License
       +# gtomb - A GUI wrapper for Tomb, the crypto undertaker
       +# Copyright (C) 2015 Parazyd <parazyd AT dyne DOT org>
       +# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
       +# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       +# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
       +# (at your option) any later version.
       +# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +# GNU General Public License for more details.
       +# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       +# along with this program. If not, see
       +# }}}
       +#set -x
       +#set -v
       +TOMBPATH="/usr/bin/tomb" # Set this to your tomb executable's path
       +KDFPATH="/usr/bin/" # Set this to the path of your KDF binaries (if you're using them)
       +# The ones below should not need changing
       +# {{{ monmort icon
       +echo -e "$ICONB64" | base64 --decode > $MONMORT
       +# }}}
       +function _ { _clean } # I like cleaning :)
       +# {{{ sudo function
       +function _sudowrong {
       +    if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
       +        sudoassword=$(ask_password "Wrong password. Insert sudo password for user $USER")
       +        echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +        _sudowrong
       +    fi
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ Zenity dialogs
       +function _zenques {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --question \
       +        --text="$1"
       +function _fsel {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --file-selection \
       +        --title="$1"
       +function _fsave {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --file-selection \
       +        --save \
       +        --title="$1" \
       +        --filename="$2"
       +function _zenwarn {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --warning \
       +        --title="$1" \
       +        --text="$2"
       +function _zeninfo {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --info \
       +        --title="$1" \
       +        --text="$2"
       +function _zenerr {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --error \
       +        --title="$1" \
       +        --text="$2"
       +function _zenprog {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --progress \
       +        --auto-close \
       +        --pulsate \
       +        --title="$1" \
       +        --text="$2"
       +function _zenprognc {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --progress \
       +        --auto-close \
       +        --no-cancel \
       +        --pulsate \
       +        --title="$1" \
       +        --text="$2"
       +function _zenentry {
       +    zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --entry \
       +        --title="$1" \
       +        --text="$2" \
       +        --entry-text="$3"
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ Some pinentry code shamelessly stolen from tomb
       +# Ask user for a password
       +# Wraps around the pinentry command, from the GnuPG project, as it
       +# provides better security and conveniently use the right toolkit.
       +ask_password() {
       +    local description="$1"
       +    local title="${2:-Enter tomb password.}"
       +    local output
       +    local password
       +    local gtkrc
       +    local theme
       +    # Distributions have broken wrappers for pinentry: they do
       +    # implement fallback, but they disrupt the output somehow.  We are
       +    # better off relying on less intermediaries, so we implement our
       +    # own fallback mechanisms. Pinentry supported: curses, gtk-2, qt4
       +    # and x11.
       +    # make sure LANG is set, default to C
       +    LANG=${LANG:-C}
       +    _verbose "asking password with tty=$TTY lc-ctype=$LANG"
       +    if [[ "$DISPLAY" = "" ]]; then
       +        if _is_found "pinentry-curses"; then
       +            _verbose "using pinentry-curses"
       +            output=`cat <<EOF | pinentry-curses
       +OPTION ttyname=$TTY
       +OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG
       +SETTITLE $title
       +SETDESC $description
       +SETPROMPT Password:
       +        else
       +            _failure "Cannot find pinentry-curses and no DISPLAY detected."
       +        fi
       +    else # a DISPLAY is found to be active
       +        # customized gtk2 dialog with a skull (if extras are installed)
       +        if _is_found "pinentry-gtk-2"; then
       +            _verbose "using pinentry-gtk2"
       +            gtkrc=""
       +            theme=/share/themes/tomb/gtk-2.0-key/gtkrc
       +            for i in /usr/local /usr; do
       +                [[ -r $i/$theme ]] && {
       +                    gtkrc="$i/$theme"
       +                    break
       +                }
       +            done
       +            [[ "$gtkrc" = "" ]] || {
       +                gtkrc_old="$GTK2_RC_FILES"
       +                export GTK2_RC_FILES="$gtkrc"
       +            }
       +            output=`cat <<EOF | pinentry-gtk-2
       +OPTION ttyname=$TTY
       +OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG
       +SETTITLE $title
       +SETDESC $description
       +SETPROMPT Password:
       +            [[ "$gtkrc" = "" ]] || export GTK2_RC_FILES="$gtkrc_old"
       +            # TODO QT4 customization of dialog
       +        elif _is_found "pinentry-qt4"; then
       +            _verbose "using pinentry-qt4"
       +            output=`cat <<EOF | pinentry-qt4
       +OPTION ttyname=$TTY
       +OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG
       +SETTITLE $title
       +SETDESC $description
       +SETPROMPT Password:
       +            # TODO X11 customization of dialog
       +        elif _is_found "pinentry-x11"; then
       +            _verbose "using pinentry-x11"
       +            output=`cat <<EOF | pinentry-x11
       +OPTION ttyname=$TTY
       +OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG
       +SETTITLE $title
       +SETDESC $description
       +SETPROMPT Password:
       +        else
       +            if _is_found "pinentry-curses"; then
       +                _verbose "using pinentry-curses"
       +                _warning "Detected DISPLAY, but only pinentry-curses is found."
       +                output=`cat <<EOF | pinentry-curses
       +OPTION ttyname=$TTY
       +OPTION lc-ctype=$LANG
       +SETTITLE $title
       +SETDESC $description
       +SETPROMPT Password:
       +            else
       +                _failure "Cannot find any pinentry: impossible to ask for password."
       +            fi
       +        fi
       +    fi # end of DISPLAY block
       +    # parse the pinentry output
       +    for i in ${(f)output}; do
       +        [[ "$i" =~ "^ERR.*" ]] && {
       +            _warning "Pinentry error: ::1 error::" ${i[(w)3]}
       +            print "canceled"
       +            return 1 }
       +        # here the password is found
       +        [[ "$i" =~ "^D .*" ]] && password="${i##D }"
       +    done
       +    [[ "$password" = "" ]] && {
       +        _warning "Empty password"
       +        print "empty"
       +        return 1 }
       +    print "$password"
       +    return 0
       +_is_found() {
       +    # returns 0 if binary is found in path
       +    [[ "$1" = "" ]] && return 1
       +    command -v "$1" 1>/dev/null 2>/dev/null
       +    return $?
       +function _warning  no() {
       +    option_is_set -q || _msg warning $@
       +    return 1
       +function _verbose xxx() {
       +    option_is_set -D && _msg verbose $@
       +    return 0
       +function _failure die() {
       +    typeset -i exitcode=${exitv:-1}
       +    option_is_set -q || _msg failure $@
       +    # be sure we forget the secrets we were told
       +    exit $exitcode
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ _clean - Clean function, removes sensitive stuff from memory
       +function _clean {
       +    echo "Cleaning..." # For debugging.
       +    unset $?
       +    local rr="$RANDOM"
       +    while [[ ${#rr} -lt 500 ]]; do
       +        rr+="$RANDOM"
       +    done
       +    command="$rr";      unset command
       +    tombname="$rr";     unset tombname
       +    tombsize="$rr";     unset tombsize
       +    keyfile="$rr";      unset keyfile
       +    sudoassword="$rr";  unset sudoassword
       +    tombtmp=/tmp/tombtmp
       +    if [ -f $tombtmp ]
       +    then
       +        dd if=/dev/urandom of=$tombtmp bs=800 count=1
       +        rm -f $tombtmp
       +    fi
       +    tombtmp="$rr";      unset tombtmp
       +    newkey="$rr";       unset newkey
       +    jpegfile="$rr";     unset jpegfile
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ _main - Main window
       +function _main {
       +    _clean
       +    command=`zenity \
       +        --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +        --title="gtomb" \
       +        --width=640 \
       +        --height=420 \
       +        --list \
       +        --hide-header \
       +        --text="gtomb v$ver\nThe GUI wrapper for Tomb, the crypto undertaker." \
       +        --separator=" & " \
       +        --column=Function \
       +        --column=Description \
       +        "dig" "Dig a new tomb of chosen size" \
       +        "forge" "Forge a new key used to lock tombs" \
       +        "lock" "Lock a non-locked tomb using an existing key" \
       +        "open" "Open an existing tomb" \
       +        "index" "Index the contents of all tombs." \
       +        "search" "Search the content of indexed tombs." \
       +        "list" "List all open tombs and information on them" \
       +        "close" "Close a specific tomb (or all)" \
       +        "slam" "Slam a tomb (or all) killing all programs using it" \
       +        "resize" "Resize a tomb to a new size (can only grow)" \
       +        "passwd" "Change the passphrase of a key" \
       +        "setkey" "Change the key of an existing tomb" \
       +        "engrave" "Generates a QR code of a key to be saved on paper" \
       +        "bury" "Hide a key inside a JPEG image" \
       +        "exhume" "Extract a key from a JPEG image"`
       +    eval "_$command"
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ dig - Dig a new tomb
       +function _dig {
       +    tombname=`_fsave "Choose where to dig your tomb" "secret.tomb"`
       +    res=$?
       +    if [[ -f $tombname ]]; then
       +        _zenerr "Error" "This tomb already exists. I am not digging here."
       +        exec _main
       +    elif [[ $tombname == "" ]]; then
       +        _zenwarn "Warning" "Try again."
       +        exec _main
       +    fi
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            tombsize=`_zenentry "Tomb digging" "Enter the size of your tomb in MiB (min. 10 MiB)" "10"`
       +            res=$?
       +            re='^[0-9]+$'
       +            if ! [[ $tombsize =~ $re ]]; then
       +                _zenerr "Error" "Please choose a valid number."
       +                exec _main
       +            elif [[ $tombsize == "" ]]; then
       +                _zenwarn "Warning" "Try again."
       +                exec _main
       +            fi
       +            case $res in
       +                0)
       +                    $TOMBPATH dig -s $tombsize $tombname | \
       +                        _zenprog "Digging new tomb" "Please wait while your tomb is being dug..." &
       +                    PID_ZEN=$(ps -C zenity h -o pid,command | grep "Digging new tomb" | awk '{print $1}')
       +                    while [ "$PID_ZEN" != "" ]; do
       +                        PID_ZEN=$(ps h -o pid -p ${PID_ZEN})
       +                        PID_DD=$(ps -C dd h -o pid,command | grep "$tombname" | awk '{print $1}')
       +                        sleep 1
       +                    done
       +                    if [[ "$PID_DD" != "" && "$PID_ZEN" == "" ]]; then
       +                        kill -9 $PID_DD
       +                        _zenwarn "Warning" "Tomb digging canceled."
       +                        rm -f $tombname
       +                        exec _main
       +                    fi
       +                    _clean
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Your tomb has been dug."
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                1)
       +                    _zenwarn "Warning" "Tomb digging canceled."
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +            1)
       +                exec _main
       +                ;;
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ forge - Forge a new key
       +function _forge {
       +    keyfile=`_fsave "Choose where to forge your key" "secret.tomb.key"`
       +    res=$?
       +    if [[ -f $keyfile ]]; then
       +        _zenerr "Error" "This key already exists. I am not overwriting."
       +        exec _main
       +    elif [[ $keyfile == "" ]]; then
       +        _zenwarn "Warning" "Try again."
       +        exec _main
       +    fi
       +    if [[ -f $HEXENC ]] && [[ -f $GENSALT ]] && [[ -f $GETITER ]] && [[ -f $PBKDF ]]; then
       +        kdf=""
       +        kdfiter=""
       +        _zenques "Do you want to use KDF? (Generates passwords armored against dictionary attacks)" 
       +        if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then
       +            kdf="--kdf"
       +            kdfiter=`_zenentry "Iterations" "Enter the delay (itertime) in seconds for each time this key is used:" "2"`
       +        fi
       +    fi
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            $TOMBPATH forge $keyfile $kdf $kdfiter | \
       +                _zenprog "Forging key" "Please wait while your key is being forged...\n\
       +You can move your mouse around and use your computer to speed up the process." &
       +            PID_ZEN=$(ps -C zenity h -o pid,command | grep "Forging key" | awk '{print $1}')
       +            while [ "$PID_ZEN" != "" ]; do
       +                PID_ZEN=$(ps h -o pid -p ${PID_ZEN})
       +                PID_DD=$(ps -C dd h -o pid,command | grep " if=" | awk '{print $1}')
       +                sleep 1
       +            done
       +            if [[ "$PID_DD" != "" && "$PID_ZEN" == "" ]]; then
       +                kill -9 $PID_DD
       +                _zenwarn "Warning" "Forging canceled."
       +                rm -f $keyfile
       +                exec _main
       +            fi
       +            _clean
       +            _zeninfo "Success" "Your key is now forged."
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ lock - Lock a non-locked tomb
       +function _lock {
       +    tombname=`_fsel "Select a tomb to lock"`
       +    res=$?
       +    if [[ $tombname == "" ]]; then
       +        _zenwarn "Warning" "Try again."
       +        exec _main
       +    fi
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            keyfile=`_fsel "Choose the key for your tomb"`
       +            res=$?
       +            if [[ $keyfile == "" ]]; then
       +                _zenwarn "Warning" "Try again."
       +                exec _main
       +            fi
       +            case $res in
       +                0)  
       +                    sudoassword=$(ask_password "Insert sudo password for user $USER")
       +                    echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +                    _sudowrong
       +                    $TOMBPATH lock $tombname -k $keyfile | \
       +                        _zenprognc "Locking your tomb" "Please wait while your tomb is being locked..."
       +                    _clean # Clean sensitive stuff from memory
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Your tomb is now locked."
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                1)
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ open - Open an existing tomb
       +function _open {
       +    tombname=`_fsel "Choose a tomb to open"`
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            keyfile=`_fsel "Choose the key for your tomb"`
       +            res=$?
       +            case $res in
       +                0)
       +                    sudoassword=$(ask_password "Insert sudo password for user $USER")
       +                    echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +                    _sudowrong
       +                    $TOMBPATH open $tombname -k $keyfile
       +                    _clean # Clean sensitive stuff from memory
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Your tomb is now open."
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                1)
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ list - list all open tombs, along with their mountpoint
       +function _list {
       +    tombtmp="/tmp/tombtmp"
       +    $TOMBPATH list --get-mountpoint > $tombtmp
       +    tombname=`cat $tombtmp | \
       +        sed 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\)$/\1\n &/' | \
       +        zenity \
       +            --title="Currently open tombs" \
       +            --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +            --width=640 --height=380 --list \
       +            --separator=" & " \
       +            --text="Here are your open tombs" \
       +            --column=Tomb \
       +            --column=Path `
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            listchoice=`zenity \
       +                --title="Choose action" \
       +                --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +                --width=640 --height=400 --list \
       +                --separator=" & " \
       +                --text="What do you want to do with this tomb?" \
       +                --column=Command \
       +                --column=Description \
       +                "disindex" "Disable indexing of this tomb." \
       +                "enindex" "Enable indexing of this tomb."   \
       +                "close" "Close the selected tomb." \
       +                "slam" "Slam the selected tomb." \
       +                "binds" "Edit current bind-hooks." \
       +                "posts" "Edit current post-hooks."`
       +            if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
       +                exec _main
       +            fi
       +            case $listchoice in
       +                close)
       +                    sudoassword=$(ask_password "Insert sudo password for user $USER") 
       +                    echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +                    _sudowrong
       +                    $TOMBPATH close $tombname
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Tomb closed successfully!"
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                slam)
       +                    sudoassword=$(ask_password "Insert sudo password for user $USER") 
       +                    echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +                    _sudowrong
       +                    $TOMBPATH slam $tombname
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Tomb slammed successfully!"
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                disindex)
       +                    tombloc=`$TOMBPATH list $tombname --get-mountpoint`
       +                    touch "$tombloc/.noindex"
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Indexing disabled for this tomb."
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                enindex)
       +                    tombloc=`$TOMBPATH list $tombname --get-mountpoint`
       +                    rm "$tombloc/.noindex"
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Indexing of this tomb is enabled."
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                binds)
       +                    tombloc=`$TOMBPATH list $tombname --get-mountpoint` 
       +                    bindhooks=`zenity \
       +                        --text-info \
       +                        --filename="$tombloc/bind-hooks" \
       +                        --editable`
       +                    if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then
       +                        echo "$bindhooks" > "$tombloc/bind-hooks"
       +                    fi
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                posts)
       +                    tombloc=`$TOMBPATH list $tombname --get-mountpoint`
       +                    posthooks=`zenity \
       +                        --text-info \
       +                        --filename="$tombloc/post-hooks" \
       +                        --editable`
       +                    if [[ $? == "0" ]]; then
       +                        echo "$posthooks" > "$tombloc/post-hooks"
       +                        chmod +x $tombloc/post-hooks
       +                    fi
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                # See what else to add
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ close - Close open tomb(s)
       +function _close {
       +    tombtmp="/tmp/tombtmp"
       +    $TOMBPATH list --get-mountpoint > $tombtmp
       +    echo "/all" >> $tombtmp
       +    tombname=`cat $tombtmp | \
       +        sed 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\)$/\1\n &/' | \
       +        zenity \
       +            --title="Choose a tomb to close" \
       +            --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +            --width=640 --height=380 --list \
       +            --separator=" & " \
       +            --column=Tomb \
       +            --column=Path `
       +        res=$?
       +        case $res in
       +            0)
       +                sudoassword=$(ask_password "Insert sudo password for user $USER")
       +                echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +                _sudowrong
       +                $TOMBPATH close $tombname
       +                _clean # Clean sensitive stuff from memory
       +                _zeninfo "Success" "Tomb(s) closed successfully!"
       +                exec _main
       +                ;;
       +            1)
       +                exec _main
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ slam - Slam open tombs
       +function _slam {
       +    tombtmp="/tmp/tombtmp"
       +    $TOMBPATH list --get-mountpoint > $tombtmp
       +    echo "/all" >> $tombtmp
       +    tombname=`cat $tombtmp | \
       +        sed 's/.*\/\([^\/]*\)$/\1\n &/' | \
       +        zenity \
       +            --title="Choose a tomb to slam" \
       +            --window-icon="$MONMORT" \
       +            --width=640 --height=380 --list \
       +            --separator=" & " \
       +            --column=Tomb \
       +            --column=Path `
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            sudoassword=$(ask_password "Insert sudo password for user $USER")
       +            echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +            _sudowrong
       +            $TOMBPATH slam $tombname
       +            _clean # Clean sensitive stuff from memory
       +            _zeninfo "Success" "Tomb(s) slammed successfully!"
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ resize - Resize an existing *closed* tomb
       +function _resize {
       +    tombname=`_fsel "Choose a tomb to resize"`
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            tombsize=`_zenentry "New tomb size" "Enter the new size of your tomb in MiB. Must be higher than the current size." "100"`
       +            res=$?
       +            case $res in
       +                0)
       +                    keyfile=`_fsel "Choose according keyfile"`
       +                    res=$?
       +                    case $res in
       +                        0)
       +                            sudoassword=$(ask_password "Insert sudo password for user $USER")
       +                            echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +                            _sudowrong
       +                            $TOMBPATH resize $tombname -s $tombsize -k $keyfile | \
       +                                _zenprognc "Resizing tomb." "Please wait while your tomb is being resized..."
       +                            _clean # Clean sensitive stuff from memory
       +                            _zeninfo "Success" "Tomb resized successfully!"
       +                            exec _main
       +                            ;;
       +                        1)
       +                            exec _main
       +                            ;;
       +                    esac
       +                    ;;
       +                1)
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ passwd - Change existing key's passphrase
       +function _passwd {
       +    keyfile=`_fsel "Choose a keyfile"`
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            $TOMBPATH passwd -k $keyfile | \
       +                _zenprognc "Changing passphrase" "Please wait while your key's passphrase is being changed..."
       +            _clean # Clean sensitive stuff from memory
       +            _zeninfo "Success" "Passphrase changed successfully!"
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ setkey - Change a tomb's keyfile
       +function _setkey {
       +    tombname=`_fsel "Choose a tomb to change its keyfile"`
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            keyfile=`_fsel "Chosse your tomb's old keyfile"`
       +            res=$?
       +            case $res in
       +                0)
       +                    newkey=`_fsel "Choose your tomb's new keyfile"`
       +                    res=$?
       +                    case $res in
       +                        0)
       +                            sudoassword=$(ask_password "Insert sudo password for $USER")
       +                            echo -e "$sudoassword\n" | sudo -S -v
       +                            _sudowrong
       +                            $TOMBPATH setkey -k $newkey $keyfile $tombname | \
       +                                _zenprognc "Changing key" "Please wait while your tomb's key is being changed..."
       +                            _clean
       +                            _zeninfo "Success" "Tomb's keyfile successfully changed!"
       +                            exec _main
       +                            ;;
       +                        1)
       +                            exec _main
       +                            ;;
       +                    esac
       +                    ;;
       +                1)
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ engrave - generate QR code of a key
       +function _engrave {
       +    which qrencode || _zenwarn "Warning" "qrencode is not installed. Install it and try again" && exec _main
       +    keyfile=`_fsel "Choose a keyfile to engrave"`
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            jpegfile=`_fsave "Choose where to save your keyfile (PNG format)"`
       +            res=$?
       +            case $res in
       +                0)
       +                    awk '/^-----/ {next}; /^Version/ {next}; {print $0}' $keyfile \
       +                        | qrencode --size 4 --level H --casesensitive -o $jpegfile
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "QR code generated in $jpegfile"
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                1)
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ bury - hide a keyfile in a JPEG image
       +function _bury {
       +    which steghide || _zenwarn "Warning" "steghide is not installed. Install it and try again" && exec _main
       +    keyfile=`_fsel "Choose keyfile"`
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            jpegfile=`_fsel "Choose JPEG file"`
       +            res=$?
       +            case $res in
       +                0)
       +                    $TOMBPATH bury -k $keyfile $jpegfile
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Your key is now hidden in $jpegfile"
       +                    _clean # Clean sensitive stuff from memory
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                1)
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ exhume - extract keyfile from JPEG
       +function _exhume {
       +    which steghide || _zenwarn "Warning" "steghide is not installed. Install it and try again" && exec _main
       +    jpegfile=`_fsel "Choose JPEG file"`
       +    res=$?
       +    case $res in
       +        0)
       +            keyfile=`_fsave "Choose where to extract your key"`
       +            res=$?
       +            case $res in
       +                0)
       +                    $TOMBPATH exhume -k $keyfile $jpegfile
       +                    _zeninfo "Success" "Your keyfile is extracted to $keyfile"
       +                    _clean # Clean sensitive stuff from memory
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +                1)
       +                    exec _main
       +                    ;;
       +            esac
       +            ;;
       +        1)
       +            exec _main
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ index - index the contents of open tombs
       +function _index {
       +    which mlocate || _zenwarn "Warning" "mlocate is not installed. Install it and try again" && exec _main
       +    $TOMBPATH index | _zenprognc "Indexing" "Please wait while the open tombs are being indexed..."
       +    _zeninfo "Success" "Tombs indexed!"
       +    exec _main
       +# }}}
       +# {{{ search - searches the contents of indexed tombs
       +function _search {
       +    strings=""
       +    function _searchstring {
       +        srchstring=`_zenentry "Search" "Enter an argument to search. Cancel to finish."`
       +        res=$?
       +        strings="$strings $srchstring"
       +        if [[ $res == "1" ]]; then
       +            tombtmp="/tmp/tombtmp"
       +            $TOMBPATH search $strings > $tombtmp
       +            #cat $tombtmp | \
       +                zenity \
       +                    --text-info \
       +                    --title="Search results" \
       +                    --filename=$tombtmp
       +        else
       +            _searchstring
       +        fi
       +    }
       +    _searchstring
       +# }}}
       +if [ ! -f $TOMBPATH ]; then
       +    _zenwarn "Warning" "Tomb binary is nonexistent in the current path. Install it or edit the script to point to the correct path."
       +    _main