tgettext translation strings - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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 (DIR) commit 252d79223b83c1418acd3629b011db11ad43a444
 (DIR) parent f6885729acf80d604227f26a7de54f59bbee9f7c
 (HTM) Author: Jaromil <>
       Date:   Mon,  9 Jun 2014 12:42:38 +0200
       gettext translation strings
         M                           |       4 ++++
         A extras/po/tomb.pot                  |     769 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2 files changed, 773 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/ b/
       t@@ -96,6 +96,10 @@ from the user's behaviour and the strenght of a standard AES-256
        Donations are always welcome, see
       +Translations are also needed: they can be contributed via this website
       +or simply sending the .po file. Start from `extras/po/tomb.pot`.
        Code is pretty short and readable: start looking around it and the
        materials found in doc/ which are good pointers at security measures
        to be further implemented.
 (DIR) diff --git a/extras/po/tomb.pot b/extras/po/tomb.pot
       t@@ -0,0 +1,769 @@
       +# Tomb - The Crypto Undertaker.
       +# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Foundation
       +# Denis Roio <>, 2013.
       +#, fuzzy
       +msgid ""
       +msgstr ""
       +"Project-Id-Version: Tomb \n"
       +"PO-Revision-Date: Mon Jun  9 12:32:43 CEST 2014\n"
       +"Last-Translator: Denis Roio <>\n"
       +"Language: English\n"
       +"Language-Team: Tomb developers <>\n"
       +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
       +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
       +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
       +#: commandline help
       +msgid ""
       +"Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]"
       +" // Creation:"
       +" dig     create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
       +" forge   create a new KEY file and set its password"
       +" lock    installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
       +" // Operations on tombs:"
       +" open    open an existing TOMB"
       +" index   update the search indexes of tombs"
       +" search  looks for filenames matching text patterns"
       +" list    list of open TOMBs and information on them"
       +" close   close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
       +" slam    slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
       +" resize  resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
       +" // Operations on keys:"
       +" passwd  change the password of a KEY"
       +" setkey  change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old one)"
       +" engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
       +" bury    hide a KEY inside a JPEG image"
       +" exhume  extract a KEY from a JPEG image"
       +" -s     size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
       +" -k     path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
       +" -n     don't process the hooks found in tomb"
       +" -o     mount options used to open (default: rw,noatime,nodev)"
       +" -f     force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
       +" --kdf  generate passwords armored against dictionary attacks"
       +" -h     print this help"
       +" -v     print version, license and list of available ciphers"
       +" -q     run quietly without printing informations"
       +" -D     print debugging information at runtime"
       +"For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb"
       +"Please report bugs on <>."
       +msgstr ""
       +# tomb internal messages
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "WARNING: we cannot ensure we're running in RAM."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "WARNING: no RAM available for me to run safely."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "No access to shared memory on this system, sorry."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "All your swaps are belong to crypt.  Good."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Operation aborted."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Loop mount of volumes is not supported on this machine, this error"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Valid tomb file found: $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message -n
       +msgid "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... "
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Key not found, specify one using -k."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "The key seems invalid, the application/pgp header is missing."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "A password is required to use key ${keyname}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "User aborted password dialog."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Password OK."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Commanded to change password for tomb key $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Changing password for $keyfile"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Your passphrase was successfully updated."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Removing key temporarily stored from stdin"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Valid key file found: $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Key data found with missing headers, attempting recovery."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Invalid key format: $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "No suitable program for KDF `cut -f 3 <<<$firstline`."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "User aborted."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "You set empty password, which is not possible."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Using KDF, iterations: $microseconds"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Encode failed: $imagefile is not a jpeg image."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Encoding key $tombkey inside image $imagefile"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Please confirm the key password for the encoding"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Wrong password supplied."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Encoding error: steghide reports problems."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ${imagefile}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "File exists: $tombkey"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Use of --force selected: overwriting."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Trying to exhume a key out of image $imagefile"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "${tombkey} succesfully decoded."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Nothing found in $imagefile"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: $tombkey"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Operation successful:"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "`ls -lh $pngname`"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "`file $pngname`"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Commanded to forge key $destkey"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Error creating temp dir."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Cannot mount tmpfs filesystem in volatile memory."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Commanded to forge key $destkey with cipher algorithm $algo"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks,"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "To make it faster you can move the mouse around."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Cannot generate encryption key."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Choose the password of your key: ${tombkey}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "The key does not seem to be valid."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Dumping contents to screen:"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "--"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Done forging $tombkey"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Your key is ready:"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Commanded to dig tomb $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "No tomb name specified for creation."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Size argument missing, use -s"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Size argument is not an integer."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid " `ls -lh ${tombdir}/${tombfile}`"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Creating a new tomb in ${tombdir}/${tombfile}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Generating ${tombfile} of ${tombsize}MiB"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Error creating the tomb ${tombdir}/${tombfile}, operation aborted."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Done digging $tombname"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "tomb forge ${tombname}.tomb.key"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "tomb lock ${tombname}.tomb -k ${tombname}.tomb.key"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "No tomb specified for locking."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Commanded to lock tomb ${tombfile}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "There is no tomb here. You have to it dig first."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "The tomb was already locked with another key."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Fine, this tomb seems empty."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Locking using cipher: $cipher"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Locking ${tombfile} with ${tombkey}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Formatting Luks mapped device."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Tomb format returned an error."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Your tomb ${tombfile} may be corrupted."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Done locking $tombname using Luks dm-crypt ${create_cipher}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Your tomb is ready in ${tombdir}/${tombfile} and secured with key ${tombkey}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Commanded to reset key for tomb $2"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Changing lock on tomb $tombname"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Old key: $oldkey"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "New key: $newkey"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Succesfully changed key for tomb: $2"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "The new key is: $newkey"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Creating this tomb would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Tomb $tombname succesfully created."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Commanded to open tomb $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Mountpoint not specified, using default: $tombmount"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "$tombname is already open."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Here below its status is reported:"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Opening $tombfile on $tombmount"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Too many tombs open. Please close any of them to open another tomb."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "$tombfile is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Cipher is \"$tombdump[1]\" mode \"$tombdump[2]\" hash \"$tombdump[3]\""
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Failure mounting the encrypted file."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Success unlocking tomb $tombname"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Checking filesystem via $tombstat[3]"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Success opening $tombfile on $fg_bold[white]$tombmount$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Last visit by $fg_bold[white]$tombuser($tombuid)$fg_no_bold[white] from $fg_bold[white]$tombtty$fg_no_bold[white] on $fg_bold[white]$tombhost$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "on date $fg_bold[white]`date --date @${tomblast} +%c`$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "How pitiful!  A tomb, and no HOME."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/HOME"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/HOME.  Rolling back"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "bind-hook target not existent, skipping $HOME/${maps[$dir]}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ${MOUNTPOINT}/${dir}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Post hooks found, executing as user $SUDO_USER."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [$1]"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Creating and updating search indexes."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Skipping $tombname (.noindex found)."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Indexing $tombname filenames..."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Indexing $tombname contents..."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Search index updated."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Searching for: $fg_bold[white]${(f)@}$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Searching filenames in tomb $tombname"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Matches found: `locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${(f)@}`"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Searching contents in tomb $tombname"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Skipping tomb $tombname: not indexed."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Search completed."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Commanded to resize tomb $1 to $opts[-s] megabytes."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "No tomb name specified for resizing."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Cannot find $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "The tomb $tombname is open, to resize it it needs to be closed."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "You must specify the new size of $tombname"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Size is not an integer."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "The new size must be greater then old tomb size."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message -n
       +msgid "Generating ${tombfile} of ${newtombsize}MiB"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Too many tombs opened. Please close any of them to open another tomb."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "e2fsck failed to check $mapper"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "resize2fs failed to resize $mapper"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "There is no open tomb to be closed."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Tomb close $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Tomb not found: $1"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Please specify an existing tomb."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Slamming tomb $tombname mounted on $tombmount"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Cannot slam the tomb $tombname"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Closing tomb $tombname mounted on $tombmount"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Closing tomb bind hook: $bind_mount"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Cannot slam the bind hook $bind_mount"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Tomb bind hook $bind_mount is busy, cannot close tomb."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ${mapper}"
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _success
       +msgid "Tomb $tombname closed: your bones will rest in peace."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _failure
       +msgid "Error parsing."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "There's no such command \"$subcommand\"."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Some error occurred during option processing."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _warning
       +msgid "Command \"$subcommand\" not recognized."
       +msgstr ""
       +#: _message
       +msgid "Try -h for help."
       +msgstr ""