tremoved backup - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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 (DIR) commit 27a8bf2830d46f32fb9c4f3ae1fcf5354a39483b
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 (HTM) Author: Jaromil <>
       Date:   Wed, 27 Apr 2011 20:59:49 +0200
       removed backup
       was just an experiment and not interesting
       users can better choose their own backup system
       and be in complete control of the process
         M src/tomb                            |      87 -------------------------------
       1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 87 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/tomb b/src/tomb
       t@@ -633,92 +633,6 @@ exec_safe_post_hooks() {
       -backup_tomb() { # FIXME - duplicity asks passwords too often
       -    # using duplicity
       -    which duplicity > /dev/null
       -    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        error "duplicity not found, can't operate backup"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    if [ -z $CMD3 ]; then
       -        error "backup command needs 2 arguments: tomb and destination url"
       -        error "please refer to tomb(1) and duplicity(1) manuals for more information"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    # is it a tomb?
       -    get_arg_tomb ${CMD2}
       -    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        error "there is no tomb to backup, operation aborted."
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    # is it a url?
       -    echo "${CMD3}" | grep -i -e '^.*:\/\/.*' 2>&1 > /dev/null
       -    if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -        error "second argument is not a valid duplicity url."
       -        error "read the tomb(1) and duplicity(1) manual for more information"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    bckurl=${CMD3}
       -    # is it ssh?
       -    protocol="`expr substr $bckurl 1 3`"
       -    act "backup over protocol $protocol"
       -    if [ "$protocol" = "ssh" ]; then
       -        act "ssh connection requires a password"
       -        FTP_PASSWORD="`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass $bckurl`"
       -        dupopts="--ssh-askpass"
       -    # TODO verify ssh access before duplicity does
       -    #      since it blocks the thing retrying 5 times and such crap
       -    #      i.e. try ssh true to sshurl="`echo $bckurl | sed -e 's/ssh:\/\///'`"
       -    #  --no-print-statistics
       -    fi
       -    # duplicity works only on directories
       -    # so we create a directory in tmpfs and bind the tomb inside it
       -    # during backup the encrypted tomb will be exposed
       -    # TODO: check that the tomb is not mounted and, if mounted
       -    #       remount it read-only so it doesn't gets modified during bck
       -    bckname=${tombname}.bck
       -    mkdir -p /dev/shm/${bckname}
       -    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        error "cannot generate a temporary backup directory in /dev/shm, operation aborted."
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    bcktmpdir=/dev/shm/${bckname}
       -    # mmm, maybe we should mount our own tmpfs? we need root anyway for mount -o bind
       -    # if we reach to eliminate this mount trick and upload only one file with duplicity
       -    # then this function doesn't needs to be root to work.
       -    touch ${bcktmpdir}/${tombfile}
       -    mount -o bind ${tombdir}/${tombfile} ${bcktmpdir}/${tombfile}
       -    bcklast=`exec_as_user duplicity \
       -        ${(s: :)dupopts} \
       -        collection-status ${bckurl} \
       -        | awk '/^Last full backup date:/ { print $5 }'`
       -    # we detect if backup already exists or not so we can handle
       -    # password prompt (choosing a password for full, inserting for incr)
       -    if [ "$bcklast" = "none" ]; then
       -        notice "Creating a backup of tomb $tombname on url $bckurl"
       -        exec_as_user FTP_PASSWORD="$FTP_PASSWORD" duplicity ${(s: :)dupopts} \
       -            full ${bcktmpdir} ${bckurl}
       -    else
       -        notice "Updating a backup of tomb $tombname on url $bckurl"
       -        exec_as_user FTP_PASSWORD="$FTP_PASSWORD" duplicity ${(s: :)dupopts} \
       -            incr ${bcktmpdir} ${bckurl}
       -    fi
       -    unset FTP_PASSWORD
       -    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        error "duplicity reported error, operation aborted"
       -        umount ${bcktmpdir}/${tombfile}
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    notice "Operation successful."
       -    umount ${bcktmpdir}/${tombfile}
       -    return 0
        umount_tomb() {
            local tombs how_many_tombs
            local pathmap mapper tombname tombmount loopdev
       t@@ -973,7 +887,6 @@ main () {
                            return 1
                         decode_key ${CMD2} ;;
       -         backup) check_priv ; backup_tomb ${CMD2} ${CMD3} ;;
                install) check_priv ; install_tomb ;;
                askpass) ask_password $CMD2 ;;
                 status) tomb-status ;;