tour own askpass gui - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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 (DIR) commit 650ce60587c5c0a6800fbd5ddd1a9c8a1977e77a
 (DIR) parent 36565e2ef4894c996a29d18f49aae2cfc6fd0c61
 (HTM) Author: Jaromil <>
       Date:   Sun, 16 Jan 2011 23:44:13 +0100
       our own askpass gui
         A src/tomb-askpass.c                  |     332 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       1 file changed, 332 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/tomb-askpass.c b/src/tomb-askpass.c
       t@@ -0,0 +1,332 @@
       +/* Tomb askpass
       +   Derived from gtk-led-askpass.c version 0.9
       +   by Dafydd Harries <>, 2003 2004
       +   (An ssh-askpass alike software)
       +   Based on ideas from ssh-askpass-gnome, by Damien Miller and Nalin Dahyabhai,
       +   and on Jim Knoble's x11-ssh-askpass.
       +   This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
       +   it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
       +   the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
       +   (at your option) any later version.
       +   This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +   GNU General Public License for more details.
       +   You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
       +   along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
       +   59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307 USA
       +   See also:
       +   -- Jim Knoble's x11-ssh-askpass
       +   -- Christopher Gabriel's gtk2-ssh-askpass
       +   Todo:
       +   - Internationalise. Probably entails autotoolising.
       +   - Add more eye candy.
       +   - Implement optional mouse/server grabbing.
       +   - Alow overriding the title on the command line.
       +   - Make the LED box a proper GTK+ widget.
       +#include <gdk/gdk.h>
       +#include <gtk/gtk.h>
       +#include <gdk/gdkkeysyms.h>
       +/* The Tomb icon is an artwork by Jordi aka MonMort
       +   a nomadic graffiti artist from Barcelona */
       +#include <monmort.xpm>
       +/* Title for the dialog. */
       +#define TITLE "Unlocking tomb"
       +/* Width of each LED. */
       +#define LED_WIDTH 8
       +/* Height of each LED. */
       +#define LED_HEIGHT 16
       +/* Space around and between LEDs. */
       +#define LED_MARGIN 5
       +/* Number of LEDs to have. */
       +#define LED_COUNT 12
       +/* How many times to attempt to grab the keyboard before giving up. */
       +#define GRAB_TRIES_MAX 10
       +/* How long to sleep, in microseconds, in between keyboard grab attempts. */
       +#define GRAB_SLEEP 100000
       +/* Sleep length, in milliseconds, after Control-U press. */
       +#define CLEAR_SLEEP 800
       +enum {
       +        LED_STATE_OFF,
       +        LED_STATE_GREEN,
       +        LED_STATE_RED,
       +        LED_STATES
       +GdkPixbuf *pb_monmort;
       +GdkColor colours[LED_STATES] = {
       +        /* LED_STATE_OFF */
       +        { 0, 0x3333, 0x6666, 0x3333 },
       +        /* LED_STATE_GREEN */
       +        { 0, 0x6666, 0xFFFF, 0x6666 },
       +        /* LED_STATE_RED */
       +        { 0, 0xDDDD, 0x3333, 0x3333 }
       +void draw_led(GtkWidget *widget, gint state, guint offset)
       +        GdkGC *gc = gdk_gc_new(widget->window);
       +        /* Draw the border. */
       +        gdk_draw_rectangle(widget->window,
       +                widget->style->fg_gc[GTK_WIDGET_STATE(widget)],
       +                FALSE,
       +                LED_MARGIN + offset * (LED_WIDTH + LED_MARGIN),
       +                LED_MARGIN,
       +                LED_WIDTH,
       +                LED_HEIGHT);
       +        gdk_gc_set_rgb_fg_color(gc, &(colours[state]));
       +        /* Draw the inside rectangle. */
       +        gdk_draw_rectangle(widget->window,
       +                gc,
       +                TRUE,
       +                LED_MARGIN + offset * (LED_WIDTH + LED_MARGIN) + 1,
       +                LED_MARGIN + 1,
       +                LED_WIDTH - 1,
       +                LED_HEIGHT - 1);
       +gboolean led_area_expose_handler(GtkWidget *led_area, GdkEventExpose *event,
       +        GString *passphrase)
       +        gint i, width, height;
       +        gint length = passphrase->len;
       +        gdk_drawable_get_size(GDK_DRAWABLE(led_area->window), &width, &height);
       +        /* Draw a focus indicator if appropriate. */
       +        if (GTK_WIDGET_HAS_FOCUS(led_area))
       +                gtk_paint_focus(led_area->style, led_area->window,
       +                        GTK_WIDGET_STATE(led_area), &(event->area), led_area,
       +                        "", 0, 0, width, height);
       +        /* Draw each LED. */
       +        for (i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++) {
       +                /* This is the complicated bit. */
       +                gboolean on = ((length / LED_COUNT) % 2 == 0) ?
       +                                (length % LED_COUNT >  i) :
       +                                (length % LED_COUNT <= i);
       +                draw_led(led_area, on ? LED_STATE_GREEN : LED_STATE_OFF, i);
       +        }
       +        /* TRUE means not to propagate the event. */
       +        return TRUE;
       +gboolean timeout_handler(GtkWidget *led_area)
       +        gtk_widget_queue_draw(led_area);
       +        return FALSE;
       +void clear(GString *passphrase, GtkWidget *led_area)
       +        gint i;
       +        /*
       +        Delete bit by bit to ensure erasure. g_string_erase() will overwrite
       +        the last character with 0, so we shouldn't need to worry about leaving
       +        sensitive data in memory. Note that the string may be empty. This is
       +        so that the interface responds consistently.
       +        */
       +        while (passphrase->len > 0)
       +                g_string_erase(passphrase, passphrase->len - 1, 1);
       +        for (i = 0; i < LED_COUNT; i++)
       +                draw_led(led_area, LED_STATE_RED, i);
       +        /*
       +        Remove the redness after a delay. If an exposure is triggered, such as
       +        by a key getting pressed, then the redraw will simply happen early.
       +        */
       +        gtk_timeout_add(CLEAR_SLEEP, (GtkFunction)timeout_handler, led_area);
       +gboolean led_area_key_press_handler(GtkWidget *led_area, GdkEventKey *event,
       +                                    GString *passphrase) {
       +  /* Obtain Unicode representation of key released. */
       +  gunichar c = gdk_keyval_to_unicode(event->keyval);
       +  /* Determine whether the key released was printable. */
       +  gint isprint = g_unichar_isprint(c);
       +  /* Obtain default modifier mask. */
       +  guint modifiers = gtk_accelerator_get_default_mod_mask();
       +  if (event->keyval == GDK_Delete) {
       +    clear(passphrase, led_area);
       +    return TRUE;
       +  }
       +  if ((event->state & modifiers) == GDK_CONTROL_MASK) {
       +    if (event->keyval == GDK_u) {
       +      /* C-u -- delete everything. */
       +      clear(passphrase, led_area);
       +      /* Return early in order to avoid the redraw. */
       +      return TRUE;
       +    } else {
       +      /* Unrecognised keypress. */
       +      return FALSE;
       +    }
       +  } else if (event->keyval == GDK_BackSpace && passphrase->len > 0) {
       +    /*
       +      Backspace -- remove last character. See the comment above
       +      about g_string_erase.
       +    */
       +    g_string_erase(passphrase, passphrase->len - 1, 1);
       +        } else if (isprint) {
       +                /* Printable character. */
       +                g_string_append_unichar(passphrase, c);
       +        } else {
       +                /* Unrecognized keypress, propagate. */
       +                return FALSE;
       +        }
       +        /* Trigger a redraw of the LED area. */
       +        gtk_widget_queue_draw(led_area);
       +        /* TRUE means not to propagate the event. */
       +        return TRUE;
       +gboolean led_area_button_press_handler(GtkWidget *led_area,
       +        GdkEventButton *event, gpointer data)
       +        gtk_widget_grab_focus(led_area);
       +        return TRUE;
       +int main(int argc, char *argv[])
       +        gint response, grab_tries, i;
       +        char keyname[256];
       +        GString *passphrase = g_string_new("");
       +        GtkWidget *dialog, *alignment, *led_area;
       +        GList tmplist;
       +        gtk_set_locale();
       +        gtk_init(&argc, &argv);
       +        if (argc > 1) {
       +          snprintf(keyname,255,"%s",argv[1]);
       +        } else {
       +          sprintf(keyname,"unknown");
       +        }
       +        /*
       +        dialog
       +        `- vbox (implicit)
       +           `- aligment
       +              `- led_area
       +        */
       +        /* Question dialog with no parent; OK and Cancel buttons. */
       +        dialog = gtk_message_dialog_new_with_markup
       +           "Enter the password to unlock\n"
       +           "<span font=\"Times 24\">%s</span>", keyname);
       +        gtk_window_set_title(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), TITLE);
       +        // set and show the image icon
       +        pb_monmort = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_xpm_data(monmort);
       + = (gpointer*)pb_monmort;
       +        tmplist.prev = = NULL;
       +        gtk_window_set_icon_list(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), &tmplist);
       +        gtk_message_dialog_set_image(GTK_MESSAGE_DIALOG(dialog), 
       +                                     gtk_image_new_from_pixbuf(pb_monmort));
       +        /* Place the dialog in the middle of the screen. */
       +        gtk_window_set_position(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER);
       +        /* OK is the default action. */
       +        gtk_dialog_set_default_response(GTK_DIALOG(dialog), GTK_RESPONSE_OK);
       +        /* Add some spacing within the dialog's vbox. */
       +        gtk_box_set_spacing(GTK_BOX(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), 3);
       +        /* The alignment widget containing the drawing area. */
       +        alignment = gtk_alignment_new(0.5, 0.5, 0, 0);
       +        gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(GTK_DIALOG(dialog)->vbox), alignment);
       +        /* The drawing area for the LEDs. */
       +        led_area = gtk_drawing_area_new();
       +        gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(alignment), led_area);
       +        /* Make the LED widget focusable. */
       +        GTK_WIDGET_SET_FLAGS(led_area, GTK_CAN_FOCUS);
       +        /* Make the LED widget focused. */
       +        gtk_widget_grab_focus(led_area);
       +        /* Make the LED widget receive key press and button press events. */
       +        gtk_widget_add_events(led_area,
       +                GDK_KEY_PRESS_MASK | GDK_BUTTON_PRESS_MASK);
       +        /* Set a size request. */
       +        gtk_widget_set_size_request(led_area,
       +                LED_MARGIN + (LED_WIDTH + LED_MARGIN) * LED_COUNT,
       +                LED_HEIGHT + LED_MARGIN * 2);
       +        /* Set up handler for key releases. */
       +        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(led_area), "key_press_event",
       +                G_CALLBACK(led_area_key_press_handler), passphrase);
       +        /* Set up handler for button releases. */
       +        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(led_area), "button_press_event",
       +                G_CALLBACK(led_area_button_press_handler), NULL);
       +        /* Set up handler for expose events. */
       +        g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(led_area), "expose_event",
       +                G_CALLBACK(led_area_expose_handler), passphrase);
       +        /* Show all the widgets. */
       +        gtk_widget_show_all(dialog);
       +        /* Put the dialog on the screen now for the grab to work. */
       +        gtk_widget_show_now(dialog);
       +        /* Grab the keyboard */
       +        gdk_keyboard_grab(GTK_WIDGET(dialog)->window, FALSE, GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
       +        /* Make the dialog stay on top. */
       +        gtk_window_set_keep_above(GTK_WINDOW(dialog), TRUE);
       +        /* Run the dialog. */
       +        response = gtk_dialog_run(GTK_DIALOG(dialog));
       +        /* Ungrab the keyboard. */
       +        gdk_keyboard_ungrab(GDK_CURRENT_TIME);
       +        /* If the OK button was pressed, print the passphrase. */
       +        if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
       +                g_print("%s\n", passphrase->str);
       +        /* Scrub the passphrase, if any. */
       +        for (i = 0; i < passphrase->len; i++)
       +                passphrase->str[i] = '\0';
       +        if (response == GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
       +                return 0;
       +        return 1;