tMassive code cleanup - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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 (DIR) commit 671350585ea3535835be04b3867aca60d30471f3
 (DIR) parent 8a21eb6145c5d1fe1777f411b08e9a3f5e3bcbe2
 (HTM) Author: Jaromil <>
       Date:   Tue, 28 May 2013 11:57:58 +0200
       Massive code cleanup
       This commit doesn't changes anything substantial in the code,
       but reorganizes it in foldable units (we use folding.el) and
       fixes its markup for literate code documentation using our own
       fork of shocco.
         M doc/literate/Makefile               |       2 +-
         M doc/literate/shocco                 |       9 +++++++--
         M tomb                                |    1865 +++++++++++++++----------------
       3 files changed, 880 insertions(+), 996 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/doc/literate/Makefile b/doc/literate/Makefile
       t@@ -1,3 +1,3 @@
       -        ./shocco ../../tomb > tomb.html
       +        ./shocco ../../tomb > index.html
                pygmentize -S default -f html > style.css
 (DIR) diff --git a/doc/literate/shocco b/doc/literate/shocco
       t@@ -70,7 +70,7 @@ file="$1"
        # These are replaced with the full paths to real utilities by the
        # configure/make system.
        # On GNU systems, csplit doesn't elide empty files by default:
       t@@ -149,7 +149,12 @@ trap "rm -rf $WORK" 0
        # Get a pipeline going with the `<source>` data. We write a single blank
        # line at the end of the file to make sure we have an equal number of code/comment
        # pairs.
       -(cat "$file" && printf "\n\n# \n\n")         |
       +# Folding.el support: turn {{{ folds }}} into titles -jrml
       +(cat "$file" \
       +    | sed -e 's/^# {{{/# #/' -e 's/^# }}}.*/# --------------/' \
       +    | awk '/\(\) {$/ { print "# ### " $1 } {print $0}' \
       +    && printf "\n\n# \n\n")         |
        # We want the shebang line and any code preceding the first comment to
        # appear as the first code block. This inverts the normal flow of things.
 (DIR) diff --git a/tomb b/tomb
       t@@ -2,27 +2,32 @@
        # Tomb, the Crypto Undertaker
       -# a tool to easily operate file encryption of private and secret data
       -# {{{ Copyleft (C) 2007-2013 Denis Roio <>
       +# A commandline tool to easily operate encryption of secret data
       +# {{{ License
       +# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Denis Roio <>
       -# This source  code is free  software; you can redistribute  it and/or
       -# modify it under the terms of  the GNU Public License as published by
       -# the Free  Software Foundation; either  version 3 of the  License, or
       -# (at your option) any later version.
       +# With contributions by Anathema, Boyska and Hellekin O. Wolf.
       -# This source code is distributed in  the hope that it will be useful,
       -# but  WITHOUT ANY  WARRANTY;  without even  the  implied warranty  of
       -# Please refer to the GNU Public License for more details.
       +#This source code is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
       +#modify it under the terms of the GNU Public License as published by
       +#the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at
       +#your option) any later version.
       -# You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with
       -# this source code; if not, write to:
       -# Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
       +#This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
       +#but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
       +#the GNU Public License for more details.
       +#You should have received a copy of the GNU Public License along with
       +#this source code; if not, write to: Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
       +#675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
       +# }}} - License
       +# {{{ Global variables
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ GLOBAL VARIABLES
       t@@ -49,172 +54,9 @@ typeset -h _tty
        [[ "$TOMBEXEC" =~ "^/usr/local" ]] && PATH="/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin:$PATH"
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ HELPER FUNCTIONS
       -# {{{ OPTION PARSING
       -# {{{ - Check an option
       -option_is_set() {
       -    #First argument, the option (something like "-s")
       -    #Second (optional) argument: if it's "out", command will print it out 'set'/'unset'
       -    #                       This is useful for if conditions
       -    #Return 0 if is set, 1 otherwise
       -    [[ -n ${(k)opts[$1]} ]];
       -    r=$?
       -    if [[ $2 == out ]]; then
       -        if [[ $r == 0 ]]; then
       -            echo 'set'
       -        else
       -            echo 'unset'
       -        fi
       -    fi
       -    return $r;
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - Get an option value
       -option_value() {
       -    #First argument, the option (something like "-s")
       -    <<< ${opts[$1]}
       -# }}}
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - Standard output message routines
       -function _msg() {
       -    local command="print -P"
       -    local progname="$fg[magenta]${TOMBEXEC##*/}$reset_color"
       -    local message="$fg_bold[normal]$fg_no_bold[normal]${2}$reset_color"
       -    local -i returncode
       -    case "$1" in
       -        inline)
       -            command+=" -n"; pchars=" > "; pcolor="yellow"
       -            ;;
       -        message)
       -            pchars=" . "; pcolor="white"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color"
       -            ;;
       -        verbose)
       -            pchars="[D]"; pcolor="blue"
       -            ;;
       -        success)
       -            pchars="(*)"; pcolor="green"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color"
       -            ;;
       -        warning)
       -            pchars="[W]"; pcolor="yellow"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color"
       -            ;;
       -        failure)
       -            pchars="[E]"; pcolor="red"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color"
       -            returncode=1
       -            ;;
       -        *)
       -            pchars="[F]"; pcolor="red"
       -            message="Developer oops!  Usage: _msg MESSAGE_TYPE \"MESSAGE_CONTENT\""
       -            returncode=127
       -            ;;
       -    esac
       -    ${=command} "${progname} $fg_bold[$pcolor]$pchars$reset_color ${message}$color[reset_color]" >&2
       -    return $returncode
       -function _message say()
       -    local notice="message"
       -    [[ "$1" = "-n" ]] && shift && notice="inline"
       -    option_is_set -q || _msg "$notice" "$1"
       -    return 0
       -alias act="_message -n"
       -function _verbose xxx()
       -    option_is_set -D && _msg verbose "$1"
       -    return 0
       -function _success yes()
       -    option_is_set -q || _msg success "$1"
       -    return 0
       -function _warning  no()
       -    option_is_set -q || _msg warning "$1"
       -    return 1
       -function _failure die()
       -    typeset -i exitcode=${2:-1}
       -    option_is_set -q || _msg failure "$1"
       -    exit $exitcode
       -progress() {
       -    #      $1 is "what is progressing"
       -    #      $2 is "percentage"
       -    #      $3 is (eventually blank) status
       -    #      Example: if creating a tomb, it could be sth like
       -    #          progress create 0 filling with random data
       -    #          progress create 40 generating key
       -    #          progress keygen 0 please move the mouse
       -    #          progress keygen 30 please move the mouse
       -    #          progress keygen 60 please move the mouse
       -    #          progress keygen 100 key generated
       -    #          progress create 80 please enter password
       -    #          progress create 90 formatting the tomb
       -    #          progress create 100 tomb created successfully
       -    if ! option_is_set --batch; then
       -        return
       -    fi
       -    print "[m][P][$1][$2][$3]" >&2
        # }}}
       -check_bin() {
       -    # check for required programs
       -    for req in cryptsetup pinentry sudo gpg; do
       -        command -v $req >/dev/null || die "Cannot find $req. It's a requirement to use Tomb, please install it." 1
       -    done
       -    export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
       -    # which dd command to use
       -    command -v dcfldd > /dev/null
       -    { test $? = 0 } && { DD="dcfldd statusinterval=1" }
       -    # which wipe command to use
       -    command -v wipe > /dev/null && WIPE="wipe -f -s" || WIPE="rm -f"
       -    # check for filesystem creation progs
       -    command -v mkfs.ext4 > /dev/null && \
       -        MKFS="mkfs.ext4 -q -F -j -L" || \
       -        MKFS="mkfs.ext3 -q -F -j -L"
       -    # check for mktemp
       -    command -v mktemp > /dev/null || MKTEMP=0
       -    # check for steghide
       -    command -v steghide > /dev/null || STEGHIDE=0
       -    # check for resize
       -    command -v e2fsck resize2fs > /dev/null || RESIZER=0
       -    if which tomb-kdf-pbkdf2 &> /dev/null; then
       -        KDF_PBKDF2="tomb-kdf-pbkdf2"
       -    else
       -        local our_pbkdf2
       -        our_pbkdf2="$(dirname $(readlink -f $TOMBEXEC))/kdf/tomb-kdf-pbkdf2"
       -        if which $our_pbkdf2 &> /dev/null; then
       -            KDF_PBKDF2=$our_pbkdf2
       -        else
       -            KDF_PBKDF2=
       -        fi
       -    fi
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - "SAFE" FUNCTIONS
       -# {{{   - Create a directory with caution
       +# {{{ Safety functions
        _have_shm() {
            # Check availability of 1MB of SHM
       t@@ -237,6 +79,7 @@ _have_shm() {
            return 1
       +# Create temporary directories with caution
        safe_dir() {
            # Try and create our temporary directory in RAM
            # Note that there's no warranty the underlying FS won't swap
       t@@ -263,16 +106,16 @@ safe_dir() {
            _warning "WARNING: no RAM available for me to run safely."
            return 1
       -# }}}
       -# {{{   - Provide a random filename in shared memory
       +# Provide a random filename in shared memory
        safe_filename() {
            _have_shm || die "No access to shared memory on this system, sorry."
            (( $MKTEMP )) && \
                mktemp -u /dev/shm/$1.$$.XXXXXXX || \
                print "/dev/shm/$1.$$.$RANDOM$RANDOM"
       -# }}}
       -# {{{   - Check if swap is activated
       +# Check if swap is activated
        check_swap() {
            # Return 0 if NO swap is used, 1 if swap is used
            # Return 2 if swap(s) is(are) used, but ALL encrypted
       t@@ -285,12 +128,11 @@ check_swap() {
            die "Operation aborted."
       -# }}}
       -# {{{   - Ask user for a password
       +# Ask user for a password
       +ask_password() {
        # we use pinentry now
        # comes from gpg project and is much more secure
        # it also conveniently uses the right toolkit
       -ask_password() {
            # pinentry has no custom icon setting
            # so we need to temporary modify the gtk theme
       t@@ -317,20 +159,19 @@ EOF`
            head -n1 <<<$output | awk '/^D / { sub(/^D /, ""); print }'
            return 0
       -# }}}
       -# {{{   - Drop privileges
       +# Drop privileges
        exec_as_user() {
            if ! [ $SUDO_USER ]; then
                exec $@[@]
                return $?
            xxx "exec_as_user '$SUDO_USER': ${(f)@}"
            sudo -u $SUDO_USER "${@[@]}"
            return $?
       -# }}}
       -# {{{   - Escalate privileges
       +#Escalate privileges
        check_priv() {
            # save original user
       t@@ -338,7 +179,7 @@ check_priv() {
                xxx "Using sudo for root execution of 'tomb ${(f)OLDARGS}'"
                # check if sudo has a timestamp active
       -#     sudo -n ${TOMBEXEC} &> /dev/null
                if ! option_is_set --sudo-pwd; then
                    if [ $? != 0 ]; then # if not then ask a password
                        cat <<EOF | pinentry 2>/dev/null | awk '/^D / { sub(/^D /, ""); print }' | sudo -S -v
       t@@ -364,19 +205,10 @@ EOF
            return 0
        # }}}
       -check_command() {
       -    #generic checks; useful for interaction, to check if there are problems
       -    #before wasting user's time
       -    if ! option_is_set --ignore-swap && ! option_is_set -f; then
       -        if ! check_swap; then
       -            error "Swap activated. Disable it with swapoff, or use --ignore-swap"
       -            exit 1
       -        fi
       -    fi
       +# {{{ Commandline interaction
        usage() {
            cat <<EOF
       t@@ -430,80 +262,460 @@ For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb
        Please report bugs on <>.
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - I18N FUNCTIONS
       -generate_translatable_strings() {
       -    cat <<EOF
       -# Tomb - The Crypto Undertaker.
       -# Copyright (C) 2007-2013 Foundation
       -# Denis Roio <>, 2013.
       -#, fuzzy
       -msgid ""
       -msgstr ""
       -"Project-Id-Version: Tomb $VERSION\n"
       -"PO-Revision-Date: `date`\n"
       -"Last-Translator: Denis Roio <>\n"
       -"Language-Team: Tomb developers <>\n"
       -"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
       -"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=CHARSET\n"
       -"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
       -#: commandline help
       -msgid ""
       -    usage | awk '
       -{ print "\"" $0 "\"" }'
       -    cat <<EOF
       -msgstr ""
       +# Check an option
       +option_is_set() {
       +    # First argument, the commandline flag (i.e. "-s").
       +    # Second (optional) argument: if "out", command will print it out 'set'/'unset'
       +    # (useful for if conditions).
       +    # Return 0 if is set, 1 otherwise
       +    [[ -n ${(k)opts[$1]} ]];
       +    r=$?
       +    if [[ $2 == out ]]; then
       +        if [[ $r == 0 ]]; then
       +            echo 'set'
       +        else
       +            echo 'unset'
       +        fi
       +    fi
       +    return $r;
       -# tomb internal messages
       +# Get an option value
       +option_value() {
       +    # First argument, the commandline flag (i.e. "-s").
       +    <<< ${opts[$1]}
       +# Messaging function with pretty coloring
       +function _msg() {
       +    local command="print -P"
       +    local progname="$fg[magenta]${TOMBEXEC##*/}$reset_color"
       +    local message="$fg_bold[normal]$fg_no_bold[normal]${2}$reset_color"
       +    local -i returncode
       -    cat $TOMBEXEC | awk '
       -/(_verbose|xxx) ".*"$/ { sub( /^(_verbose|xxx)/ , "");
       -                 print "#: _verbose"; print "msgid " $0; print "msgstr \"\"\n" }
       +    case "$1" in
       +        inline)
       +            command+=" -n"; pchars=" > "; pcolor="yellow"
       +            ;;
       +        message)
       +            pchars=" . "; pcolor="white"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color"
       +            ;;
       +        verbose)
       +            pchars="[D]"; pcolor="blue"
       +            ;;
       +        success)
       +            pchars="(*)"; pcolor="green"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color"
       +            ;;
       +        warning)
       +            pchars="[W]"; pcolor="yellow"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color"
       +            ;;
       +        failure)
       +            pchars="[E]"; pcolor="red"; message="$fg_no_bold[$pcolor]${2}$reset_color"
       +            returncode=1
       +            ;;
       +        *)
       +            pchars="[F]"; pcolor="red"
       +            message="Developer oops!  Usage: _msg MESSAGE_TYPE \"MESSAGE_CONTENT\""
       +            returncode=127
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +    ${=command} "${progname} $fg_bold[$pcolor]$pchars$reset_color ${message}$color[reset_color]" >&2
       +    return $returncode
       -/(_success|yes) ".*"$/ { sub( /^(_success|yes)/ , "");
       -                 print "#: _success"; print "msgid " $0; print "msgstr \"\"\n" }
       +function _message say() {
       +    local notice="message"
       +    [[ "$1" = "-n" ]] && shift && notice="inline"
       +    option_is_set -q || _msg "$notice" "$1"
       +    return 0
       +alias act="_message -n"
       -/(_warning|no) ".*"$/ { sub( /^(_warning|no)/ , "");
       -                 print "#: _warning"; print "msgid " $0; print "msgstr \"\"\n" }
       +function _verbose xxx() {
       +    option_is_set -D && _msg verbose "$1"
       +    return 0
       -/(_failure|die) ".*"$/ { sub( /^(_failure|die)/ , "");
       -                 print "#: _failure"; print "msgid " $0; print "msgstr \"\"\n" }
       +function _success yes() {
       +    option_is_set -q || _msg success "$1"
       +    return 0
       -/(_message|say) ".*"$/ { sub( /^(_message|say)/ , "");
       -              print "#: _message"; print "msgid " $0; print "msgstr \"\"\n" }
       +function _warning  no() {
       +    option_is_set -q || _msg warning "$1"
       +    return 1
       -/(_message -n|act) ".*"$/ { sub( /^(_message -n|act)/ , "");
       -              print "#: _message -n"; print "msgid " $0; print "msgstr \"\"\n" }
       +function _failure die() {
       +    typeset -i exitcode=${2:-1}
       +    option_is_set -q || _msg failure "$1"
       +    exit $exitcode
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - HELPERS FOR KEYS
       -# {{{   - Encode Key
       -encode_key() {
       -    tombkey=$1
       -    imagefile=$2
       -    file $tombkey | grep PGP > /dev/null
       -    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        _warning "encode failed: $tombkey is not a tomb key"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    file $imagefile | grep JPEG > /dev/null
       -    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        _warning "encode failed: $imagefile is not a jpeg image"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       +# Print out progress to inform GUI caller applications (--batch mode)
       +progress() {
       +    #      $1 is "what is progressing"
       +    #      $2 is "percentage"
       +    #      $3 is (eventually blank) status
       +    #      Example: if creating a tomb, it could be sth like
       +    #          progress create 0 filling with random data
       +    #          progress create 40 generating key
       +    #          progress keygen 0 please move the mouse
       +    #          progress keygen 30 please move the mouse
       +    #          progress keygen 60 please move the mouse
       +    #          progress keygen 100 key generated
       +    #          progress create 80 please enter password
       +    #          progress create 90 formatting the tomb
       +    #          progress create 100 tomb created successfully
       +    if ! option_is_set --batch; then
       +        return
       +    fi
       +    print "[m][P][$1][$2][$3]" >&2
       +# Check what's installed
       +check_bin() {
       +    # check for required programs
       +    for req in cryptsetup pinentry sudo gpg; do
       +        command -v $req >/dev/null || die "Cannot find $req. It's a requirement to use Tomb, please install it." 1
       +    done
       +    export PATH=/sbin:/usr/sbin:$PATH
       +    # which dd command to use
       +    command -v dcfldd > /dev/null
       +    { test $? = 0 } && { DD="dcfldd statusinterval=1" }
       +    # which wipe command to use
       +    command -v wipe > /dev/null && WIPE="wipe -f -s" || WIPE="rm -f"
       +    # check for filesystem creation progs
       +    command -v mkfs.ext4 > /dev/null && \
       +        MKFS="mkfs.ext4 -q -F -j -L" || \
       +        MKFS="mkfs.ext3 -q -F -j -L"
       +    # check for mktemp
       +    command -v mktemp > /dev/null || MKTEMP=0
       +    # check for steghide
       +    command -v steghide > /dev/null || STEGHIDE=0
       +    # check for resize
       +    command -v e2fsck resize2fs > /dev/null || RESIZER=0
       +    if which tomb-kdf-pbkdf2 &> /dev/null; then
       +        KDF_PBKDF2="tomb-kdf-pbkdf2"
       +    else
       +        local our_pbkdf2
       +        our_pbkdf2="$(dirname $(readlink -f $TOMBEXEC))/kdf/tomb-kdf-pbkdf2"
       +        if which $our_pbkdf2 &> /dev/null; then
       +            KDF_PBKDF2=$our_pbkdf2
       +        else
       +            KDF_PBKDF2=
       +        fi
       +    fi
       +# }}} - Commandline interaction
       +# {{{ Key operations
       +typeset -h tombkeydir
       +# This function retrieves a tomb key specified on commandline or one
       +# laying nearby the tomb if found, or from stdin if the option was
       +# selected.  It also runs validity checks on the file. Callers should
       +# always use drop_key() when done with all key operations.
       +# On success returns 0 and prints out the full path to the key
       +load_key() {
       +    # check if the key is set manually then use the one existing
       +    local tombdir="$1"
       +    local tombname="$2"
       +    if option_is_set -k ; then
       +        if [[ "`option_value -k`" == "-" ]]; then
       +            # take key from stdin
       +            local tombkeydir
       +            tombkeydir=`safe_dir`
       +            cat > ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp
       +            tombkey=${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp
       +        else
       +            # take key from a file
       +            tombkey=`option_value -k`
       +        fi
       +    else
       +        # guess key as lying besides the tomb
       +        tombkey=${tombdir}/${tombname}.tomb.key
       +    fi
       +    if [ -r "${tombkey}" ]; then
       +        _message "We'll use this key:"
       +        _message " `ls -lh ${tombkey}`"
       +    else
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    # this does a check on the file header
       +    if ! is_valid_key ${tombkey}; then
       +        _warning "The key seems invalid, the application/pgp header is missing"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    print "$tombkey"
       +    return 0
       +# This function asks the user for the password to use the key it tests
       +# it against the return code of gpg on success returns 0 and prints
       +# the password (be careful about where you save it!)
       +ask_key_password() {
       +    tombkey="$1"
       +    local keyname=`basename $tombkey`
       +    _message "a password is required to use key ${keyname}"
       +    local passok=0
       +    local tombpass=""
       +    if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then
       +            tombpass=`option_value --tomb-pwd`
       +    else
       +        for c in 1 2 3; do
       +            if [ $c = 1 ]; then
       +                tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Insert password to use key: $keyname"`
       +            else
       +                tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Insert password to use key: $keyname (retry $c)"`
       +            fi
       +            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
       +                _warning "User aborted password dialog"
       +                return 1
       +            fi
       +            get_lukskey "$tombpass" ${tombkey} >/dev/null
       +            if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       +                passok=1; _message "Password OK."
       +                break;
       +            fi
       +        done
       +    fi
       +    { test "$passok" = "1" } || { return 1 }
       +    print "$tombpass"
       +    unset $tombpass
       +    return 0
       +# change tomb key password
       +change_passwd() {
       +    _message "Commanded to change password for tomb key $1"
       +    if ! option_is_set -f && ! option_is_set --ignore-swap; then check_swap; fi
       +    local keyfile="$1" # $1 is the tomb key path
       +    # check the keyfile
       +    if ! [ -r $keyfile ]; then
       +        _warning "key not found: $keyfile"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    if ! is_valid_key $keyfile ; then
       +        _warning "file doesn't seems to be a tomb key: $keyfile"
       +        _warning "operation aborted."
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    local tmpnewkey lukskey c tombpass tombpasstmp
       +    tmpnewkey=`safe_filename tombnew`
       +    lukskey=`safe_filename tombluks`
       +    _success "Changing password for $keyfile"
       +    tombpass=`ask_key_password $keyfile`
       +    { test $? = 0 } || {
       +        die "No valid password supplied" }
       +    get_lukskey "${tombpass}" ${keyfile} > ${lukskey};
       +    drop_key
       +    {
       +        gen_key $lukskey > ${tmpnewkey}
       +        if ! is_valid_key $tmpnewkey; then
       +            die "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid"
       +        else
       +            # copy the new key as the original keyfile name
       +            cp "${tmpnewkey}" "${keyfile}"
       +            _success "Your passphrase was successfully updated."
       +        fi
       +    } always {
       +        _verbose "cleanup: $tmpnewkey $lukskey"
       +        # wipe all temp file
       +        ${=WIPE} "${tmpnewkey}"
       +        ${=WIPE} "${lukskey}"
       +    }
       +    return $?
       +# To be called after load_key()
       +drop_key() {
       +   { test "$tombkeydir" = "" } && { return 0 }
       +   { test -r ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp } && {
       +       ${=WIPE} ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp; rmdir ${tombkeydir} }
       +#$1 is the keyfile we are checking
       +is_valid_key() {
       +    # this header validity check is a virtuosism by Hellekin
       +    [[ `file =(awk '/^-+BEGIN/,0' $1) -bi` =~ application/pgp ]]
       +    return $?
       +# Gets a key file and a password, prints out the decoded contents to
       +# be used directly by Luks as a cryptographic key
       +get_lukskey() {
       +# $1 is the password, $2 is the keyfile
       +    local tombpass=$1
       +    local keyfile=$2
       +    firstline=`head -n1 $keyfile`
       +    xxx "get_lukskey XXX $keyfile"
       +    if [[ $firstline =~ '^_KDF_' ]]; then
       +        _verbose "KDF: `cut -d_ -f 3 <<<$firstline`"
       +        case `cut -d_ -f 3 <<<$firstline` in
       +            pbkdf2sha1)
       +                if [[ -z $KDF_PBKDF2 ]]; then
       +                    die "The tomb use kdf method 'pbkdf2', which is unsupported on your system"
       +                fi
       +                pbkdf2_param=`cut -d_ -f 4- <<<$firstline | tr '_' ' '`
       +                tombpass=$(${KDF_PBKDF2} ${=pbkdf2_param} 2> /dev/null <<<$tombpass)
       +                ;;
       +            *)
       +                _failure "No suitable program for KDF `cut -f 3 <<<$firstline`"
       +                unset tombpass
       +                return 1
       +                ;;
       +        esac
       +    fi
       +    print ${tombpass} | \
       +        gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options --status-fd 2 \
       +        -d "${keyfile}" 2> /dev/null
       +    ret=$?
       +    xxx "gpg decryption returns $ret"
       +    unset tombpass
       +    return $ret
       +# takes care to encrypt a key
       +# honored options: --kdf  --tomb-pwd
       +gen_key() {
       +# $1 the lukskey to encrypt
       +    local lukskey=$1
       +    # here user is prompted for key password
       +    local tombpass=""
       +    local tombpasstmp=""
       +    if ! option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then
       +        while true; do
       +            # 3 tries to write two times a matching password
       +            tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Secure key for ${tombname}"`
       +            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
       +                die "User aborted"
       +            fi
       +            if [ -z $tombpass ]; then
       +                _warning "you set empty password, which is not possible"
       +                continue
       +            fi
       +            tombpasstmp=$tombpass
       +            tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Secure key for ${tombname} (again)"`
       +            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
       +                die "User aborted"
       +            fi
       +            if [ "$tombpasstmp" = "$tombpass" ]; then
       +                break;
       +            fi
       +            unset tombpasstmp
       +            unset tombpass
       +        done
       +    else
       +        tombpass=`option_value --tomb-pwd`
       +    fi
       +    # KDF is a new key strenghtening technique against brute forcing
       +    # see:
       +    _verbose "KDF method chosen is: '`option_value --kdf`'"
       +    kdf_method=$(cut -d: -f1 <<<`option_value --kdf` )
       +    case $kdf_method in
       +        pbkdf2)
       +            if [[ -z $KDF_PBKDF2 ]]; then
       +                die "The tomb use kdf method 'pbkdf2', which is unsupported on your system"
       +            fi
       +            # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds
       +            seconds=$(cut -d: -f2 -s <<<`option_value --kdf`)
       +            if [[ -z $seconds ]]; then
       +                seconds=1
       +            fi
       +            local -i microseconds
       +            microseconds=$((seconds*1000000))
       +            _verbose "Microseconds: $microseconds"
       +            pbkdf2_salt=`${KDF_PBKDF2}-gensalt`
       +            pbkdf2_iter=`${KDF_PBKDF2}-getiter $microseconds`
       +            # We use a length of 64bytes = 512bits (more than needed!?)
       +            tombpass=`${KDF_PBKDF2} $pbkdf2_salt $pbkdf2_iter 64 <<<"${tombpass}"`
       +            header="_KDF_pbkdf2sha1_${pbkdf2_salt}_${pbkdf2_iter}_64\n"
       +            ;;
       +        ""|null)
       +            header=""
       +            ;;
       +        *)
       +            _warning "KDF method non recognized"
       +            return 1
       +            header=""
       +            ;;
       +    esac
       +    echo -n $header
       +    print "${tombpass}" \
       +        | gpg --openpgp --batch --no-options --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 2>/dev/null \
       +        -o - -c -a ${lukskey}
       +    unset tombpass
       +# prints an array of ciphers available in gnupg (to encrypt keys)
       +list_gnupg_ciphers() {
       +    # prints an error if GnuPG is not found
       +    which gpg > /dev/null || die "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it."
       +    ciphers=(`gpg --version | awk '
       +BEGIN { ciphers=0 }
       +/^Cipher:/ { gsub(/,/,""); sub(/^Cipher:/,""); print; ciphers=1; next }
       +/^Hash:/ { ciphers=0 }
       +{ if(ciphers==0) { next } else { gsub(/,/,""); print; } }
       +    echo " ${ciphers}"
       +    return 1
       +# Steganographic function to bury a key inside an image.
       +bury_key() {
       +    tombkey=$1
       +    imagefile=$2
       +    file $tombkey | grep PGP > /dev/null
       +    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       +        _warning "encode failed: $tombkey is not a tomb key"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    file $imagefile | grep JPEG > /dev/null
       +    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       +        _warning "encode failed: $imagefile is not a jpeg image"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
            _success "Encoding key $tombkey inside image $imagefile"
            _message "please choose a password for the encoding"
       t@@ -526,6 +738,7 @@ encode_key() {
                return 1
       +# Requires steghide to be installed
            awk '
        /^-----/ {next}
        /^Version/ {next}
       t@@ -544,9 +757,8 @@ encode_key() {
            return $res
       -# }}}
       -# {{{   - Decode Key
       -decode_key() {
       +# Steganographic function to exhume a key buries into an image
       +exhume_key() {
       t@@ -569,6 +781,8 @@ decode_key() {
                    tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Steg password for $keyfile (retry $c)"`
       +        # always steghide required
                steghide extract -sf ${imagefile} -p ${tombpass} -xf - \
                    | awk '
        BEGIN {
       t@@ -595,96 +809,18 @@ print "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"
            return $res
       -list_gnupg_ciphers() {
       -    # prints an array of ciphers available in gnupg (to encrypt keys)
       -    # prints an error if GnuPG is not found
       -    which gpg > /dev/null || die "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it."
       -    ciphers=(`gpg --version | awk '
       -BEGIN { ciphers=0 }
       -/^Cipher:/ { gsub(/,/,""); sub(/^Cipher:/,""); print; ciphers=1; next }
       -/^Hash:/ { ciphers=0 }
       -{ if(ciphers==0) { next } else { gsub(/,/,""); print; } }
       -    echo " ${ciphers}"
       -    return 1
       -# }}}
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - HOOK HELPERS
       -# {{{   - Execute Bind Hooks
       -exec_safe_bind_hooks() {
       -    if [[ -n ${(k)opts[-o]} ]]; then
       -        MOUNTOPTS=${opts[-o]}
       -    fi
       -    local MOUNTPOINT="${1}"
       -    local ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)}
       -    local HOME=$(awk -v a="$ME" -F ':' '{if ($1 == a) print $6}' /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null)
       -    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
       -        _warning "how pitiful!  A tomb, and no HOME"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    if [ -z "$MOUNTPOINT" -o ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then
       -        _warning "cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    if ! [ -r "$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks" ]; then
       -        xxx "bind-hooks not found in $MOUNTPOINT"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    typeset -al mounted
       -    typeset -Al maps
       -    maps=($(<"$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks"))
       -    for dir in ${(k)maps}; do
       -        if [ "${dir[1]}" = "/" -o "${dir[1,2]}" = ".." ]; then
       -            _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME"
       -            continue
       -        fi
       -        if [ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" = "/" -o "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" = ".." ]; then
       -            _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME.  Rolling back"
       -            for dir in ${mounted}; do umount $dir; done
       -            return 1
       -        fi
       -        if [ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]; then
       -            _warning "bind-hook target not existent, skipping $HOME/${maps[$dir]}"
       -        elif [ ! -r "$MOUNTPOINT/$dir" ]; then
       -            _warning "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ${MOUNTPOINT}/${dir}"
       -        else
       -            mount -o bind,$MOUNTOPTS $MOUNTPOINT/$dir $HOME/${maps[$dir]}
       -            mounted+=("$HOME/${maps[$dir]}")
       -        fi
       -    done
       -# }}}
       -# {{{   - POST-MOUNT HOOKS
       -exec_safe_post_hooks() {
       -    local mnt=$1 # first argument is where the tomb is mounted
       -    local ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)}
       -    if ! [ -x ${mnt}/post-hooks ]; then return; fi
       -    # if 'post-hooks' is found inside the tomb, check it: if it is an
       -    # executable, launch it as a user this might need a dialog for
       -    # security on what is being run, however we expect you know well
       -    # what is inside your tomb.  this feature opens the possibility to
       -    # make encrypted executables.
       -    cat ${mnt}/post-hooks | head -n1 | grep '^#!/'
       -    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -        _success "post hooks found, executing as user $SUDO_USER"
       -        exec_as_user ${mnt}/post-hooks $2
       -    fi
       -# }}}
       -# }}}
       +# }}} - Key handling
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ TOMB SUB-COMMANDS
       +# {{{ Create
        # This is a new way to create tombs which dissects the whole create_tomb() into 3 clear steps:
       -#  - dig a .tomb (the large file) using /dev/random (takes some minutes at least)
       -#  - forge a .key (the small file) using /dev/urandom (good entropy needed)
       -#  - lock the .tomb file with the key, binding the key to the tomb (requires dm_crypt format)
       +# * dig a .tomb (the large file) using /dev/random (takes some minutes at least)
       +# * forge a .key (the small file) using /dev/urandom (good entropy needed)
       +# * lock the .tomb file with the key, binding the key to the tomb (requires dm_crypt format)
        forge_key() {
            _message "Commanded to forge key $1"
       t@@ -744,8 +880,7 @@ forge_key() {
            # the gen_key() function takes care of the new key's encryption
            gen_key ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp > ${tombkey}
       -    # this does a check on the file header, virtuosism by hellekin
       -    # [[ `file =(awk '/^-+BEGIN/,0' $1) -bi` =~ application/pgp ]]
       +    # this does a check on the file header
            if ! is_valid_key ${tombkey}; then
                _warning "The key does not seem to be valid"
                _warning "Dumping contents to screen:"
       t@@ -827,91 +962,6 @@ dig_tomb() {
            _message "tomb lock ${tombname}.tomb ${tombname}.tomb.key"
       -# this function retrieves a tomb key specified on commandline
       -# or one implicit if laying nearby the tomb, or from stin
       -# it also runs checks and creates a temporary key in memory
       -# to be dropped at the end of functions using it with drop_key()
       -# on success returns 0 and prints out the full path to the key
       -typeset -h tombkeydir
       -load_key() {
       -    # check if the key is set manually then use the one existing
       -    local tombdir="$1"
       -    local tombname="$2"
       -    if option_is_set -k ; then
       -        if [[ "`option_value -k`" == "-" ]]; then
       -            # take key from stdin
       -            local tombkeydir
       -            tombkeydir=`safe_dir`
       -            cat > ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp
       -            tombkey=${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp
       -        else
       -            # take key from a file
       -            tombkey=`option_value -k`
       -        fi
       -    else
       -        # guess key as lying besides the tomb
       -        tombkey=${tombdir}/${tombname}.tomb.key
       -    fi
       -    if [ -r "${tombkey}" ]; then
       -        _message "We'll use this key:"
       -        _message " `ls -lh ${tombkey}`"
       -    else
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    # this does a check on the file header, virtuosism by hellekin
       -    # [[ `file =(awk '/^-+BEGIN/,0' $1) -bi` =~ application/pgp ]]
       -    if ! is_valid_key ${tombkey}; then
       -        _warning "The key seems invalid, the application/pgp header is missing"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    print "$tombkey"
       -    return 0
       -# it asks the user for the password to use the key
       -# it tests it against the return code of gpg
       -# on success returns 0 and prints the password
       -# (to be saved into a temporary variable!)
       -ask_key_password() {
       -    tombkey="$1"
       -    local keyname=`basename $tombkey`
       -    _message "a password is required to use key ${keyname}"
       -    local passok=0
       -    local tombpass=""
       -    if option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then
       -            tombpass=`option_value --tomb-pwd`
       -    else
       -        for c in 1 2 3; do
       -            if [ $c = 1 ]; then
       -                tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Insert password to use key: $keyname"`
       -            else
       -                tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Insert password to use key: $keyname (retry $c)"`
       -            fi
       -            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
       -                _warning "User aborted password dialog"
       -                return 1
       -            fi
       -            get_lukskey "$tombpass" ${tombkey} >/dev/null
       -            if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -                passok=1; _message "Password OK."
       -                break;
       -            fi
       -        done
       -    fi
       -    { test "$passok" = "1" } || { return 1 }
       -    print "$tombpass"
       -    unset $tombpass
       -    return 0
       -drop_key() {
       -   { test "$tombkeydir" = "" } && { return 0 }
       -   { test -r ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp } && {
       -       ${=WIPE} ${tombkeydir}/stdin.tmp; rmdir ${tombkeydir} }
        # this function locks a tomb with a key file
        # in fact LUKS formatting the loopback volume
       t@@ -1008,167 +1058,48 @@ lock_tomb_with_key() {
            if [ $? != 0 ]; then
                _warning "Tomb format returned an error"
       -        _warning "your tomb ${tombfile} may be corrupted."
       -    fi
       -    sync
       -    cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp
       -    losetup -d ${nstloop}
       -    _message "done locking $tombname using Luks dm-crypt ${create_cipher}"
       -    _success "Your tomb is ready in ${tombdir}/${tombfile} and secured with key ${tombkey}"
       -# backward compatibility
       -create_tomb() {
       -    if ! [ $1 ]; then
       -        _warning "no tomb name specified for creation"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    dig_tomb ${=PARAM}
       -    { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to dig tomb, operation aborted." }
       -    tombfile=`basename $1`
       -    tombdir=`dirname $1`
       -    # make sure the file has a .tomb extension
       -    tombname=${tombfile%%\.*}
       -    tombfile=${tombname}.tomb
       -    forge_key ${tombfile}.key
       -    { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to forge key, operation aborted." }
       -    lock_tomb_with_key ${tombfile} -l ${tombfile}.key
       -    { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to lock tomb with key, operation aborted." }
       -    yes "Tomb $tombname succesfully created"
       -    ls -l ${tombfile}*
       -#internal use
       -#$1 is the keyfile we are checking
       -is_valid_key() {
       -    [[ `file =(awk '/^-+BEGIN/,0' $1) -bi` =~ application/pgp ]]
       -    return $?
       -#internal use
       -#$1 is the password, $2 is the keyfile
       -#will output the lukskey
       -get_lukskey() {
       -    local tombpass=$1
       -    local keyfile=$2
       -    firstline=`head -n1 $keyfile`
       -    xxx "get_lukskey XXX $keyfile"
       -    if [[ $firstline =~ '^_KDF_' ]]; then
       -        _verbose "KDF: `cut -d_ -f 3 <<<$firstline`"
       -        case `cut -d_ -f 3 <<<$firstline` in
       -            pbkdf2sha1)
       -                if [[ -z $KDF_PBKDF2 ]]; then
       -                    die "The tomb use kdf method 'pbkdf2', which is unsupported on your system"
       -                fi
       -                pbkdf2_param=`cut -d_ -f 4- <<<$firstline | tr '_' ' '`
       -                tombpass=$(${KDF_PBKDF2} ${=pbkdf2_param} 2> /dev/null <<<$tombpass)
       -                ;;
       -            *)
       -                _failure "No suitable program for KDF `cut -f 3 <<<$firstline`"
       -                unset tombpass
       -                return 1
       -                ;;
       -        esac
       +        _warning "your tomb ${tombfile} may be corrupted."
       -    print ${tombpass} | \
       -        gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options --status-fd 2 \
       -        -d "${keyfile}" 2> /dev/null
       -    ret=$?
       -    xxx "gpg decryption returns $ret"
       -    unset tombpass
       -    return $ret
       +    sync
       +    cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp
       +    losetup -d ${nstloop}
       +    _message "done locking $tombname using Luks dm-crypt ${create_cipher}"
       +    _success "Your tomb is ready in ${tombdir}/${tombfile} and secured with key ${tombkey}"
       -# internal use
       -# $1 the lukskey to encrypt
       -# honored options: --kdf  --tomb-pwd
       -gen_key() {
       -    local lukskey=$1
       -    # here user is prompted for key password
       -    local tombpass=""
       -    local tombpasstmp=""
       -    if ! option_is_set --tomb-pwd; then
       -        while true; do
       -            # 3 tries to write two times a matching password
       -            tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Secure key for ${tombname}"`
       -            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
       -                die "User aborted"
       -            fi
       -            if [ -z $tombpass ]; then
       -                _warning "you set empty password, which is not possible"
       -                continue
       -            fi
       -            tombpasstmp=$tombpass
       -            tombpass=`exec_as_user ${TOMBEXEC} askpass "Secure key for ${tombname} (again)"`
       -            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
       -                die "User aborted"
       -            fi
       -            if [ "$tombpasstmp" = "$tombpass" ]; then
       -                break;
       -            fi
       -            unset tombpasstmp
       -            unset tombpass
       -        done
       -    else
       -        tombpass=`option_value --tomb-pwd`
       +# backward compatibility
       +create_tomb() {
       +    if ! [ $1 ]; then
       +        _warning "no tomb name specified for creation"
       +        return 1
       +    dig_tomb ${=PARAM}
       +    { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to dig tomb, operation aborted." }
       -    # KDF is a new key strenghtening technique against brute forcing
       -    # see:
       -    _verbose "KDF method chosen is: '`option_value --kdf`'"
       -    kdf_method=$(cut -d: -f1 <<<`option_value --kdf` )
       -    case $kdf_method in
       -        pbkdf2)
       -            if [[ -z $KDF_PBKDF2 ]]; then
       -                die "The tomb use kdf method 'pbkdf2', which is unsupported on your system"
       -            fi
       -            # --kdf takes one parameter: iter time (on present machine) in seconds
       -            seconds=$(cut -d: -f2 -s <<<`option_value --kdf`)
       -            if [[ -z $seconds ]]; then
       -                seconds=1
       -            fi
       -            local -i microseconds
       -            microseconds=$((seconds*1000000))
       -            _verbose "Microseconds: $microseconds"
       -            pbkdf2_salt=`${KDF_PBKDF2}-gensalt`
       -            pbkdf2_iter=`${KDF_PBKDF2}-getiter $microseconds`
       -            # We use a length of 64bytes = 512bits (more than needed!?)
       -            tombpass=`${KDF_PBKDF2} $pbkdf2_salt $pbkdf2_iter 64 <<<"${tombpass}"`
       -            header="_KDF_pbkdf2sha1_${pbkdf2_salt}_${pbkdf2_iter}_64\n"
       -            ;;
       -        ""|null)
       +    tombfile=`basename $1`
       +    tombdir=`dirname $1`
       +    # make sure the file has a .tomb extension
       +    tombname=${tombfile%%\.*}
       +    tombfile=${tombname}.tomb
       -            header=""
       -            ;;
       -        *)
       -            _warning "KDF method non recognized"
       -            return 1
       -            header=""
       -            ;;
       -    esac
       -    echo -n $header
       +    forge_key ${tombfile}.key
       +    { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to forge key, operation aborted." }
       -    print "${tombpass}" \
       -        | gpg --openpgp --batch --no-options --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 2>/dev/null \
       -        -o - -c -a ${lukskey}
       +    lock_tomb_with_key ${tombfile} -l ${tombfile}.key
       +    { test $? = 0 } || { die "Failed to lock tomb with key, operation aborted." }
       -    unset tombpass
       +    yes "Tomb $tombname succesfully created"
       +    ls -l ${tombfile}*
       +# }}} - Creation
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - Open
       +# {{{ Open
        # $1 = tombfile $2(optional) = mountpoint
        mount_tomb() {
       t@@ -1296,54 +1227,209 @@ mount_tomb() {
            _success "Success opening $tombfile on $fg_bold[white]$tombmount$fg_no_bold[white]"
       -    # print out when was opened the last time, by whom and where
       -    { test -r ${tombmount}/.last } && {
       -        tombtty="`cat ${tombmount}/.tty`"
       -        tombhost="`cat ${tombmount}/.host`"
       -        tombuid="`cat ${tombmount}/.uid`"
       -        tomblast="`cat ${tombmount}/.last`"
       -        tombuser=`awk -F: '/:'"$tombuid"':/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd`
       -        say "last visit by $fg_bold[white]$tombuser($tombuid)$fg_no_bold[white] from $fg_bold[white]$tombtty$fg_no_bold[white] on $fg_bold[white]$tombhost$fg_no_bold[white]"
       -        say "on date $fg_bold[white]`date --date @${tomblast} +%c`$fg_no_bold[white]"
       -    }
       -    # write down the UID and TTY that opened the tomb
       -    rm -f ${tombmount}/.uid
       -    echo ${_uid} > ${tombmount}/.uid
       -    rm -f ${tombmount}/.tty
       -    echo ${_tty} > ${tombmount}/.tty
       -    # also the hostname
       -    rm -f ${tombmount}/.host
       -    echo `hostname` > ${tombmount}/.host
       -    # and the "last time opened" information
       -    # in minutes since 1970, this is printed at next open
       -    rm -f ${tombmount}/.last
       -    echo "`date +%s`" > ${tombmount}/.last
       -    # human readable: date --date=@"`cat .last`" +%c
       +    # print out when was opened the last time, by whom and where
       +    { test -r ${tombmount}/.last } && {
       +        tombtty="`cat ${tombmount}/.tty`"
       +        tombhost="`cat ${tombmount}/.host`"
       +        tombuid="`cat ${tombmount}/.uid`"
       +        tomblast="`cat ${tombmount}/.last`"
       +        tombuser=`awk -F: '/:'"$tombuid"':/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd`
       +        say "last visit by $fg_bold[white]$tombuser($tombuid)$fg_no_bold[white] from $fg_bold[white]$tombtty$fg_no_bold[white] on $fg_bold[white]$tombhost$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +        say "on date $fg_bold[white]`date --date @${tomblast} +%c`$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +    }
       +    # write down the UID and TTY that opened the tomb
       +    rm -f ${tombmount}/.uid
       +    echo ${_uid} > ${tombmount}/.uid
       +    rm -f ${tombmount}/.tty
       +    echo ${_tty} > ${tombmount}/.tty
       +    # also the hostname
       +    rm -f ${tombmount}/.host
       +    echo `hostname` > ${tombmount}/.host
       +    # and the "last time opened" information
       +    # in minutes since 1970, this is printed at next open
       +    rm -f ${tombmount}/.last
       +    echo "`date +%s`" > ${tombmount}/.last
       +    # human readable: date --date=@"`cat .last`" +%c
       +    # process bind-hooks (mount -o bind of directories)
       +    # and post-hooks (execute on open)
       +    if ! option_is_set -n ; then
       +        exec_safe_bind_hooks ${tombmount}
       +        exec_safe_post_hooks ${tombmount} open
       +    fi
       +    return 0
       +# ## Hooks execution
       +exec_safe_bind_hooks() {
       +    if [[ -n ${(k)opts[-o]} ]]; then
       +        MOUNTOPTS=${opts[-o]}
       +    fi
       +    local MOUNTPOINT="${1}"
       +    local ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)}
       +    local HOME=$(awk -v a="$ME" -F ':' '{if ($1 == a) print $6}' /etc/passwd 2>/dev/null)
       +    if [ $? -ne 0 ]; then
       +        _warning "how pitiful!  A tomb, and no HOME"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    if [ -z "$MOUNTPOINT" -o ! -d "$MOUNTPOINT" ]; then
       +        _warning "cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    if ! [ -r "$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks" ]; then
       +        xxx "bind-hooks not found in $MOUNTPOINT"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    typeset -al mounted
       +    typeset -Al maps
       +    maps=($(<"$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks"))
       +    for dir in ${(k)maps}; do
       +        if [ "${dir[1]}" = "/" -o "${dir[1,2]}" = ".." ]; then
       +            _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME"
       +            continue
       +        fi
       +        if [ "${${maps[$dir]}[1]}" = "/" -o "${${maps[$dir]}[1,2]}" = ".." ]; then
       +            _warning "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/\$HOME.  Rolling back"
       +            for dir in ${mounted}; do umount $dir; done
       +            return 1
       +        fi
       +        if [ ! -r "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]; then
       +            _warning "bind-hook target not existent, skipping $HOME/${maps[$dir]}"
       +        elif [ ! -r "$MOUNTPOINT/$dir" ]; then
       +            _warning "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ${MOUNTPOINT}/${dir}"
       +        else
       +            mount -o bind,$MOUNTOPTS $MOUNTPOINT/$dir $HOME/${maps[$dir]}
       +            mounted+=("$HOME/${maps[$dir]}")
       +        fi
       +    done
       +# Post mount hooks
       +exec_safe_post_hooks() {
       +    local mnt=$1 # first argument is where the tomb is mounted
       +    local ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)}
       +    if ! [ -x ${mnt}/post-hooks ]; then return; fi
       +    # if 'post-hooks' is found inside the tomb, check it: if it is an
       +    # executable, launch it as a user this might need a dialog for
       +    # security on what is being run, however we expect you know well
       +    # what is inside your tomb.  this feature opens the possibility to
       +    # make encrypted executables.
       +    cat ${mnt}/post-hooks | head -n1 | grep '^#!/'
       +    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       +        _success "post hooks found, executing as user $SUDO_USER"
       +        exec_as_user ${mnt}/post-hooks $2
       +    fi
       +# }}} - Tomb open
       +# {{{ List
       +# list all tombs mounted in a readable format
       +# $1 is optional, to specify a tomb
       +list_tombs() {
       +    # list all open tombs
       +    mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
       +    { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && {
       +        die "I can't see any ${1:-open} tomb, may they all rest in peace." }
       +    for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
       +        mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
       +        tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
       +        tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]}
       +        tombfs=${t[(ws:;:)3]}
       +        tombfsopts=${t[(ws:;:)4]}
       +        tombloop=${mapper[(ws:.:)4]}
       +        # calculate tomb size
       +        ts=`df -hP /dev/mapper/$mapper |
       +    awk "/mapper/"' { print $2 ";" $3 ";" $4 ";" $5 }'`
       +        tombtot=${ts[(ws:;:)1]}
       +        tombused=${ts[(ws:;:)2]}
       +        tombavail=${ts[(ws:;:)3]}
       +        tombpercent=${ts[(ws:;:)4]}
       +        tombp=${tombpercent%%%}
       +        tombsince=`date --date=@${mapper[(ws:.:)3]} +%c`
       +        # find out who opens it from where
       +        { test -r ${tombmount}/.tty } && {
       +            tombtty="`cat ${tombmount}/.tty`"
       +            tombhost="`cat ${tombmount}/.host`"
       +            tombuid="`cat ${tombmount}/.uid`"
       +            tombuser=`awk -F: '/:'"$tombuid"':/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd`
       +        }
       +    if option_is_set --get-mountpoint; then
       +        echo $tombmount
       +        continue
       +    fi
       +        # breaking up such strings is good for translation
       +        print -n "$fg[green]$tombname"
       +        print -n "$fg[white] open on "
       +        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombmount"
       +        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] using "
       +        print "$fg_bold[white]$tombfs $tombfsopts"
       +        print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       +        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] open since "
       +        print "$fg_bold[white]$tombsince$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +        { test "$tombtty" = "" } || {
       +            print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       +            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] open by "
       +            print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombuser"
       +            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] from "
       +            print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombtty"
       +            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] on "
       +            print "$fg_bold[white]$tombhost"
       +        }
       +        print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       +        print -n "$fg[white] size "
       +        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombtot"
       +        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] of which "
       +        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombused"
       +        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] used: "
       +        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombavail"
       +        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] free ("
       +        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombpercent"
       +        print "$fg_no_bold[white] full)"
       +        if [[ ${tombp} -ge 90 ]]; then
       +            print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       +            print "$fg_bold[red] Your tomb is almost full!"
       +        fi
       -    # process bind-hooks (mount -o bind of directories)
       -    # and post-hooks (execute on open)
       -    if ! option_is_set -n ; then
       -        exec_safe_bind_hooks ${tombmount}
       -        exec_safe_post_hooks ${tombmount} open
       -    fi
       -    return 0
       +        # now check hooks
       +        mounted_hooks=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`)
       +        for h in ${mounted_hooks}; do
       +            print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       +            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] hooks "
       +#            print -n "$fg_bold[white]`basename ${h[(ws:;:)1]}`"
       +#            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] on "
       +            print "$fg_bold[white]${h[(ws:;:)2]}$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +        done
       +    done
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - Internal operations on mounted tombs
       -# list_tomb_mounts
        # print out an array of mounted tombs (internal use)
        # format is semi-colon separated list of attributes
        # if 1st arg is supplied, then list only that tomb
       -# Positions in array:
       -# 1 = full mapper path
       -# 2 = mountpoint
       -# 3 = filesystem type
       -# 4 = mount options
       -# 5 = tomb name
       +# String positions in the semicolon separated array:
       +# 1. full mapper path
       +# 2. mountpoint
       +# 3. filesystem type
       +# 4. mount options
       +# 5. tomb name
        list_tomb_mounts() {
            if [ "$1" = "" ]; then
                # list all open tombs
       t@@ -1401,205 +1487,67 @@ BEGIN { main="" }
                /bind/ { print $1 ";" $3 ";" $5 ";" $6 ";" $7 }'
       -# }}}
       +# }}} - Tomb list
       -# {{{ - Close
       -# {{{   - Slam the door
       -# Kill all processes using the tomb
       -slam_tomb() {
       -    # $1 = tomb mount point
       -    if [[ -z `fuser -m "$1" 2> /dev/null` ]]; then
       -        return 0
       -    fi
       -    #Note: shells are NOT killed by INT or TERM, but they are killed by HUP
       -    for s in TERM HUP KILL; do
       -        xxx "Sending $s to processes inside the tomb:"
       -        if option_is_set -D; then
       -            ps -fp `fuser -m /media/a.tomb 2> /dev/null`|
       -            while read line; do
       -                xxx $line
       -            done
       -        fi
       -        fuser -s -m "$1" -k -M -$s
       -        if [[ -z `fuser -m "$1" 2> /dev/null` ]]; then
       -            return 0
       -        fi
       -        if ! option_is_set -f; then
       -            sleep 3
       -        fi
       -    done
       -    return 1
       -# }}}
       -# {{{   - Unmount Tomb
       -umount_tomb() {
       -    local tombs how_many_tombs
       -    local pathmap mapper tombname tombmount loopdev
       -    local ans pidk pname
       +# {{{ Index and search
       -    if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then
       -        mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts`)
       -    else
       -        mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
       -    fi
       +# index files in all tombs for search
       +# $1 is optional, to specify a tomb
       +index_tombs() {
       +    { command -v updatedb > /dev/null } || {
       +        die "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb not installed" }
       +    mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
            { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && {
       -            _warning "There is no open tomb to be closed"
       -            return 1 }
       -    { test ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 } && { test "$1" = "" } && {
       -            _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)"
       -            _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all."
       -            return 1 }
       -    say "Tomb close $1"
       +        if [ $1 ]; then die "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [$1]"
       +        else die "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace."
       +        fi
       +    }
       +    yes "Creating and updating search indexes"
            for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
                mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
       -        tombfs=${t[(ws:;:)3]}
       -        tombfsopts=${t[(ws:;:)4]}
       -        tombloop=${mapper[(ws:.:)4]}
       -        xxx "name: $tombname"
       -        xxx "mount: $tombmount"
       -        xxx "mapper: $mapper"
       -        { test -e "$mapper" } && {
       -            _warning "Tomb not found: $1"
       -            _warning "Please specify an existing tomb."
       -            return 0 }
       -        if [ $SLAM ]; then
       -            _success "Slamming tomb $tombname mounted on $tombmount"
       -            _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb"
       -            if ! slam_tomb "$tombmount"; then
       -                _warning "Cannot slam the tomb $tombname"
       -                return 1
       -            fi
       -        else
       -            say "Closing tomb $tombname mounted on $tombmount"
       -        fi
       -    # check if there are binded dirs and close them
       -        bind_tombs=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`)
       -        for b in ${bind_tombs}; do
       -            bind_mapper="${b[(ws:;:)1]}"
       -            bind_mount="${b[(ws:;:)2]}"
       -            _message "closing tomb bind hook: $bind_mount"
       -            umount $bind_mount
       -            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
       -                if [ $SLAM ]; then
       -                    _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook"
       -                    slam_tomb "$bind_mount"
       -                    if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
       -                        _warning "Cannot slam the bind hook $bind_mount"
       -                        return 1
       -                    fi
       -                    umount $bind_mount
       -                else
       -                    _warning "Tomb bind hook $bind_mount is busy, cannot close tomb."
       -                fi
       -            fi
       -        done
       -    # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup
       -        if ! option_is_set -n ; then
       -            exec_safe_post_hooks ${tombmount%%/} close
       -        fi
       -        xxx "performing umount of $tombmount"
       -        umount ${tombmount}
       -        if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then _warning "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!"
       -        else
       -        # this means we used a "default" mount point
       -            { test "${tombmount}" = "/media/${tombname}.tomb" } && {
       -                rmdir ${tombmount} }
       -        fi
       -        cryptsetup luksClose $mapper
       -        { test $? = 0 } || {
       -            _warning "error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ${mapper}"
       -            return 1 }
       -        losetup -d "/dev/$tombloop"
       -    # # kill the status tray widget if still present
       -    # # this makes the widget disappear when closing tomb from cli
       -    #        awkmapper=`sed 's:\/:\\\/:g' <<< $mapper`
       -    #        statustray_pid=`ps ax | awk "/tomb-status $awkmapper/"' {print $1} '`
       -    #        { test "$statustray_pid" = "" } || { kill ${statustray_pid} }
       -        _success "Tomb $tombname closed: your bones will rest in peace."
       -    done # loop across mounted tombs
       -    return 0
       +        { test -r ${tombmount}/.noindex } && {
       +            say "skipping $tombname (.noindex found)"
       +            continue }
       +        say "sndexing $tombname"
       +        updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount}
       +        say "search index updated"
       +    done
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - Change Password
       -# $1 is the tomb key path
       -# change tomb key password
       -change_passwd() {
       -    _message "Commanded to change password for tomb key $1"
       -    if ! option_is_set -f && ! option_is_set --ignore-swap; then check_swap; fi
       -    local keyfile="$1"
       -    # check the keyfile
       -    if ! [ -r $keyfile ]; then
       -        _warning "key not found: $keyfile"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    if ! is_valid_key $keyfile ; then
       -        _warning "file doesn't seems to be a tomb key: $keyfile"
       -        _warning "operation aborted."
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    local tmpnewkey lukskey c tombpass tombpasstmp
       -    tmpnewkey=`safe_filename tombnew`
       -    lukskey=`safe_filename tombluks`
       -    _success "Changing password for $keyfile"
       -    tombpass=`ask_key_password $keyfile`
       -    { test $? = 0 } || {
       -        die "No valid password supplied" }
       -    get_lukskey "${tombpass}" ${keyfile} > ${lukskey};
       -    drop_key
       -    {
       -        gen_key $lukskey > ${tmpnewkey}
       +search_tombs() {
       +    { command -v locate > /dev/null } || {
       +        die "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb not installed" }
       -        if ! is_valid_key $tmpnewkey; then
       -            die "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid"
       +    # list all open tombs
       +    mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
       +    { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && {
       +        die "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." }
       +    yes "Searching for: $fg_bold[white]${=PARAM}$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +    for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
       +        xxx "checking for index: ${t}"
       +        mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
       +        tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
       +        tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]}
       +        if [ -r ${tombmount}/.updatedb ]; then
       +            say "Searching in tomb $tombname"
       +            locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i ${=PARAM}
       +            say "Matches found: `locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${=PARAM}`"
       -            # copy the new key as the original keyfile name
       -            cp "${tmpnewkey}" "${keyfile}"
       -            _success "Your passphrase was successfully updated."
       +            no "skipping tomb $tombname: not indexed"
       +            no "run 'tomb index' to create indexes"
       -    } always {
       -        _verbose "cleanup: $tmpnewkey $lukskey"
       -        # wipe all temp file
       -        ${=WIPE} "${tmpnewkey}"
       -        ${=WIPE} "${lukskey}"
       -    }
       +    done
       -    return $?
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - Resize
       +# }}} - Index and search
       +# {{{ Resize
        # resize tomb file size
       -# $1 is tomb path
        resize_tomb() {
            _message "Commanded to resize tomb $1 to $opts[-s] megabytes"
            if ! [ $1 ]; then
       t@@ -1607,6 +1555,7 @@ resize_tomb() {
            elif ! [ -r "$1" ]; then
                _failure "Cannot find $1"
       +    # $1 is the tomb file path
            local c tombpass tombkey
            local tombfile=`basename $1`
       t@@ -1713,69 +1662,29 @@ resize_tomb() {
        # }}}
       +# {{{ Close
       -# {{{ - Index
       -# index files in all tombs for search
       -# $1 is optional, to specify a tomb
       -index_tombs() {
       -    { command -v updatedb > /dev/null } || {
       -        die "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb not installed" }
       -    mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
       -    { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && {
       -        if [ $1 ]; then die "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [$1]"
       -        else die "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace."
       -        fi
       -    }
       +umount_tomb() {
       +    local tombs how_many_tombs
       +    local pathmap mapper tombname tombmount loopdev
       +    local ans pidk pname
       -    yes "Creating and updating search indexes"
       -    for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
       -        mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
       -        tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
       -        tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]}
       -        { test -r ${tombmount}/.noindex } && {
       -            say "skipping $tombname (.noindex found)"
       -            continue }
       -        say "sndexing $tombname"
       -        updatedb -l 0 -o ${tombmount}/.updatedb -U ${tombmount}
       -        say "search index updated"
       -    done
       -search_tombs() {
       -    { command -v locate > /dev/null } || {
       -        die "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb not installed" }
       +    if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then
       +        mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts`)
       +    else
       +        mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
       +    fi
       -    # list all open tombs
       -    mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
            { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && {
       -        die "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace." }
       -    yes "Searching for: $fg_bold[white]${=PARAM}$fg_no_bold[white]"
       -    for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
       -        xxx "checking for index: ${t}"
       -        mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
       -        tombname=${t[(ws:;:)5]}
       -        tombmount=${t[(ws:;:)2]}
       -        if [ -r ${tombmount}/.updatedb ]; then
       -            say "Searching in tomb $tombname"
       -            locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i ${=PARAM}
       -            say "Matches found: `locate -d ${tombmount}/.updatedb -e -i -c ${=PARAM}`"
       -        else
       -            no "skipping tomb $tombname: not indexed"
       -            no "run 'tomb index' to create indexes"
       -        fi
       -    done
       +            _warning "There is no open tomb to be closed"
       +            return 1 }
       -# {{{ - List
       -# list all tombs mounted in a readable format
       -# $1 is optional, to specify a tomb
       -list_tombs() {
       +    { test ${#mounted_tombs} -gt 1 } && { test "$1" = "" } && {
       +            _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)"
       +            _warning "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all."
       +            return 1 }
       -    # list all open tombs
       -    mounted_tombs=(`list_tomb_mounts $1`)
       -    { test ${#mounted_tombs} = 0 } && {
       -        die "I can't see any ${1:-open} tomb, may they all rest in peace." }
       +    say "Tomb close $1"
            for t in ${mounted_tombs}; do
                mapper=`basename ${t[(ws:;:)1]}`
       t@@ -1785,132 +1694,105 @@ list_tombs() {
       -        # calculate tomb size
       -        ts=`df -hP /dev/mapper/$mapper |
       -    awk "/mapper/"' { print $2 ";" $3 ";" $4 ";" $5 }'`
       -        tombtot=${ts[(ws:;:)1]}
       -        tombused=${ts[(ws:;:)2]}
       -        tombavail=${ts[(ws:;:)3]}
       -        tombpercent=${ts[(ws:;:)4]}
       -        tombp=${tombpercent%%%}
       -        tombsince=`date --date=@${mapper[(ws:.:)3]} +%c`
       -        # find out who opens it from where
       -        { test -r ${tombmount}/.tty } && {
       -            tombtty="`cat ${tombmount}/.tty`"
       -            tombhost="`cat ${tombmount}/.host`"
       -            tombuid="`cat ${tombmount}/.uid`"
       -            tombuser=`awk -F: '/:'"$tombuid"':/ {print $1}' /etc/passwd`
       -        }
       +        xxx "name: $tombname"
       +        xxx "mount: $tombmount"
       +        xxx "mapper: $mapper"
       -    if option_is_set --get-mountpoint; then
       -        echo $tombmount
       -        continue
       -    fi
       -        # breaking up such strings is good for translation
       -        print -n "$fg[green]$tombname"
       -        print -n "$fg[white] open on "
       -        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombmount"
       -        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] using "
       -        print "$fg_bold[white]$tombfs $tombfsopts"
       +        { test -e "$mapper" } && {
       +            _warning "Tomb not found: $1"
       +            _warning "Please specify an existing tomb."
       +            return 0 }
       -        print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       -        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] open since "
       -        print "$fg_bold[white]$tombsince$fg_no_bold[white]"
       +        if [ $SLAM ]; then
       +            _success "Slamming tomb $tombname mounted on $tombmount"
       +            _message "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb"
       +            if ! slam_tomb "$tombmount"; then
       +                _warning "Cannot slam the tomb $tombname"
       +                return 1
       +            fi
       +        else
       +            say "Closing tomb $tombname mounted on $tombmount"
       +        fi
       -        { test "$tombtty" = "" } || {
       -            print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       -            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] open by "
       -            print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombuser"
       -            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] from "
       -            print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombtty"
       -            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] on "
       -            print "$fg_bold[white]$tombhost"
       -        }
       +    # check if there are binded dirs and close them
       +        bind_tombs=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`)
       +        for b in ${bind_tombs}; do
       +            bind_mapper="${b[(ws:;:)1]}"
       +            bind_mount="${b[(ws:;:)2]}"
       +            _message "closing tomb bind hook: $bind_mount"
       +            umount $bind_mount
       +            if [[ $? != 0 ]]; then
       +                if [ $SLAM ]; then
       +                    _success "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook"
       +                    slam_tomb "$bind_mount"
       +                    if [[ $? == 1 ]]; then
       +                        _warning "Cannot slam the bind hook $bind_mount"
       +                        return 1
       +                    fi
       +                    umount $bind_mount
       +                else
       +                    _warning "Tomb bind hook $bind_mount is busy, cannot close tomb."
       +                fi
       +            fi
       +        done
       -        print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       -        print -n "$fg[white] size "
       -        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombtot"
       -        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] of which "
       -        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombused"
       -        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] used: "
       -        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombavail"
       -        print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] free ("
       -        print -n "$fg_bold[white]$tombpercent"
       -        print "$fg_no_bold[white] full)"
       +    # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup
       +        if ! option_is_set -n ; then
       +            exec_safe_post_hooks ${tombmount%%/} close
       +        fi
       -        if [[ ${tombp} -ge 90 ]]; then
       -            print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       -            print "$fg_bold[red] Your tomb is almost full!"
       +        xxx "performing umount of $tombmount"
       +        umount ${tombmount}
       +        if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then _warning "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!"
       +        else
       +        # this means we used a "default" mount point
       +            { test "${tombmount}" = "/media/${tombname}.tomb" } && {
       +                rmdir ${tombmount} }
       -        # now check hooks
       -        mounted_hooks=(`list_tomb_binds $tombname`)
       -        for h in ${mounted_hooks}; do
       -            print -n "$fg_no_bold[green]$tombname"
       -            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] hooks "
       -#            print -n "$fg_bold[white]`basename ${h[(ws:;:)1]}`"
       -#            print -n "$fg_no_bold[white] on "
       -            print "$fg_bold[white]${h[(ws:;:)2]}$fg_no_bold[white]"
       -        done
       -    done
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ - Status
       -launch_status() {
       -    # calculates the correct arguments to launch tomb-status tray
       -    # applet; it takes the tomb name as an argument and can be
       -    # launched after a successful tomb mount.
       +        cryptsetup luksClose $mapper
       +        { test $? = 0 } || {
       +            _warning "error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ${mapper}"
       +            return 1 }
       -    which tomb-status > /dev/null
       -    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        die "Cannot find tomb-status binary, operation aborted."
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       +        losetup -d "/dev/$tombloop"
       -    if ! [ $DISPLAY ]; then
       -        _warning "No active X display found, operation aborted."
       -        _warning "Status launches a graphical tray applet, you need X running."
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       +        _success "Tomb $tombname closed: your bones will rest in peace."
       -    # check argument. use single tomb mounted if no argument
       -    # abort if more than one tomb is mounted.
       -    if ! [ $1 ]; then
       -        tombs=`find /dev/mapper -name 'tomb.*'`
       -        how_many_tombs=`wc -w <<< "$tombs"`
       -        if [[ "$how_many_tombs" == "0" ]]; then
       -            _warning "There is no open tomb, status cannot be launched"
       -            return 1
       -        elif [[ "$how_many_tombs" == "1" ]]; then
       -            #mapper=`find /dev/mapper -name 'tomb.*'`
       -            tombname=`find /dev/mapper -name "tomb.*"`
       -            tombname=`basename $tombname | cut -d. -f2`
       -            _success "launching status for tomb $tombname"
       -        else
       -            _warning "Too many tombs mounted, please specify which one"
       -            list_tombs
       +    done # loop across mounted tombs
       +    return 0
       +# Kill all processes using the tomb
       +slam_tomb() {
       +    # $1 = tomb mount point
       +    if [[ -z `fuser -m "$1" 2> /dev/null` ]]; then
       +        return 0
       +    fi
       +    #Note: shells are NOT killed by INT or TERM, but they are killed by HUP
       +    for s in TERM HUP KILL; do
       +        xxx "Sending $s to processes inside the tomb:"
       +        if option_is_set -D; then
       +            ps -fp `fuser -m /media/a.tomb 2> /dev/null`|
       +            while read line; do
       +                xxx $line
       +            done
       +        fi
       +        fuser -s -m "$1" -k -M -$s
       +        if [[ -z `fuser -m "$1" 2> /dev/null` ]]; then
                    return 0
       -    else
       -        # name was specified on command line
       -        tombname=$1
       -        ls /dev/mapper | grep "^tomb.${tombname}.*" > /dev/null
       -        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -            _warning "Cannot find any tomb named $tombname being open, operation aborted."
       -            return 1
       +        if ! option_is_set -f; then
       +            sleep 3
       -    fi
       -    # finally we launch
       -    tombmap=`mount -l | awk "/\[${tombname}\]$/"' { print $1 } '`
       -    tombmount=`mount -l | awk "/\[${tombname}\]$/"' { print $3 } '`
       -    tomb-status $tombmap $tombname $tombmount &!
       -    return 0
       +    done
       +    return 1
       -# }}}
       -# {{{ MAIN COMMAND
       +# }}} - Tomb close
       +# {{{ Main routine
        main() {
            local -A subcommands_opts
       t@@ -1932,7 +1814,7 @@ main() {
            #    If you want to use the same option in multiple commands then
            #    you can only use the non-abbreviated long-option version like:
            #    -force and NOT -f
       -        main_opts=(q -quiet=q D -debug=D h -help=h v -version=v U: -uid=U G: -gid=G T: -tty=T -no-color -unsecure-dev-mode)
       +    main_opts=(q -quiet=q D -debug=D h -help=h v -version=v U: -uid=U G: -gid=G T: -tty=T -no-color -unsecure-dev-mode)
            subcommands_opts[open]="f n -nohook=n k: -key=k o: -mount-options=o -ignore-swap -sudo-pwd: -tomb-pwd:"
       t@@ -1961,7 +1843,6 @@ main() {
       -    subcommands_opts[status]=""
            subcommands_opts[resize]="s: -size=s k: -key=k"
        #    subcommands_opts[translate]=""
       t@@ -2089,9 +1970,6 @@ main() {
                    list_tombs $PARAM[1]
       -        status)
       -            launch_status $PARAM[1]
       -            ;;
                    index_tombs $PARAM[1]
       t@@ -2108,13 +1986,14 @@ main() {
                        _warning "steghide not installed. Cannot bury your key"
                        return 1
       -                 encode_key $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2] ;;
       +            bury_key $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2]
       +            ;;
                    if [ "$STEGHIDE" = 0 ]; then
                        _warning "steghide not installed. Cannot exhume your key"
                        return 1
       -            decode_key $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2]
       +            exhume_key $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2]
                    if [ "$RESIZER" = 0 ]; then
       t@@ -2131,7 +2010,7 @@ main() {
                askpass)    ask_password $PARAM[1] $PARAM[2] ;;
                mktemp)     safe_dir $PARAM[1] ;;
                translate)  generate_translatable_strings ;;
       -      check) check_command $PARAM[1] ;;
                    cat <<EOF
        Tomb $VERSION - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets
       t@@ -2160,9 +2039,9 @@ EOF
        # }}}
       -# {{{ RUNTIME
       +# {{{ Run
        main $@