tremoved obsolete manual - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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 (HTM) Author: Jaromil <>
       Date:   Thu, 23 Jul 2015 15:27:40 +0200
       removed obsolete manual
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       -#+TITLE: Tomb User Manual
       -#+AUTHOR: Jaromil @
       -#+LaTeX_CLASS: article
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       -*Abstract*: Tomb is a cryptographic application that helps you store
       - private and confidential data into volumes secured by keys and
       - passwords. It works on GNU/Linux operating systems, both for desktop
       - and remote shell usage, presenting users with with an intuitive
       - command-line interface. This manual will outline the basic usage of
       - Tomb, from getting started to the everyday drill, plus tips and
       - recommendations on advanced usage and data safety.
       -#+KEYWORDS: Crypto, Storage, Luks, Cryptsetup, DM-Crypt, Privacy, Secrecy
       -#+EXCLUDE_KEYWORD: noexport
       -#+LATEX: \newpage
       -* This user manual is obsolete, please refer to *man tomb*
       -* Why Tomb?
       -** Privacy and freedom
       -The internet offers plenty of free services, on the wave of the Web2.0
       -fuzz and the community boom, while all private informations are hosted
       -on servers owned by global corporations and monopolies.
       -It is important to keep in mind that no-one else better than *you* can
       -ensure the privacy of your personal data.  Server hosted services and
       -web integrated technologies gather all data into huge information
       -pools that are made available to established economical and cultural
       -*This software urges you to reflect on the importance of your
       -privacy*. World is full of prevarication and political imprisonments,
       -war rages in several places and media is mainly used for propaganda by
       -the powers in charge. Some of us face the dangers of being tracked by
       -oppressors opposing our self definition, independent thinking and
       -resistance to omologation.
       -  "The  distinction between  what is  public  and what  is private  is
       -   becoming more and more blurred with the increasing intrusiveness of
       -   the  media  and  advances  in electronic  technology.   While  this
       -   distinction   is  always   the  outcome   of   continuous  cultural
       -   negotiation,  it continues  to be  critical, for  where  nothing is
       -   private, democracy becomes impossible."
       -(from [[][Privacy Conference, Social Research, New School University]])
       -** Who needs Tomb
       -Tomb improves the usability patterns of every-day cryptography and
       -relies on military-grade algorithms to grant a level of secrecy for
       -stored data that is very hard to break by most military organisations
       -and law enforcement agencies.
       -Our target community are GNU/Linux users with no time to click around,
       -sometimes using old or borrowed computers, operating in places
       -endangered by conflict where a leak of personal data can be a threat.
       -For example, if one doesn't owns a laptop or simply doesn't likes to
       -carry a computer around, Tomb functions as a secure on-line and
       -off-line storage for data and programs. On a desktop computer, Tomb
       -can store some files locked using a /key/ which can be carried with
       -you and hidden into images. Tomb can do that also on a remote shell
       -and setup a ready environment every time its opened by mounting
       -personal directories in place using /bind hooks/.
       -** Under the Hood
       -Tomb provides military-grade encryption at the reach of your
       -fingertips, fostering best practices and saving users the time to look
       -into the details of /LUKS/ volumes and /cryptsetup/. Rather than
       -reinventing the wheel, Tomb relies only on peer-reviewed, free and
       -open source software components: at its core is DM-Crypt[fn:dm-crypt]
       -which is part of the Linux kernel architecture.
       -For better clarity, Tomb is written in shell script and its code can
       -be reviewed any time. More specifically, Tomb is written in ZSh, but
       -can be used also from Bash.
       -Tomb is written in a way that promotes privilege separation: a system
       -can let its users execute the script as root, resting assured that it
       -will drop privileges when unneeded.
       -The key files in Tomb are generated using high entropy random and
       -protected via symmetric cryptography using GnuPG. The combination of a
       -key and its password allow to open a tomb: the key contents are used
       -to encrypt LUKS volumes mounted in loopback. The password is asked
       -using /Pinentry/ programs to protect from common software keyloggers
       -and measures are taken to avoid leaving traces on any permanent
       -** Yet another tool?
       -Tomb is an evolution of the /Nesting/ tool developed in 2001 for the
       -[[][Dyne:bolic GNU/Linux distribution]]: a /nomadic system/ to encrypt the
       -Home directory of users and have it ready for use on different
       -machines. At that time, Tomb was the first secure implementation of
       -what nowadays we call /persistent storage/ in live operating systems.
       -Later on we've felt the urgency to publishing this mechanism for other
       -operating systems than dyne:bolic since the current situation in
       -personal desktop encryption is far from optimal. Let's have a look.
       -\index{truecrypt} [[][TrueCrypt]] makes use of statically linked libraries
       -so that its code is hard to audit, plus is [[][not considered free]] by free
       -operating system distributors because of liability reasons, see
       -[[][Debian]], [[][Ubuntu]], [[][Suse]], [[][Gentoo]] and [[][Fedora]]. For these and other reasons -
       -presumably very sad ones for its users - Truecrypt has also been
       -[[][Cryptkeeper]] is the best alternative to Tomb out there and its main
       -advantage consists in not needing root access on the machine it's
       -being used. But Cryptkeeper still has drawbacks: it uses [[][EncFS]] which
       -implements weaker encryption than dm-crypt and it doesn't promotes the
       -separated storage of keys.
       -At last, the [[][Encrypted home]] mechanisms on operating systems as Debian
       -and Ubuntu adopt encryption algorithms as strong as Tomb does, but
       -they need to be configured when the machine is installed, they cannot
       -be easily transported and again they don't promote separated storage
       -of keys.
       -With Tomb we try to overcome all these limitations providing /strong
       -encryption/, encouraging users to /separate keys from data/ and
       -letting them transport tombs around easily. Also to facilitate
       -auditing and customization we intend to:
       - - write code that is short, readable and well documented
       - - use commonly available shared components whenever possible
       - - facilitate integration into desktop and graphical interfaces
       - - keep the development process open and distributed using Git
       - - distribute Tomb under the GNU General Public License v3
       -If you believe this is a worthy effort, you are welcome to [[][support it]].
       -* TODO Getting Started
       -** Build
       -Tomb at its core consists of a single Z-Shell script which has to be run as root, plus a few common dependencies that must be present on the system:
       - - *Zsh*
       - - *Cryptsetup*
       - - *Sudo*
       - - *GnuPG*
       - - *Pinentry* 
       -Provided the programs above are installed and root access is available on the system, *the impatient user can just skip the rest of this section, download the bare Tomb script and use it*. The nitpickers out there are right to wonder about running a script as root, so please be welcome to [[][review Tomb's code]]. Those running on [[][Dyne:bolic GNU/Linux]] can simply skip this step since our operating system already contains a fully featured version of Tomb.
       -In addition to the core script there are a number of optional packages that, if present on the system, will be used by Tomb to enhance the user experience, add features and improve security.
       -To start a full build make sure you know some command-line basics, then [[][download the full stable source distribution of Tomb]], unpack it and read on.
       -: tar xvfz Tomb-1.3.tar.gz
       -: cd Tomb
       -Be welcome to the making of your tomb.
       -*** Security extras
       -To make the steganography feature available, that is the possibility to hide keys inside images, one needs to install the *steghide* software on your system.
       -To insure secure deletion of all Tomb traces temporary written in memory or on storage by Tomb, one should install *wipe*.
       -To enable the anti-bruteforce feature, KDF libs should be installed and they often require a recent version of GLib-2[fn:debglib]
       -[fn:debglib] On Debian 6.0 for instance the version of GLib-2 is too old and should be installed from source or from backports
       -*** Usability extras
       -To have a progress bar that informs about the status of tomb creation steps, one should install *dcfldd* which is an enhanced version of the simple /dd/ UNIX tool.
       -If Tomb is used locally on a graphical desktop, one might prefer to use a graphical dialog to input the password, then install *pinentry-gtk* or *pinentry-qt*.
       -To compile the *gtk-tray* component that shows the open tomb in your desktop tray, make sure the following packages are installed (this list matches package names for Debian/Ubuntu distributions:
       -: build-essential autoconf libtool gtk2.0-dev libnotify-dev zsh pinentry-curses pinentry-gtk2 
       -*** Binary builds
       -Once all the extra dependencies are in place on your system, to build the gtk-tray or the KDF components, one should run the usual commands:
       -: ./configure
       -: make
       -This will autodetect the capabilities of the system and build binary helper applications needed for those two extra functions. Any other feature in Tomb does not require compiling anything.
       -** Installation
       -After running the configure-make combo to compile binaries it is
       -possible to simply use *make install* to copy several files in place,
       -including the main tomb script, image resources for the gtk pinentry
       -and manuals.
       -Assuming the prefix is /usr/local paths for installation are:
       - - /usr/local/bin/tomb
       - - /usr/local/share/tomb
       -*** Multi-user systems
       -When installed on systems used by multiple users, Tomb can be made
       -available to all of them even without granting root access. Simply add
       -this line to */etc/sudoers* (using the visudo command as root) for
       -each user you like to enable to build and use tombs:
       -: username ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/local/bin/tomb
       -Tomb is built with this possibility in mind and its code is reviewed
       -to make this setup safe, so that a user cannot escalate to the
       -privilege of a full root shell on the system, but just handle Tombs.
       -* Tombs in your pockets
       -* Tombs in the clouds
       -** Server requirements
       -When creating a tomb make sure the device mapper is loaded among kernel modules
       -or creation will fail and leave you in the dust.
       -modprobe dm_mod
       -modprobe dm_crypt
       -** Automatic doors
       -When logging out of a server it is very easy to forget and leave
       -behind open tombs.
       -Using a simple cronjob will make sure that all tombs on server are
       -closed automatically if the user who opened them is no more logged in:
       -tombs=`find /media -name "*tomb"`
       -for i in ${(f)tombs}; do
       -  { test -r ${i}/.tty } && {
       -    tty=`cat ${i}/.tty`
       -    uid=`cat ${i}/.uid`
       -    if [ -r ${tty} ]; then 
       -      ttyuid=`ls -ln ${tty} | awk '{print $3}'`
       -      { test "$ttyuid" = "$uid" } || { tomb close ${i} }
       -    else tomb close ${i}; fi
       -  }
       -return 0
       -This script assumes all tombs are opened inside the /media folder and
       -that the 'tomb' script is included in root's PATH. Feel free to adapt
       -it to your needs and then add it to root's cronjob so that it is run
       -every minute.
       -** Lack of entropy
       -To create a tomb key on a server (especially VPS) the problem becomes
       -the lack of available entropy.  Generating keys on a desktop (using
       -the *forge* command) is the best choice, since entropy can be gathered
       -simply moving the mouse. Anyway, in case there is no GNU/Linux
       -desktop, one can try generating keys directly on the server in a
       -reasonable time usi EGD, the Entropy Gathering Daemon.
       -On Debian/Ubuntu, install these packages:
       -: # apt-get install libdigest-sha1-perl
       -: # apt-get install ekeyd-egd-linux
       -Then check ekeyd's default configuration in:
       -: /etc/default/ekeyd-egd-linux
       -Then download EGD from its website and
       -finally start both EGD and ekeyd:
       -: perl ./ # from inside EGD source directory
       -: /etc/init.d/ekeyd-egd-linux start # as root on debian
       -You should see both daemons running, they will feed as much entropy as
       -they can gather from various sources. Usually one will experience a
       -burst of entropy when they are launched, then the stream keeps going
       -rather slow anyway.
       -* Acknowledgments
       -The development of Tomb was not supported by any governative or
       -non-governative organization, its author and maintainer is an European
       -citizen residing in the Netherlands.
       -Test cases for the development Tomb have been analyzed through active
       -exchange with the needs of various activist communities, in particular
       -the Italian [[][Hackmeeting community]] and the mestizo community of
       -southern Mexico, Chapas and Oaxaca.
       -* Alphabetic Index