tAdd Swedish translations. - tomb - the crypto undertaker
 (HTM) git clone git://parazyd.org/tomb.git
 (DIR) Log
 (DIR) Files
 (DIR) Refs
 (DIR) commit 8afe5f7b9d45d2840324ea35186c3bc16cee62c9
 (DIR) parent 6c32ce81fdf38a1674b7c643b801571021a8c842
 (HTM) Author: Daniel Rodriguez <gdrooid@openmailbox.org>
       Date:   Mon, 27 Jul 2015 18:21:36 +0200
       Add Swedish translations.
         M extras/po/Makefile                  |       3 ++-
         A extras/po/sv.po                     |    1320 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
       2 files changed, 1322 insertions(+), 1 deletion(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/extras/po/Makefile b/extras/po/Makefile
       t@@ -8,11 +8,12 @@ all:
                @echo "Strings generated in tomb.pot"
        .PHONY: install
       -install: es.mo ru.mo fr.mo de.mo
       +install: es.mo ru.mo fr.mo de.mo sv.mo
                install -Dm644 es.mo ${DESTDIR}${LOCALEDIR}/es_ES/${TOMBFILE}
                install -Dm644 ru.mo ${DESTDIR}${LOCALEDIR}/ru_RU/${TOMBFILE}
                install -Dm644 fr.mo ${DESTDIR}${LOCALEDIR}/fr_FR/${TOMBFILE}
                install -Dm644 de.mo ${DESTDIR}${LOCALEDIR}/de_DE/${TOMBFILE}
       +        install -Dm644 sv.mo ${DESTDIR}${LOCALEDIR}/sv_SV/${TOMBFILE}
                @echo "Translations installed."
        %.mo: %.po
 (DIR) diff --git a/extras/po/sv.po b/extras/po/sv.po
       t@@ -0,0 +1,1320 @@
       +# Tomb - The Crypto Undertaker.
       +# Copyright (C) 2007-2014 Dyne.org Foundation
       +# Denis Roio <jaromil@dyne.org>, 2013.
       +msgid ""
       +msgstr ""
       +"PO-Revision-Date: 2015-07-27 13:30+0100\n"
       +"Last-Translator: Per L. Johansson <kosovoper@fastmail.se>\n"
       +"Language: English\n"
       +"Language-Team: Tomb developers <crypto@lists.dyne.org>\n"
       +"MIME-Version: 1.0\n"
       +"Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n"
       +"Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n"
       +"Project-Id-Version: Tomb 2.1\n"
       +"POT-Creation-Date: \n"
       +"X-Poedit-Language: Swedish\n"
       +"X-Poedit-Country: SWEDEN\n"
       +"X-Poedit-SourceCharset: utf-8\n"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_sudo:124
       +msgid "[sudo] Enter password for user ::1 user:: to gain superuser privileges"
       +msgstr "[sudo] Ange lösenord för användare ::1 user:: för att få utökade behörigheter"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_whoami:200
       +msgid "Failing to identify the user who is calling us"
       +msgstr "Kan ej identifiera användaren som anropar oss"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_plot:248
       +msgid "Tomb won't work without a TOMBNAME."
       +msgstr "Tomb fungerar ej utan ett GRAV-NAMN"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_tmp_create:263
       +msgid "Fatal error creating the temporary directory: ::1 temp dir::"
       +msgstr "Kritiskt fel vid skapandet av temporär katalog: ::1 temp dir::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_tmp_create:271
       +msgid "Fatal error setting the permission umask for temporary files"
       +msgstr "Kritiskt fel när temporära filer demaskeras"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_tmp_create:274
       +msgid "Someone is messing up with us trying to hijack temporary files."
       +msgstr "Någon stökar med oss och försöker ta kontroll över temporära filer"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_tmp_create:278
       +msgid "Fatal error creating a temporary file: ::1 temp file::"
       +msgstr "Kritiskt fel vid skapande av temporär fil: ::1 temp file::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_tmp_create:281
       +msgid "Fatal error setting ownership on temporary file: ::1 temp file::"
       +msgstr "Kritiskt fel för ägarebehörighet av temporär fil ::1 temp file::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_ensure_safe_swap:327
       +msgid "An active swap partition is detected..."
       +msgstr "En aktiv swap-partition är detekterad..."
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_ensure_safe_swap:329
       +msgid "All your swaps are belong to crypt.  Good."
       +msgstr "Alla swap-partioner är krypterade. Bra."
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_ensure_safe_swap:331
       +msgid "This poses a security risk."
       +msgstr "Detta innebär en säkerhetsrisk"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_ensure_safe_swap:332
       +msgid "You can deactivate all swap partitions using the command:"
       +msgstr "Du kan deaktivera alla swap-partitioner med kommandot:"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_ensure_safe_swap:333
       +msgid " swapoff -a"
       +msgstr " swapoff -a"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_ensure_safe_swap:334
       +msgid "But if you want to proceed like this, use the -f (force) flag."
       +msgstr "Men om du vill fortsätta trots allt, använd -f (force) alternativet."
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:_check_swap:353
       +msgid "Operation aborted."
       +msgstr "Åtgärden är avbruten"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:ask_password:393
       +msgid "Cannot find pinentry-curses and no DISPLAY detected."
       +msgstr "Kan ej hitta pinentry-curses och ingen DISPLAY detekterad."
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:ask_password:453
       +msgid "Detected DISPLAY, but only pinentry-curses is found."
       +msgstr "Detekterad DISPLAY, men hittar endast pinentry-curses."
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:ask_password:463
       +msgid "Cannot find any pinentry: impossible to ask for password."
       +msgstr "Hittar ej pinentry: Omöjligt att be om lösenord."
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:ask_password:473
       +msgid "Pinentry error: ::1 error::"
       +msgstr "Pinentry-fel ::1 error::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:ask_password:482
       +msgid "Empty password"
       +msgstr "Lösenord utan teckeninnehåll"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:498
       +msgid "Tomb file is missing from arguments."
       +msgstr "Tomb-filen saknar argument"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:503
       +msgid "Tomb file is not writable: ::1 tomb file::"
       +msgstr "Tomb-filen är ej skrivbar: ::1 tomb file::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:507
       +msgid "Tomb file is not a regular file: ::1 tomb file::"
       +msgstr "Tomb-filen är inte en vanlig fil: ::1 tomb file::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:511
       +msgid "Tomb file is empty (zero length): ::1 tomb file::"
       +msgstr "Tomb-filen är tom (innehållslös): ::1 tomb file::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:518
       +msgid "Tomb file is owned by another user: ::1 tomb owner::"
       +msgstr "Tomb-filen har en annan ägare: ::1 tomb owner::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:521
       +msgid "Tomb command failed: ::1 command name::"
       +msgstr "Tomb-kommando misslyckades: ::1 command name::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:530
       +msgid "File is not yet a tomb: ::1 tomb file::"
       +msgstr "Filen är inte en grav ännu: ::1 tomb file::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:536
       +msgid "Tomb is currently in use: ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Graven används: ::1 tomb name:: "
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:is_valid_tomb:539
       +msgid "Valid tomb file found: ::1 tomb path::"
       +msgstr "Giltig grav-fil hittad: ::1 tomb path::"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:lo_mount:551
       +msgid "Loop mount of volumes is not possible on this machine, this error"
       +msgstr "Loop mount av enheter är inte möjligt på denna enheten. Detta fel"
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:lo_mount:552
       +msgid "often occurs on VPS and kernels that don't provide the loop module."
       +msgstr "inträffar ofta tillsammans med VPS och kärnor som ej stöder loop module."
       +#: tomb:Safety
       +#: functions:lo_mount:553
       +msgid "It is impossible to use Tomb on this machine at this conditions."
       +msgstr "Det är inte möjligt att använda Tomb på denna enheten under dessa förutsättningar."
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:593
       +msgid "Syntax: tomb [options] command [arguments]"
       +msgstr "Syntax: tomb [alternativ] kommando [argument]"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:595
       +msgid "Commands:"
       +msgstr "Kommando:"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:597
       +msgid " // Creation:"
       +msgstr " // Skapa:"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:598
       +msgid " dig     create a new empty TOMB file of size -s in MB"
       +msgstr " dig:     skapa en ny tom GRAV-fil med en storlek av -s i MB"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:599
       +msgid " forge   create a new KEY file and set its password"
       +msgstr " forge   skapa en ny NYCKEL-fil (KEY) och ange dess lösenord"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:600
       +msgid " lock    installs a lock on a TOMB to use it with KEY"
       +msgstr " lock    installerar ett lås på din GRAV som fugerar tillsamans med dess NYCKEL"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:602
       +msgid " // Operations on tombs:"
       +msgstr " // Åtgärder för gravar"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:603
       +msgid " open    open an existing TOMB"
       +msgstr " open    öppnar en befintlig GRAV"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:604
       +msgid " index   update the search indexes of tombs"
       +msgstr " index   uppdaterar sökindexet av gravar"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:605
       +msgid " search  looks for filenames matching text patterns"
       +msgstr " search  letar efter filnamn som matchar textmönstret"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:606
       +msgid " list    list of open TOMBs and information on them"
       +msgstr " list    listar och visar information om öppna GRAVar "
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:607
       +msgid " close   close a specific TOMB (or 'all')"
       +msgstr " close   stänger en specifik GRAV (eller ange 'all' för att stänga alla)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:608
       +msgid " slam    slam a TOMB killing all programs using it"
       +msgstr " slam    stänger en GRAV och alla program som använder den."
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:610
       +msgid " resize  resize a TOMB to a new size -s (can only grow)"
       +msgstr " resize  ändrar storleken på en GRAV -s (kan endast växa)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:613
       +msgid " // Operations on keys:"
       +msgstr " // Åtgärder för nycklar"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:614
       +msgid " passwd  change the password of a KEY (needs old pass)"
       +msgstr " passwd  ändra lösenord på en NYCKEL (gammalt lösenord krävs)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:615
       +msgid " setkey  change the KEY locking a TOMB (needs old key and pass)"
       +msgstr " setkey  byter NYCKEL som låser en GRAV (gammal NYCKEL och lösenord krävs)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:618
       +msgid " // Backup on paper:"
       +msgstr " // Säkerhetskopia på papper"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:619
       +msgid " engrave makes a QR code of a KEY to be saved on paper"
       +msgstr " engrave skapar en QR-kod av en NYCKEL som kan skrivas ut på papper"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:623
       +msgid " // Steganography:"
       +msgstr " // Steganografi"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:624
       +msgid " bury    hide a KEY inside a JPEG image (for use with -k)"
       +msgstr " bury    göm en NYCKEL inuti en JPEG-bild (används tillsammans med -k)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:625
       +msgid " exhume  extract a KEY from a JPEG image (prints to stdout)"
       +msgstr " exhume  extrahera en NYCKEL från en JPEG-bild (skriver till stdout)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:628
       +msgid "Options:"
       +msgstr "Alternativ"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:630
       +msgid " -s     size of the tomb file when creating/resizing one (in MB)"
       +msgstr " -s     tomb-filens storlek, vid skapande eller ändring av storlek (i MB)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:631
       +msgid " -k     path to the key to be used ('-k -' to read from stdin)"
       +msgstr " -k     sökväg till nyckel som ska användas ('-k -' används för att läsa från stdin)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:632
       +msgid " -n     don't process the hooks found in tomb"
       +msgstr " -n     processa ej länkarna som fins i tomben"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:633
       +msgid " -o     options passed to commands: open, lock, forge (see man)"
       +msgstr " -o     alternativ som skickas till åtgärd: open, lock, forge (se man)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:634
       +msgid " -f     force operation (i.e. even if swap is active)"
       +msgstr " -f     tvinga åtgärd (dvs. även vid aktiv swap)"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:636
       +msgid " --kdf  forge keys armored against dictionary attacks"
       +msgstr " --kdf  smid nyckel skyddad mot ordboksattacker"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:640
       +msgid " -h     print this help"
       +msgstr " -h     skriv ut denna hjälp"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:641
       +msgid " -v     print version, license and list of available ciphers"
       +msgstr " -v     skriv ut version, licenser och en lista på tillgängliga chiffer"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:642
       +msgid " -q     run quietly without printing informations"
       +msgstr " -q     kör utan att skriva någon information"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:643
       +msgid " -D     print debugging information at runtime"
       +msgstr " -D     skriv ut debuggutskrifter vid körning"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:645
       +msgid "For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb"
       +msgstr "För mer information om Tomb läs manualen: man tomb"
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:usage:646
       +msgid "Please report bugs on <http://github.com/dyne/tomb/issues>."
       +msgstr "Vänligen rapportera fel på <http://github.com/dyne/tomb/issues>."
       +#: tomb:Commandline
       +#: interaction:_ensure_dependencies:781
       +msgid "Missing required dependency ::1 command::.  Please install it."
       +msgstr "Saknar behövda beroenden ::1 command::. Var vänlig installera det."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:is_valid_key:818
       +msgid "cleartext key from stdin selected: this is unsafe."
       +msgstr "klartextnyckel från stdin är vald: detta är osäkert."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:is_valid_key:819
       +msgid "please use --unsafe if you really want to do this."
       +msgstr "var vänlig använd --unsafe om du verkligen vill göra detta."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:is_valid_key:821
       +msgid "received key in cleartext from stdin (unsafe mode)"
       +msgstr "mottog nyckel i klartext från stdin (osäkert läge)"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:is_valid_key:825
       +msgid "is_valid_key() called without an argument."
       +msgstr "is_valid_key() är anropad utan argument"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:is_valid_key:833
       +msgid "Key is an image, it might be valid."
       +msgstr "Nyckeln är en bild, den kan vara giltig"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:is_valid_key:837
       +msgid "Key is valid."
       +msgstr "Nyckeln är giltig"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:_tomb_key_recover
       +#: recover_key:847
       +msgid "Attempting key recovery."
       +msgstr "Försöker återskapa nyckel."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:_load_key:871
       +msgid "This operation requires a key file to be specified using the -k option."
       +msgstr "Denna åtgärd kräver en nyckel specificerad med -k alternativet."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:_load_key:875
       +msgid "Waiting for the key to be piped from stdin... "
       +msgstr "Väntar på att få nyckeln sklickad från stdin..."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:_load_key:886
       +msgid "Key not found, specify one using -k."
       +msgstr "Nyckel ej hittad, ange en med -k."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:_load_key:900
       +msgid "The key seems invalid or its format is not known by this version of Tomb."
       +msgstr "Nyckeln verkar ogiltig eller så är formatet okännt för denna versionen av Tomb."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:get_lukskey:975
       +msgid "No suitable program for KDF ::1 program::."
       +msgstr "Inget passande program för KDF ::1 program::."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:ask_key_password:1001
       +msgid "Internal error: ask_key_password() called before _load_key()."
       +msgstr "Internt fel: ask_key_password() anropad före load_key()."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:ask_key_password:1007
       +msgid "A password is required to use key ::1 key::"
       +msgstr "Ett lösenord behövs för att använda nyckeln ::1 key::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:ask_key_password:1019
       +msgid "User aborted password dialog."
       +msgstr "Användaren avbröt lösenords-dialogen."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:ask_key_password:1026
       +msgid "Password OK."
       +msgstr "Lösenord OK"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:change_passwd:1064
       +msgid "Commanded to change password for tomb key ::1 key::"
       +msgstr "Beordrad att byta lösenord för tomb-nyckel ::1 key::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:change_passwd:1076
       +msgid "No valid password supplied."
       +msgstr "Inget giltig lösenord bifogat."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:change_passwd:1078
       +msgid "Changing password for ::1 key file::"
       +msgstr "Byter lösenord för ::1 key file::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:change_passwd:1091
       +msgid "Error: the newly generated keyfile does not seem valid."
       +msgstr "Error: den nyligen skapade nyckelfilen verkar inte vara giltig."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:change_passwd:1095
       +msgid "Your passphrase was successfully updated."
       +msgstr "Ditt lösenord är uppdaterat"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:gen_key:1117
       +msgid "User aborted."
       +msgstr "Användaren avbröt."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:gen_key:1120
       +msgid "You set empty password, which is not possible."
       +msgstr "Du har anget ett innehållslöst lösenord, vilket inte är möjligt."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:gen_key:1148
       +msgid "Wrong argument for --kdf: must be an integer number (iteration seconds)."
       +msgstr "Felaktiga argument för --kdf: måste vara ett heltal (antal sekunder att iterera)"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:gen_key:1153
       +msgid "Using KDF, iterations: ::1 microseconds::"
       +msgstr "Använder KDF, iterationer: ::1 microseconds::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:gen_key:1154
       +msgid "generating salt"
       +msgstr "skapar salt"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:gen_key:1156
       +msgid "calculating iterations"
       +msgstr "beräknar iterationer"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:gen_key:1158
       +msgid "encoding the password"
       +msgstr "kodar lösenordet"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:list_gnupg_ciphers:1189
       +msgid "gpg (GnuPG) is not found, Tomb cannot function without it."
       +msgstr "Hittar ej gpg (GnuPG), Tomb fungerar int utan detta."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:bury_key:1210
       +msgid "Encode failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image."
       +msgstr "Kodning misslyckades: ::1 image file:: är inte en jpeg-bild."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:bury_key:1214
       +msgid "Encoding key ::1 tomb key:: inside image ::2 image file::"
       +msgstr "Kodar nyckel ::1 tomb key:: inuti bild ::2 image file::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:bury_key:1215
       +msgid "Please confirm the key password for the encoding"
       +msgstr "Var god bekräfta lösenordet för kodningen"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:bury_key:1231
       +msgid "Wrong password supplied."
       +msgstr "Felaktigt lösenord angivet."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:bury_key:1232
       +msgid "You shall not bury a key whose password is unknown to you."
       +msgstr "Du skall ej begrava en nyckel vars lösenord är okänt för dig."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:bury_key:1243
       +msgid "Encoding error: steghide reports problems."
       +msgstr "Kodningsfel: steghide raporterar problem."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:bury_key:1246
       +msgid "Tomb key encoded succesfully into image ::1 image file::"
       +msgstr "Tomb-nyckel skapad i bild ::1 image file::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1258
       +msgid "Exhume failed, no image specified"
       +msgstr "Extrahering misslyckades, ingen bild specificerad"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1268
       +msgid "Exhume failed, image file not found: ::1 image file::"
       +msgstr "Extrahering misslyckades, bild ej hittad: ::1 image file::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1270
       +msgid "Exhume failed: ::1 image file:: is not a jpeg image."
       +msgstr "Extrahering misslyckad: ::1 image file:: är inte en jpeg-bild."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1277
       +msgid "Wrong password or no steganographic key found"
       +msgstr "Felaktigt lösenord eller steganografinyckel ej hittad"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1288
       +msgid "printing exhumed key on stdout"
       +msgstr "skriver extraherad nyckel till stdout"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1292
       +msgid "File exists: ::1 tomb key::"
       +msgstr "Filen fins: ::1 tomb key::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1294
       +msgid "Use of --force selected: overwriting."
       +msgstr "Användning av --force vald: skriver över."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1297
       +msgid "Make explicit use of --force to overwrite."
       +msgstr "Använd uttalad användning av --force för att skriva över."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1298
       +msgid "Refusing to overwrite file. Operation aborted."
       +msgstr "Vägrar skriva över fil. Åtgärd avbruten."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1301
       +msgid "Trying to exhume a key out of image ::1 image file::"
       +msgstr "Försöker extrahera nyckel ur bild ::1 image file::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1322
       +msgid "Key succesfully exhumed to ::1 key::."
       +msgstr "Nyckel extraherad till ::1 key::."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:exhume_key:1324
       +msgid "Nothing found in ::1 image file::"
       +msgstr "Hittar inget i ::1 image file::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:engrave_key:1339
       +msgid "Rendering a printable QRCode for key: ::1 tomb key file::"
       +msgstr "Renderar en utskrivbar QR-kod för nyckel: ::1 tomb key file::"
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:engrave_key:1344
       +msgid "QREncode reported an error."
       +msgstr "QREncode raporterar ett fel."
       +#: tomb:Key
       +#: operations:engrave_key:1346
       +msgid "Operation successful:"
       +msgstr "Åtgärden lyckades:"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1379
       +msgid "Commanded to dig tomb ::1 tomb path::"
       +msgstr "Beordrad att gräva en grav ::1 tomb path::"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1381
       +msgid "Missing path to tomb"
       +msgstr "Saknar sökväg till grav"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1382
       +msgid "Size argument missing, use -s"
       +msgstr "Saknar storleksargument för tomb, använd -s"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1383
       +msgid "Size must be an integer (megabytes)"
       +msgstr "Storlek måste anges som ett heltal (megabytes)"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1384
       +msgid "Tombs can't be smaller than 10 megabytes"
       +msgstr "Tomber kan inte vara mindre än 10 megabytes"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1389
       +msgid "A tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:"
       +msgstr "En grav finns redan. Jag gräver inte här:"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1394
       +msgid "Creating a new tomb in ::1 tomb path::"
       +msgstr "Skapar en ny grav i ::1 tomb path::"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1396
       +msgid "Generating ::1 tomb file:: of ::2 size::MiB"
       +msgstr "Skapar ::1 tomb file:: som är ::2 size::MiB"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1401
       +msgid "Error creating the tomb ::1 tomb path::"
       +msgstr "Fel vid grävandet av grav ::1 tomb path::"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1416
       +msgid "Done digging ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Färdig med skapandet av ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1417
       +msgid "Your tomb is not yet ready, you need to forge a key and lock it:"
       +msgstr "Din grav är ej färdig. Du måste smida en nyckel och låsa den."
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1418
       +msgid "tomb forge ::1 tomb path::.key"
       +msgstr "Smider nyckel ::tomb path::.key"
       +#: tomb:Create:dig_tomb:1419
       +msgid "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key"
       +msgstr "tomb lock ::1 tomb path:: -k ::1 tomb path::.key"
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1440
       +msgid "A filename needs to be specified using -k to forge a new key."
       +msgstr "Ett filnamn måste anges med -k för att smida en ny nyckel."
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1442
       +msgid "Commanded to forge key ::1 key::"
       +msgstr "Beordrad att smida en nyckel ::1key::"
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1454
       +msgid "Forging this key would overwrite an existing file. Operation aborted."
       +msgstr "Smidandet av denna nyckel skulle skriva över en befintlig fil. Åtgärden avbruten."
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1458
       +msgid "Cannot generate encryption key."
       +msgstr "Kan ej skapa en kodad nyckel"
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1466
       +msgid "Commanded to forge key ::1 key:: with cipher algorithm ::2 algorithm::"
       +msgstr "Beodrad att smida en nyckel ::1 key:: med chifferalgoritm ::2 algorithm::"
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1471
       +msgid "This operation takes time, keep using this computer on other tasks,"
       +msgstr "Denna åtgärden tar tid, fortsätt att använda enheten för andra uppgifter."
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1472
       +msgid "once done you will be asked to choose a password for your tomb."
       +msgstr "När åtgärden är utförd kommer du bli bedd om att skapa ett lösenord för din tomb."
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1473
       +msgid "To make it faster you can move the mouse around."
       +msgstr "För att påskynda processen kan du röra på musen."
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1474
       +msgid "If you are on a server, you can use an Entropy Generation Daemon."
       +msgstr "Om du är på en server så kan du använda en Entropy Generation Daemon."
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1488
       +msgid "Choose the  password of your key: ::1 tomb key::"
       +msgstr "Ange ett lösenord för din nyckel ::1 tomb key:."
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1489
       +msgid "(You can also change it later using 'tomb passwd'.)"
       +msgstr "(Du kan byta vid en senare tidpunkt med 'tomb passwd')"
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1507
       +msgid "The key does not seem to be valid."
       +msgstr "Nyckeln verkar vara giltig."
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1508
       +msgid "Dumping contents to screen:"
       +msgstr "Dumpar innehåll till skärm:"
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1516
       +msgid "Done forging ::1 key file::"
       +msgstr "Smide slutfört på ::1 key file::"
       +#: tomb:Create:forge_key:1517
       +msgid "Your key is ready:"
       +msgstr "Din nyckel är färdig:"
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1537
       +msgid "No tomb specified for locking."
       +msgstr "Ingen grav är angiven för låsning."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1538
       +msgid "Usage: tomb lock file.tomb file.tomb.key"
       +msgstr "Användning: tomb lock fil.tomb fil.tomb.key"
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1544
       +msgid "Commanded to lock tomb ::1 tomb file::"
       +msgstr "Beordrad att låsa tomb ::1 tomb file::"
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1547
       +msgid "There is no tomb here. You have to dig it first."
       +msgstr "Det finns ingen grav här. Du måste gräva den först."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1556
       +msgid "Checking if the tomb is empty (we never step on somebody else's bones)."
       +msgstr "Kontrollerar om graven är tom (vi gräver aldrig upp någon annans ben)."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1560
       +msgid "The tomb was already locked with another key."
       +msgstr "Graven är redan låst med en annan nyckel."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1561
       +msgid "Operation aborted. I cannot lock an already locked tomb. Go dig a new one."
       +msgstr "Åtgärden avbruten. Jag kan inte låsa en redan låst grav. Gräv dig en ny."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1563
       +msgid "Fine, this tomb seems empty."
       +msgstr "Bra, denna graven verkar tom."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1571
       +msgid "Locking using cipher: ::1 cipher::"
       +msgstr "Låser med hjälp av chiffer: ::1 cipher::"
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1583
       +msgid "Locking ::1 tomb file:: with ::2 tomb key file::"
       +msgstr "Låser ::1 tomb file:: med ::2 tomb key file::"
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1585
       +msgid "Formatting Luks mapped device."
       +msgstr "Formaterar Luks-mappad enhet."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1590
       +msgid "cryptsetup luksFormat returned an error."
       +msgstr "cryptsetup luksFormat returnerar ett fel."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1595
       +msgid "cryptsetup luksOpen returned an error."
       +msgstr "cryptsetup luksOpen returnerar ett fel."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1598
       +msgid "Formatting your Tomb with Ext3/Ext4 filesystem."
       +msgstr "Formaterar din grav med Ext3/Ext4-filsystem."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1602
       +msgid "Tomb format returned an error."
       +msgstr "Tomb format returnerar ett fel."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1603
       +msgid "Your tomb ::1 tomb file:: may be corrupted."
       +msgstr "Din grav ::1 tomb file:: kan vara korrupt."
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1608
       +msgid "Done locking ::1 tomb name:: using Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::"
       +msgstr "Låst ::1 tomb name:: med hjälp av Luks dm-crypt ::2 cipher::"
       +#: tomb:Create:lock_tomb_with_key:1609
       +msgid "Your tomb is ready in ::1 tomb path:: and secured with key ::2 tomb key::"
       +msgstr "Din grav är redo i ::1 tomb path:: och låst med nyckeln ::2 tomb key::"
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1619
       +msgid "Commanded to reset key for tomb ::1 tomb path::"
       +msgstr "Beordrad att återställa nyckel för grav ::1 tomb path::"
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1622
       +msgid "Command 'setkey' needs two arguments: the old key file and the tomb."
       +msgstr "Kommandot 'setkey' kräver två argument: den gammla nyckeln och din grav."
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1623
       +msgid "I.e:  tomb -k new.tomb.key old.tomb.key secret.tomb"
       +msgstr "Dvs.: tomb -k ny.tomb.key gammal.tomb.key hemlig.tomb"
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1624
       +msgid "Execution aborted."
       +msgstr "Genomförandet avbrutet."
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1635
       +msgid "Not a valid LUKS encrypted volume: ::1 volume::"
       +msgstr "Ej en giltig LUKS-kryptrerad enhet: ::1 volume::"
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1643
       +msgid "Changing lock on tomb ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Byter lås på grav ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1644
       +msgid "Old key: ::1 old key::"
       +msgstr "Gammal nyckel: ::1 old key::"
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1660
       +msgid "No valid password supplied for the old key."
       +msgstr "Giltigt lösenord ej angivet för gammal nyckel."
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1666
       +msgid "Unexpected error in luksOpen."
       +msgstr "Oväntat fel i luksOpen."
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1670
       +msgid "New key: ::1 key file::"
       +msgstr "Ny nyckel: ::1 key file::"
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1680
       +msgid "No valid password supplied for the new key."
       +msgstr "Giltigt lösenord ej angivet för ny nyckel."
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1689
       +msgid "Unexpected error in luksChangeKey."
       +msgstr "Oväntat fel i luksChangeKey."
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1691
       +msgid "Unexpected error in luksClose."
       +msgstr "Oväntat fel i luksClose."
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1693
       +msgid "Succesfully changed key for tomb: ::1 tomb file::"
       +msgstr "Nyckel ändrad för grav: ::1 tomb file::"
       +#: tomb:Create:change_tomb_key:1694
       +msgid "The new key is: ::1 new key::"
       +msgstr "Den nya nyckeln är: ::1 new key::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1706
       +msgid "No tomb name specified for opening."
       +msgstr "Ingen grav specificerad för öppning."
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1708
       +msgid "Commanded to open tomb ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Beordrad att öppna grav ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1722
       +msgid "Mountpoint not specified, using default: ::1 mount point::"
       +msgstr "Monteringspunkt ej angiven, använder standard: ::1 mount point::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1725
       +msgid "Opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::"
       +msgstr "Öppnar ::1 tomb file:: från ::2 mount point::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1732
       +msgid "::1 tomb file:: is not a valid Luks encrypted storage file."
       +msgstr "::1 tomb file:: är inte en giltig Luks-crypterad förvaringsfil."
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1734
       +msgid "This tomb is a valid LUKS encrypted device."
       +msgstr "Denna grav är en giltlig LUKS-kryptrerad enhet."
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1741
       +msgid "Cipher is \"::1 cipher::\" mode \"::2 mode::\" hash \"::3 hash::\""
       +msgstr "Chiffret är \"::1 cipher::\" mode \"::2 mode::\" hash \"::3 hash::\""
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1748
       +msgid "Multiple key slots are enabled on this tomb. Beware: there can be a backdoor."
       +msgstr "Multipla nyckelhål är aktiverade på denna grav. Var uppmärksam: det kan finnas en bakdörr."
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1772
       +msgid "Failure mounting the encrypted file."
       +msgstr "Misslyckades att montera denna krypterade fil."
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1782
       +msgid "Success unlocking tomb ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Låst upp grav ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1785
       +msgid "Checking filesystem via ::1::"
       +msgstr "kontrollerar filsystem via ::1::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1803
       +msgid "Error mounting ::1 mapper:: on ::2 tombmount::"
       +msgstr "Fel vid montering av ::1 mapper:: på ::2 tombmount::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1805
       +msgid "Are mount options '::1 mount options::' valid?"
       +msgstr "Är monteringsalterativ '::1 mount options::' giltigt?"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1810
       +msgid "Cannot mount ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Kan ej montera ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1816
       +msgid "Success opening ::1 tomb file:: on ::2 mount point::"
       +msgstr "Öppnade ::1 tomb file:: från ::2 mount point:: "
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1830
       +msgid "Last visit by ::1 user::(::2 tomb build::) from ::3 tty:: on ::4 host::"
       +msgstr "Senast använd av ::1 user::(2 tomb build::) från ::3 tty:: på ::4 host::"
       +#: tomb:Open:mount_tomb:1831
       +msgid "on date ::1 date::"
       +msgstr "den ::1 date::"
       +#: tomb:Open:exec_safe_bind_hooks:1879
       +msgid "How pitiful!  A tomb, and no HOME."
       +msgstr "Vad synd! En grav, och inget HOME."
       +#: tomb:Open:exec_safe_bind_hooks:1883
       +msgid "Cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
       +msgstr "Kan ej utföra länkningar utan en monterad grav."
       +#: tomb:Open:exec_safe_bind_hooks:1899
       +msgid "bind-hooks file is broken"
       +msgstr "länk-fil är felaktig"
       +#: tomb:Open:exec_safe_bind_hooks:1908
       +msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME"
       +msgstr "länkningsformat, exempel: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME"
       +#: tomb:Open:exec_safe_bind_hooks:1912
       +msgid "bind-hooks map format: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME.  Rolling back"
       +msgstr "länkningsformat, exempel: local/to/tomb local/to/$HOME.  Återgår"
       +#: tomb:Open:exec_safe_bind_hooks:1917
       +msgid "bind-hook target not existent, skipping ::1 home::/::2 subdir::"
       +msgstr "länkmål finns ej, hopar över ::1 home::/::2 subdir::"
       +#: tomb:Open:exec_safe_bind_hooks:1919
       +msgid "bind-hook source not found in tomb, skipping ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::"
       +msgstr "länkkälla hittas ej i grav, hoppar över ::1 mount point::/::2 subdir::"
       +#: tomb:Open:exec_safe_post_hooks:1947
       +msgid "Post hooks found, executing as user ::1 user name::."
       +msgstr "Länkar hittade, exekverar som användare ::1 user name::."
       +#: tomb:List:list_tombs:1966
       +msgid "I can't see any ::1 status:: tomb, may they all rest in peace."
       +msgstr "Jag kan ej se några ::1 status:: gravar, må de vila i frid."
       +#: tomb:List:list_tombs:1999
       +msgid "::1 tombname:: open on ::2 tombmount:: using ::3 tombfsopts::"
       +msgstr "::1 tombname:: öppen på ::2 tombmount:: med ::3 tombfsopts::"
       +#: tomb:List:list_tombs:2004
       +msgid "::1 tombname:: open since ::2 tombsince::"
       +msgstr "::1 tombname:: öppen sedan ::2 tombsince::"
       +#: tomb:List:list_tombs:2007
       +msgid "::1 tombname:: open by ::2 tombuser:: from ::3 tombtty:: on ::4 tombhost::"
       +msgstr "::1 tombname:: öppnad av ::2 tombuser:: från ::3 tombtty:: på ::4 tombhost::"
       +#: tomb:List:list_tombs:2011
       +msgid "::1 tombname:: size ::2 tombtot:: of which ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::%) is used: ::4 tombavail:: free "
       +msgstr "::1 tombname:: storlek ::2 tombtot:: av vilket ::3 tombused:: (::5 tombpercent::%) är använt: ::4 tombavail:: ledigt "
       +#: tomb:List:list_tombs:2015
       +msgid "::1 tombname:: warning: your tomb is almost full!"
       +msgstr "::1 tombname:: varning: din tomb är nästan full!"
       +#: tomb:List:list_tombs:2021
       +msgid "::1 tombname:: hooks ::2 hookname:: on ::3 hookdest::"
       +msgstr "::1 tombname:: länkar till ::2 hookname:: på ::3 hookdest::"
       +#: tomb:List:list_tomb_binds:2076
       +msgid "Internal error: list_tomb_binds called without argument."
       +msgstr "Internt fel: list_tomb_binds anropad utan argument."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2108
       +msgid "Cannot index tombs on this system: updatedb (mlocate) not installed."
       +msgstr "Kan ej indexera tomber på detta system: updatedb (mlocate) är ej installerat."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2112
       +msgid "Cannot use GNU findutils for index/search commands."
       +msgstr "Kan ej använda GNU findutils för indexering och sökning."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2114
       +msgid "Index command needs 'mlocate' to be installed."
       +msgstr "Indexeringskommando behöver ha 'mlocate' installerat."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2122
       +msgid "There seems to be no open tomb engraved as [::1::]"
       +msgstr "Det verkar inte finnas några graverade gravar som [::1::]"
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2124
       +msgid "I can't see any open tomb, may they all rest in peace."
       +msgstr "Jag kan ej se några öppna gravar, må de vila i frid."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2126
       +msgid "Creating and updating search indexes."
       +msgstr "Skapar och uppdaterar sökindex."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2139
       +msgid "Skipping ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex found)."
       +msgstr "Hoppar över ::1 tomb name:: (.noindex hittade)."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2141
       +msgid "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: filenames..."
       +msgstr "Indexerar ::1 tomb name:: filnamn..."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2146
       +msgid "Indexing ::1 tomb name:: contents..."
       +msgstr "Indexerar ::1 tomb name:: innehåll..."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2148
       +msgid "Generating a new swish-e configuration file: ::1 swish conf::"
       +msgstr "Genererar en ny swish-e konfigutŕationsfil: ::1 swish conf::"
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:index_tombs:2222
       +msgid "Search index updated."
       +msgstr "Sökindex uppdaterat."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:search_tombs:2242
       +msgid "Searching for: ::1::"
       +msgstr "Söker efter: ::1::"
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:search_tombs:2250
       +msgid "Searching filenames in tomb ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Söker filnamn i grav ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:search_tombs:2252
       +msgid "Matches found: ::1 matches::"
       +msgstr "Hittade träffar: ::1 matches::"
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:search_tombs:2257
       +msgid "Searching contents in tomb ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Söker innehåll i grav ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:search_tombs:2260
       +msgid "Skipping tomb ::1 tomb name::: not indexed."
       +msgstr "Hoppar över grav ::1 tomb name::: ej indexerad."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:search_tombs:2261
       +msgid "Run 'tomb index' to create indexes."
       +msgstr "Kör 'tomb index' för att skapa index."
       +#: tomb:Index
       +#: and search:search_tombs:2263
       +msgid "Search completed."
       +msgstr "Sökning genomförd."
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2274
       +msgid "Commanded to resize tomb ::1 tomb name:: to ::2 size:: megabytes."
       +msgstr "Beordrad att förstora ::1 tomb name:: till ::2 size:: megabytes."
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2276
       +msgid "No tomb name specified for resizing."
       +msgstr "Ingen grav specificerad att utöka."
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2277
       +msgid "Cannot find ::1::"
       +msgstr "Hittar ej ::1::"
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2281
       +msgid "Aborting operations: new size was not specified, use -s"
       +msgstr "Åtgärd avbruten: ny storlek var ej specificerad, använd -s"
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2293
       +msgid "Please close the tomb ::1 tomb name:: before trying to resize it."
       +msgstr "Var vänlig stäng grav ::1 tomb name:: innan du försöker att ändra storleken."
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2296
       +msgid "You must specify the new size of ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Du måste ange den nya storleken för ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2298
       +msgid "Size is not an integer."
       +msgstr "Angiven storlek är ej ett heltal."
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2301
       +msgid "The new size must be greater then old tomb size."
       +msgstr "Den nya storleken måste vara större än den gammla."
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2311
       +msgid "Error creating the extra resize ::1 size::, operation aborted."
       +msgstr "Fel vid förstoringen av ::1 size::, åtgärden avbruten."
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2332
       +msgid "cryptsetup failed to resize ::1 mapper::"
       +msgstr "cryptsetup misslyckaes att förstora ::1 mappaer::"
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2335
       +msgid "e2fsck failed to check ::1 mapper::"
       +msgstr "e2fsck misslyckades att kontrollera ::1 mappaer::"
       +#: tomb:Resize:resize_tomb:2338
       +msgid "resize2fs failed to resize ::1 mapper::"
       +msgstr "resize2fs misslyckades att förstora ::1 mapper::"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2362
       +msgid "There is no open tomb to be closed."
       +msgstr "Det finns inga öppna gravar att stänga."
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2365
       +msgid "Too many tombs mounted, please specify one (see tomb list)"
       +msgstr "För många gravar monterade, var vänlig att specificera en (se 'tomb list')"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2366
       +msgid "or issue the command 'tomb close all' to close them all."
       +msgstr "eller använd 'tomb clase all' för att stänga samtliga."
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2382
       +msgid "Tomb not found: ::1 tomb file::"
       +msgstr "Grav ej hittad: ::1 tomb file::"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2383
       +msgid "Please specify an existing tomb."
       +msgstr "Var vänlig och ange en befintlig grav."
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2387
       +msgid "Slamming tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::"
       +msgstr "Tvångsstänger ::1 tomb name:: monterad på ::2 mount point::"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2389
       +msgid "Kill all processes busy inside the tomb."
       +msgstr "Döda alla pågående processer inuti graven."
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2391
       +msgid "Cannot slam the tomb ::1 tomb name::"
       +msgstr "Kan ej tvångsstänga graven ::1 tomb name::"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2393
       +msgid "Closing tomb ::1 tomb name:: mounted on ::2 mount point::"
       +msgstr "Stänger grav ::1 tomb name:: monterad på ::2 mount point::"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2401
       +msgid "Closing tomb bind hook: ::1 hook::"
       +msgstr "Stänger grav-länkar: ::1 hook::"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2404
       +msgid "Slamming tomb: killing all processes using this hook."
       +msgstr "Tvångsstänger grav: avslutar alla länkade processer."
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2405
       +msgid "Cannot slam the bind hook ::1 hook::"
       +msgstr "Kan inte tvångsavsluta länkar ::1 hook::"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2408
       +msgid "Tomb bind hook ::1 hook:: is busy, cannot close tomb."
       +msgstr "Grav-länk ::1 hook:: är upptagen, kan ej stänga grav."
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2419
       +msgid "Tomb is busy, cannot umount!"
       +msgstr "Graven är upptagen, kan ej avmontera."
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2427
       +msgid "Error occurred in cryptsetup luksClose ::1 mapper::"
       +msgstr "Ett fel inträffade i cryptsetup luksClose ::1mapper::"
       +#: tomb:Close:umount_tomb:2434
       +msgid "Tomb ::1 tomb name:: closed: your bones will rest in peace."
       +msgstr "Graven ::1 tomb name:: är stängd: må du vila i frid."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2554
       +msgid "Error parsing."
       +msgstr "Fel vid analysering."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2564
       +msgid "There's no such command \"::1 subcommand::\"."
       +msgstr "Kommandot saknas: \"::1 subcommand::\"."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2565
       +msgid "Please try -h for help."
       +msgstr "Prova att använda -h för hjälp"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2577
       +msgid "Some error occurred during option processing."
       +msgstr "Ett fel inträffade i samband med ett alternativkommando."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2578
       +msgid "See \"tomb help\" for more info."
       +msgstr "Se \"tomb help\" för mer information."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2590
       +msgid "Unrecognized option ::1 arg:: for subcommand ::2 subcommand::"
       +msgstr "::1 arg:: är ett okänt alternativ för kommando ::2 subcommand::"
       +#msgid ""
       +#"You specified option ::1 option::, which is DANGEROUS and should only be used for testing\n"
       +#"If you really want so, add --unsafe"
       +#msgstr ""
       +#"Du specificerade alternativ ::1 option:, detta är FARLIGT och bör endast användas för test\n"
       +#"Är du riktigt säker på att du vill trots allt, använd --unsafe"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2606
       +#: routine:main:2640
       +msgid "The create command is deprecated, please use dig, forge and lock instead."
       +msgstr "Kommandot create används inte längre, använd dig, forg och lock istället."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2641
       +msgid "For more informations see Tomb's manual page (man tomb)."
       +msgstr "För mer information se Tombs manualsidor (man tomb)."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2675
       +msgid "Resize2fs not installed: cannot resize tombs."
       +msgstr "Resize2fs när inte installerat: kan ej ändra storlek på tomber."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2701
       +msgid "QREncode not installed: cannot engrave keys on paper."
       +msgstr "QREncode är inte installerat: kan ej skapa en pappersnyckel."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2718
       +msgid "Steghide not installed: cannot bury keys into images."
       +msgstr "Steghide är inte installerat: kan ej begrava någon nyckel i bilder."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2725
       +msgid "Steghide not installed: cannot exhume keys from images."
       +msgstr "Steghide är inte installerat: kan ej extrahera någon nyckel från bilder."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2739
       +msgid "Tomb ::1 version:: - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets"
       +msgstr "Tomb ::1 version:: - en stark och varsam begravningentrepenör för dina hemligheter"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2741
       +msgid " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Dyne.org Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+"
       +msgstr " Copyright (C) 2007-2015 Dyne.org Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2742
       +msgid " This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it"
       +msgstr " Detta är en öppen programvara: du har full frihet att ändra och återdistribuera den"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2743
       +msgid " For the latest sourcecode go to <http://dyne.org/software/tomb>"
       +msgstr " För den senaste källkoden besök <http://dyne.org/software/tomb>"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2748
       +msgid " This source code is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,"
       +msgstr " Denna källkod är ditribuerad med förhoppningen att den kommer att vara användbar,"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2749
       +msgid " but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of"
       +msgstr " men UTAN NÅGON GARANTi; utan någon underförstådd garanti om"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2750
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2752
       +msgid " When in need please refer to <http://dyne.org/support>."
       +msgstr "Vid behov, vänd er till <http://dyne.org/support>."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2754
       +msgid "System utils:"
       +msgstr "Systemverktyg:"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2764
       +msgid "Optional utils:"
       +msgstr "Tilläggsverktyg:"
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2774
       +msgid "Command \"::1 subcommand::\" not recognized."
       +msgstr "Kommandot \"::1 subcommand::\" känns ej igen."
       +#: tomb:Main
       +#: routine:main:2775
       +msgid "Try -h for help."
       +msgstr "Försök med -h för hjälp."