thuge cleanup - tomb - the crypto undertaker
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 (DIR) commit b521e321108ffe556e20071ee1536c91a2164996
 (DIR) parent fd8df548f45c81acdab9d6a06084c2156cdd97ad
 (HTM) Author: Jaromil <>
       Date:   Sun, 20 Feb 2011 14:59:30 +0100
       huge cleanup
        tomb shell command doesn't depends from X,
        all GUI notifications are moved into tomb-open including USB key handling,
        gksu has been dropped completely as a method to gain privileges,
        there is a new -n flag to avoid processing hooks,
        variable names have been sanitized, duplicate code eliminated,
        documentation has been updated and the code cleaned up
       we are very close to the 1.0 now
         M doc/tomb.1                          |       4 ++++
         M src/tomb                            |     563 +++++++++++--------------------
         M src/tomb-open                       |     256 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++----
         M src/tomb-status.c                   |       3 +++
       4 files changed, 423 insertions(+), 403 deletions(-)
 (DIR) diff --git a/doc/tomb.1 b/doc/tomb.1
       t@@ -92,6 +92,10 @@ file adding a '.gpg' suffix,  but can be later renamed and transported
        on other media. When a key is  not found, the program asks to insert a
        USB storage device and it will look for the key file inside it.
       +.IP "-n"
       +Skip processing of post-hooks and bind-hooks if found inside the tomb.
       +See the \fIHOOKS\fR section in this manual for more information.
        .IP "-h"
        Display a help text and quit
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/tomb b/src/tomb
       t@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@
        # this source code; if not, write to:
        # Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
        # PATH=/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin:/sbin   
       t@@ -48,114 +48,6 @@ else
            WIPE=(rm -f)
       -# usb auto detect using dmesg
       -# tested on ubuntu 10.04 - please test and patch on other systems if you can
       -# TODO: use udev rules, see how archlinux folks document it - arch rox 8)
       -# here we could modularize the choice of methods using function pointers,
       -# so that they are configurable when calling tomb.
       -ask_usbkey() {
       -    notice "Waiting 1 minute for a usb key to connect"
       -    echo -n " .  please insert your usb key "
       -    exec_as_user notify-send -i monmort \
       -        -u normal -h string:App:Tomb \
       -        -h double:Version:${VERSION} \
       -        -t 60 \
       -        "Insert your USB KEY" \
       -        "Tomb is waiting 1 minute for you to insert an external key."
       -    plugged=false
       -    c=0
       -    while [ "$plugged" != "true" ]; do
       -        dmesg | tail -n 12 | grep -q 'new.*USB device'
       -        if [ $? = 0 ]; then plugged=true; fi
       -        echo -n "."
       -        sleep .5
       -        c=`expr $c + 1`
       -        if [ $c -gt 15 ]; then
       -            echo
       -            error "timeout."
       -            export usbkey_mount=none
       -            return 1;
       -        fi
       -    done
       -    echo
       -    echo -n " .  usb key inserted, attaching "
       -    c=0
       -    attached=false
       -    while [ "$attached" != "true" ]; do
       -        dmesg | tail -n 12| grep -q 'Attached.*removable disk'
       -        if [ $? = 0 ]; then attached=true; fi
       -        echo -n "."
       -        sleep  1
       -        c=`expr $c + 1`
       -        if [ $c -gt 15 ]; then
       -            echo
       -            error "timeout."
       -            export usbkey_mount=none
       -            return 1;
       -        fi
       -    done
       -    echo
       -    echo -n " .  usb attached, opening "
       -    # get the first partition
       -#    usbpart=`dmesg |tail -n 12 | grep '  sd.:' |cut -d: -f2 |tr -d ' '`
       -    for i in $(seq 1 10); do
       -        usbpart=$(dmesg | tail -n 12 | sed '/  sd.:/!d;s/^.*: \(sd.[0-9]*\)/\1/')
       -        if [ -n "$usbpart" ]; then
       -           break
       -        elif [ $i -eq 10 ]; then
       -            error "timeout."
       -            return 1
       -        else
       -            echo -n .
       -            sleep 1
       -        fi
       -    done
       -    # # wait that is mounted (it automount is on)
       -    # c=0
       -    # mounted=false
       -    # while [ "$mounted" != "true" ]; do
       -    #         cat /proc/mounts | tail -n 2 | grep -q $usbpart
       -    #         if [ $? = 0 ]; then mounted=true; fi
       -    #         echo -n "."
       -    #         sleep .5
       -    #         c=`expr $c + 1`
       -    #         if [ $c -gt 30 ]; then
       -    #             echo
       -    #             error "timeout."
       -    #             export usbkey_mount=none
       -    #             return 1;
       -    #         fi
       -    # done
       -    # # check where it is mounted
       -    # usbmount=`cat /proc/mounts | awk -v p=$usbpart '{ if( $1 == "/dev/" p) print $2 }'`
       -#    sleep 1
       -    # mount the first partition on the usb key
       -#    mtmp=`tempfile -p tomb`
       -#    rm -f $mtmp
       -#    mkdir -p $mtmp
       -    mtmp=$(/bin/mktemp -d --tmpdir tomb.XXXXXXXXXXXX)
       -    mount /dev/$usbpart $mtmp
       -    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -        usbmount=$mtmp
       -    else
       -        error "cannot mount usbkey partition $usbmount"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    echo
       -    act "usb key mounted on $usbmount"
       -    export usbkey_mount=$usbmount
       -    return 0
        # we use pinentry now
        # comes from gpg project and is much more secure
       t@@ -166,7 +58,10 @@ ask_password() {
            # so we need to temporary modify the gtk theme
            if [ -r ~/.gtkrc-2.0 ]; then
                cp ~/.gtkrc-2.0 ~/.gtkrc-2.0.tomb.bak
       +    else
       +        touch ~/.gtkrc-2.0
            cat <<EOF  >> ~/.gtkrc-2.0
            pixmap_path "/usr/local/share/pixmaps"
            style "normal" { stock["gtk-dialog-authentication"] = {{"monmort.xpm"}} }
       t@@ -174,8 +69,8 @@ ask_password() {
            cat <<EOF | pinentry | awk '/^D/ { print $2 }'
       -SETTITLE Opening Tomb $1
       -SETDESC You need a password to use its key
       +SETTITLE Insert tomb password
       +SETDESC Open tomb: $1
        SETPROMPT Password:
       t@@ -184,33 +79,12 @@ EOF
            if [ -r ~/.gtkrc-2.0.tomb.bak ]; then
                cp ~/.gtkrc-2.0.tomb.bak ~/.gtkrc-2.0
                rm ~/.gtkrc-2.0.tomb.bak
       -    fi
       -# popup notification
       -tomb-notify() {
       -    # look for our icon in common prefixes
       -    if   [ -r /usr/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ];       then icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm
       -    elif [ -r /usr/share/icons/monmort.xpm ];         then icon=/usr/share/icons/monmort.xpm
       -    elif [ -r /usr/local/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ]; then icon=/usr/local/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm
       -    elif [ -r /usr/local/share/icons/monmort.xpm ];   then icon=/usr/local/share/icons/monmort.xpm
       -    elif [ -r /opt/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ];       then icon=/opt/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm
       -    elif [ -r /sw/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ];        then icon=/sw/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm
       -    fi
       -    if [ -z $1 ]; then
       -        exec_as_user notify-send -i $icon \
       -            -u low -h string:App:Tomb \
       -            -h double:Version:${VERSION} \
       -            "Tomb version $VERSION" \
       -            "Hi, I'm the Undertaker.
       -Let's start setting your Crypt?"
       -        exec_as_user notify-send -i $icon ${@}
       +        rm -f ~/.gtkrc-2.0
        # drop privileges
        exec_as_user() {
       t@@ -235,77 +109,127 @@ exec_as_user() {
        check_priv() {
            id | grep root > /dev/null
            if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        which gksu > /dev/null
       -        if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -            func "Using gksu for root execution of 'tomb ${(f)ARGS}'"
       -            gksudo "tomb ${ARGS[@]}"
       -            exit $?
       -        fi
                which sudo > /dev/null
       -        if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -            func "Using sudo for root execution of 'tomb ${(f)ARGS}'"
       +        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       +            error "Tomb requires sudo. please install it."
       +            exit 1
       +        fi
       +        func "Using sudo for root execution of 'tomb ${(f)ARGS}'"
                    # check if sudo has a timestamp active
       -            sudok=false
       -            sudo -n tomb 2> /dev/null
       -            if [ $? != 0 ]; then # if not then ask a password
       -                cat <<EOF | pinentry | awk '/^D/ { print $2 }' | sudo -S -v
       +        sudok=false
       +        sudo -n tomb 2> /dev/null
       +        if [ $? != 0 ]; then # if not then ask a password
       +            cat <<EOF | pinentry | awk '/^D/ { print $2 }' | sudo -S -v
        SETTITLE Super user privileges required
        SETDESC Sudo execution of Tomb ${ARGS[@]}
        SETPROMPT Insert your USER password:
       -            fi
       -            sudo "tomb" ${(s: :)ARGS}
       -            exit $?
       -        fi # have sudo
       -        return 1
       +        fi
       +        sudo "tomb" ${(s: :)ARGS}
       +        exit $?
            fi # are we root already
            return 0
       +get_arg_tomb() {
       +# set up variables to be used by caller:
       +# tombfile - filename without path
       +# tombdir  - directory where the tomb is
       +# tombname - name of the tomb (filename without extension)
       +# the full path is made with $tombdir/$tombfile
       +    if [ -z $1 ]; then
       +        error "internal: get_arg_tomb called without argument"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    arg=${1}
       +    if ! [ -r ${arg} ]; then
       +        error "file not found: $arg"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    tombfile=`basename $arg`
       +    tombdir=`dirname $arg`
       +    file ${tombdir}/${tombfile} | grep -i 'luks encrypted file' 2>&1 >/dev/null
       +    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       +        error "$arg is not a valid tomb file, operation aborted"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    tombname=${tombfile%%\.*}
       +    act "tomb found: ${tombdir}/${tombfile}"
       +    # now check if the key is kept beside or in args
       +    # we use the extension .key
       +    # the problem with .tomb.gpg is that decoding by hand using gpg it
       +    # can override the tomb contents if the key is in the same
       +    # directory than the tomb
       +    if [ $KEY ]; then
       +        tombkey=$KEY # commandline -k flag
       +        act "tomb key specified manually: $tombkey"
       +    elif [ -r ${tombdir}/${tombname}.key ]; then
       +        tombkey=${tombdir}/${tombname}.key
       +        act "key found for tomb '${tombname}': ${tombkey}"
       +    else
       +        error "key not found for tomb '${tombname}'"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    return 0
        ### main()
       -echo $@ | grep '\-q' 2>&1 > /dev/null
       -if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -    notice "Tomb  -  simple commandline tool for encrypted storage"
       -    act "version $VERSION ($DATE) by Jaromil @"
        echo $@ | grep '\-D' 2>&1 > /dev/null
        if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -    echo "[D] invoked with args \"${(f)@}\" "
       -    echo "[D] running on `date`"
       -OPTS=`getopt -o hvqDs:k: -n 'tomb' -- "$@"`
       +OPTS=`getopt -o hvqDs:k:n -n 'tomb' -- "$@"`
        while true; do
            case "$1" in
       -            act ""
       -            notice "Syntax: tomb [options] command [file] [mountpoint]"
       -            act ""
       -            notice "Commands:"
       -            act "create     create a new encrypted storage FILE and keys"
       -            act "open       open an existing tomb FILE on MOUNTPOINT"
       -            act "close      closes the tomb on MOUNTPOINT"
       -            act "bury       hide a tomb key inside a jpeg image"
       -            act "exhume     extract an hidden tomb key from a jpeg image"
       +            cat <<EOF
       +Tomb $VERSION - a strong and gentle undertaker for your secrets
       -            act ""
       -            notice "Options:"
       -            act "-s     size of the storage file when creating one (MB)"
       -            act "-k     path to the key to use for decryption"
       -            act ""
       -            act "-h     print this help"
       -            act "-v     version information for this tool"
       -            act "-q     run quietly without printing informations"
       -            act "-D     print debugging information at runtime"
       -            echo; exit 2 ;;
       + Copyright (C) 2007-2011 Foundation, License GNU GPL v3+
       + This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it
       + The latest Tomb sourcecode is published on <>
       +Syntax: tomb [options] command [file] [place]
       + create     create a new tomb FILE and its keys
       + open       open an existing tomb FILE on PLACE
       + close      closes the tomb open on PLACE
       + bury       hide a tomb key FILE inside a jpeg PLACE
       + exhume     extract a tomb key FILE from a jpeg PLACE
       + -s     size of the tomb file when creating one (in MB)
       + -k     path to the key to use for opening a tomb
       + -n     don't process the hooks found in tomb
       + -h     print this help
       + -v     version information for this tool
       + -q     run quietly without printing informations
       + -D     print debugging information at runtime
       +For more informations on Tomb read the manual: man tomb
       +Please report bugs on <>.
       +exit 0 ;;
       +            notice "Tomb  -  simple commandline tool for encrypted storage"
       +            act "version $VERSION ($DATE) by Jaromil @"
                    # print out the GPL license in this file
                    act ""
                    cat $0 | awk '
       t@@ -317,9 +241,13 @@ BEGIN { license=0 }
                    act ""
                    exit 0 ;;
                -q) QUIET=1; shift 1 ;;
       -        -D) DEBUG=1; shift 1 ;;
       +        -D)
       +            echo "[D] Tomb invoked with args \"${(f)@}\" "
       +            echo "[D] running on `date`"
       +            DEBUG=1; shift 1 ;;
                -s) SIZE=$2; shift 2 ;;
                -k) KEY=$2; shift 2 ;;
       +        -b) NOBIND=1; shift 1 ;;
                --) shift; break ;;
                *)  CMD=$1;
                    FILE=$2; MOUNT=$3; # compat with old args
       t@@ -331,44 +259,52 @@ done
        if ! [ $CMD ]; then
            error "first argument missing, use -h for help"
       -    tomb-notify
            exit 0
       -func "Tomb called: $CMD $CMD2 $CMD3"
       +func "Tomb command: $CMD $CMD2 $CMD3"
        create_tomb() {
       -# make sure the file has a .tomb extension
       -    FILE="${FILE%\.*}.tomb"
       +    if ! [ ${CMD2} ]; then
       +        error "no tomb name specified for creation"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       -    if [ -e "$FILE" ]; then
       -        error "$FILE exists already. I'm not digging here."
       +    tombfile=`basename ${CMD2}`
       +    tombdir=`dirname ${CMD2}`
       +    # make sure the file has a .tomb extension
       +    tombname=${tombfile%%\.*}
       +    tombfile=${tombname}.tomb
       +    if [ -e ${tombdir}/${tombfile} ]; then
       +        error "tomb exists already. I'm not digging here:"
       +        ls -lh ${tombdir}/${tombfile}
                return 1
       -    notice "Creating a new tomb"
       +    notice "Creating a new tomb in ${tombdir}/${tombfile}"
            if [ -z $SIZE ]; then
       -        if [ $MOUNT ]; then
       -            SIZE=$MOUNT
       +        if [ $CMD3 ]; then
       +            tombsize=${CMD3}
                    act "No size specified, summoning the Tomb Undertaker to guide us in the creation."
                    tomb-open &!
                    return 0
       +    else
       +        tombsize=${SIZE}
       -    SIZE_4k=`expr $SIZE \* 1000 / 4`
       -    act "Generating ${FILE} of ${SIZE}Mb (${SIZE_4k} blocks of 4Kb)"
       -    $DD if=/dev/urandom bs=4k count=${SIZE_4k} of=${FILE}
       +    tombsize_4k=`expr $tombsize \* 1000 / 4`
       +    act "Generating ${tombfile} of ${tombsize}Mb (${tombsize_4k} blocks of 4Kb)"
       +    $DD if=/dev/urandom bs=4k count=${tombsize_4k} of=${tombdir}/${tombfile}
       -    if [ $? = 0 -a -e ${FILE} ]; then
       -        act "OK: `ls -lh ${FILE}`"
       +    if [ $? = 0 -a -e ${tombdir}/${tombfile} ]; then
       +        act "OK: `ls -lh ${tombdir}/${tombfile}`"
       -        error "Error creating the tomb ${FILE}, operation aborted."
       +        error "Error creating the tomb ${tombdir}/${tombfile}, operation aborted."
                exit 1
       t@@ -376,7 +312,7 @@ create_tomb() {
            modprobe aes-i586
            nstloop=`losetup -f` # get the number for next loopback device
       -    losetup -f ${FILE}   # allocates the next loopback for our file
       +    losetup -f ${tombdir}/${tombfile} # allocates the next loopback for our file
            # create the keyfile in tmpfs so that we leave less traces in RAM
            keytmp=`tempfile -p tomb`
       t@@ -404,15 +340,14 @@ create_tomb() {
                exit 1
       -    notice "Setup your secret key file ${FILE}.gpg"
       -    tomb-notify "The Tomb key is being forged:" "please set your password."
       +    notice "Setup your secret key file ${tombname}.key"
            # here user is prompted for key password
            for c in 1 2 3; do
                # 3 tries to write two times a matching password
       -        tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb -q askpass ${FILE}`
       +        tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb askpass ${tombname}`
       -        tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb -q askpass "${FILE} (again)"`
       +        tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb askpass "${tombname} (again)"`
                if [ "$tombpasstmp" = "$tombpass" ]; then
       t@@ -428,8 +363,9 @@ create_tomb() {
                exit 1
       -    echo "${tombpass}" | gpg --batch --no-options --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 \
       -        -o "${FILE}.gpg" -c -a ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp
       +    echo "${tombpass}" | gpg \
       +        --openpgp --batch --no-options --no-tty --passphrase-fd 0 \
       +        -o "${tombdir}/${tombname}.key" -c -a ${keytmp}/tomb.tmp
            if [ $? = 2 ]; then
                error "setting password failed: gnupg returns 2"
       t@@ -460,12 +396,11 @@ create_tomb() {
            act "formatting your Tomb with Ext4 filesystem"
       -    mkfs.ext4 -q -F -j -L "${FILE%%.*}" /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp
       +    mkfs.ext4 -q -F -j -L ${tombname} /dev/mapper/tomb.tmp
       -    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -        act "OK, encrypted storage succesfully formatted"
       -    else
       -        act "error formatting Tomb"
       +    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       +        error "Tomb format returns error"
       +        error "your tomb ${tombfile} maybe corrupt"
       t@@ -473,101 +408,19 @@ create_tomb() {
            cryptsetup luksClose tomb.tmp
            losetup -d ${nstloop}
       -    notice "done creating $FILE encrypted storage (using Luks dm-crypt AES/SHA256)"
       -    tomb-notify "The Tomb is ready!" "We will now open your new Tomb for the first time."
       -    notice "Your tomb is ready on ${FILE} and secured with key ${FILE}.gpg"
       -    act "Would you like to save the key on  an external usb device?"
       -    act "This is recommended for safety:"
       -    act "Always keep the key in a different place than the door!"
       -    act "If you answer yes, you'll need a USB KEY now: (y/n)"
       -    tomb-notify "Tomb has forged a key." "Would you like to save it on USB?" 
       -    echo -n " >  "
       -    read -q
       -    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -        ask_usbkey
       -        if ! [ -e ${usbkey_mount} ]; then
       -            error "cannot save the key in a separate place, move it yourself later."
       -        else
       -            mkdir -m 0700 -p ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb
       -            cp -v ${FILE}.gpg ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/
       -            chmod -R go-rwx ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb
       -            umount ${usbkey_mount}
       -            unset usbkey_mount
       -            notice "Key ${FILE}.gpg succesfully saved on your USB"
       -            act "now we proceed opening your new tomb"
       -            KEY=${FILE}.gpg
       -            CMD2=${FILE}
       -            CMD3=/media/${FILE}
       -            mount_tomb ${FILE}
       -            ${WIPE[@]} ${FILE}.gpg
       -        fi
       -    else # kept besides (deprecated behaviour)
       -        act "now we proceed opening your new tomb"
       -        KEY=${FILE}.gpg
       -        unset CMD2
       -        unset CMD3
       -        mount_tomb ${FILE}
       -    fi
       +    act "done creating $tombname encrypted storage (using Luks dm-crypt AES/SHA256)"
       +    notice "Your tomb is ready in ${tombdir}/${tombfile} and secured with key ${tombname}.key"
        mount_tomb() {
       -    if ! [ $CMD2 ]; then
       -        error "need an argument, operation aborted."
       -        return 1
       -    elif [ -r $CMD2 ]; then
       -        tombfile=`basename $CMD2`
       -    else
       -        # try also adding a .tomb extension
       -        tombfile=${tombfile%%\.*}.tomb
       -        if ! [ -r $tombfile ]; then
       -            error "cannot find a tomb named $CMD2"
       -            return 1
       -        fi
       -    fi
       -    tombdir=`dirname $CMD2`
       -    file ${tombdir}/${tombfile} | grep -i 'luks encrypted.*cbc-essiv' 2>&1 >/dev/null
       +    get_arg_tomb $CMD2
            if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        error "$CMD2 is not a valid tomb file, operation aborted"
       -        tomb-notify "Not a tomb." "$CMD2 doesn't seems a real tomb."
       +        error "operation aborted."
                return 1
       -    tombname=${tombfile%%\.*}
       -    act "mounting tomb named $tombname"
       -    if [ $KEY ]; then
       -        tombkey="`basename $KEY`"
       -        tombkeypath="$KEY"
       -        act "tomb key specified manually, using: $tombkeypath" 
       -    else
       -        tombkey=${tombfile}.gpg
       -        if [ -r $tombkey ]; then
       -            tombkeypath=$tombkey
       -        elif [ -r "$tombdir/$tombkey" ]; then
       -            tombkeypath="$tombdir/$tombkey"
       -        else
       -            error "encryption key ${enc_key} not found on disk"
       -            error "use -k option to specify which key to use"
       -            error "provide a usb key now, or press ctrl-c to abort"
       -            notice "please insert your USB KEY"
       -            ask_usbkey
       -            # returns usbkey_mount, now check if the key is there
       -            if [ -r ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/${tombkey} ]; then
       -                tombkeypath=${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/${tombkey}
       -                notice "key found on ${tombkeypath}"
       -            else
       -                error "key is missing, try to locate $tombkey in your files."
       -                error "operation aborted"
       -                return 1
       -            fi
       -        fi
       -    fi
            if ! [ $CMD3 ]; then
                act "mountpoint not specified, using default: $tombmount"
       t@@ -610,19 +463,19 @@ mount_tomb() {
            mapdate="`echo ${mapdate}/60 | bc -l | cut -d. -f1`"
            mapper="tomb.${tombname}.${mapdate}.`basename $nstloop`"
       -    notice "Password is required for key ${tombkey}"
       -    keyname=`basename $tombkey | cut -d. -f1`
       +    keyname=`basename $tombkey | cut -d. -f1`    
       +    notice "Password is required for key ${keyname}"
            for c in 1 2 3; do
                if [ $c = 1 ]; then
       -            tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb -q askpass ${keyname}`
       +            tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb askpass ${keyname}`
       -            tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb -q askpass "$keyname (retry $c)"`
       +            tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb askpass "$keyname (retry $c)"`
                echo "${tombpass}" \
                    | gpg --batch --passphrase-fd 0 --no-tty --no-options \
       -                  -d "${tombkeypath}"  \
       +                  -d "${tombkey}"  \
                    | cryptsetup --key-file - luksOpen ${nstloop} ${mapper}
                unset tombpass
       t@@ -632,12 +485,6 @@ mount_tomb() {
       -    if [ -r ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/${tombkey} ]; then
       -        umount ${usbkey_mount}
       -        rmdir  ${usbkey_mount}
       -        unset  usbkey_mount
       -    fi
            if ! [ -r /dev/mapper/${mapper} ]; then
                error "failure mounting the encrypted file"
       t@@ -660,8 +507,10 @@ mount_tomb() {
            notice "encrypted storage $tombfile succesfully mounted on $tombmount"
        #    exec_bind_hooks ${tombmount}
       -    exec_safe_bind_hooks ${tombmount}
       -    exec_post_hooks ${tombmount} open
       +    if ! [ $NOBIND ]; then
       +        exec_safe_bind_hooks ${tombmount}
       +        exec_post_hooks ${tombmount} open
       +    fi
            return 0
       t@@ -686,9 +535,9 @@ encode_key() {
            # here user is prompted for key password
            for c in 1 2 3; do
                # 3 tries to write two times a matching password
       -        tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb -q askpass ${FILE}`
       +        tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb askpass ${tombkey}`
       -        tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb -q askpass "${FILE} (again)"`
       +        tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb askpass "${tombkey} (again)"`
                if [ "$tombpasstmp" = "$tombpass" ]; then
       t@@ -704,7 +553,6 @@ encode_key() {
            awk '
        /^-----/ {next}
        /^Version/ {next}
       -/^Comment/ {next}
        {print $0}' ${tombkey} \
            | steghide embed --embedfile - --coverfile ${imagefile} \
              -p ${tombpass} -z 9 -e serpent cbc
       t@@ -732,27 +580,26 @@ decode_key() {
                return 1
       -    tombfile=${tombname%%\.*}.tomb.gpg
       -    notice "Decoding a key out of image $imagefile"
       +    keyfile=${tombname%%\.*}.key
       +    notice "Trying to exhume a key out of image $imagefile"
            for c in 1 2 3; do
                if [ $c = 1 ]; then
       -            tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb -q askpass ${keyname}`
       +            tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb askpass ${keyfile}`
       -            tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb -q askpass "$keyname (retry $c)"`
       +            tombpass=`exec_as_user tomb askpass "$keyfile (retry $c)"`
                steghide extract -sf ${imagefile} -p ${tombpass} -xf - \
                    | awk '
        BEGIN {
        print "-----BEGIN PGP MESSAGE-----"
       -print "Version: GnuPG v1.4.10 (GNU/Linux)"
        { print $0 }
        END {
        print "-----END PGP MESSAGE-----"
       -}' > ${tombfile}
       +}' > ${keyfile}
       -        if [ "`cat ${tombfile} | wc -l`" != "3" ]; then
       -            act "${tombfile} succesfully decoded"
       +        if [ "`cat ${keyfile} | wc -l`" != "3" ]; then
       +            act "${keyfile} succesfully decoded"
       t@@ -780,7 +627,8 @@ exec_bind_hooks() {
        { if($1 && $2) print "mount -o bind \${mnt}/" $1 " " $2 "; " }
            # restore $HOME for the calling user
       -    HOME=/home/${SUDO_USER}
       +    ME=${SUDO_USER:-$(whoami)}
       +    HOME=$(grep $ME /etc/passwd | sed "s/^${ME}:.*:.*:.*:.*:\([\/a-z]*\):.*$/\1/" 2>/dev/null)
            act "bind hooks found, mounting directories as requested"
            # execute the mount commands
       t@@ -800,9 +648,9 @@ exec_safe_bind_hooks() {
              error "cannot exec bind hooks without a mounted tomb."
              return 1
       -   if [ ! -r "$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks" ]; then
       -      func "cannot read bind-hooks."
       -      return
       +   if ! [ -r "$MOUNTPOINT/bind-hooks" ]; then
       +      func "bind-hooks not found in $MOUNTPOINT"
       +      return 1
           typeset -al created
           typeset -al mounted
       t@@ -820,7 +668,7 @@ exec_safe_bind_hooks() {
                  return 1
              if [ ! -d "$HOME/${maps[$dir]}" ]; then
       -          notice "creating $HOME/${maps[$dir]}"
       +          act "creating $HOME/${maps[$dir]}"
                  mkdir -p $HOME/${maps[$dir]}
       t@@ -844,38 +692,6 @@ exec_post_hooks() {
       -get_arg_tomb() {
       -# set up variables to be used by caller:
       -# tombfile - filename without path
       -# tombdir  - directory where the tomb is
       -# tombname - name of the tomb (filename without extension)
       -# the full path is made with $tombdir/$tombfile
       -    if [ -z $1 ]; then
       -        error "internal: get_arg_tomb called without argument"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    # make sure there is a .tomb extension
       -    arg=${1%%\.*}.tomb
       -    if ! [ -r ${arg} ]; then
       -        error "file not found: $arg"
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    tombfile=`basename $arg`
       -    tombdir=`dirname $arg`
       -    file ${tombdir}/${tombfile} | grep -i 'luks encrypted file' 2>&1 >/dev/null
       -    if [ $? != 0 ]; then
       -        error "$arg is not a valid tomb file, operation aborted"
       -        tomb-notify "Not a tomb." "$arg doesn't seems a real tomb."
       -        return 1
       -    fi
       -    tombname=${tombfile%%\.*}
       -    return 0
        backup_tomb() { # FIXME - duplicity asks passwords too often
            # using duplicity
       t@@ -913,10 +729,10 @@ backup_tomb() { # FIXME - duplicity asks passwords too often
                act "ssh connection requires a password"
                FTP_PASSWORD="`exec_as_user tomb askpass $bckurl`"
       -# TODO verify ssh access before duplicity does
       -#      since it blocks the thing retrying 5 times and such crap
       -#      i.e. try ssh true to sshurl="`echo $bckurl | sed -e 's/ssh:\/\///'`"
       -#  --no-print-statistics
       +    # TODO verify ssh access before duplicity does
       +    #      since it blocks the thing retrying 5 times and such crap
       +    #      i.e. try ssh true to sshurl="`echo $bckurl | sed -e 's/ssh:\/\///'`"
       +    #  --no-print-statistics
            # duplicity works only on directories
       t@@ -984,8 +800,8 @@ umount_tomb() {
            if [ "$1" = "all" ]; then
                tombs=`find /dev/mapper -name 'tomb.*'`
                if ! [ $tombs ]; then
       -            error "Tombs are all closed, cemetery is quiet."
       -            return 1
       +            notice "Tombs are all closed, cemetery is quiet."
       +            return 0
                for t in ${(f)tombs}; do
                    umount_tomb ${t}
       t@@ -1000,7 +816,6 @@ umount_tomb() {
                error "tomb not found: $1"
                error "please specify an existing /dev/mapper/tomb.*"
       -        tomb-notify "Tomb was already closed." "Undertaker will rest in peace."
                return 0
       t@@ -1021,15 +836,17 @@ umount_tomb() {
            # Execute post-hooks for eventual cleanup
       -    exec_post_hooks ${tombmount} close
       +    if ! [ $NOBIND ]; then
       +        exec_post_hooks ${tombmount} close
       +    fi
            act "closing tomb $tombname on dm-crypt $basemap"
            mount | grep $mapper 2>&1 >/dev/null
            if [ $? = 0 ]; then # still mounted
                umount ${mapper}
                if ! [ $? = 0 ]; then
       -            tomb-notify "Tomb '$tombname' is too busy." \
       -                "Close all applications and file managers, then try again."
       +            # TODO: ask user if wanting to SLAM the tomb closed
       +            # then kill all processes found using it with fuser and lsof
                    return 1
       t@@ -1042,8 +859,7 @@ umount_tomb() {
            losetup -d "/dev/`echo $basemap | cut -d. -f4`"
       -    notice "crypt storage ${mapper} unmounted"
       -    tomb-notify "Tomb closed: $tombname" "Your bones will Rest In Peace."
       +    notice "Tomb $tombname closed: your bones will rest in peace."
            return 0
       t@@ -1053,7 +869,7 @@ umount_tomb() {
        install_tomb() {
        # TODO: distro package deps (for binary)
       -# debian: zsh, cryptsetup, libgtk2.0-0, libnotify-bin
       +# debian: zsh, cryptsetup, sudo
            act "updating mimetypes..." 
            cat <<EOF > /tmp/dyne-tomb.xml
        <?xml version="1.0"?>
       t@@ -1064,7 +880,7 @@ install_tomb() {
          <mime-type type="application/x-tomb-key">
            <comment>Tomb crypto key</comment>
       -    <glob pattern="*.tomb.gpg"/>
       +    <glob pattern="*.key"/>
       t@@ -1115,7 +931,7 @@ application/x-tomb-volume
                ext: tomb
       -        ext: tomb.gpg
       +        ext: key
            cat <<EOF > /usr/lib/mime/packages/tomb
        application/x-tomb-volume; tomb-open '%s'; priority=8
       t@@ -1155,9 +971,8 @@ case "$CMD" in
            install)  check_priv ; install_tomb ;;
       -    askpass)  ask_password $CMD2 $CMD3 ;;
       +    askpass)  ask_password $CMD2 ;;
            status)   tomb-status ;;
       -    notify)   tomb-notify $CMD2 $CMD3 ;;
            *) error "command \"$CMD\" not recognized"
                act "try -h for help"
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/tomb-open b/src/tomb-open
       t@@ -31,35 +31,188 @@ try() {
            else return -1; fi
       -tombdir=`dirname $1`
       -tombfile=`basename $1`
       +# popup notification
       +tomb-notify() {
       +    which notify-send > /dev/null
       +    if [ $? != 0 ]; then return 1; fi
       +    # look for our icon in common prefixes
       +    if   [ -r /usr/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ];       then icon=/usr/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm
       +    elif [ -r /usr/share/icons/monmort.xpm ];         then icon=/usr/share/icons/monmort.xpm
       +    elif [ -r /usr/local/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ]; then icon=/usr/local/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm
       +    elif [ -r /usr/local/share/icons/monmort.xpm ];   then icon=/usr/local/share/icons/monmort.xpm
       +    elif [ -r /opt/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ];       then icon=/opt/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm
       +    elif [ -r /sw/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm ];        then icon=/sw/share/pixmaps/monmort.xpm
       +    fi
       +    if [ -z $1 ]; then
       +        notify-send -i $icon \
       +            -u low -h string:App:Tomb \
       +            -h double:Version:${VERSION} \
       +            "Tomb version $VERSION" \
       +            "Hi, I'm the Undertaker.
       +Let's start setting your Crypt?"
       +    else
       +        notify-send -i $icon ${@}
       +    fi
       +# USB plug auto detect using dmesg
       +# tested on ubuntu 10.04 and debian 6.0
       +# please test and patch on other systems if you can.
       +# TODO: use udev rules, see how archlinux folks document it:
       +# here we could modularize the choice of methods using function pointers,
       +# so that they are configurable when calling tomb.
       +ask_usbkey() {
       +    unset usbkey_mount
       +    echo "Waiting 1 minute for a usb key to connect"
       +    echo -n " .  please insert your usb key "
       +    tomb-notify "Insert your USB KEY" \
       +        "Tomb is waiting 30 seconds for you to insert an external key."
       +    plugged=false
       +    c=0
       +    while [ "$plugged" != "true" ]; do
       +        dmesg | tail -n 12 | grep -q 'new.*USB device'
       +        if [ $? = 0 ]; then plugged=true; fi
       +        echo -n "."
       +        sleep .5
       +        c=`expr $c + 1`
       +        if [ $c -gt 60 ]; then
       +            echo
       +            echo "[!] timeout."
       +            return 1;
       +        fi
       +    done
       +    echo
       +    echo -n " .  usb key inserted, attaching "
       +    c=0
       +    attached=false
       +    while [ "$attached" != "true" ]; do
       +        dmesg | tail -n 12| grep -q 'Attached.*removable disk'
       +        if [ $? = 0 ]; then attached=true; fi
       +        echo -n "."
       +        sleep  .5
       +        c=`expr $c + 1`
       +        if [ $c -gt 30 ]; then
       +            echo
       +            echo "[!] timeout."
       +            export usbkey_mount=none
       +            return 1;
       +        fi
       +    done
       +    echo
       +    echo -n " .  usb attached, opening "
       +    # get the first partition
       +#    usbpart=`dmesg |tail -n 12 | grep '  sd.:' |cut -d: -f2 |tr -d ' '`
       +    for i in $(seq 1 10); do
       +        usbpart=$(dmesg | tail -n 12 | sed '/  sd.:/!d;s/^.*: \(sd.[0-9]*\)/\1/')
       +        if [ -n "$usbpart" ]; then
       +           break
       +        elif [ $i -eq 10 ]; then
       +            echo "[!] timeout."
       +            return 1
       +        else
       +            echo -n .
       +            sleep 1
       +        fi
       +    done
       +    mtmp=$(/bin/mktemp -d --tmpdir tomb.XXXXXXXXXXXX)
       +    sudo mount /dev/$usbpart $mtmp
       +    if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       +        usbmount=$mtmp
       +    else
       +        echo "[!] cannot mount usbkey partition $usbmount"
       +        return 1
       +    fi
       +    echo
       +    echo " .  usb key mounted on $usbmount"
       +    usbkey_mount=$usbmount
       +    return 0
       +launch_status() {
       +    # calculates the correct arguments to launch tomb-status tray
       +    # applet; it takes the tomb name as an argument and should be
       +    # launched after a successful tomb mount.
       +    if ! [ $1 ]; then
       +        echo "[!] cannot launch status tray applet: we don't even know the name of our tomb."
       +        exit 1
       +    fi
       +    tombname=${1}
       +    tombmap=`mount -l | awk "/\[${tombname}\]$/"' { print $1 } '`
       +    tombmount=`mount -l | awk "/\[${tombname}\]$/"' { print $3 } '`
       +    tomb-status $tombmap $tombname $tombmount &!
        # got an argument
        if [ $1 ]; then # is it a file?
       +    tombdir=`dirname $1`
       +    tombfile=`basename $1`
       +    tombname=${tombfile%%\.*}
            if [ -f ${tombdir}/${tombfile} ]; then
                # is it a luks partition
       -        file ${tombdir}/${tombfile} | grep LUKS
       +        file ${tombdir}/${tombfile} | grep -i LUKS > /dev/null
                if [ $? = 0 ]; then # tomb is a valid LUKS file
       +            if [ -r ${tombdir}/${tombname}.key ]; then
       +                tombkey=${tombdir}/${tombname}.key
       +            else
       +                ask_usbkey
       +                if ! [ $usbkey_mount ]; then # no usb key was mounted
       +                    echo "key not provided for tomb: $tombname"
       +                    echo "operation aborted." # TODO: dialog with pinentry
       +                    exit 1
       +                else # usb mounted, check key presence
       +                    if [ -r ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/${tombname}.key ]; then
       +                        tombkey=${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/${tombname}.key
       +                    elif [ -r ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb ]; then
       +                        echo "we can't find the right key, have a look yourself:"
       +                        ls -lha ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb
       +                        exit 1
       +                    else
       +                        echo "there are no keys stored in your usb"
       +                        exit 1
       +                    fi
       +                fi
       +            fi
       +            if ! [ ${tombkey} ]; then # just to be sure
       +                echo "key not found, operation aborted."
       +                exit 1
       +            else
       +                tomb -k ${tombkey} mount ${tombdir}/${tombfile}
       +                success=$?
       +            fi
       -            tomb mount ${tombdir}/${tombfile}
       +            if [ $usbkey_mount ]; then
       +                sudo umount ${usbkey_mount}
       +                rmdir  ${usbkey_mount}
       +                unset  usbkey_mount
       +            fi
       -            if [ $? = 0 ]; then        # mount was succesfull (with password and all)
       -            # strip extension if there
       -                tombmap=`mount -l | awk "/\[${tombname}\]$/"' { print $1 } '`
       -                tombmount=`mount -l | awk "/\[${tombname}\]$/"' { print $3 } '`
       -                echo "tomb-status $tombmap $tombname $tombmount"
       -                tomb-status $tombmap $tombname $tombmount &!
       +            if [ $success = 0 ]; then        # mount was succesfull (with password and all)
       +                launch_status ${tombname}
                        exit 0
       -                tomb notify "Tomb cannot open." "Are you knocking the wrong door?"
       +                tomb-notify "Tomb cannot open." "Are you knocking the wrong door?"
                        exit 1
       -            tomb notify "Not a real Tomb." "We found no real bones in there."
       +            tomb-notify "Not a real Tomb." "We found no real bones in there."
                    exit 1
       t@@ -74,7 +227,7 @@ if [ $1 ]; then # is it a file?
                try rox; if [ $? = 0 ]; then rox ${1}; exit 0; fi
                try fsviewer; if [ $? = 0 ]; then fsviewer ${1}; exit 0; fi
        #        try xnc; if [ $? = 0 ]; then xnc ${1}; exit 0; fi
       -        tomb notify "File manager not found." "Tomb cannot guess which filemanager you are using"
       +        tomb-notify "File manager not found." "Tomb cannot guess which filemanager you are using"
                exit 1
       t@@ -88,7 +241,13 @@ if [ -z $DISPLAY ]; then
        # no arguments: start guided tomb creation
       -tomb notify
       +# we do it on the desktop by default
       +if [ -r $HOME/Desktop ]; then 
       +    cd $HOME/Desktop;
       +# or inside HOME
       +else cd $HOME; fi
        cat <<EOF
        Create a new Tomb
       t@@ -115,13 +274,14 @@ fi
            # let's proceed
        echo "  Please type in the name for your new tomb file:"
        echo -n "> "
       -read filename
       +read tombname
        echo "  How big you want the Tomb to be?"
        echo "  Type a size number in Megabytes:"
        echo -n "> "
       -read size
       +read tombsize
        echo "  You have commanded the creation of this Tomb:"
       -echo "    $filename ( $size MBytes )";
       +echo "    $tombname ( $tombsize MBytes )";
        cat <<EOF
          Please confirm if you want to proceed now:
       t@@ -146,22 +306,60 @@ cat <<EOF
       -tomb create ${filename}.tomb $size
       +tomb -s $tombsize create ${tombfile}
        if [ $? != 0 ]; then
            echo "An error occurred creating tomb, operation aborted."
            exit 1
       -    tombname="${filename%%.*}"
       -    tombmap=`mount -l | awk "/\[${tombname}\]$/"' { print $1 } '`
       -    tombmount=`mount -l | awk "/\[${tombname}\]$/"' { print $3 } '`
       -    tomb-status $tombmap $tombname $tombmount &!
       +tomb-notify "The Tomb is ready!" "We will now open your new Tomb for the first time."
       +cat <<EOF
       +  Would you like to save the key on  an external usb device?"
       +  This is recommended for safety:"
       +  Always keep the key in a different place than the door!"
       +  If you answer yes, you'll need a USB KEY now: (y/n)"
       +# tomb-notify "Tomb has forged a key." "Would you like to save it on USB?" 
       +echo -n " >  "
       +read -q
       +if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       +    ask_usbkey
       +    if [  ${usbkey_mount} ]; then
       +        sudo mkdir -m 0700 -p ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb
       +        sudo cp -v ${tombname}.key ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb/
       +        sudo chmod -R go-rwx ${usbkey_mount}/.tomb
       -# if ! [ -r /usr/share/applications/tomb.desktop ]; then
       -#     echo "  Well done!"
       -#     echo "  Now the last thing to do is to install Tomb on your desktop:"
       -#     sudo tomb install
       -# fi
       +        echo "${tombname}.key succesfully saved on your USB"
       +        echo "now we'll proceed opening your brand new tomb"
       +        tomb -k ${tombname}.key open ${tombfile}
       +        if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       +            launch_status ${tombname}
       +        fi
       +        rm -f ${tombname}.key
       +        sudo umount ${usbkey_mount}
       +        rmdir  ${usbkey_mount}
       +        unset usbkey_mount
       +        exit 0
       +    fi
       +cat <<EOF
       +  Impossible to save the key on USB.
       +  We recommend to preserve the key in a separate place!
       +  You can move it yourself later, place it in a hidden directory
       +  named .tomb inside the first partition of an usb key.
       +tomb -k ${tombname}.key open ${tombfile}
       +if [ $? = 0 ]; then
       +    launch_status ${tombname}
       +exit 0
 (DIR) diff --git a/src/tomb-status.c b/src/tomb-status.c
       t@@ -215,6 +215,9 @@ gboolean cb_close(GtkWidget *w, GdkEvent *e) {
       +  /*  tomb-notify "Tomb '$tombname' is too busy."                \
       +      "Close all applications and file managers, then try again."
       +  */
          return TRUE;