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          / __ \/ __ \/ ___/ __/ / / / / // __  / _ \
         / /_/ / /_/ / /  / /_  / / /_/ // /_/ /  __/
        / .___/\____/_/   \__/ /_/\____(_)__,_/\___/
       /_/   welcome to the world of gopher
 (TXT) About this server
 (DIR) Phlog
 (DIR) Gardening (Glog)
 (ERR) Me at breadpunk.club [dead link]
 (ERR) Freshly Baked Bread Quotes [dead link]
 (TXT) Me at sectordisk.pw
 (DIR) sectordisk.pw's gopher
 (TEL) thesprawl.city BBS
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       ============================ Links
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       Contact: gopher.mail@gmx.net
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       updated      : 04/2024
       last modified: 03/2021 (after 9 years without change (03/2012))
       System Uptime: 06:25:01 up 468 days