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       There are lots of communities like tildes and pubnixes out
       there which offer free gemini or gopher hosting and even
       shell access. Some of them offer additional services like
       Matrix Chat or Mastodon/ActivityPub instances.
       Most of them have their own rules and policies concerning
       usage and commitment. Some of them require constant
       participation and communication via IRC. So choose wisely 
       when signing up for an account.
       Many also have a special topic they center around. But most
       of them are there to help each other, share their knowledge
       and create awesome things.
       <== Gopher Sites ==>
 (DIR) gopher.floodgap.com
 (DIR) gopherproject.org
 (DIR) quux.org (directory)
 (DIR) Gopher Lawn (directory)
 (DIR) Observable Gopherspace Universe Project
       <== tildes/pubnixes ==>
 (DIR) zaibatsu.Circumlunar Space
 (DIR) SDF.org
 (DIR) tildeverse.org
 (DIR) bitreich.org
 (DIR) medialab.freaknet.org
 (DIR) cosmic.voyage
       <== Gopher Search Engines ==>
 (DIR) Veronica II (Searchengine)
 (DIR) Quarry (Searchengine)
 (DIR) Gopherpedia (Wikipedia on Gopher)
       <== Gopher Phlog aggregators ==>
 (DIR) Bongusta!
 (DIR) gopher.black Phlog roll
 (DIR) bitreich.org news
 (DIR) Home