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       After stumbling across an already-built hv3 on my SSD, I
       discovered that there were at least two more Tk HTML widgets
       beyond TkHtml - htmllib and scrolledtext - and at least another
       full-fledged browser, BrowseX.
       htmllib only gets up to ~HTML 2 (no CSS), but hv3 is actually
       pretty impressive and, if not for the constant error pop-ups,
       probably still better than *both* Dillo *and* NetSurf.
 (HTM) Hv3 - Tcl/Tk Web Browser
 (HTM) htmllib - A pure Tcl html display widget
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       sl is a Tcl script I stumbled across a while ago, and which
       works - more-or-less - as an alternative to ls, coloring and
       sorting files by type.
 (DIR) sl/ -- A Tcl alternative to ls