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        Daily vlog by a young wannabe-scientist from Italy
 (TXT) [25-11-2022] A New Journy
 (TXT) [19-08-2022] Of Sumer and Writing
 (TXT) [24-07-2022] A Hot Summer
 (TXT) [23-06-2022] Of PhD Admmission and Shear Modulus
 (TXT) [01-06-2022] Back to the Office
 (TXT) [29-05-2022] Should I Start a Podcast?
 (TXT) [27-05-2022] My COVID Days
 (TXT) [14-05-2022] Of Exams and Eurovision Song Contest
 (TXT) [06-05-2022] Tiredness and Lack of Time
 (TXT) [30-04-2022] Of Monkey Island and Kinetics
 (TXT) [18-04-2022] Timeline Disruption
 (TXT) [03-04-2022] Unexpected Slowdowns
 (TXT) [29-03-2022] Spring Cleaning
 (TXT) [28-03-2022] 365 days
 (TXT) [28-03-2021] New audio amp and new book
 (TXT) [19-03-2021] A hard week
 (TXT) [16-03-2021] Red zone
 (TXT) [14-03-2021] AZ vaccines and mass psychosis
 (TXT) [12-03-2021] Amplifier and pi hole
 (TXT) [11-03-2021] How to become an entrepreneur
 (TXT) [10-03-2021] Text editors
 (TXT) [09-03-2021] Cope with time
 (TXT) [06-03-2021] Social distancing
 (TXT) [05-03-2021] He and baloons
 (TXT) [03-03-2021] A rag doll
 (TXT) [02-03-2021] Second semester begins
 (TXT) [01-03-2021] GNU/Linux OSs and desktop users
 (TXT) [28-02-2021] AoT and contradictory measures
 (TXT) [27-02-2021] Saturday thoughts
 (TXT) [26-02-2021] GEB
 (TXT) [25-02-2021] Chicken marinade
 (TXT) [24-02-2021] A new beginning