Saturday, March 02th, 2013
       Well, it's March. Let's welcome it in properly with the promise of snow show
       another cup of wine.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, February 28th, 2013
       Five Reasons to Read Ready Player One
 (TXT) Continued...
           Wednesday, February 27th, 2013
       I love that whenever I log into freeshell, I get a message that tells me to 
       and enjoy."
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, February 25th, 2013
       As much as I love writing things out here each morning, I think I need to sw
       some private paper journaling for my morning sessions, at least for a little
       need to drill down and get to the root of some things for my therapist and o
       meeting next month, and while I sincerely doubt that anybody out there is re
       reading this journal, I still don't feel comfortable being quite *that* open
       personal anywhere on the Internet, even as quiet and hidden as Gopherspace u
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, February 24th, 2013
       I only have a few minutes, so it will be a short entry today. Had more confe
       Doctor Who trying to save his wife and all of his kids. I think I may have b
       baby I haven't even started trying to concieve yet and wondered if it was to
       my thoughts about trying to go ahead and get the room ready for a baby even 
 (TXT) Continued...
           Saturday, February 23th, 2013
       Morning means a lot of different things to a lot of different people. To me,
       of things, the time to move from one state of being to the next, the time to
       blankets, center yourself for the day. It really is, essentially, the revers
       nighttime and play it on rewind, there you have the morning -- things get br
       losing it, you sloqly move into that place in yourself where you feel comfor
 (TXT) Continued...
           Friday, February 22th, 2013
       This is what happens when I start reading science fiction novels that are as
       1980s as I am. I start longing for my old, outdated, retro technology in a m
       that's part of the reason why I hang onto this account, because I know, even
       be struck with the desire to type things in a terminal again, to come back t
       to leave the world of automation and pictures and flash movies and auto-corr
       the cold, crisp, clean world of text-based Internet, where all of your mista
       the world to see, where you have no choice but to move in a specific matter 
       and corridors of the words and phrases, where the meat and the substance has
       quality, the solid quality of things.
 (TXT) Continued...
 (DIR) [2012]
 (DIR) [2011]
 (DIR) [2010]