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       \_____________________________/Digital Garden v3.0_/
       My humble digital garden. Have a visit, feel free
       to listen to one of my track while visiting. 
 (SND)      Ambiant
 (TXT)      About
 (TXT)      Logs
 (TXT)      Notes that might become a garden page
        o       @           |/ \  |  ,. \  | /
       ,|.,./.,.|,.",.'.,.,.| YOGA & MEDITATION
       What keeps me going, is my yogic life. 
       Evolution and change is at the core of
       my process, and I love to share about it. 
 (TXT)    Nidra, Dream and OBE
       The YiKing is a powerfull divination tool,
       here are the basic hexgram and more text 
       to come in the future.
 (TXT)    yiKing
                                o    |
       ,.,\.MUSIC & CREATIVITY,.|,.,"|/",..,
 (DIR)      Some of my music
       I'm actively learning music. 
       Here are some notes about the process. 
 (TXT)      Theory of Sound and music
 (TXT)      Spirituality and sound
 (TXT)      Tabla notation for the first year
 (TXT)      Doumbek Notation
 (TXT)      Shakuhachi
       _______________________________________TECH & CODE
       Hack, script, systems. I'm not a programmer per say
       but I like to hack things together. 
 (DIR)       My main code Repository
 (TXT)       Text and offline first How to