Wednesday, August 27th, 2014
       I needed this holiday.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Friday, June 20th, 2014
       The walls will be colorful again, soon. Time to grow out of 
       this room, mal endlich.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, January 06th, 2014
       Spinning, and spinning, and spinning.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, December 08th, 2013
       This is going to take a while to write. I am, /I was/ happy. 
       I'm at a point in my life in which I should just probably be 
       alone. But as the moth is in constant search for the light, 
       so am I not at all indifferent to the passing stars which 
       light up my days.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, July 04th, 2013
       So, where should I start this time.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Wednesday, March 20th, 2013
       Who am I, and what exactly did happen in the last five days?
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, March 10th, 2013
       I've eaten the forbidden apple.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, March 03th, 2013
       Oh, if they knew. If only they knew, how deep the deep of my 
       despair runs.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, February 10th, 2013
       I'm back.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, December 16th, 2012
       Same old story again and again.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, November 11th, 2012
       Ich habe nen Zuhause.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Friday, November 02th, 2012
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, October 09th, 2012
       So so so so
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, September 23th, 2012
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, August 21th, 2012
       What defines a bad guy?
 (TXT) Continued...
           Friday, August 17th, 2012
       <<E mo?>> which can be translated in: <<What now?>>
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, August 09th, 2012
       A sandbox is always useful.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, August 02th, 2012
       So, this is the jewel we've been waiting for. It *is* shiny.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Wednesday, July 18th, 2012
       So, new flatmate moved in last week, funny guy from China.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, July 12th, 2012
       Are you sure you want to go back, then?
 (TXT) Continued...
           Friday, June 29th, 2012
       <<Please come back.>>
 (TXT) Continued...
           Saturday, June 16th, 2012
       I'm getting more and more confused, as time progresses.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Friday, June 01th, 2012
       Maybe I should just do something that I really love,
       and everything else would just fix itself.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, May 28th, 2012
       What do you want from me?
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, May 15th, 2012
       I guess I chose well? I can still feel your scent in my room. Or
       I'm simply going slowly crazy. Whatever.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, May 10th, 2012
       Now, there's the problem of choice.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, May 06th, 2012
       I dream of entering a new phase of my life, in which
       I won't ever go to bed and just repeat myself how
       much I hate me and my fucking shyness.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Friday, April 20th, 2012
       Let's talk about tasks and their properties.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, April 10th, 2012
       Why do I get attention from non-single 
       girls, and non-single girls only?
       I honestly thought it was going to be 
       the other way around...
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, March 29th, 2012
       You're so beautiful that I will never reach you until I'll be ready
       and beautiful too. Except that it will never happen.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, March 26th, 2012
       Yes, I've been busy with exams and stuff.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, March 06th, 2012
       New statistics from the Italian government: 20% of Italian
       students who complete a Bachelor+Master University cycle (a
       minimum 5 years study period) doesn't get a job in 12 months.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, March 05th, 2012
       That's a nice idea! It seems that I can't get around my
       self esteem issues. Or if I can, I'm doing it really slowy.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Friday, February 24th, 2012
       Note to self: at first I thought I believed what I meant with "Hang
       out with new people, unfortunately some of them you won't see ever
       again, as they may be just passing from your city".
 (TXT) Continued...
           Wednesday, February 22th, 2012
       Why do I enjoy strange movies so much?
       Especially those in which the protagonist is a strange,
       often socially awkward figure.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, February 14th, 2012
       The bubble has burst.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Saturday, February 11th, 2012
       A terrible idea hit me before.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, January 22th, 2012
       I'm constantly toying with my mind, trying not to think of you.
       Because I must not.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, January 01th, 2012
       Talking about a bright beginning for 2012...
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, December 13th, 2011
       And then, you've arrived.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, November 21th, 2011
       Ok, there are some important news. Not really important nor news,
       but egal.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, November 13th, 2011
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, November 06th, 2011
       I've got nothing really profound to say in this phlog, so I'm just 
       to make a list of things I've done this weekend, in reverse order.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, October 13th, 2011
       <<You're Italian, just find another one.>>
 (TXT) Continued...
           Tuesday, October 11th, 2011
       Also, I'm in Deutschland. So many things are happening around
       me, that I'm in great pain to recall them all and write down
       each and every thought that passed through my brain in this
 (TXT) Continued...
           Thursday, September 22th, 2011
       Seven days to the departure, seven long days. I actually think a lo
       about whatever that's in front of me.
       I've always considered this year as an adventure in an unknown land
       a foreign country. The whole point is to lose myself away from home
       actually, see if I can blend in.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, September 18th, 2011
       I'm proud of you. I really am. You seem great, hopefully 
       not just when I'm near you. But I've already noticed a few
       things you wouldn't have done when we were together.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Sunday, September 11th, 2011
       Let us enter the second phase, in which all of our friends
       are now familiar with me and you having broken up, and are
       now taking "sides", even without us wanting them to.
 (TXT) Continued...
           Monday, September 05th, 2011
       Ok, to recap what I've learnt during this summer:
 (TXT) Continued...