       Week 06 -- Class notes
       Reading assignment: Parmer chapter 6 and Anderson chapter 5.
       This week we looked at cryptography hash functions and how they 
       are used for signatures. We also look at the Diffie-Hellman key 
       agreement protocol in a little more detail. We ended early, and so,
       we did an exercise on how to improve the class. Unfortunately, 
       neither Keshia nor Nicole were present for the exercise.
       We got a lot of good suggestions to improve the class. It was 
       impossible to pick the three best suggestions, so I selected based
       on style and reasoning.  Using that yardstick, Bridgett Einstein 
       got first place, Marco Ramirez second and everyone else third. This
       means that everyone that submitted a suggestion get the extra point
       For a list of the suggestions you must complete assignment 6.
 (BIN) Slide deck for week 6
 (DIR) Assignment 6
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