w e l c o m e   t o   m y
                                 _       _             _       
                     _ __  __ _ | |_    | |__    ___  | |  ___ 
                    | '__|/ _` || __|   | '_ \  / _ \ | | / _ \
                    | |  | (_| || |_    | | | || (_) || ||  __/
                    |_|   \__,_| \__|   |_| |_| \___/ |_| \___|
 (TXT) PGP public key
 (HTM) web site over on port 80
       did you just come here from there? hello
 (DIR) trove
       little stash of PDF & TXT files for you my friend
 (DIR) links
       other interesting holes in gopherspace
       -- TODO --------------------------------------------------------------
       ive written lots of grubby little bash scripts and c programs to ma
       computer things easier; most of them are going to go up here when i
       get the time.