_   _           _          
                            | | (_)  _ __   | | __  ___ 
                            | | | | | '_ \  | |/ / / __|
                            | | | | | | | | |   <  \__ \
                            |_| |_| |_| |_| |_|\_\ |___/
       Other interesting Gopher holes.
 (DIR) (back home)
       -- GOPHER -----------------------------------------------------------
 (DIR) Gophernicus
       Gopher server software used by sdf.org and others
 (DIR) Gopherpedia
       Gopher interface to Wikipedia.
       i-- ARCHIVES ----------------------------------------------------------
 (DIR) Titan Storage @ redhill.net.nz
       "Obsessive document collectors since 1999"
 (DIR) Floodgap Systems file archive
       Mirrors of historical software archives.
       -- PROGRAMMING -------------------------------------------------------
 (DIR) ForthWorks
       Charles Childers, creator of  a FORTH-like programming language called
       Retro, in  which he's implemented  (among other things)  a lightweight
       Gopher server.