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       LONG LIVE GOPHER! The original web
       Below you will find my gopher blog space and some files
       about various subjects.  Most of my files are on
       my own server at MTXDEV please check it out!
 (DIR) MyFiles (sdf)
 (DIR) My Phlog (sdf)
       Other Gopher Servers you might enjoy:
 (DIR) Mtxdev (my server)
 (DIR) Flood Gate Gopher server
       Just the raw file list of this directory follows.
 (DIR) ..                                                                
 (DIR) files                                 2015-Dec-08 05:15   --------
 (DIR) phlog                                 2024-Apr-05 21:02   --------
 (TXT) setting_up_gopher                     2015-Dec-11 02:04     0.8 KB