       Date: Tue Jul 20 16:03:51 2010
       Subject: Re: [gopher] pygopherd doesnt seem to be working for me
       On Tue, Jul 20, 2010 at 6:52 AM, daniel g <> wrote:
       > What has been unhelpful is the #netbsd rooms ive gone to=A0 -=A0 i just g=
       et rftm
       > responses from ppl who have forgotten how they were helped when the start=
       > on the netbsd journey
       > I cant understand the syslog man pages atm.
       RTFM. syslogd(8)
       It lists a configuration file that tells you where you currently store
       your logs.
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 (DIR) [gopher] pygopherd doesnt seem to be working for me
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] pygopherd doesnt seem to be working for me