From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Thu Apr 23 00:33:30 2015
       Subject: Re: [gopher] Gopher+ support in the community
       Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=20cf303347bb92f9e1051457beeb
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       cgod doesn't implement Gopher+
       (I don't think Gophernisus does either)
       My views on Gopher+ are a bit hazy.
       I think it need (if we want to improve the protocol) rethinking...
       gophers:// could be very interesting.
       However existing clients would not be able to use this.
       So this would require completely new clients.
       (Gopherspaces could support both gopher:// and gophers:// I suppose for
       backwards compatbility with older clients)
       My Gopher client(s) of choice are basically
       curl and Overbite. I was using elinks for a bit
       but have found it's implementation to by buggy
       at best.
       James Mills / prologic
       On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Kevin Veroneau <> wrote:
       > Hello everyone,
       > I'm curious to know how many widely used Gopher clients properly support
       > Gopher+ and what's the communities general view about supporting it.
       > I personally haven't used any Gopher+ features, and my current GopherSpace
       > doesn't use it either. How many of your gopherspaces have Gopher+ support?
       > I'm also a tad curious on working with "gophers://", Gopher over TLS. it'd
       > be easy to enable on a gopher server, but no clients currently support it.
       > On that note about Gopher clients, I did mention awhile back that I was
       > planning on developing a more modern stand alone gopher client for PCs. So
       > if I made a new client, I'd add Gopher over TLS support for kicks, and
       > depending on overall support, maybe Gopher+ support. OverbiteFF doesn't do
       > Gopher+ it seems(from reading it's source) and neither does the android
       > client...
       > One last question... what is your Gopher client of choice, and why?
       > Kevin.
       > --
       > Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
       > _______________________________________________
       > Gopher-Project mailing list
       Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
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       <div dir=3D"ltr">cgod doesn&#39;t implement Gopher+<div>(I don&#39;t think =
       Gophernisus does either)</div><div><br></div><div>My views on Gopher+ are a=
        bit hazy.</div><div>I think it need (if we want to improve the protocol) r=
       ethinking...</div><div><br></div><div>gophers:// could be very interesting.=
       </div><div>However existing clients would not be able to use this.</div><di=
       v>So this would require completely new clients.</div><div>(Gopherspaces cou=
       ld support both gopher:// and gophers:// I suppose for backwards compatbili=
       ty with older clients)</div><div><br></div><div>My Gopher client(s) of choi=
       ce are basically</div><div>curl and Overbite. I was using elinks for a bit<=
       /div><div>but have found it&#39;s implementation to by buggy</div><div>at b=
       est.</div><div><br></div><div>cheers</div><div>James</div></div><div class=
       =3D"gmail_extra"><br clear=3D"all"><div><div class=3D"gmail_signature"><spa=
       n style=3D"border-collapse:collapse;color:rgb(136,136,136);font-size:13px">=
       <br><font face=3D"arial, sans-serif">James Mills / prologic</font><br><br><=
       font face=3D"arial, sans-serif"></font><font face=3D"&#39;courier new&#39;,=
        monospace">E:=C2=A0<a href=3D"" style=
       =3D"color:rgb(0,0,204)" target=3D"_blank"></a><=
       /font></span><div><span style=3D"font-family:&#39;courier new&#39;,monospac=
       e;color:rgb(136,136,136);font-size:13px">W:=C2=A0</span><a href=3D"http://p=" style=3D"font-family:&#39;courier new&#39;,mon=
       ospace;font-size:13px;color:rgb(0,0,204)" target=3D"_blank">prologic.shortc=</a><br></div></div></div>
       <br><div class=3D"gmail_quote">On Thu, Apr 23, 2015 at 8:18 AM, Kevin Veron=
       eau <span dir=3D"ltr">&lt;<a href=3D"" target=3D"_=
       blank"></a>&gt;</span> wrote:<br><blockquote class=3D"gma=
       il_quote" style=3D"margin:0 0 0 .8ex;border-left:1px #ccc solid;padding-lef=
       t:1ex">Hello everyone,<br>
         I&#39;m curious to know how many widely used Gopher clients properly supp=
       ort Gopher+ and what&#39;s the communities general view about supporting it=
         I personally haven&#39;t used any Gopher+ features, and my current Gopher=
       Space doesn&#39;t use it either.  How many of your gopherspaces have Gopher=
       + support?<br>
         I&#39;m also a tad curious on working with &quot;gophers://&quot;, Gopher=
        over TLS.  it&#39;d be easy to enable on a gopher server, but no clients c=
       urrently support it.<br>
         On that note about Gopher clients, I did mention awhile back that I was p=
       lanning on developing a more modern stand alone gopher client for PCs.  So =
       if I made a new client, I&#39;d add Gopher over TLS support for kicks, and =
       depending on overall support, maybe Gopher+ support.  OverbiteFF doesn&#39;=
       t do Gopher+ it seems(from reading it&#39;s source) and neither does the an=
       droid client...<br>
         One last question...  what is your Gopher client of choice, and why?<span=
        class=3D"HOEnZb"><font color=3D"#888888"><br>
       -- <br>
       Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.</font>=
       Gopher-Project mailing list<br>
       <a href=3D"">Gopher-Project@li=</a><br>
       <a href=3D"
       roject" target=3D"_blank">
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 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] Gopher+ support in the community
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] Gopher+ support in the community
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] Gopher+ support in the community