From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Sun Jan 31 22:15:44 2016
       Subject: Re: [gopher] purchased
       Hm, I didn't get the thread starting post, so I'm replying to this one:
       > As it had been said on this list, gopher users are going to be in
       > competition with Go, a new programming language. Go programmers already
       > use the gopher mascot and the word  "gopher"! Soon the word "gopher" will rely
       > only to Go and not anymore to our favourite Internet protocol.
       > It is a fact that we, users of Gopher protocol, are not yet organized as
       > the World Wide Web consortium (W3C) is. So I take the initiative to preserve
       > our interests by launching an Internet site devoted to the promotion of Gopher
       > protocol in the same way than W3C does.
       We had a similar discussion recently [1] ;)
       > As some of you had maybe did it, I searched a vacant domain name relying
       > to the word "gopher". I didn't found nothing available. And truly, it is
       > difficult to preserve the property of a word referring to an animal (or
       > something that belong to an well known major actor of Internet).
       > Extending my search around the word "gopher+" I found a web site (
       > that sell a soft/diet drink named Gopher+!
       > Fortunately, the domain  didn't exist.  I purchased
       > it and set immediately a web page to make this new domain visible.
       Why not use the existing domain? Kaiser already stated that he is
       willing to offer it for a project "home". Since you already purchased that domain both
       could point to the project's home.
       Gopher-Project mailing list
       Thread start
 (DIR) Re: [gopher] purchased
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] purchased