From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Sun Jan 10 04:10:34 2016
       Subject: Re: [gopher] Gophernicus 2.0-alpha "for Workgroups" released
       Hi there,
       I just installed Gophernicus 2.0 on my Raspberry Pi 2 (Raspbian Jessie Lite=
       ). Installation went fine, but when I was looking for /etc/xinetd.d/gophern=
       icus to do the server_args configuration -like I used to do in former Gophe=
       rnicus versions- I didn't find that gophernicus file. The folder /etc/xinet=
       d.d is not showing the gophernicus file. With Gophernicus 1.6 thru 1.8 on m=
       y old Raspberry Pi B I always did configuration that way with no problem, t=
       he file was there after installation and I only set the server_args to UTF-=
       8 and ip/domain name.
       I am not sure if I have to add this file manually now. Thank you in advance=
        for any hint or help.
       -- =
       On Fri, Jan 01, 2016 at 12:23:34PM +0200, Kim Holviala wrote:
       > Howdy,
       > =
       > I just released an alpha version of Gophernicus 2.0, The One Gopher Serve=
       r to rule them all. This version is not a total rewrite as the 2.x version =
       would suggest but simply has lots of new features that may or may not break=
        stuff. Configuration is identical so this should be a drop-in upgrade from=
       > =
       > New major features are Linux systemd support, TCP wrappers support for IP=
        black/whitelists, offical support for Debian 8, CentOS 7, Mac OSX El Capit=
       an, detection of Linux hardware vendor/name, Xen VMs and Gentoo versions.
       > =
       > I'm also using this opportunity to make a controversial change to increas=
       e the default page width to 76 chars. OMG OMG OMG PANIC THE WORLD WILL SURE=
       LY END NOW! Also releases have codenames now, and 2.0 is called "for Workgr=
       oups". I'm also seriosly thinking of doing what all the big software houses=
        do, and drop the major part of version number (currently 2) so that this v=
       ersion would simply be called "0". Much easier for everyone to understand w=
       here we are going, right?
       > =
       > This version is only called "alpha" because I broke the DEB package compl=
       etely and it's currently disabled. I need to fix that to work with both ine=
       td and systemd, and I'm thinking of making an offical RPM package as well b=
       efore actually releasing 2.0 GA.
       > =
       > =
       > ChangeLog: gopher://
       > INSTALL:   gopher://
       > Download:  gopher://
       > HTTP d/l:
       > Git repo:
       > =
       > =
       > Slightly cleaned up ChangeLog:
       > =
       > =
       > =
       > =
       > - Kim
       > =
       > =
       > _______________________________________________
       > Gopher-Project mailing list
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 (DIR) [gopher] Gophernicus 2.0-alpha "for Workgroups" released
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] Gophernicus 2.0-alpha "for Workgroups" released