From: "Gopher-Project" <>
       Date: Fri Apr 29 19:34:17 2016
       Subject: Re: [gopher] GopherCon 2016
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       Hi all: 
       Not everyone resides, by now in the Americas. Count me in. 
       Sat -Sun are ok 
       Delfi Ramirez
       My digital signature [1]
       +34 633 589231 [2] 
       twitter: delfinramirez
        IRC: segonquart Skype: segonquart [3]
       On 2016-04-29 17:27, Kevin Veroneau wrote:
       > Reviewing the signature count, I believe we shall go ahead with GopherCon 2016.
       > I don't want to place it into extreme short notice.  Tonight I will look at the calendar and see which day in July or August will work best.  I assume a Saturday or Sunday would be best for most people here.  I personally a work a Monday to Friday job.
       > If anybody has suggestions for which day, please advise.  I know not everyone here resides in the Americas, so timezone differences will also need to be accounted for.
       > Original Message  
       > Sent:April 29, 2016 5:45 AM
       > Subject:Re: [gopher] GopherCon 2016
       > On 25/01/16 19:06, Kevin Veroneau wrote: 
       >> I have put up a gopher mole petition to get signatures for those interested in 
       >> participating in a GopherCon 2016!  I know it's a bit of a short notice, but I 
       >> figure it will take place in the summer and will be a teleconference GopherCon, 
       >> rather than a huge in-person event.  I have placed more details on how it will 
       >> progress on the mole's page.  If you have any comments, suggestions, 
       >> questions, and/or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.
       >> gopher://
       >> If enough signatures are gathered, then we will go through the planning from 
       >> there.  Such as looking for presenters to present their gopher related 
       >> projects and/or content.  Ideas for presentations could be how to install and 
       >> configure gopher servers in various operating environments, to history lessons 
       >> on gopher from when you were younger, and how much gopher was different back 
       >> them, to best practices on creating an optimum gopher server layout.  I look 
       >> forward to hearing all your suggestions and potential presentation ideas.
       >> I would hope that Cameron Kaiser would be a presenter to talk about his long 
       >> experience with the gopher protocol, and his efforts at keeping floodgap alive 
       >> all of these years.
       > Any updates on this issue?
       > Regards,
       > kaltheat
       > _______________________________________________
       > Gopher-Project mailing list
       > _______________________________________________
       > Gopher-Project mailing list
       [3] skype:segonquart
       Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
       Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
       <html><head><meta http-equiv=3D"Content-Type" content=3D"text/html; charset=
       =3DUTF-8" /></head><body style=3D'font-size: 12pt; font-family: Georgia,Pal=
       <p>Hi all:</p>
       <p>Not everyone resides, by now in the Americas. Count me in.</p>
       <p>Sat -Sun are ok</p>
       <div>---<br />
       <pre><span style=3D"font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: small;">=
       Delfi Ramirez</span></pre>
       <pre><a href=3D""><span st=
       yle=3D"font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: small;">My digital si=
       <pre><br /><span style=3D"font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: sm=
       all;">+34 633 589231</span><br /><span style=3D"font-family: book antiqua,p=
       alatino; font-size: small;">&nbsp;<a href=3D""=
       ></a> <br /></span></pre>
       <pre><span style=3D"font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: small;">=
       twitter: delfinramirez</span></pre>
       <pre><span style=3D"font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: small;">=
        IRC: segonquart Skype: <a href=3D"skype:segonquart">segonquart</a></span><=
       <pre><span style=3D"font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: small;">=
       <a href=3D""></a></span></pre>
       <pre><span style=3D"font-family: book antiqua,palatino; font-size: small;">=
       <a href=3D""><br /></a></sp=
       <p>On 2016-04-29 17:27, Kevin Veroneau wrote:</p>
       <blockquote type=3D"cite" style=3D"padding: 0 0.4em; border-left: #1010ff 2=
       px solid; margin: 0"><!-- html ignored --><!-- head ignored --><!-- meta ig=
       nored -->
       <div class=3D"pre" style=3D"margin: 0; padding: 0; font-family: monospace">=
       Reviewing the signature count, I believe we shall go ahead with GopherCon 2=
       016.<br /><br /> I don't want to place it into extreme short notice. &nbsp;=
       Tonight I will look at the calendar and see which day in July or August wil=
       l work best. &nbsp;I assume a Saturday or Sunday would be best for most peo=
       ple here. &nbsp;I personally a work a Monday to Friday job.<br /><br /> If =
       anybody has suggestions for which day, please advise. &nbsp;I know not ever=
       yone here resides in the Americas, so timezone differences will also need t=
       o be accounted for.<br /><br /><br /> &nbsp; Original Message &nbsp;<br /> =
       From:<a href=3D""></a>=
       <br /> Sent:April 29, 2016 5:45 AM<br /> To:<a href=3D"mailto:gopher-projec="></a><br />=
        Reply-to:<a href=3D"">gopher-=</a><br /> Subject:Re: [gopher] GopherCon 20=
       16<br /><br /> On 25/01/16 19:06, Kevin Veroneau wrote:
       <blockquote type=3D"cite" style=3D"padding: 0 0.4em; border-left: #1010ff 2=
       px solid; margin: 0">I have put up a gopher mole petition to get signatures=
        for those interested in <br /> participating in a GopherCon 2016!&nbsp; I =
       know it's a bit of a short notice, but I <br /> figure it will take place i=
       n the summer and will be a teleconference GopherCon, <br /> rather than a h=
       uge in-person event.&nbsp; I have placed more details on how it will <br />=
        progress on the mole's page.&nbsp; If you have any comments, suggestions, =
       <br /> questions, and/or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact me.<br =
       /><br /> gopher://<br /><br /> If en=
       ough signatures are gathered, then we will go through the planning from <br=
        /> there.&nbsp; Such as looking for presenters to present their gopher rel=
       ated <br /> projects and/or content.&nbsp; Ideas for presentations could be=
        how to install and <br /> configure gopher servers in various operating en=
       vironments, to history lessons <br /> on gopher from when you were younger,=
        and how much gopher was different back <br /> them, to best practices on c=
       reating an optimum gopher server layout.&nbsp; I look <br /> forward to hea=
       ring all your suggestions and potential presentation ideas.<br /><br /> I w=
       ould hope that Cameron Kaiser would be a presenter to talk about his long <=
       br /> experience with the gopher protocol, and his efforts at keeping flood=
       gap alive <br /> all of these years.</blockquote>
       <br /> Any updates on this issue?<br /><br /> Regards,<br /> kaltheat<br />=
       <br /><br /> _______________________________________________<br /> Gopher-P=
       roject mailing list<br /><a href=3D"mailto:Gopher-Project@lists.alioth.debi="></a><br /><a href=3D"http://l=">http://list=</a><br /> _____=
       __________________________________________<br /> Gopher-Project mailing lis=
       t<br /><a href=3D"">Gopher-Pro=</a><br /><a href=3D"http://lists.alioth.debian=
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       Gopher-Project mailing list
 (DIR) Followup: Re: [gopher] GopherCon 2016