___                       _           _            
       (  _`\                    ( )_        ( )           
       | (_(_)   ___  _ __   _ _ | ,_)   ___ | |__   _   _ 
       `\__ \  /'___)( '__)/'_` )| |   /'___)|  _ `\( ) ( )
       ( )_) |( (___ | |  ( (_| || |_ ( (___ | | | || (_) |
       `\____)`\____)(_)  `\__,_)`\__)`\____)(_) (_)`\__, |
                                                    ( )_| |
       --- The silliest gopher server ---
       Scratchy is my attempt at a simple gopher server.  It is made up of a
       tiny compiled core that can be easily extended at runtime using
       Currenly there's nothing in the way of documentation, mostly because
       I'm under no real illusion that anyone will be interested in this
       besides me, but if you _are_ interested please leave some feedback
       below and I'll see what I can cobble together.
       In the meantime you can get an idea of how scratchy is used by taking
       a glance at the scratchy gophermap file for this gopherhole:
 (TXT) the Lambda Lab scratchy gophermap
       --- Source code ---
 (BIN) Download the latest source (zip archive)
 (DIR) Browse the git repository
       You can clone the repository directly from
       As with all the repositories hosted here at the lambda lab, suggested
       patches are also welcome!  Just commit your changes to a branch with
       name begining with "patch_" and push to the repository above,
       describing the nature of the changes in the body of your commit
       --- Project Feedback ---
 (QRY) Submit feedback
 (TXT) View recent feedback