==== Post archive ================================================
 (TXT) TITLE: Waiting for permits
 (TXT) TITLE: Low bandwidth internet browsing
 (TXT) TITLE: My vimdiff setup
 (TXT) TITLE: Track changes in LaTeX for reviewer comments
 (TXT) TITLE: Attaching threaded bar to rebar
 (TXT) TITLE: Automate CSV typesetting for plot data sheets
 (TXT) TITLE: An email about ordination and environmental fits
 (TXT) TITLE: R functions for creating LaTeX variables
 (TXT) TITLE: Workflow for writing an academic paper
 (TXT) TITLE: Constructing diversity profiles with Hill numbers
 (TXT) TITLE: Creating a personal library catalogue
 (TXT) TITLE: Making a Gopherhole
 (TXT) TITLE: Making better ggiNEXT plots
 (TXT) TITLE: Making a LaTeX Beamer template
 (TXT) TITLE: Shell script to get wifi password in macOS
 (TXT) TITLE: UltiSnips cheatsheet
 (TXT) TITLE: urlview to easily handle URLs in the terminal
 (TXT) TITLE: Scraping instagram without an account
 (TXT) TITLE: Writing ggplot2 grobs in a loop to maintain data values
 (TXT) TITLE: A Pandoc template for converting markdown letters to LaTeX PDFs
 (TXT) TITLE: Custom .sty files in LaTeX
 (TXT) TITLE: Miscellaneous LaTeX snippets
 (TXT) TITLE: Notes on Poisson regression
 (TXT) TITLE: Analysing BibTeX files in R
 (TXT) TITLE: Notes on diversity indices
 (TXT) TITLE: My spot in Summer
 (TXT) TITLE: Writing non-standard notation in ggplot2
 (TXT) TITLE: Writing a Makefile for LaTeX and R
 (TXT) TITLE: Customising plots drawn to estimate pairwise marginal means comparisons with emmeans::pwpp()
 (TXT) TITLE: Vim fold expression for BibTeX files
 (TXT) TITLE: Making lists
 (TXT) TITLE: Plotting a semi-variogram fit in ggplot2
 (TXT) TITLE: Marking laser scanning targets to aid processing
 (TXT) TITLE: An email about setting up 1 Ha plots
 (TXT) TITLE: Compressing images for this website
 (TXT) TITLE: Fetching mail with offlineimap within Mutt
 (TXT) TITLE: The Mackenzie Dendrometer
 (TXT) TITLE: Hotter than average map
 (TXT) TITLE: Poster for Postgraduate Research Conference
 (TXT) TITLE: Talk at Remote Sensing of Vegetation meeting
 (TXT) TITLE: Task management macros in Vim
 (TXT) TITLE: Fewer geocaches
 (TXT) TITLE: Plain text data entry in the terminal
 (TXT) TITLE: Managing receipts on fieldwork
 (TXT) TITLE: Edinburgh Teaching Award
 (TXT) TITLE: Taking notes in the field
 (TXT) TITLE: A 20 cm measuring stick
 (TXT) TITLE: Thoughts on natural surroundings in Bicuar National Park
 (TXT) TITLE: Angolan matchbox designs
 (TXT) TITLE: Fermented drinks and exotic food in Huila province Angola
 (TXT) TITLE: Ubuntu network timeout
 (TXT) TITLE: DIY disc pasture meter in action
 (TXT) TITLE: Exporting a list of R packages to install on a new machine
 (TXT) TITLE: Python conda virtual environment in bash prompt
 (TXT) TITLE: Making inset maps for publication
 (TXT) TITLE: Using vifm to attach files to emails in Mutt
 (TXT) TITLE: DIY disc pasture meter
 (TXT) TITLE: Using the LaTeX 'float' package with Pandoc
 (TXT) TITLE: Diagrams for tree measurements
 (TXT) TITLE: Weekend walk on the Southern Upland Way and John Muir Link
 (TXT) TITLE: Using notmuch to search email in Mutt
 (TXT) TITLE: Putting a Linux distro on a USB, from a Mac
 (TXT) TITLE: Converting Alpine addressbook to Mutt aliases
 (TXT) TITLE: Updated Mutt config, multiple accounts
 (TXT) TITLE: Calculating Vapour Pressure Deficit and other atmospheric things
 (TXT) TITLE: Converting Qutebrowser bookmarks to w3m bookmarks
 (TXT) TITLE: A better system for referencing
 (TXT) TITLE: Calculating NDVI from Sentinel 2 images for Bicuar National Park
 (TXT) TITLE: How much miombo is in each country
 (TXT) TITLE: Making cider, bottling update
 (TXT) TITLE: My spot in the woods in Autumn
 (TXT) TITLE: Fixing up an Emmelle Diamond 5 bike
 (TXT) TITLE: What I carry in my bag everyday
 (TXT) TITLE: An R function to fill abbreviated genus names in a list of species
 (TXT) TITLE: I made a mistake with cropping fisheye photos to a field of view
 (TXT) TITLE: Hemispherical photography - should the focus be set to infinity?
 (TXT) TITLE: Comparing forest canopy measurements with a phone lens and an expensive DSLR fisheye
 (TXT) TITLE: Making Cider
 (TXT) TITLE: Update on plant growth
 (TXT) TITLE: Figuring out Sums of Squares in ANOVA
 (TXT) TITLE: A method to crop hemispherical images to a field of view
 (TXT) TITLE: A guide about processing hemispherical photos
 (TXT) TITLE: An email about hemispherical photography
 (TXT) TITLE: Ideas for a DIY bike chain tensioner
 (TXT) TITLE: Foraging Chicken of the Woods
 (TXT) TITLE: Pandoc CSS templates
 (TXT) TITLE: Spoon carving trees in the SEOSAW network
 (TXT) TITLE: Converting a bank .csv statement to ledger
 (TXT) TITLE: Qutebrowser setup
 (TXT) TITLE: VLC from the command line on macOS
 (TXT) TITLE: Generating a static site using pandoc
 (TXT) TITLE: Rebuilding a bike
 (TXT) TITLE: Gmail on macOS command line: neomutt + offlineimap + notmuch + pass + vim + launchd (brew services) + w3m
 (TXT) TITLE: Making a minimal wallet
 (TXT) TITLE: Making a chopping board
 (TXT) TITLE: Making arty renders of Belize's rivers
 (TXT) TITLE: Updating pypodd to download most recent
 (TXT) TITLE: Knife wear and tear
 (TXT) TITLE: Hammock setup
 (TXT) TITLE: Foraging and making wild garlic pesto
 (TXT) TITLE: Converting stem locations in a square plot to X Y metre coordinates
 (TXT) TITLE: Mapping GPX tracks from AAT for Android, in R
 (TXT) TITLE: A workshop on Git for version control
 (TXT) TITLE: Making a geoJSON powered Leaflet map
 (TXT) TITLE: New hemispherical photography equipment
 (TXT) TITLE: Dirty Weekenders Kitchen Table Talk
 (TXT) TITLE: Updating pypodd to run .opml files
 (TXT) TITLE: Kalanchoe propagation
 (TXT) TITLE: I made a command line podcast grabber in Python
 (TXT) TITLE: Spring woodworking in my spot
 (TXT) TITLE: How many trees have I measured?
 (TXT) TITLE: Grievances with email clients and the state of email usage
 (TXT) TITLE: Expedition food
 (TXT) TITLE: How to properly roll and store DBH tape measure
 (TXT) TITLE: Replacing the lightline.vim plugin with a custom statusline/tabline
 (TXT) TITLE: What are the possible uses for local webpages in a shared flat?
 (TXT) TITLE: Elephants affect the spatial distribution of savannah trees
 (TXT) TITLE: Producing Gitbooks
 (TXT) TITLE: Methods of writing and collaboration
 (TXT) TITLE: My workflow, tmux, vim, etc.
 (TXT) TITLE: Cycling from Bridge of Allan to Blackford
 (TXT) TITLE: Initial PhD ideas
 (TXT) TITLE: Automating imageJ leaf area processing
 (TXT) TITLE: Using R to locate spatial data points inside map polygons 
 (TXT) TITLE: Making Coding Club logos in R
 (TXT) TITLE: Reconditioning an old axe
 (TXT) TITLE: Walking the Great Glen Way
 (TXT) TITLE: Visualising Survey Data with Likert Scales
 (TXT) TITLE: Brewing Plum Wine
 (TXT) TITLE: Making Logos for Coding Club
 (TXT) TITLE: Growing micro-greens on cotton wool
 (TXT) TITLE: Mapping The Vegetation and Climate of Africa in R
 (TXT) TITLE: Analysing Ledger Personal Accounting Data Using R
 (TXT) TITLE: Fire experiments in the Congo
 (TXT) TITLE: Constructing a Useful Bash Prompt
 (TXT) TITLE: Configuring Ranger, a File Manager for macOS, with rifle.conf