2022-10-14 - Newton-Le-Willows
       As previously mentioned, I was just about up to say goodbye to
       Alma and Leon at 8:30. Showered, had breakfast, Richard took me
       for a ride in his absolutely brand new Kia EV6, which was very
       nice. The layout reminded me of an Austin Maxi: wheels far out
       at the corners, big back seat and boot.
       Train to Warrington. 10:09 from Tonbridge to London Bridge,
       Northern Line to Euston, Avanti west coast to WBQ. Except that
       my Avanti train had been removed from the timetable. Instead of
       an 11:30 first stop WBQ, there was an 11:10 with additional stop
       at Crewe, but arriving WBQ same time. 🙄. I had just enough
       leeway to make that train. I ran through Euston and had enough
       time to jog mid-way up the train.
       Eventually found a seat at a table with, what I surmised was a
       Glaswegian (saw a message thread on her phone to the Glasgow
       Girls Group, didn’t see any messages I’m not a monster)
       named Fiona (engraved on her AirPods case), and a couple of guys
       who were hungover, had recently come into a lot of money (one
       had just paid off his mortgage), and liked fancy cars (talk of
       Porsche Taycans) and road bikes (talk of Hard-Knock pass, and
       Colnago C68s with Titanium lugs, Super Record and Bora wheels
       on order). I stayed quiet for some reason. (The bike convo only
       came up on approach to WBQ.)
       Dad collected me from the station, met mum at home, ate a large
       lunch because I hadn’t eaten on the train. Baxter’s scotch
       broth soup, oven par baked ciabatta, blue cheese, coffee.
       Was lovely being home just the 3 of us. Felt normal, comfortable.
       Walked with Mum to collect Amy from school on her birthday. We
       dropped off gifts at Kat’s, briefly said hi. I had heard that
       Amy was excited about time collecting her, but she was quiet
       and shy. I think she was a little bit under-the-weather.
       Went back to 93 w/ Amy. Quiet afternoon, Amy made things with
       pipe cleaners. Then went back to Kat’s for Amy’s birthday
       part 1, which involved a chippy tea, and opening family presents.
       Elliot liked Amy’s dressing gown
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       Chippy tea for dinner (in my honor). Amy got cupcake cake
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       Then went to The Pied Bull with Mum and Dad.
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       Dad left his phone at Kat’s. Mum used this as an excuse to go
       home. Pleasant couple of pints with dad, then home relatively
       early. Mum was still up.
       Melatonin + 5-HTP, slept well.
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