prep for marathon
       2022-10-15 - TZ: Europe/London
       Drove down to Oxford in the AM with Dad.
       Original plan was to be dropped off at Peartree Park & Ride
       so that Dad could help Rachel and Ben view a house they were
       interested in buying.
       But as we were going down motorway, I noticed that Rachel and
       Ben were in Oxford. (Rachel was getting her hair dyed a lighter
       shade to hide her greys because she is one of the older people
       working at her startup.) They decided to cancel their viewing
       and had lunch w/ me and Dad at Jamal’s in Jericho.
       Was a bit rushed at lunch because Jamal’s closes at 2. But it
       worked out! Was good briefly to chat with them outside of the
       craziness of the upcoming marathon.
       Then dad drove me to boatyard.
       Becca arrived next in Lucy’s car, which is a Ben-Scott type
       car, viz a red coupe. Not a Becca car at all! Didn’t open the
       gates for her because couldn’t see who was in it.
       Richard/Cath we’re running late (Cath had just bought
       Richard’s Leaf EV and I think they might have had a charging
       delay en route), so Becca, Dad and I did the “test” turn
       with a somewhat ornery gent from the boatyard. Quiet spoken and
       quick to frustration. I think I heard him say “fuck” under
       his breath when his opinion of how I should be approaching Isis
       lock differed heavily from mine.
       I’m not trying to say he was wrong. He was trying to explain
       how to do it the single-hander way, which is slower and involves
       always getting the back in, always getting off at the back,
       never walking along the towpath with a windlass, etc. I feel
       like I learned a lot by implication.
       It DID NOT HELP that Dad opened the paddle at the lower
       end while the top paddle was open/ gate closed. Embarrassing
       brain-fart. There’s only one top paddle at Isis lock, I wonder
       if he half-thought he was doing the other one?
       Anyway, we winded and re-ascended Isis lock successfully. Picked
       up Richard and Cath. Said goodbye to Dad. Set out up to the
       junction w Duke’s Cut and back.
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       I was sure there was something around the propeller... Becca
       had a good go at freeing the phantom obstruction.
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       Richard was v insistent that we don’t drink before running
       tomorrow. So. weird. on. a. boat. not. to. be. holding. a. drink.
       in. the. evening.
       But somehow we managed. Everyone goes to sleep
       early! Weird. Thanks, Melatonin for helping me do the
       same. (Thanks, Anna!)
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