(TXT) 2021-10-21 - Crossbow 2.0 is out!
 (TXT) 2021-08-15 - The bad libraries dilemma
 (TXT) 2021-08-12 - Decluttering
 (TXT) 2021-08-02 - The logic of a diet
 (TXT) 2021-07-19 - Stressful day
 (TXT) 2021-07-13 - Unexpected free time
 (TXT) 2021-07-09 - Documenting crossbow
 (TXT) 2021-07-07 - The drama of a bored geek (3)
 (TXT) 2021-07-02 - Should my phlog use hard wrap?
 (TXT) 2021-07-02 - The drama of a bored geek (2)
 (TXT) 2021-06-30 - The drama of a bored geeek
 (TXT) 2021-06-23 - VPN marketers rant
 (TXT) 2021-05-16 - Useful habit for privacy
 (TXT) 2021-05-13 - Quest for minimalism
 (TXT) 2021-05-11 - Not giving a single one
 (TXT) 2021-05-11 - Stargate SG1 cringe
 (TXT) 2021-03-30 - Hacking on geminid
 (TXT) 2021-03-15 - VPN hacks, IPv6, and then some
 (TXT) 2021-03-05 - Updating latex documents
 (TXT) 2021-02-23 - Plenty of things to do
 (TXT) 2021-02-12 - One of those days
 (TXT) 2021-02-04 - Dogmas
 (TXT) 2021-01-28 - AWS, Amazon Web Shit
 (TXT) 2021-01-26 - Silence
 (TXT) 2021-01-25 - Should I cry?
 (TXT) 2021-01-23 - Nerd
 (TXT) 2020-12-27 - Interesting article
 (TXT) 2020-12-18 - Reshaped gopherhole
 (TXT) 2020-12-16 - gopherhole hacks
 (TXT) 2020-12-16 - Take a little poo
 (TXT) 2020-12-10 - Getting my shit together
 (TXT) 2020-12-01 - waiting waiting
 (TXT) 2020-11-24 - the cloud is boring, kill me
 (TXT) 2020-11-05 - Finally, this week is over
 (TXT) 2020-10-12 - Alone with my shell
 (TXT) 2020-08-30 - Difficult times
 (TXT) 2020-03-18 - The battle
 (TXT) 2020-02-21 - Sloppy
 (TXT) 2020-02-11 - Marketing is Evil
 (TXT) 2020-02-10 - Mastership
 (TXT) 2020-01-31 - Trying phlog
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