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       This is Shufei’s Gmiphlog, pronounced “guhmeeffløgg”.  I shall 
       try to keep it cross posted nicely to both Gemini and Gopherspace.
       Matters are defined by general categories, so dear reader may skip
       over the muddled ravings and rantings as one pleases.
 (TXT) 微phlog (Weiphlog) - notes and jots of little matter
 (TXT) 2021/09/10
 (TXT) 2020/05/27 (Reply (Solderpunk (The Mercury Protocol)))
 (TXT) 2020/05/26 (Misc (Musings on Summer))
 (TXT) 2020/05/22 (Compy (About a Scriptster))
 (TXT) 2020/05/13 (Climbing (My Favourite Climbers))