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       Welcome to zlg.space, port 70.
 (DIR) Announcements
           news about this place
 (TXT) 12-in-12, 2022 Edition
           beating 12 games in 12 months to squash the backlog
 (TXT) 12-in-12, 2021 Edition
           just in case you missed last year's. :)
 (DIR) Articles
           stuff I've written
 (DIR) Miscellany
           stuff that's worth sharing but isn't prose, code, or artwork
 (DIR) Text-based Art
           "Don't you mean ASCII art?" "Did you just assume my charset?"
 (DIR) Video Game FAQs
           guides or tools I've made for video games
 (DIR) Guestbook
           leave feedback here
 (DIR) Links
           other fun places on Gopherspace