This is a collection of software-related essays, articles, and other fun stuff
       written by me. I hope you find it interesting.
 (TXT) 2022-04-25 - Web Versions
 (TXT) 2022-04-21 - Free Software *IS* Politics, Dead Horse Edition
 (TXT) 2021-10-28 - GNOME as a Platform
 (TXT) 2021-10-01 - Purism Librem 14v1 Review (2022-02-11)
 (TXT) 2019-09-19 - Weaponizing Taboos to Oust Undesirables (2020-05-25)
 (TXT)          or, How the "social justice" movement knocked down FOSS for PC corporatism
 (TXT) 2018-10-13 - Easy diffing with Vim
 (TXT) 2018-04-13 - The Economics of Social Participation (2019-05-26)
 (TXT)          or, Why I Left the Libre Software Community
 (TXT) 2017-11-12 - Adhering to RFC1436 (2020-05-23)
 (TXT) 2016-10-13 - Tiling, for Great Justice!