(TXT) Request: Horses
 (TXT) TALK: Floppies
 (TXT) Line: Snoopy
 (TXT) Request help: Running Fonts
 (TXT) REQUEST: *AGAIN* Marvin Martian
 (TXT) GIF: Space shuttle
 (TXT) The Spying at the Wall Dictionary - July Edition
 (TXT) Request: Cluck! Cluck!
 (TXT) Line: Sig
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(17)
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(14)
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(18)
 (TXT) Sig
 (TXT) Talk: testing. please ignore
 (TXT) Re: Line: 3 1/2" disks and two computers connected
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Gifs
 (TXT) Re: Talk: FAQ lite
 (TXT) Talk: What's in the FAQ, and where can I get it?
 (TXT) Re: Line : My first ascii pics
 (TXT) Talk: Capacity - The Webzine seeks submissions
 (TXT) LINE: sig-sized critter
 (TXT) Re: Talk: REQUEST/Floppies
 (TXT) testing. please ignore
 (TXT) Re: Talk: How to create my own 3D ascii picture ??
 (TXT) Line & Talk: Readability test of new font/sig
 (TXT) Talk: To steveq and the gang... :-)
 (TXT) WANTED: Batman logo
 (TXT) Talk & Line: Script Font
 (TXT) Request: Fonts
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Graffiti font
 (TXT) Talk: This group in Sunpapers
 (TXT) Line: Marvin Martian
 (TXT) Line: Batman logo
 (TXT) Talk: Graffiti font
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 9 - 18 K)
 (TXT) Talk & Line : My first ascii pics
 (TXT) Line & Talk: Which one?
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(15)
 (TXT) Re: Line & Talk: Which one?
 (TXT) Re: Talk: FAQ lite
 (TXT) Re: REQUEST:Camel(s)
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(16)
 (TXT) Talk: Small ASCII Pics collections
 (TXT) Line: USA Map
 (TXT) Re: Talk: How to create my own 3D ascii picture ??
 (TXT) Talk & Line: sig-sized critter
 (TXT) Line: Baby Elephant sig
 (TXT) Re: Talk & Line : My first ascii pics
 (TXT) Re: Line & Talk: Which one?
 (TXT) Talk & Line: Floppies
 (TXT) request: ascii or gifscii pics of automobile
 (TXT) Line: Batman logo
 (TXT) Request: Baseball Player.
 (TXT) Talk: sig-sized critter
 (TXT) REQUEST: Treasure Map
 (TXT) Line & Talk: Star Trek com pin; flower
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics (9)
 (TXT) Talk & Line: My first ascii pics
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(10)
 (TXT) Request: Papaya
 (TXT) Talk: FAQ lite
 (TXT) Talk: REQUEST/Floppies
 (TXT) Re: Talk & Line: Faerie
 (TXT) Request: Help with bird
 (TXT) Re: YASC - Yet Another Signature Collection
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (3.2 - 66 K)
 (TXT) REQUEST: ReformGuy
 (TXT) Line: Script Font
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Gifs
 (TXT) Talk: One way to run dosgifscii.exe
 (TXT) Re: Request: Papaya
 (TXT) Request:Camel(s)
 (TXT) Line: 4 Line Enterprise: How do you like it?
 (TXT) GIF: Conversions from SAAA 4.0 (15 K)
 (TXT) Line: How the disks and computers turned out
 (TXT) REQUEST:Turtles
 (TXT) Re: you have got to check this out (animation of SamuraiShodown in .plan)
 (TXT) Re: Request:Camel(s)
 (TXT) REQUEST: Cars (Pinto, Pacer, LeCar, Edsel, etc.)
 (TXT) Talk: finger asciifaq@wwa.com | more to read the FAQ
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(12)
 (TXT) Re: you have got to check this out (animation of SamuraiShodown in
 (TXT) Re: REQUEST:Turtles
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(11)
 (TXT) ascii idea, can on side, spilling pop, like so
 (TXT) REQUEST: Snoopy Line
 (TXT) Line : My first ascii pics
 (TXT) REQ: Formula-1 ASCII Cars? Please?
 (TXT) Talk:Small Ascii Pics (9)
 (TXT) Line:Turtles
 (TXT) Talk: Gifs
 (TXT) LINE: Frog (newbie help needed)
 (TXT) Re: Talk: "finger asciifaq@wwa.com | more" to read the FAQ
 (TXT) Re: TALK: FTP INDEX (for Scarecrow's FTP)
 (TXT) Wanted: Large Einstein Pic
 (TXT) Re: REQUEST: Snoopy Line
 (TXT) Request: Help with flowers
 (TXT) Request: 10-Line Tombstone with custom inscription...
 (TXT) Line:Small Ascii Pics(13)
 (TXT) Talk: The Shadow...
 (TXT) Re: Talk: gifscii
 (TXT) Re: REQUEST PLEASE : roses, teddy bears, &c
 (TXT) Re: Line: Could be a diamond (really a hypercube)
 (TXT) Talk: Animation of SamuraiShodown in .plan
 (TXT) Talk & Line: Faerie
 (TXT) Talk: Animation of SamuraiShodown in .plan)
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 7 - 17 K)
 (TXT) Talk: SAAA 5.0
 (TXT) Re: Line: diamond
 (TXT) Re: Line: ascii snail
 (TXT) LINE: Readability test of new font/sig
 (TXT) YASC - Yet Another Signature Collection
 (TXT) Line: diamond
 (TXT) REQUEST: A better tornado for the novice. :-)
 (TXT) Line: pic
 (TXT) REQUEST: Fireplace ASCII...
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 8 - 16 K)
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Line: Fireplace ASCII...
 (TXT) Line: Crown
 (TXT) Line: 3 1/2" disks and two computers connected
 (TXT) REQUEST: Warrior/big strong man
 (TXT) The Sig that Ate My Amiga
 (TXT) Talk & Line: ascii wrench(spanner)
 (TXT) Talk: ftp sites
 (TXT) Talk: Sinnature in VMS
 (TXT) Line: Here's a .sig I made for a fellow employee
 (TXT) Request for Bees
 (TXT) Talk: Andy, lost your address!
 (TXT) GIF: Fractals
 (TXT) Line: Goodies from SAAA 4.0 (Part 7 - 21 K)
 (TXT) Line: Floppies
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) request: birthday animations
 (TXT) Talk: How to create my own 3D ascii picture ??
 (TXT) Line: diamond
 (TXT) Bee Request
 (TXT) Line: Wake Forest Deacon
 (TXT) Re: The Sig that Ate My Amiga
 (TXT) REQUEST:Camel(s)
 (TXT) Re: Talk & Line: Graffiti font
 (TXT) Re: Talk & Line: Faerie
 (TXT) LINE: reclining body
 (TXT) LINE: Novice's Yin & Yang
 (TXT) TALK:Star Trek
 (TXT) Talk: Disney-creatures in small
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Re: TALK:Star Trek
 (TXT) REQUEST: Title Page for FAQ type thingy
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) REQUEST: musketeers
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Repost Line: Boat & Temple
 (TXT) Re: Talk: CTRL codes
 (TXT) REQUEST: Canoeing
 (TXT) Request: Jessica Rabbit
 (TXT) Talk: ascii escape codes
 (TXT) Re: LINE: Novice's Faeries...
 (TXT) Talk & Line: Graffiti font
 (TXT) Talk & Line: ASCII GODS - Coming soon :)
 (TXT) Request: Maps of Canada, Australia, and Scandinavia?
 (TXT) Request: Help w/dog picture
 (TXT) Re: Talk & Line: Graffiti font
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Talk: ASCII GODS - Coming soon :)
 (TXT) LINE - different sig
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) This is moderated????Was:Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) REQUEST: Cape Cod...
 (TXT) Re: This is moderated????Was:Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Re: Line: Castle...
 (TXT) Line: Could be a diamond
 (TXT) Talk: gifscii
 (TXT) Request: diamond
 (TXT) REQUEST : Bouquet of roses. (for loved one)
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) wanted: pizza, wine
 (TXT) Re: REQUEST : Bouquet of roses. (for loved one) -> here's ONE
 (TXT) Re: Line: Fairy
 (TXT) Talk: Scarecrow's FTP site update
 (TXT) Line: diamond
 (TXT) Line: ascii rabbits head (ala Playboy)
 (TXT) Request: Repost unicorns, please?
 (TXT) Talk: Packet BBS GB7XDD
 (TXT) Talk: Ever seen a color animation?
 (TXT) Talk: Who posted this aspect ratio chart?
 (TXT) LINE: The Shadow...
 (TXT) LINE: Musketeer Request...
 (TXT) you have got to check this out (animation of SamuraiShodown in .plan)
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) LINE: Dolphin
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Re: Line: Handgun
 (TXT) Re: Line: Guitar, stool, mic, stage -- can anyone improve on it???
 (TXT) Re: request: Ducks
 (TXT) REQUEST: DEC Shooting Gallery
 (TXT) Talk: Figlet
 (TXT) Request: Need a logo
 (TXT) LINE: Original pictures from folks at IU...
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (was: Line: Blob)
 (TXT) Talk: I have animation in my .plan
 (TXT) Announce: New FTP Site!
 (TXT) Re: LINE: Four Lines Nudes
 (TXT) Talk: FTP site for ascii-art?
 (TXT) LINE: The Shadow Ascii
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (was: Line: Blob)
 (TXT) Re: Announce: New FTP Site!
 (TXT) Talk: Corrected host address, please read
 (TXT) *-constellations?
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Figlet
 (TXT) REQUEST: Livestock
 (TXT) Line: Duck
 (TXT) Line: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Talk - If you want my FTP site to grow ...
 (TXT) REQUEST: Does anybody hav an ASCII shrimp?
 (TXT) GIF: from various icons & where is all the art?
 (TXT) Line: ascii hug
 (TXT) GIF: Cindy Crawford ASCII
 (TXT) Talk: What'd he say?
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 4 - 10 K)
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 5 - 10 K)
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 6 - 10 K)
 (TXT) Line: HAven't seen this sig before
 (TXT) requested: logo
 (TXT) REQUEST: Can a small, lovely faerie be that hard to draw?
 (TXT) Line: Fairy (actually an angel, but it may do)
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Line: BOB, Here is my sig!
 (TXT) GIF: Marilyn
 (TXT) Request: French Horn Improvement
 (TXT) LINE: Film can
 (TXT) Line: Bird
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Line & GIF: TV - VCR pics
 (TXT) Line: Small Ascii Pics (6)
 (TXT) Line: Small Ascii Pics (7)
 (TXT) Line: Small Ascii Pics (8)
 (TXT) Re: Line: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Line & Talk: French Horn Draft
 (TXT) Line: Fairy
 (TXT) wanted : ascii rabbits head (ala Playboy)
 (TXT) wanted : ascii rabbits head (ala Playboy)
 (TXT) Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Line: Different 3-D Cow
 (TXT) Request: BOOKS--for sig and forum
 (TXT) Our Person Of The Week
 (TXT) Re: LINE: Indepence Day Art
 (TXT) Helen Having A Cow
 (TXT) request: Ducks
 (TXT) Re: Talk: ascii artists speak!
 (TXT) NQCBGT Official List Of Dragon Ascii Art v1.18
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Indepence Day Art
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 1 - 15 K)
 (TXT) Line: What is blue and goes red at the flick of a switch..
 (TXT) LINE: soccer pics.
 (TXT) GIF: World Cup logo.
 (TXT) Request: Horse/unicorn/pegasus art
 (TXT) TALK: Who created this heart?
 (TXT) Re: Line-Talk: small reclining kitten
 (TXT) Re: Line: Bob
 (TXT) LINE/TALK/FONT - Greek font repost
 (TXT) Line: Ducks
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (was: Line: Blob)
 (TXT) Request: CTRL codes
 (TXT) Re: Line: Diddling a sig ...
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Who created this heart?
 (TXT) Talk: Thanx for 3D's
 (TXT) Talk: CTRL codes
 (TXT) Request: program to write banners to file?
 (TXT) TALK/REQ: Broom Closet
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Sigs >4 lines
 (TXT) Request: birds
 (TXT) NEED: Gothic picture frame...
 (TXT) LINE: Modem Phreak!!
 (TXT) Request: Ansi BBS menus
 (TXT) Line: Goodies from SAAA 4.0 (Part 5 - 20 K)
 (TXT) LINE/SMILEY: Babs smiley (Tiny Toons)
 (TXT) GIF: Edgar Allen Poe
 (TXT) Line: Koala
 (TXT) REQUEST: small frog, snake or lizard, please
 (TXT) REQUEST: Need a decent sig!
 (TXT) REQUEST:Piggies
 (TXT) GIF: Marylin Monroe
 (TXT) Line: First Post not last... :)
 (TXT) Line & Talk: Sig
 (TXT) Wanted: new baby
 (TXT) REQUEST: Yin & Yang
 (TXT) Request: birds
 (TXT) REQUEST:wizards!!!
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (3.1 - 53 K)
 (TXT) Line: ascii rabbits head (ala Playboy)
 (TXT) REQUEST: Disney-creatures in small
 (TXT) anybody have groucho?
 (TXT) Request: PIG ascii
 (TXT) Re: netiquette question about art
 (TXT) Line: Goodies from SAAA 4.0 (Part 6 - 18 K)
 (TXT) Line: Castle...
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Re: Line: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Talk: 3-D Cityblock
 (TXT) LINE: Knights...
 (TXT) Line: Roses
 (TXT) Line: Ducks
 (TXT) Talk: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Line: The King of Beasts
 (TXT) Talk: help for ascii
 (TXT) Re: Talk:Small Ascii Pics
 (TXT) Line: Ranma 1/2 (just a title!)
 (TXT) REQUEST: Small, lovely faerie...
 (TXT) TALK: All the Smileys in the Known Universe
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 3 - 16 K)
 (TXT) Re: 3-D: 3D pics
 (TXT) Request: Good GIF to ASCII converter?
 (TXT) Request: Gifscii
 (TXT) Line: sig
 (TXT) Talk: Good GIF to ASCII converter?
 (TXT) request: ansi
 (TXT) LINE:Small Ascii Pics (4)
 (TXT) Talk: Friendship
 (TXT) Re: Line: sig
 (TXT) Line: Horse/unicorn/pegasus art
 (TXT) Re: 3-D: 3D pics
 (TXT) Re: LINE: Four Lines Nudes
 (TXT) TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Request: Ren and Stimpy
 (TXT) Line: Fants from SAAA 4.0 (13 K)
 (TXT) Re: LINE: Four Lines Nudes
 (TXT) Re: SWT Computer Reunion
 (TXT) Request: 1 & 2 liners
 (TXT) request: BOBA FETT
 (TXT) Line: Handgun
 (TXT) Revised Arabic Script
 (TXT) request: ansi
 (TXT) LINE: Cat Leash ascii found on R.P.C.
 (TXT) Request: line.cricket.sig
 (TXT) Request: Babies?
 (TXT) Line: Guitar, stool, mic, stage -- can anyone improve on it???
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Talk: FTP site update
 (TXT) Talk: Help with the FAQ ...
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (3.0 - 52 K)
 (TXT) Re: Revised Arabic Script
 (TXT) TALK: Need Maryland ASCII artists
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) REQUEST: The Shadow logo and others...
 (TXT) Talk: Castle...
 (TXT) Announce: Converting TGA images to ASCII
 (TXT) Re: Request: Comet and Stars
 (TXT) Line: Small Ascii Pics (5)
 (TXT) Line: Goodies from SAAA 4.0 (Part 4 - 20 K)
 (TXT) Re: TALK: Animations in .plan
 (TXT) Line: Penguin
 (TXT) Talk: Questions about animation???
 (TXT) Request: special characters
 (TXT) Line: .plans from SAAA 4.0
 (TXT) Re: Talk: Thanx for 3D's FTP
 (TXT) Re: Line: What is blue and goes red at the flick of a switch..
 (TXT) Line: Goodies from SAAA 4.0 (Part 2 - 18 K)
 (TXT) Line: Smilie Dictionary, Plz post!
 (TXT) Request: Sheep or Knight?
 (TXT) Re: Request: program to write banners to file?
 (TXT) FAQ - ASCII Art Questions & Answers (2.9 - 44 K)
 (TXT) Line: Turkeys Anyone
 (TXT) Re: LINE: Four Lines Nudes
 (TXT) REQUEST: St John Ambulance logo
 (TXT) Re: LINE: impossible object - need work
 (TXT) TALK: SAP(52) preview
 (TXT) Line: BBS art from SAAA 4.0 (30 K)
 (TXT) Talk: program to write banners to file?
 (TXT) Line: Self Portraits
 (TXT) Request: looking for calvin...n...hobbes
 (TXT) Talk:Small Ascii Pics
 (TXT) Talk: My GIF-ASCII convertor
 (TXT) Re: Talk:Small Ascii Pics
 (TXT) LINE:Small Ascii Pics (1)
 (TXT) REQUEST: barney.vt.uu
 (TXT) Talk: Sig
 (TXT) Re: Talk: program to write banners to file?
 (TXT) Request: Tennis art
 (TXT) Re: LINE: impossible object - need work
 (TXT) Request: Help on ascii posting
 (TXT) LINE: Novice's Faeries...
 (TXT) Line: Characters
 (TXT) Line: Sigs from SAAA 4.0 (Part 2 - 16 K)
 (TXT) TALK: Smileys solicited
 (TXT) Line: Happy Birthday banner
 (TXT) Request: Grateful Dead Art
 (TXT) Small Ascii Pics (2)
 (TXT) LINE: Four Lines Nudes
 (TXT) Re: LINE: impossible object - need work
 (TXT) REQUEST: Small Globe
 (TXT) GIF: Tasmanian Devil
 (TXT) LINE: A Marvellous Hug
 (TXT) Re: Talk: CTRL codes
 (TXT) Request: angel and earth
 (TXT) Line: TechnoMysticMUSE
 (TXT) Request: Cat asciis
 (TXT) 3-D: Goodies from SAAA 4.0 (10 K)
 (TXT) Re: LINE: Four Lines Nudes
 (TXT) Re: Talk: CTRL codes
 (TXT) Re: LINE: Four Lines Nudes
 (TXT) Talk & Line: French Horn Improvement
 (TXT) LINE:Small Ascii Pics (3)
 (TXT) Talk - Revised Arabic Script (2 of 4)
 (TXT) Talk - Revised Arabic Font (4 of 4)
 (TXT) Request: Conversion Program Graphics => ASCII
 (TXT) Line: Ships and Boats
 (TXT) Line: Sonic the Hedgehog
 (TXT) REQUEST: Need STAR-TREK pictures for a kid.
 (TXT) LINE-BIG: race car
 (TXT) Request: gifscii
 (TXT) Re: LINE/TALK/FONT - Greek font repost
 (TXT) Wanted: Toothache
 (TXT) LINE: Kimono Girl
 (TXT) LINE: Indepence Day Art
 (TXT) WANTED: ASCI Fireworks explosions
 (TXT) Re: Line-Talk: small reclining kitten
 (TXT) Request: ANSI ART
 (TXT) LINE: Nakoruru (Samurai Spirits)
 (TXT) LINE: Oncoming Subway Car
 (TXT) Line: Smurf
 (TXT) Line: Goodies from SAAA 4.0 (Part 1 - 20 K)
 (TXT) TALK/LINE/FONT - Revised Arabic Script (1 of 4)
 (TXT) Line: Bob
 (TXT) LINE/FONT - Revised Arabic Script (2 of 4)
 (TXT) LINE/FONT - revised Arabic Font
 (TXT) Talk: I need FAQ for this group
 (TXT) Request: ASCII Robocop/Jewel
 (TXT) LINE/FONT - Revised Arabic Font (4 of 4)
 (TXT) Line: More Sports
 (TXT) Talk: ascii artists speak!