~~[[ T H E  G O P H E R  L A W N ]]~~
       _____[[ V_I_N_T_A_G_E ]]
       vintage software, technology, software and others
 (DIR) Cyber Vanguard's gopherhole
       Cyber Vanguard's gopherhole, showing gopher-related files,
       abandonware, FORTRAN code, and other old stuff.
 (DIR) Gopher Pearls
       Archive of Gopherspace in 2007 and interesting links to it.
 (DIR) Abandonware
       Abandonware (old software) at viste.fr.
 (DIR) Old technology ads
       A collection of old technology-related commercial ads from ancient
       times when life was simple.
       A mysterious gopherhole. Some kind of riddle?
 (DIR) Apple II Mirrors
       Mirrors of data collections regarding the Apple II.
 (DIR) quux.org
       This server has a lot of information of history interest, funny, or
       just plain entertaining -- all presented in Gopher. There are many
       mirrors of rare or valuable files with the aim to preserve them in
       case their host disappears.
 (DIR) Cmccabe's index of old unix systems
       An index of old unix multi-user systems.
 (HTM) Multics at trnsz.com
       Experience a multics shell. All live and in color.
 (DIR) Rachael's gopherhole
       A site about gopherlife on an Amiga and more
 (DIR) White Mesa Retro Tech
       Gopher resources, Space Weather, Telegraphy and more.
 (DIR) << back to Gopher Lawn Index