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          Last Modification: 2024-07-22 10:42:02.009043924 UTC
                    Uniq Visitors since Jan 2022 : 3317
 (TXT) About Me
 (DIR) Ramblings and Phlog
        --> All posts are .org mode formatted,
            so elpher users can use M-x org-mode
            for nicer formatting
       SpeskTV (Inspired by baudVision)
         --> Connect via VLC or MPV at
 (TXT) Warez
       Cool Places
 (DIR)   -->
 (DIR)   --> (HN Gopher Proxy)
 (DIR)   --> Linkerror
 (DIR)   -->
 (DIR)   -->
 (DIR)   --> RPoD (
 (DIR)   --> gopherpedia (Wikipedia Gopher Proxy)
 (DIR)   -->
 (DIR) Git Proxy
         --> This takes you to a CGI script that will proxy
             HTTP requests to my git server, so that you can
             browse my git repos
             --> Note: Some clients won't render certain file exts,
                 which may cause some repos to appear empty.
 (TXT) Mastodon Proxy
         --> Proxy of what I'm posting on Mastodon
 (TXT) My Music
 (TXT) Script that generates this page
 (DIR) Plain
 (DIR) Colorized
       If the site looks weird, use the Plain entry above
         --> Sometimes info lines are filtered in some clients
             when using the ?plain query, I'm not sure why yet
       This gopher site expects a client that either supports or
       filters ANSI escape sequences. I recommend:
       --> Elpher
       --> cgo
       --> phetch
       --> lagrange
       --> castor
       --> curl (use gopher://)