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       #Post#: 46195--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 19, 2024, 4:21 am
       I don't wear a lot of clothes as I don't go out far and don't
       have to look posh :) [emoji12]  Country people are casual in
       their clothes :) I do have about 8 jumpers or tops for winter ..
       4/5 pairs of trackies and 2 pairs of posh trousers and about 8
       tee shirts and 12 pairs of knickers ))))))))))) Thats it !
       I had to wear one of my jackets for Rugby the other week but the
       puffy warm one... I have not worn for maybe 12 months ! I don't
       often wear my dressing gown here in the granny flat either !
       I just took a photo of the wardrobe ... about 2 feet wide .. one
       at each end of the drawers. You can see John's end because he
       has his work / wood clothes dumped !!!
       I will put it on FB.
       #Post#: 46208--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 19, 2024, 4:23 pm
       I am ashamed to say I have too many clothes, about 8 daily wear
       jumpers and 6/7 good winter tops/jumpers, 10 pants, including
       jeans and tracks, numerous pairs of undies and socks and about
       10 winter shoes and of course 2 winter jackets and cardigans. My
       Summer wardrobe is a bit more extensive. My excuse is we have so
       many shops here with so many sales on [emoji6]
       Robert has umpteen amount of shirts and T-shirts, 7 pairs of
       jeans/trousers, 3 jackets, heaps of shorts and then there are
       hie work and gardening clothes, as well as his suit. He doesn't
       have as many shoes though.
       I look forward to seeing the photos.
       #Post#: 46218--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Linda Date: June 19, 2024, 7:58 pm
       Larry and I have TOO many clothes too but we do have four
       seasons which call for different kinds of clothes, that's my
       excuse I guess.
       #Post#: 46231--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 20, 2024, 5:19 am
       Good excuse Linda .... we only have 2 seasons here ...in my mind
       anyway ! COLD and WARM!
       John has more clothes than I DO ...not that he wears  them
       all....................most of his 12 jackets JUST sit in his
       wardrobe space, hanging nicely on clothes hangers !! MUST be a
       MAN thing !
       #Post#: 46242--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 20, 2024, 5:00 pm
       My hanging space is much larger than yours Moira, but I have
       less drawers. The drawers I have are quite large and deep. I
       will take a photo and show you the inside of the drawers
       sometime today or tomorrow.
       #Post#: 46253--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 21, 2024, 5:06 am
       I saw your photos and they do look good and bigger or deeper
       drawers .... and your drawer contents are so well arranged
       ............... is that a normal thing for you ?????????????
       If John can hang up 12 jackets then his wardrobe space is WIDE
       enough :)
       #Post#: 46262--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 21, 2024, 5:15 pm
       My hanging space is easily double the size of yours, that's how
       I wanted it. Both built ins here are the same, the ones in my
       bedroom are slightly bigger though. Yes my drawers are all like
       that, I like things placed neatly in place. My bathroom and
       kitchen drawers and cupboards are the same [emoji5]
       It boggles the mind as to why John would need 12 jackets!!!!!!
       #Post#: 46275--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 22, 2024, 3:29 am
       John does NOT Need 12 jackets BUT He wants them
       MY drawers are not untidy but not as neat as yours :) Same with
       any other drawers too ... not exactly messy ..... but full of
       stuff !
       #Post#: 46286--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 22, 2024, 3:12 pm
       The only drawer that really drives me insane is my kitchen
       drawer with all the tongs, spatulas and cooking things in it,
       it's always so messy!!!!!!!
       #Post#: 46297--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 23, 2024, 4:08 am
       Haha well you can hardly keep a drawer like that very TIDY !!!!!
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