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       #Post#: 46308--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 23, 2024, 3:45 pm
       You can get drawer dividers for them, but my drawers are an odd
       size, so they don't fit. I still keep looking though, you never
       know I just might find something.
       #Post#: 46317--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 24, 2024, 3:55 am
       AH my knives, forks and spoons are in a divider in the drawer
       but the cooking utensils are just in the drawer floating around
       #Post#: 46327--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 24, 2024, 4:23 pm
       I have a divider for my cutlery, it doesn't fit 100% though and
       moves around slightly, which drives me mad!!!!!! As for my
       cooking utensil drawer [emoji36] I do like to have everything
       nice and neat, it does my head in at times.
       #Post#: 46336--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 25, 2024, 3:32 am
       Mine are ALL in the same drawer !  You can tell I don't like
       cooking :)
       #Post#: 46344--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 25, 2024, 4:00 pm
       So are mine but I can't keep them in any sort of order, like
       tongs in one area, spatulas and wooden spoons in another etc
       Especially when Robert is cooking as he rummages through them
       and ruins any type of order I may have!!!!! I don't like cooking
       much myself, but I like neat and tidy [emoji4] I will be making
       chicken soup for dinner tonight.
       #Post#: 46352--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 26, 2024, 4:00 am
       I don't use tongs much ....  I use scissors :)
       I did not have to make dinner tonight as Dan made his Shepherd's
       pie and we got our own bowl full YUUUM :)
       #Post#: 46360--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 26, 2024, 4:48 pm
       How do you turn the meat over when you are cooking it, you don't
       use scissors for that do you??
       It's always nice having someone else cook a meal for you, it
       usually tastes better too. I had my chicken soup with fresh,
       crunchy bread. It just might make me feel better too as I feel
       like I am coming down with something. Either that or my sinuses
       are bothering me again.
       #Post#: 46368--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 27, 2024, 3:42 am
       It depends what sort of meat I am turning... slices of bacon I
       use scissors but lots of little pieces I do use a spatula :)
       Might be Vegie soup here tomorrow night as it is Matariki ... A
       Maori Holiday and nobody told me the shops will be shut !
 (HTM) https://www.newzealand.com/int/matariki/
       #Post#: 46377--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: DarienJ Date: June 27, 2024, 4:07 pm
       How can you turn bacon over with scissors? Are we talking about
       the cooking utensil? Here is what I mean;
 (HTM) https://tinyurl.com/yujyrcba
       Nothing wrong with veggie soup, do you have the stock to use
       though. We had the rest of my chicken soup for tea last night. I
       love soups and could happily live on them.
       #Post#: 46385--------------------------------------------------
       Re: Tomorrow
       By: Moira Date: June 28, 2024, 3:17 am
       We had Fish and chips from the chippie tonight ... not had it
       for ages but it was fine ... not like your English Fish and
       chips though :( Saves me cooking maybe proper vegie soup
       tomorrow :) I could live on soup quite happily too !~ For stock
       I use a packet of some kind of Cuppa Soup :) I have quite a few
       Cuppa soup packets as they are easy for lunch if it is cold
       outside :)
       Turns out the shops were NOT even shut anyway !!!!!!!!!!!!!! BUT
       The shop Dallisons where Bonnie works was SHUT but not their
       cafe over the road !
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