       | Christian Remnant Now |
       Welcome to Christian Remnant Now's
       Gopher site! This is a new outreach
       to provide information on the
       following topics: KJV Bible,
       Unix/Linux, and Health.
       --- Quote of the day (KJV) ---
       1 John 2:15 Love not the world, neither
       the things that are in the world. If
       any man love the world, the love of
       the Father is not in him.
       Tip:  Buy clothes and other items at thrift
       stores. Save money and they take cash.
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 (DIR) Notes/
 (DIR) Orthomolecular/
 (DIR) Pictures/
 (DIR) Scripts/
 (DIR) Survival/
 (TXT) About txt 8.0K
 (TXT) Caps txt 4.0K
 (BIN) Favicon ico 4.0K
 (TXT) King James Bible txt 4.5M
 (TXT) Modern Miracle Men txt 28K
 (TXT) Notes On Health txt 4.0K
 (TXT) Receiving Jesus txt 4.0K
 (BIN) Recipes epub 36K
 (HTM) Recipes html 84K
 (BIN) Recipes pdf 384K
 (TXT) Religious Objection Jab txt 4.0K
 (TXT) Tips txt 12K
 (DIR) Pygopherd Home
 (DIR) Quux.Org Mega Server
 (DIR) The Gopher Project
       Written by: Mitch Johnston
 (TXT) crn.hopto.org
       Updated:  Sat 27 Apr 2024 12:18:27 AM CDT