(DIR) 2019/10/01
 (TXT) It only took 35 years …
 (DIR) 2019/10/02
 (TXT) “Night of the Lepus” was based on a book‽
 (DIR) 2019/10/04
 (TXT) Back when I was a kid, all I had to worry about was the mass extinction of the human race due to global thermonuclear war
 (TXT) It's a stupid benchmark about compiling a million lines of code, what else did I expect?
 (DIR) 2019/10/05
 (TXT) More stupid benchmarks about compiling a million lines of code
 (DIR) 2019/10/07
 (TXT) I was working harder, not smarter
 (TXT) Tool selection
 (DIR) 2019/10/13
 (TXT) How many redirects does your browser follow?
 (DIR) 2019/10/17
 (TXT) You know, we might as well just run every network service over HTTPS/2 and build another six layers on top of that to appease the OSI 7-layer burrito guys
 (DIR) 2019/10/18
 (TXT) A minor issue with DoH
 (DIR) 2019/10/29
 (TXT) I thought computers exist to appease us, not for us to appease the computers
 (TXT) We are all publishers now
 (DIR) 2019/10/30
 (TXT) So this is what it feels like on the other side
 (DIR) 2019/10/31
 (TXT) In theory, it should work the same on the testing server as well as the production server
 (TXT) Where, indeed