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 (DIR) petergarner.net Political root
        --  The leaked XinJiang Police files: unprecedented
            evidence from internal police networks in China's
            Xinjiang region proves prison-like nature of 
            re-education camps, shows top Chinese leaders' 
            direct involvement in the mass internment campaign.
 (HTM) Visit the source of the files (English and Chinese)
 (BIN) Education and Training Center Management System for Calls to Relatives Trial Implementation
 (BIN) Incident Response Plan in Case of Escapes During Outdoor Activities Workflow
 (BIN) Response Plan and Procedure for Escape and Disturbance Prevention During Class Times
 (BIN) Secretary Chen Quanguos Speech During a Video Management Meeting of the Autonomous Region Stability Maintenance Headquarters
 (BIN) Security Plan for the October 8th Transfer of Trainees of the Industrial City Education and Training Center
 (BIN) Shufu County Industrial City Vocational Skills Education Training Center Security Department Sep. 17 – Sep. 23 Work Data Compilation
 (BIN) Shufu County Public Security Bureau Re Education Center Police Brigade Division of Responsibilities and Tasks
 (BIN) Speech by Secretary Chen Quanguo at the Conference of the Autonomous Regions Cadres
 (BIN) System for Vocational Skill Education and Training Center Detainees Leaving the School for Medical Treatment
 (BIN) Vocational Skills Education Training Center Intake Examination and Registration System
 (BIN) Watchtower Work Responsibilities and Procedures
 (BIN) Zhao Kezhi Speech Given While Listening to the Report on Public Security and Stability Work on the Xinjiang Autonomous Region