(DIR) petergarner.net gopher root
        -- Politics and Propaganda-related ------------------------------
 (BIN) The Hallett Report – The resilience and preparedness of the United Kingdom
 (ARC) Assange Plea and Dismissal, June 26, 2024 (3x pdf) as zip
 (BIN) The Cass Review: Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people: Final report 2024
 (BIN) The Cass Review: Independent review of gender identity services for children and young people: anterim report 2022
 (BIN) Proposal for a Regulation of the European Parliament and Council laying down rules to prevent and combat child sexual abuse (via Mass Surveil Private Chats)
 (BIN) Operation Kenova: Northern Ireland 'StakeKnife' Legacy Investigation (John Boutcher QPM)
 (BIN) The Khan Review: Threats to Social Cohesion and Democratic Resilience
 (BIN) Essay: WikiLeaks and Empire, by Julian Assange, February 17, 2024
        -- The Home Secretary has published the report of part 1 of the 
           Angiolini Inquiry on Thursday 29 February.
           Part 1 of the inquiry has focussed on examining Wayne 
           Couzens’ career and previous behaviour.
           The report establishes a definitive account of his conduct, 
           behaviour and performance leading up to his conviction, and 
           describes the red flags and opportunities that were missed.
           The report makes 16 recommendations designed to ensure that 
           everything possible is being done to prevent those entrusted 
           with the power of the office of constable from abusing that 
 (BIN) Wayne Couzens/Police The Angiolini Inquiry Part 1 Report
 (BIN) Wayne Couzens/Police Accompanying letter from the Rt Hon Lady Elish Angiolini KC Chair of the Inquiry to the Home Secretary
 (BIN) The Post Office Horizon system: completed list of issues 
 (BIN) The Post Office Group Litigation: Judgment (No.6) “Horizon Issues”
 (BIN) The Role Of Her Majesty’s Government In Shaping Horizon And The Post Office, 1998-2000- Eleanor Shaikh
 (BIN) Summary: The Role Of Her Majesty’s Government In Shaping Horizon And The Post Office, 1998-2000- Eleanor Shaikh
 (BIN) UK National Risk Assessment/Register 2023 UK GOV 
 (BIN) Electing the Doge of Venice: analysis of a 13th Century protocol - 1268-1797
 (BIN) World Health Organization WHO Latest Proposal for negotiating text of the WHO Pandemic Agreement 30 October 2023
 (BIN) How a loophole in the Online Censorship Bill opens the door to unprecedented investigatory powers
 (BIN) Project 2025: the 180-day Transition Playbook
 (BIN) UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT: Committee on Oversight and Reform Policy and Supporting Positions. The Plum Book
 (BIN) 1991 FBI report on Queen Elizabeth's US visit and possible assasination attempt
 (BIN) (U//FOUO) FBI Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide: Anarchist Violent Extremism
 (BIN) (U//FOUO) FBI Domestic Terrorism Symbols Guide: Militia Violent Extremism
 (BIN) Donbas in Flames: Guide to the Conflict Zone (Prometheus NGO, 2017)
 (BIN) Baroness Casey: A review into the standards of behaviour and internal culture of the Metropolitan Police Service: Interim Review
 (BIN) Baroness Casey: A review into the standards of behaviour and internal culture of the Metropolitan Police Service: Final Report
 (BIN) How the Online Safety Bill Creates Insecurity
 (BIN) The GPC Files volume 1: UK Government Procurement Cards (GPCs) are widely used across Whitehall as a quick and simple way to buy goods and services. Audit report by the Labour Party.
 (BIN) UK Nudge Unit: how to Build a Net Zero Society
 (TXT) The Green Book of Muammar Gadaffi
 (BIN) Letter from Sir Laurie Magnus to the Prime Minister, 29 January 2023 re Nadhim Zahawi
 (BIN) Stonehenge road scheme doesn’t add up - Briefing on scheme’s value for money
 (BIN) Proposal by the Bureau on an updated timeline and deliverables, development of the zero draft of the WHO CA+, and establishment of drafting group modalities
 (BIN) Centre for Cities: Out of Pocket - The places at the sharp end of the cost of living crisis.
 (BIN) Gilligan: By cancelling all sections of HS2 where main construction has not yet started, we can save around £3bn a year by 2027/8, and £44bn or more in total
 (BIN) Maternity and neonatal services in East Kent – the Report of the Independent Investigation October 2022
 (BIN) The Purpose and Impact of the CLOUD Act Apr 2019 White Paper
 (BIN) The United States enacted the Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data (CLOUD) Act in March 2018 (2022 update)
 (BIN) Northern Ireland Quality report for the health & social care 2022
 (BIN) Northern Ireland Programme for government: indicator 2 healthy life expectancy inequality gap
 (BIN) Northern Ireland Programme for government: indicator 3 healthy life expectancy Feb 2021
 (BIN) Northern Ireland Programme for government: indicator 4 healthy life expectancy Apr 2021
 (BIN) Northern Ireland Programme for government: indicator 7 low birth weight Apr 2021
 (BIN) Northern Ireland Quality report for the health & social care inequalities monitoring system (HSCIMS) Mar 2021
 (BIN) Senior party officials discuss suspending the Wallasey Constituency Labour Party in collusion with the local MP, Angela Eagle. Via Al Jazeera
 (BIN) Guidance for the public and businesses on the period of National Mourning following the demise of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II
 (BIN) Declassified FBI report on Aretha Franklin
 (BIN) Surging Energy Prices in Europe in the Aftermath of the War: How to Support the Vulnerable and Speed Up the Transition Away from Fossil Fuels
 (BIN) FISC order approving a new, classified foriegn intelligence surveillance technique targetting a foreign power
 (BIN) FISC required DOJ to provide a supplemental briefing clarifying the Government’s interpretation of which portion of the multi-part definition of “electronic surveillance” the Government assessed applied to a classified surveillance technique
 (BIN) FISC approved a mod to the FBI's standard minimisation proceedures to permit the NCTC to accesss FISA information
 (BIN) FISC’s significant construction of law was made in the previously released opinion, not these orders
 (BIN) FISC determined that IMEI and IMSI numbers could be utilised in contact chaining
 (BIN) Approval for ongoing collection of certain business records to protect against terrorism
 (BIN) CIA: The Identity of Kim-Il-Sung 1949
 (BIN) Secrecy of royal wills questioned by senior officials, documents reveal
 (BIN) US law enforcement activity; recording prohibition House Bill 2319
 (BIN) UK Online Safety Bill - To make provision for and in connection with the regulation by OFCOM of certain internet services; for and in connection with communications offences; and for connected purposes 20220317
 (BIN) How Prince Charles pressured ministers to change law to benefit his estate
 (BIN) Queen’s secret influence on laws revealed in Scottish government memo
 (BIN) Boris Johnson's Ethics Advisor's resignation letter
 (BIN) Boris Johnson's response to his Ethics Advisor's resignation
 (BIN) UK Government food strategy draft 19 final clean copy
        -- The Infamous Partygate Reports, by Sue Gray
 (BIN) Sue Gray's second Partygate Report 20220525
 (BIN) Sue Gray's first Partygate Report 20220131
 (BIN) UK Bill: Make provision for new offences relating to public order; to make provision about stop and search powers; to make provision about the delegation of police functions relating to public order; to make provision about serious disruption prevention orders; and for connected purposes.
 (BIN) Home Office: The Policing Protocol Order 2011 Consultation: Government stakeholder consultation
 (BIN) Invitation to Elon Musk to speak to UK MPs following the Twitter acquisition
 (BIN) US Supreme Court set to overturn Roe v. Wade abortion rights decision. Leaked 1st draft via Politico
 (BIN) UK plans to regulate Netflix to "protect" viewers from "harmful content"
 (BIN) New bill aims to dissolve Biden administration's Disinformation Governance Board
 (TXT) The Freedom to Read Statement, American Library Association, July 26, 2006.
 (BIN) UK Home Office accused of compelled speech, ordering staff to put pronouns in email signatures: FSU response
 (BIN) Judge Denies Ghislaine Maxwell New Trial re Juror 50, April 1,2022
 (BIN) Execution by organ procurement: Breaching the dead donor rule in China
 (BIN) Execution by organ procurement Appendix 1: Excerpts from medical papers showing apparent dead donor rule violations
 (BIN) Execution by organ procurement Appendix 2: Excerpts from medical papers showing apparent dead donor rule violations
 (BIN) India Criminal Procedure (Identification) Bill 2022
 (TXT) Possible Outcomes of the Russo-Ukrainian War and China's Choice: Hu Wei
 (BIN) NCSC: Cyber security in the gambling and lottery sector
 (BIN) The work of the Labour Party's Governance and Legal Unit in relation to antisemitism, 2014 - 2019 (The Labour Party March 2020)
 (BIN) UK National Food Strategy Part 1 - The Plan
 (BIN) Assange vs US Government: Application for Leave to Appeal Feb 2022
 (BIN) Report: Domestic Violent Extremism Poses Heightened Threat in 2021
 (BIN) Report to the Secretary of Homeland Security: Domestic Violent Extremism Internal Review
 (BIN) REPowerEU: Joint European action for more affordable, secure and sustainable energy Strasbourg 8 March 2022
 (BIN) European Union Management plan 2022 - Energy
 (BIN) European Union Strategic plan 2020-2024 - Energy
 (BIN) Scenario for a War in Eastern Ukraine: The United States Views Russians Just as the Nazis Did in World War II
 (BIN) The Conservative Environment Network - Green Albion: Restoring Our Green and Pleasant Land. Essays.
 (BIN) Ukraine's Fedorov asks ICANN to revoke Russian domains
 (BIN) Justin Trudeau's government is sued by the Canadian Civil Liberties Association for trampling on human rights
 (TXT) China Strategic Competition in Technology - Analysis and Outlook: analysis of the comparison of technical forces between China and the US
 (BIN) Canada's C11 Act: Act to amend the Broadcasting Act and to make related and consequential amendments to other Acts (Online censorship)
        -- Government unveils levelling up plan that will transform UK
           Michael Gove unveils the UK Government's flagship 
           "Levelling Up" White Paper, setting out a plan to allegedly
           transform the UK -specifically the North of England
           by spreading opportunity and prosperity to all parts of it.
 (BIN) Levelling Up White Paper - Executive Summary
 (BIN) Levelling Up White Paper - Delivering for all parts of the UK
 (BIN) Levelling Up White Paper
 (BIN) Levelling Up White Paper Technical Annex
 (BIN) The US President's Foreiqn Intelliqence Advisory Board Feb 1990:  The soviet "War Scare"
 (BIN) Terms of Reference: Investigations into staff gatherings in No10 Downing Street and the Department for Education; #partygate Sue Gray
 (BIN) Eric Leroy Adams - background report
 (BIN) UK Gov: Embedding standards and pathways across the cyber profession by 2025.pdf
 (BIN) China's Playbook for Shaping the Global Media Environment
 (BIN) Class action lawsuit says Google pays Apple to stay out of the search engine market
 (BIN) Chemical Warfare: Many Unanswered Questions
        -- Pope's Private Letters Reveal Early Involvement in Power Struggle 
        Documents released by WikiLeaks shed light on a power struggle 
        within the highest offices of the Catholic Church. Amongst the 
        documents is a private letter written by Pope Francis. The 
        exitencecof this letter, addressed to the papal envoy Cardinal 
        Raymond Burke has been the source of much speculation in the media. 
        It is now published for the first time in full and with the Pope’s 
 (BIN) Pope's Orders: Email from Marc Odendall to Albrecht Boeselager
 (BIN) Pope's Orders: Alternate timeline of events Dec 16 to Jan 17, re Fra' Matthew Festing
 (BIN) Pope's Orders: Missive to the Patron of the Sovereign Order of Malta, Cardinal Burke
 (BIN) Pope's Orders: Re: Precautionary Suspending of Albrecht Freiherr von Boeselager
 (BIN) Pope's Orders: Commission of Inquiry - First Report
 (BIN) Pope's Orders: Caritas Pro Vitae Gradu Trust - briefing note for the Grand Chancellor
 (BIN) Pope's Orders: OPINION of the Juridical Council on the question submitted by the Lieutenant a.i. having heard the Sovereign Council at the meeting of 14 Feb 2017
 (BIN) CONSTITUTIONAL CHARTER and CODE of the Knights of Malta rev. 1997
        --  Epstein, Maxwell, Royalty scandals
 (DIR)  Epstein, Maxwell, Royalty scandal papers
        -- The Cambridge Analytica/Brexit/UK Government/Facebook Scandal
 (DIR)  Cambridge Analytica Papers
        -- The Leaked Xinjiang Police Files
 (DIR)  The Leaked Xinjiang Police Files
        -- "The Equal Treatment Bench Book has, 
           particularly since its last major revision, 
           published in February 2018, become a key work of 
           reference. It is used, daily, by the Judiciary of 
           England and Wales. It is referred to in their 
           training courses and commended by the appellate 
 (BIN) UK Judicial Council's The Equal Treatment Bench Book
 (BIN) Taliban military construction plans
 (BIN) Carbon factor for wood fuels for the Supplier Obligation Final report (UK) 
 (BIN) Reproduction of an internal Facebook list used to regulate speech on company platforms
 (BIN) Homeland Threat Assessment   U.S. Department of Homeland Security October 2020
 (BIN) Migration Advisory Committee - Call for Evidence - McDonald’s UK response
 (BIN) Biotechnology: Genetically Engineered Pathogens - Lieutenant Colonel Joel O. Almosara, USAF
 (TXT) Dominic Cummings statement about 10 Downing Street leaks
 (BIN) POST OFFICE VERDICT: Hamilton Others v Post-Office judgment 230421.pdf
 (BIN) NYPD Strategic Response Group Guide
 (BIN) NYPD Strategic Response Group - Field Force Ops Modules
 (BIN) NYPD Strategic Response Group - Bicycle Crowd Management
        -- Related to the "trial" of Julian Assange
 (BIN) USA vs Julian Assange Trial Apr 2021 judgement: Baraitser In the Westminster Magistrates Court
 (BIN) USA vs Julian Assange Trial Apr 2021 judgement (annex): Baraitser In the Westminster Magistrates Court
 (BIN) Report: Special Administrative Measures and Extreme Isolation in the Federal Bureau of Prisons
 (BIN) Case of Babar Ahmed and_Others vs The United Kingdom 24-09-2012
        -- Purpose of Change Proposal:To provide the governance arrangements 
           regarding Distributors ability to manage consumer devices (such as
           EV chargers) connected to Smart Meter infrastructure to prevent 
           network overloads in emergency scenarios as a last resort measure.
           (DCUSA: Distribution Connection and Use of System Agreement)
 (BIN) IP_21_302_EN. Vaccines: contract between European Commission and AstraZeneca 1 of 2
 (BIN) APA-Astrazeneca. Vaccines: contract between European Commission and AstraZeneca 2 of 2
 (BIN) AR21 Annual Return for a Trade Union ITWF Y/e 2019 
 (BIN) Allow DNOs to control Electric Vehicle chargers connected to Smart Meter Infrastructure
 (BIN) DCUSA DCP371: Last resort arrangements for Distributors to manage specific consumer connected devices
 (BIN) DCUSA SIG Sub-Group for DIF 59 Meeting 01
 (BIN) DCUSA SIG Sub-Group for DIF 59 Meeting 02
 (BIN) DCUSA The arrangements for Distributors to manage specific consumer connected devices (A1)
 (BIN) DCUSA Last resort arrangements for Distributors to manage specific consumer connected devices (A2)
 (BIN) DCUSA Competition Law Guidance for the Panel and Working Groups
 (BIN) DCUSA SIG Sub-Group for DIF 59 Meeting 01
 (BIN) DCUSA SIG Sub-Group for DIF 59 Meeting 02
 (BIN) DCUSA SIG Sub-Group for DIF 59 Meeting 03
 (BIN) DCUSA Change Proposal 200618_02
 (BIN) DCUSA Change Proposal 200626_02
 (BIN) DCUSA-SIG_Sub-Group_for_DIF_59_Meeting_01_Draft_Agenda
 (BIN) DCUSA-SIG_Sub-Group_for_DIF_59-Meeting_03_Final_Agenda
 (BIN) SIMPLE SABOTAGE FIELD MANUAL Strategic Services (Provisional)
 (BIN) Brexit EU-UK Trade and Cooperation Agreement 24.12.2020.pdf
 (BIN) The UK Government RUSSIA REPORT
 (BIN) Memorandum explaining purpose and effect of the Investigatory Powers (Communications Data) (Relevant Public Authorities and Designated Senior Officers) Regulations 2020
 (BIN) The Oakervee Review (December 2019) into the HS2 Rail Project
 (BIN) An update on the progress of HS2 April 2020: Andrew Stephenson MP to Huw Merriman MP
 (BIN) Dominic Cummings: Some thoughts on education and political priorities
 (BIN) UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy 2011
 (BIN) Coronavirus: action plan - A guide to what you can expect across the UK (2020-03-03)
 (BIN) Independent review of the effectiveness of multi-agency responses to child sexual exploitation in Greater Manchester
 (BIN) SCL Papers Brazil: Cambridge Analytica to Target Brazil's Dissatisfied Middle Class
 (BIN) SCL Papers Brazil: Brazil data analytics
 (BIN) SCL Papers Kenya: Gantt Chart - Final -2015
 (BIN) SCL Papers Kenya: Cambridge Analytica Closure Leaves Unanswered Questions in Africa
 (BIN) SCL Papers Kenya: Ethiopia, Kenya Budget Summary 2015
 (BIN) SCL Papers Kenya: Ethiopia, Kenya Budget Final 2015
 (BIN) SCL Papers Kenya: Kenya's President Uhuru Hires Data Firm Behind Trump's Vistory Ahead of Poll
 (BIN) SCL Papers Kenya: Kenya Projects Meeting 1st March, copy 2
 (BIN) SCL Papers Malaysia: Malaysia Elections Outreach via NYC
 (BIN) SCL Papers Malaysia: Presentation to Malaysia
 (BIN) SCL Papers Malaysia: The Merdeka Papers (near final version)
 (BIN) Request for Judicial Notice in Support of Request to Strike Facebook's Improper "Opposition" & "Reply" in Support of Challenge
 (BIN) Complaint for Declaratory Judgement: Violations of Corporations Code - Facebook vs California
 (BIN) Reply of EPIC to repsonses of USA and Facebook to motion to intervene
 (BIN) CND Integrity Initiative visit to Oslo, 29-31 Aug 2016
 (BIN) Integrity Initiative – Serbian Cluster: activities
 (BIN) Outline of The Institute for Statecraft’s Concept for developing a US arm of its Integrity Initiative Program
 (BIN) An assessment of RT in the Middle East and North Africa: April 2018
 (BIN) Social Media as a Vector for Propaganda
 (BIN) Institute for Statecraft: Production Schedule March-June 2016
 (BIN) The Challenge of Brexit to the UK: Case study – The Foreign and Commonwealth Office (2nd draft)
 (BIN) Who Are the Corbynites, and What Do They Believe. o'Hara
 (BIN) The Integrity Initiative: Skripal Pt 1
 (BIN) The Integrity Initiative, actual monthly expenditure (as at Mar 2016)
 (BIN) Discussions with Gen Sir Richard Barrons: "The UK defence model is failing. UK is at real risk"
        -- OFFICIAL-SENSITIVE: UK-US Trade and Investment Working Group 24-25
 (BIN) First UK-US Trade and Investment_Working_Group Full Readout
 (BIN) Second UK-US Trade and Investment_Working_Group Full Readout
 (BIN) Third UK-US Trade and Investment Working Group Full Readout
 (BIN) Fourth UK-US Trade and Investment Working Group Full Readout
 (BIN) Fifth UK-US Trade and Investment Working Group Full Readout
 (BIN) Sixth UK-US Trade and Investment Working Group High_level Readout
        -- ICIJ: International Consortium of Journalists documents
           on on investigation into surveillance and internment of
           Uighurs and others in Xinjiang Province based on leaked
           classified Chinese Government documents. 
 (BIN) The China Cables: internal workings of internment camps (PDF)
 (TXT) The China Cables: internal workings of internment camps (TXT)
 (BIN) The China Cables: (redacted) transcript of a court case
 (BIN) The China Cables: IJOP briefing bulletin #2
 (BIN) The China Cables: IJOP briefing bulletin #9
 (BIN) The China Cables: IJOP briefing bulletin #14
 (BIN) The China Cables: IJOP briefing bulletin #20
 (BIN) The Labour Party Campaigners Handbook 2019
 (BIN) IN THE COURT OF APPEAL (CRIMINAL DIVISION): Justice Wilkie Usman Khan appeal T20117593
 (BIN) House of Lords report on Rising nuclear risk, disarmament and the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
 (BIN) Chris Heaton-Harris MP: Progress on improving the accessibility of the railways for disabled people 
 (BIN) Brexit: Operation Yellowhammer, or, "Don't Panic!"
 (TXT) Brexit: Operation Yellowhammer REDACTED SECTION
 (BIN) Brexit: The Interchange Fee (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
 (BIN) Outline of the Political Declaration Setting Out the Frameworks for the Future Relationship Between the EU and the UK 14 Nov
 (TXT) BREXIT: TEXT Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, as agreed at negotiators' level on 14 November 2018
 (BIN) BREXIT: PDF Draft Agreement on the withdrawal of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland from the European Union and the European Atomic Energy Community, as agreed at negotiators' level on 14 November 2018
 (BIN) Public Accounts Committee: Oral Evidence: DEFRA's Progress Towards Brexit HC1514
 (BIN) Review of the Telecommunications and Other Legislation Amendment (Assistance and Access) Bill 2018 sub87 (AU)
 (BIN) 9Blockchain: Disruption in Transport Concept Paper by "Transport Systems Catapult"
 (BIN) (UK) Electoral Integrity Project - Local Elections 2018 - Evaluation
 (BIN) How Britain’s inner city young are being failed - Shuan Bailey
 (BIN) ICO vs Oaklands Assist Spam Call Centre
 (BIN) Copyright in the Digital Single Market - Axel Voss: A8-0245/2018
 (BIN) Spruce Court Tower, Salford: comparisons with Grenfell Tower, London
 (BIN) BREXIT: EEA Passport Rights (Amendment, etc., and Transitional Provisions) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018: explanatory information
 (BIN) BREXIT: Draft Short Selling (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
 (BIN) BREXIT: Draft Deposit Guarantee Scheme and Miscellaneous Provisions (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
 (BIN) BREXIT: The Capital Requirements (Amendment) (EU Exit) Regulations 2018
 (BIN) Australia: Legislation proposed for introduction in the Sping 2018 Sittings (Telecommunications and Other)
 (BIN) FCC vs Oceti Sakowin Tribal Utility Authority, Intervenor: Stay Order
 (BIN) Independent Breast Screening Review TOR final 04062018
 (BIN) WHS Breast Screening update Nmbers by constituency 04062018
 (HTM) Revealed: Bristol’s police and mass mobile phone surveillance - The Bristol Cable
 (BIN) A&S PCC contracts disclosure (A&S police contracted with Cellxion) (IMSI)
 (BIN) Metropolitan Police paid more than GBP 1m to Cellxion (IMSI)
 (BIN) Minutes from a meeting May 2016 between West Mercia and Warwickshire Police (IMSI)
 (BIN) South Yorkshire Police report - 2015/16 budget item called "IMSI Covert Communications"
 (BIN) FOI request relating to the existence and use of local mobile phone extraction kiosks WYP
 (BIN) DEFRA-environmental principles and governance consultation - response.pdf
 (BIN) London Garden Bridge Trust: Board Minutes 8Th October 2013
 (BIN) Stonehenge Mission Report 2018
 (BIN) Potential Policy Proposals for Regulation of Social Media and Tech Firms
 (BIN) India: draft Personal Data Protection Bill 2018
 (BIN) FCO Strategic Exports Controls Annual Report 2017
 (BIN) Updated BREXIT White Paper 17th July 2018
 (BIN) BREXIT: Draft BREXIT Agreement "The White Paper"  29th June 2018
 (BIN) BREXIT: What does "leave" look like Version 5. By the "Stay In" group
 (BIN) Internet Platforms: Observations on Speech,Danger,Money (Keller)
 (TXT) The Society of the Spectacle - Guy Debord
 (BIN) Hillary R Clinton Part 21 of 21: redacted FBI doc of mail server info
 (BIN) Intellectual Property (Unjustified Threats) Act 2017
 (TXT) Anonymous: How to fight the Google-Campus: a proprosal
 (BIN) HM Gov - Industrial Strategy: Creative Industries Sector Deal
 (TXT) Who can see your Internet history-UK
 (BIN) The Casey Review: A Review into Opportunity and Integration: Exec Summary
 (BIN) The Casey Review: A Review into Opportunity and Integration: full
 (BIN) Monica Petersen: we may never know what happened
 (BIN) FoodChainReaction org-Findings-Report
 (BIN) Investigation of Anomalies Affecting the X-ray Astronomy Satellite Hitomi
 (BIN) Julian King's appointment as EU Security Commissioner
 (BIN) Royal Free Hospital London/NHS/Google - Patient Data Sharing Agreement
 (BIN) Nestle: Forget the Global Financial Crisis: the World is Running Out of Fresh Water (PDF)
 (TXT) Nestle: Forget the Global Financial Crisis: the World is Running Out of Fresh Water (TXT)
 (BIN) "Penalty Fair"_Study of Criminal Sanctions for Copyright Infringement Available Under the CDPA 1988
 (BIN) Criminal Sanctions for Online Copyright Infringement
 (BIN) Summary of Responses to Criminal Sanctions for Online Copyright Infringement
 (BIN) SIS II - Schengen Guide of Access (What may and may not be disclosed)
 (TXT) Live-Aid: The Terrible Truth via spin.com - where the money really went
 (BIN) The Paris Cliamte Change COP21 Agreement: Final text
 (BIN) NaCTSO Guidance Note 1-2015-Dynamic Lockdown v1.0: what to do in the case of a terrorist attack
 (BIN) Recognising the Terrorist Threat: a guide published by the UK Government
 (BIN) (London) Garden Bridge Illegal Trading, Antisocial Behaviour Crowd Control & General Enforcement Management
 (BIN) TPP Treaty: Intellectual Property Rights Chapter (Consolidated, Oct 5thh 2015)
 (BIN) EU PNR - the Way Forward
 (BIN) EU CTC input for preparation of meeting of Justice & Home Affairs ministers, Riga, Jan 2015
 (BIN) EU-US Umbrella Data Protection Agreement Oct 2015
 (BIN) The Wassenaar Arrangement on Export Controls for Conventional Arms and Dual-use Goods and Technologies.pdf
 (BIN) (Results of the) US Regulation of Conflict Minerals in the DRC
 (BIN) Mancur Olson's Stationary Bandit Metaphor
 (BIN) Committee Study to Government Operations, Intelligence Activities and the Rights of Americans (1976)
 (BIN) The Secret Nuclear Threat: W McNeilly. A nuclear accident waiting to happen?
 (BIN) Intelligence and Security Committee of Parliament Privacy and Security: A modern and transparent legal framework
 (BIN) UK Government report of (UK) Banking in the 21st Century
 (BIN) Consultation: Draft Equipment Interference Code of Practice
 (BIN) Consultation: Equipment Interference and Interception of Communications: Codes of Practice
 (BIN) Consultation: Interception of Communications: Code of Practice
 (BIN) Jay Report into child abuse at Rotherham
 (BIN) Casey Report: Inspection of Rotherham Council's handling of child sexual abuse
 (BIN) EU PNR (Passenger Name Record) – the way forward
 (BIN) EU CTC input for the preparation of the informal meeting of Justice and Home Affairs Ministers in Riga on 29 January 2015
 (BIN) Acquisition and Disclosure of Communications Data Code of Practice (D)RIPA update
 (BIN) The Yinon Report: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East
 (BIN) Eric Pickles and Lord Ahmad's draft letter to all UK mosques
 (BIN) EnviCrimeNet - Intelligence Project on Environmental Crime - Preliminary Report on Environmental Crime in Europe
 (BIN) Proposal for a directive of the EU facilitating cross-border exchange of information on road safety related traffic offences
 (BIN) Minor Interpellation submitted by Member of the Bundestag Andrej Hunko and others: Measures to delete Internet content and responding with counter-propaganda
 (BIN) Statement by Bernard Cazeneuve, Minister of the Interior of the French Republic following the Charlie Hebdo Massacre
 (BIN) The Jonathan Jay Pollard espionage case: CIA damage assessment (declassified)
 (BIN) HM Government: Assessing Cyber Security Export risks
 (BIN) HM Government: Making Digital Government Work for Everyone
 (BIN) Police Reform and Social Reponsibility Bill 2010
 (BIN) Australian Security Intelligence Organisation Act 1979 (amended Jun 2014) No.1131979 as amended
 (TXT) Iraq, Syria and the Middle East: an essay by Tony Blair
 (???) Sky News' Dermot Murnaghan puts a question to Tony Blair (mp4 video)
 (BIN) Domestic Drones in the UK - Report
 (BIN) Domestic Drones in the UK - Annexes
 (BIN) A Minimal Model for Human and Nature Interaction - Safa Motesharrei
 (BIN) Inquiry into the comprehensive revision of the Telecommunications (Interception and Access) Act 1979 (AU): sub26
 (BIN) EU Anti-corruption Report (Brussels, 3.2.2014COM(2014) 38 final)
 (BIN) "Statement for the record" - Worldwide Threat Assessment of the US Intelligence Community
 (BIN) Talking to Vula:  The Story of the Secret ANC Underground Communications Network of Operation Vula
 (BIN) NSA's Bulk Surveillance Do NSA's Bulk Surveillance Programs Stop Terrorists?
 (BIN) Fact-sheet review of US signals intelligence Jan 2014
 (BIN) Report on Uk Police Body-worn cameras
 (BIN) BBW report on NHS Data Breaches (2011)
        -- Privacy International: Bulk Personal Datasets Challenge and other 
        On 8 June 2015 Privacy International filed a legal challenge in the 
        Investigatory Powers Tribunal, about whether the acquisition, use,
        retention, disclosure, storage and deletion of Bulk Personal Datasets
        is in accordance with the law and necessary and proportionate. Bulk 
        Personal Datasets were first avowed on 12 March 2015 in the 
        Intelligence and Security Committee report. 
 (BIN) Privacy International report on Digital Stop and Search March 2018
 (HTM) Privacy International: Bulk Personal Datasets Challenge
 (BIN)  1: Claimant Grounds
 (BIN)  2: Repondants' Amended Response
 (BIN)  3: Claimant Request for Further Information
 (BIN)  4: Response to Request for Further Information
 (BIN)  5: Closed response to Request for Further Information
 (BIN)  6: Respondents Closed Response to the Factual Allegations
        -- A small selection of documents about Ex-CIA director John Brennan 
 (BIN) Brennan: The Conundrum of Iran
 (BIN) Brennan: Torture
 (BIN) Brennan: Torture Ways
        -- CIA Presidential Briefing Products from 1961 to 1969
        The CIA's Historical Review Program on 16 September 2015 released 
        a collection of presidential briefing products written during the 
        Kennedy and Johnson presidential administrations. This large-scale 
        release of The President's Intelligence Checklists (PICLs) and The 
        President's Daily Briefs (PDBs) includes almost 2,500 documents 
        exclusively written for the president each day except Sunday. They 
        summarised the day-to-day intelligence and analysis on current and 
        future national security issues.
        I've started off by listing the first few days before and after the
        invasion of the then Czechoslovakia by Communist Russia on the 20th 
        August 1968. Note that some PICLs are still partially redacted.
 (BIN) PICL-19680816-DOC_0005976307
 (BIN) PICL-19680817-DOC_0005976309
 (BIN) PICL-19680819-DOC_0005976311
 (BIN) PICL-19680820-DOC_0005976313
 (BIN) PICL-19680821-DOC_0005976315
        -- DEFRA's Draft Report on UK fracking
         This is the document on the controversial practice of Fracking
         that the UK Government "conveniently" failed to release before 
         the General Election in 2015. DEFRA stated: 
         This paper is an early draft of an internal document; it is not 
         analytically robust. Work on it has since been discontinued.  
         The draft paper was intended as a review of existing literature. 
         It includes early, often vague, assumptions which are not 
         supported by appropriate evidence. These were never intended as 
         considered Defra positions or as statements of fact.
         Containing no new evidence, the paper simply refers to data from 
         overseas studies which cannot be used to predict impacts in the 
         UK with any degree of reliability. The author of the paper was 
         not asked to consider, and did not have an in-depth knowledge of
         the UK regulatory framework.
         In June 2012, the Royal Society and Royal Academy of Engineering 
         report concluded that environmental (and health and safety) risks 
         can be managed effectively in the UK if operational best practices
         are enforced through regulation. The UK has a rigorous and robust 
         regulatory regime which is fully capable of preventing and 
         managing any risks
 (BIN) DEFRA's Draft shale gas (Fracking) rural economy impact report July 2015
        -- A Question of Trust
        The Data Retention and Investigatory Powers Act 2014 
        [DRIPA 2014] completed its parliamentary passage in just four 
        days, receiving Royal Assent on 17 July 2014. 
        Emergency legislation was said to be needed in order to ensure 
        that UK law enforcement and security and intelligence agencies
        could maintain their ability to access the telecommunications
        data they need to investigate criminal activity and protect
        the public. As part of the political agreement that secured 
        cross-party support for the Bill, the Home Secretary was 
        required (by DRIPA 2014 s7) to “appoint the independent 
        reviewer of terrorism legislation to review the operation and
        regulation of investigatory powers”. This Report is the outcome
        of that Review.
 (BIN) "A Question of Trust": Report of the Investigatory Powers Review by David Anderson Q.C. Independent Reviewer of Terrorism Legislation
 (TXT) Professor David Smythe: Inadequacy of the LCC Officer Report Planning applications by Cuadrilla Bowland Limited to drill at Preston New Road no. LCC/2014/0096 and Roseacre Wood no. LCC/2014/0101
 (TXT) Professor David Smythe: Inadequacy of the LCC Officer Report PGP SIG
 (TXT) How the CIA made Google: Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet. Part 1 of 2 — By Nafeez Ahmed
 (TXT) Why Google made the NSA: Inside the secret network behind mass surveillance, endless war, and Skynet. Part 2 of 2 — By Nafeez Ahmed
 (TXT) Oleg Gordievsky's cross-examination in the Central Criminal Court, 1993
 (TXT) Summary of findings of the commission of inquiry on human rights (UN) in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
 (TXT) Detailed findings of the commission of inquiry on human rights (UN) in the Democratic People's Republic of Korea
 (TXT) Baroness Warsi's resignation letter of Gaza and the PM's response
 (TXT) The Gentleman's Guide to Forum Spies
 (TXT) Ministry of Home Security: Air Raids: What you must know and do
 (TXT) British Murders of SS Soldiers at Dachau
 (TXT) John Noble: I was a Slave in Russia
 (TXT) John L. Spivak's Secret Armies: exposing the Nazi war on America
 (TXT) The Founding of the Jesuit Order
 (TXT) C.E.M Joad's Why War?
        -- Prince Charles' 'Black Spider' Memos (2004-2005): 
           Following a 10-year battle between The Guardian newspaper
           and Prince Charles, using the Freedom of Information Act,
           Charles' personal memos (and some replies) have been 
           released to a largely-underwhelmed public. Are these the
           ramblings of a Royal, renowned for his sometimes eccentric
           behaviour, or something else? Personally I see them as 
           the missives of a man daring to question the practices of
           a succession of governments not always serving the populace
           as they should. What do you think?
 (HTM) The official Government source for the memos (PDF)
 (HTM) The Guardian Newspaper source for the memos (PDF+TXT)
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with Minister for the Environment, 2004: illegal fishing
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with Secretary of State for Culture, 2004: conference invitation
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with Secretary of State for Culture, 2004 to 2005: Shackleton and Scott’s Huts
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with Secretary of State for Education, 2004 to 2005: Prince of Wales Summer Schools (1)
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with Secretary of State for Education, 2004 to 2005: Prince of Wales Summer Schools (2)
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with Secretary of State for Education, 2004 to 2005: Prince of Wales Summer Schools (3)
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with Secretary of State for Health, 2004 to 2005: Cherry Knowle hospital site
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with Secretary of State for Trade and Industry, 2004: In Kind Direct
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with the Prime Minister, 2004 to 2005: rural and agricultural issues (1).txt
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with the Prime Minister, 2004 to 2005: rural and agricultural issues (2).txt
 (TXT) Prince Charles: Correspondence with the Secretary of State for Northern Ireland Office
        -- Chilcot Inquiry: files related to the Chilcot Inquiry 
           into the Iraq War, including the complete Chilcot
           Report dated 6th July 2016.
 (HTM) The Iraq Inquiry Web Site
 (???) Video of Jeremy Corbyn speaking at biggest protest in UK history against Iraq war (2003) (mp4)
        -- All the below files are available in this signed ZIP:
        -- Use: gpg --verify the-report-of-the-iraq-inquiry.zip.sig the-repor
 (ARC)  Full report of the iraq inquiry as zip
 (BIN)  Full report of the iraq inquiry as zip (sig, binary)
 (BIN)  Sir John Chilcot's Public Statement
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Introduction
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Executive Summary
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 11
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 12
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 15-1
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 20
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 31
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 32
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 33
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 34
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 35
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 36
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 37
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 38
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 40
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 41
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 42
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 43
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 44
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 50
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 61
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 62
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 63
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 64
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 65
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 70
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 80
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 91
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 92
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 93
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 94
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 95
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 96
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 97
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 98
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 101
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 102
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 103
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 104
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 111
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 112
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 121
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 122
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 131
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 132
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 141
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 142
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 152
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 161
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 162
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 163
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 164
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section 170
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section_annex 1
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section_annex 2
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section_annex 3
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section_annex 4
 (BIN)  The report of the iraq inquiry: Section_annex 5
 (BIN)  20 January 2015 Letter from Sir John Chilcot to the Prime Minister
 (BIN)  20 January 2015 Letter from the Prime Minister to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  28 May 2014 Letter from Sir John Chilcot to Sir Jeremy Heywood
 (BIN)  5 November 2013 Letter from the Prime Minister to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  4 November 2013 Letter from Sir John Chilcot to the Prime Minister
 (BIN)  17 July 2013 Letter from the Prime Minister to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  15 July 2013 Letter from Sir John Chilcot to the Prime Minister
 (BIN)  16 July 2012 Prime Minister letter to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  13 July 2012 Sir John Chilcot letter to the Prime Minister
 (BIN)  20 May 2011 Sir John Chilcot letter to Alastair Campbell
 (BIN)  19 May 2011 Alastair Campbell letter to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  11 January 2011 Sir Gus O'Donnell letter to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  6 January 2011 Sir John Chilcot letter to Sir Gus O'Donnell
 (BIN)  22 December 2010 Sir John Chilcot letter to Sir Gus O'Donnell
 (BIN)  10 December 2010 Sir John Chilcot letter to Sir Gus O'Donnell
 (BIN)  28 June 2010 Sir John Chilcot response letter to Sir Gus O'Donnell re: Declassification of draft legal advice
 (BIN)  25 June 2010 Sir Gus O'Donnell letter to Sir John Chilcot re: Declassification of draft legal advice
 (BIN)  22 January 2010 Letter from the Prime Minister to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  21 January 2010 Letter from Sir John Chilcot to the Prime Minister
 (BIN)  19 January 2010 Letter from the Prime Minister to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  18 January 2010 Letter from Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  22 June 2009 Letter from the Prime Minister to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  21 June 2009 Letter from Sir John Chilcot to the Prime Minister
 (BIN)  17 June 2009 Letter from the Prime Minister to Sir John Chilcot
 (BIN)  16 April 1999 Memo from Professor Sir Lawrence Freedman to Jonathan Powell
 (HTM) UK Legislation/Statutes Database
        -- UK intelligence forced to reveal secret policy for 
        surveillance of residents' Social Media use.
        Britain's top counter-terrorism official has been forced 
        to reveal a secret government policy justifying the mass 
        surveillance of every Facebook, Twitter, Youtube and Google 
        user in the UK, a group of rights organizations announced. 
        The organizations published the policy, described in a 
        written statement by Charles Farr, Director General of the 
        Office for Security and Counter Terrorism, after they brought 
        a legal challenge against the UK government.
 (TXT) UK Government spying indiscriminately on UK Social Media: Overview
 (BIN) Witness statement of Charles Blandford-Farr
 (BIN) Witness statement of Eric King
 (BIN) Witness statement of Gus Hosein
 (BIN) Witness statement of Ian Brown
 (BIN) Privacy International July Hearing: skeleton
 (BIN) Case for use of comms data by local authorities
 (BIN) June 2018 IPA Regulations: givernment response to ECJ judgement
 (BIN) Key critiques of EU plans to create a pervasive EU state database
 (BIN) Leaked European Parliament proposal on AI regulation - final draft