(DIR) petergarner.net gopher root
        -- Stuff .. of the "various" kind ---------------------------------
 (BIN) Energy & Climate Intelligence Unit: Future Energy Security UK
 (BIN) "True Defamation" by Jeffrey S Helmreich
 (BIN) Contact of Containership Dali with Francis Scott Key Bridge and Subsequent Bridge Collapse
 (BIN) A Model of the Cosmos in the ancient Greek Antikythera Mechanism
 (BIN) 50 Digital Wood Joints poster
 (BIN) The Solution of the Zodiac Killer’s 340-Character Cipher
 (BIN) Brian Martin: Better? Is the world going down the drain?
 (BIN) Aviation Investigation Preliminary Report: Alaska Airlines flight 1282 door incident
 (BIN) ZARM Drop Tower Bremen User Manual
 (BIN) The Usefulness of Useless Knowledge
 (BIN) Starbucks dark pattern complaint to WA AGO Dec 19 2023
 (BIN) The Book of Hallowe'en by Ruth Kelley "An account of the history of Halloween"
 (BIN) Baden-Powell's Chief Scout Yarns 1918-1920
 (BIN) Plantlife Press Release Journal of Applied Ecology Climate impact
 (BIN) The Global Shark Attack File Log via sharkattackfile.net
 (BIN) The Inescapable Truth: how 17 people a day will suffer as they die. 
 (BIN) Ethiopian investigators final report on the crash of Ethiopian Airlines flight ET302 10 MARCH, 2019
 (BIN) US Comments on Draft Aircraft Accident Investigation Report Ethiopian Airlines Flight 302 Boeing 737-8 MAX, ET-AVJ 10 MARCH, 2019
 (BIN) Commander's Guide to Biometrics in Afghanistan
 (BIN) Greenpeace: Circular Claims Fall Flat Again: 2022 report US plastics recycling is failing
 (BIN) Earth Institute World Happiness Report 2022
 (BIN) Geometric mean and selected percentiles of concentrations (in µg/L) for the U.S. population from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey Urinary Glyphosate (N-(Phosphonomethyl)glycine) (2013 - 2014)
 (BIN) Geometric mean and selected percentiles of concentrations (in µg/L) for the U.S. population from the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. (Hebicides and Metabolites)
 (BIN) Dyslexia in Incarcerated Men and Women: A New Perspective on Reading Disability in the Prison Population
 (BIN) Li[Ni0.5Mn0.3Co0.2]O2 as a Superior Alternative to LiFePO4 for Long- Lived Low Voltage Li-Ion Cells
 (BIN) Leonard de Vries' Book of Experiments
 (BIN) The investigation that brought down Color Wheel went far beyond Mitch Mosallem, revealing a trail of deceit across the NY ad world
 (BIN) Pepsi: "Breathtaking Design Strategy" by the Arnell Group 2008
 (BIN) Tiny Mining - A mineral exploration co-operative and community committed to the open source exploitation of the interior of the human body for rare earth and other mineral resources
 (BIN) "Flowers for Algernon" - Daniel Keyes
 (BIN) Grad student sues SIUE after college suppressed her speech: DeJing vs. Pembrook
 (BIN) The Russian Federation’s Military Doctrine, Plans, and Capabilities for Electromagnetic Pulse (EMP) Attack: Dr. Peter Vincent Pry
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 02 2022
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 03 2022
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 05 2022
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 06 2022
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 09 2022
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 10 2022
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 11 2022
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 12 2022
 (BIN) ERCOT, TX - Unplanned Resource Outages Report – Interim May 13 2022
 (BIN) 'I think I discovered a military base in the middle of the ocean' - Null Island
 (BIN) Stabilization of gamma sulfur at room temperature to enable the use of carbonate electrolyte in Li-S batteries
 (BIN) Outer Cabinet: A History of the Government Car Service.
 (BIN) Judge Finds John Eastman and Trump Planned a Coup, March 28, 2022
 (BIN) Images of massacre at Bucha, Ukraine, by Russian soldiers (graphic, unredacted - via cryptome.org)
 (TXT) Abu Kaseem's Slippers -a tale retold
 (BIN) APMA: Meter Calibration, Aerial Mapping, Skimmers & Fuel Theft
 (BIN) Rates of Historical Anthropogenic Soil Erosion in the Midwestern United States (Thaler, E. A., Kwang, J. S., Quirk, B. J.,Quarrier, C. L., & Larsen, I. J. Earth's Future, 10, e2021EF0023962022)
 (BIN) An Oral History of Margaret Hamilton, Programmmer for NASA's Moon Missions, 2017
 (BIN) Concordia professor suspended over blog post about “woke-ism” pushes back
 (TXT) Woke Dysphoria at Concordia: Rev Gregory P Schulz, DMin, PhD
 (TXT) George Orwell's proposed preface to Animal Farm
 (BIN) Michigan school superintendent admits to snooping on parents social media posts, contacting employers - gets sued
 (BIN) The Terribly, Tragically Sad Man: A parable for today by Loren Seibold
 (BIN) Democracity ... a planned community of the future; from the 1939 New York World's Fair
 (BIN) Johnson and Johnson Reuters injunction denial
 (BIN) Analysis of Surfside Condo Faulty Design and Construction, August 8, 2021
 (BIN) The Whole Earth Catalogue: American counterculture magazine and product catalog: focus on self-sufficiency, Fall 68 Ed.
 (BIN) The Whole Earth Catalogue: American counterculture magazine and product catalog: focus on self-sufficiency, Spring 69 Ed.
 (BIN) The (then) Duchess of Sussex vs. Associated Newspapers Ltd Jan 2021
 (BIN) Eniema Penetration Crop Circles: PSITech Report from CNACCS
 (BIN) Exposing the scale of the commercial sale of the edited electoral roll
 (BIN) UFO Secrets of the Third Reich
 (BIN) Compromise of U.S. Water Treatment Facility Feb 2021
 (BIN) Owning Laura Silsby’s Shame: How the Haitian Child Trafficking Scheme Embodies the Western Disregard for the Integrity of Poor Families
 (BIN) The Star - Arthur C Clarke
 (BIN) Interpol Report: Trafficking of Human Beings for the purpose of Organ Removal in North and West Africa
 (BIN) Urethral self-insertion of a USB cable as sexual experimentation: A case report
 (BIN) The Machine Stops: E.M Forster 1909
 (BIN) Long-term woodland restoration on lowland farmland through passive rewilding (Broughton RK et al. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0252466)
 (BIN) American Journal of Health Behavior: JUUL Special Issue
 (BIN) Letter: Remediation ofSouth Champlain Towers Condominium Miami: March 2021
 (BIN) ICO's judgement against phone spammers ColourCoat Ltd (UK)
 (BIN) The complete sequence of a human genome (bioRxiv preprint doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2021.05.26.445798)
 (BIN) Preliminary Report into the "driverless Tesla" crash
 (BIN) Mr Richard Glenn: Professional conduct - decision and reasons on behalf of the Secretary of State for Education
 (BIN) "Serious Incident" on Boeing 737-8K5, G-TAWG
 (BIN) Proposed Suez-like Canal in Negev Desert
 (BIN) The EU Guide to Writing English
 (BIN) The Splunk Style Guide
 (BIN) Case 1:15-cv-07433-LAP   Document 1137-11 US Dstrict Court Southern District of New York: GIUFFRE vs GHISLAINE MAXWELL - Deposition
 (BIN) List of Royal Charters granted in England ordered by date
        -- A series of massive geophysical anomalies, located south of 
        -- the Durrington Walls Henge monument, were identified during 
        -- a fluxgate gradiometer survey undertaken by the Stonehenge 
        -- Hidden Landscapes Project (SHLP). 
        -- Gaffney, V. et al. 2020 A Massive, Late Neolithic Pit 
        -- Structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge, 
        -- Internet Archaeology 55. https://doi.org/10.11141/ia.55.4
 (BIN) A Massive, Late Neolithic Pit Structure associated with Durrington Walls Henge
 (BIN) UK-England Yorkshire and the Humber - Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation (2019)
 (BIN) Lewandowsky, S., & Cook, J. (2020). The Conspiracy Theory Handbook
 (BIN) Report of the WHO-China Joint Mission on Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
 (BIN) The 2019 Global Health Security Index Report
 (BIN) Community Pharmacy News - February 2020
 (BIN) Racialized Identities and the Formation of Black Gangs in LA - Alonso
 (BIN) Antwerp - Plan for a Smart and Sustainable City
 (BIN) Healthy Living Pharmacy Newsletter Jan 2020
 (BIN) US National Intelligencei: an Overview (2011)
 (BIN) Tradecraft in Intelligence Work on Soviet Territory from Cover Organizations (1988)
 (BIN) The Little Book of Big Scams (Met Police advice)
 (BIN) The Essential Guide to Electronics in Shenzhen
 (BIN) Veritas Report:Green Party report into Aimee Challenor Safeguarding issue
 (BIN) Naples Gold Ltd Certificate of Incorporation: Prince Andrew "Inverness"
 (BIN) 2 Arms and a Head: Clayton Schwartz: Final Words
 (BIN) Jehovahs Witness Guidelines on Preparing for Child Custoday Cases
 (BIN) Order Denying Application for a Search Warrant (use of Facebook Messenger to extort)
 (BIN) The US NPS technical rescue handbook 2014
 (BIN) Flight Standardization Board (FSB) Report for Boeing 737Max
 (BIN) Hipster Effect-When Anti-Conformists All Look The Same
 (BIN) info regarding FAA continued operational safety activity related to Boeing 737-8 and Boeing 737-9 (737 MAX) fleet
 (BIN) The stigma of being Haitian in The Bahamas.pdf
 (BIN) UK Forestry Commission Statistics Report 2017
 (BIN) 'Facebook is failing its black employees and black users' - Mark Luckie
 (BIN) AAIB Bulletin S1/2018 SPECIAL ACCIDENT Report AW169 King Power Stadium, Leicester
 (BIN) Flexible demand in the GB domestic electricity sector in 2030
 (BIN) The BIPM and the Metre Convention
 (BIN) ESEA Emergency Airworthiness Directive 2018-0241-E ATA 64 - Tail Rotor - Tail Rotor Flight Control System - Inspection
 (BIN) Black Hole Entropy and Soft Hair - Stephen Hawking's Last Paper
 (BIN) Patacsil v. Google Inc. Class-action Suit Filing re Location Tracking
 (BIN) Bicycle Technology -  Scientific American March 1973 (V-CC Library)
 (BIN) Jon Venables and Robert Thompson - Injunction 31 Aug 2012
 (BIN) XTML Implementation and Support Service: actual UK Gov Tender!
 (BIN) David Levy - Intimate Relsationships with Artifical Partners
 (BIN) Long-Term Behaviour of Viaducts Subjected to Heavy Traffic and Situated in an aggressive Environment (Morandi 1979)
 (BIN) Cues to deception in a textual narrative context lying in written witness statements (Isabel Picornell)
 (BIN) ROSE: The dark art of Remote Online Social Engineering
 (BIN) Method of and Device for Interactive Virtual Control of Sexual Aids Using Computer Networks
 (BIN) What biometric tech could reveal to employers about medical conditions
 (BIN) Scott A, Lugg ST, Aldridge K, et alPro-inflammatory effects of e-cigarette vapour condensate on human alveolar Scott A, Lugg ST, Aldridge K, et alPro-inflammatory effects of e-cigarette vapour condensate on human alveolar macrophagesThorax Published Online First: 13 August 2018. doi: 10.1136/thoraxjnl-2018-211663
 (BIN) What biometric tech could reveal to employers about medical conditions
 (BIN) Mark Stephens v Accenture LLP and Facebook Inc
 (BIN) 'The Way We Think' Vannevar Bush's prophetic portrayal of future life and tech: 1945
 (BIN) 50 years after Vannevar Bush's 'The Way We Think'
 (BIN) State of Minnesota vs the 3M Company re PFCs
 (BIN) Geary Olsen's final report on volunteer male participants for PFOA, PFOS tests in 3M
 (BIN) Phone conversation between Dr Guy and 3M's Commercial Chemical, Central Research
 (BIN) Assessment of 3M worker PFOA, PFOS concentrations in medical surveillance examinations
 (BIN) Testing Inter-hemispheric Social Priming Theory in a Sample of Professional Politicians-A Brief Report
 (BIN) Alcohol consumption and risk of dementia: 23 year follow-up of Whitehall II cohort study
 (BIN) "Know Before You Go" - EU Health Info
 (BIN) National Contact Points for cross-border healthcare Europe
 (BIN) Nawrocki-History of individually-wrapped processed cheese slices
 (BIN) Pentagon's (declassified) list of Sino-Russian do-not-buy products
 (BIN) 2018 Deloitte Millennial Survey
 (BIN) Monsanto's Strategy Regarding IARC
 (BIN) Cogliano: Preventable Exposures Associated With Human Cancers
 (BIN) Email dialogue between Bruce Chassy and Eric Sachs (Monsanto)
 (BIN) Email dialogue between Bruce Chassy and Jay Byrne
 (BIN) Chinese products impacted by the latest $200 billion in US tariffs
 (BIN) How are the world’s forests changing
 (BIN) Napoleon as Organizational Designer
 (BIN) RISC Architecture - Understanding the Facts - Arm website (deleted)
 (BIN) Today's Coffee Trends report (2018-1)
 (BIN) CAS and CW Letter to FTC re [alleged] Tesla Deceptive Advertising
 (BIN) A Field Experiment on Labor Market Discrimination
 (BIN) Lead, mental health, and social action-Dumont
 (BIN) The Ancient Roots of Indo-European Folktales.pdf
 (BIN) WTFUK: Rachel Nabors meets UK Immigration
 (BIN) Dr Thelma Fox's alleged misuse of scholl Internet  - Report
 (BIN) Bill for Act re Sex Trade, Human Trafficking
 (BIN) Sony GMBH vs McFadden - Part 1
 (BIN) Sony GMBH vs McFadden - Part 2
 (BIN) Sony GMBH vs McFadden - Part 3
 (BIN) The Architecture of Opium Production
 (TXT) UTF8 Sampler
 (TXT) The Diary of Anne Frank (out of copyright in 2016)
 (BIN) FOI Request regarding users of the UK National Insurance Number system (2015)
 (BIN) Authorised users of the UK National Insurance Number system - April 2011 (defunct)
 (BIN) The CIA Simple Sabotage Field Manual (declassified)
 (BIN) The Transformative Value of Liberating Mars, by Jacob Haqq-Misra.pdf
 (TXT) Surveillance Recognition: under surveillance? Here's how to (maybe) tell
 (BIN) The Espresso Sensory Map: where the flavours come from
 (BIN) "Train cancelled due to signal fault": ever wonder what that means, exactly?
 (BIN) Scientific Opinion on risk to plant health from Xylella fastidiosa in the EU
 (BIN) UrJar: A Lighting Solution using Discarded Laptop Batteries
 (BIN) Auxiliary Power Unit Battery Fire Japan Airlines Boeing 787-8, JA829
 (BIN) Shrien Dewani: plea explanation by accused in terms of Section 115 of the (ZA) Criminal Procedure Act 1977 - redacted
 (BIN) Shrien Dewani: plea explanation by accused in terms of Section 115 of the (ZA) Criminal Procedure Act 1977 - UNREDACTED
 (BIN) Albert Michelson's Harmonic Analyzer - Fourier analysis, 19th Century style! (43Mb)
 (BIN) Curious Rituals: Gestural Interaction in the Digital Everyday
 (BIN) The MIT Mars One Feasibility Analysis IAC14: Mars 1, Humans 0
 (BIN) A review of employment dispute resolution in Great Britain by MICHAEL GIBBONS (file38516)
 (BIN) The Scunthorpe Problem, via Wikipedia
 (BIN) A recipe for Soylent (food substitute) via Wikipedia
 (BIN) Your social security rights in France (in English)
 (TXT) Courting the Victorian Woman
 (TXT) The Secret Agent, by Joseph Conrad
 (TXT) Birds in legend, fable and folklore (1923)
        You're right - they are watching you!
 (HTM) Via www.bigbrotherwatch.org.uk
 (BIN) Class of 1984 - The extent of CCTV in secondary schools and academies
 (BIN) The extent of Biometrics in English secondary schools and academies
        -- Merseyside-related Content 
 (TXT) A descriptive history of the popular watering place of Southport
 (TXT) Annals of Southport & District: a chronological history of North Meols
 (TXT) Chronicals of Southport, 1845, written expressly for the Southport Visiter newspaper
 (TXT) A journal of the Liverpool Financial Reform Organisation 1868
 (TXT) Copious notices of the natural history of the (Southport district 1883
 (TXT) "Sketches of Southport" - poetry by Thomas Costley
 (TXT) Handbook for Southport: Medical and General
 (TXT) "Seets i Blackpool, Fleetwood, Lytham and Southport as Seen by Sammywell Grimes" (local dialect)
 (BIN) Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Development Framework-CSD043