[HN Gopher] Archive (2021-09-23) - Page 1
 (DIR) Slacktyping: I'm typing when you're typing (2018)
       188 points by thunderbong (39 comments)
 (DIR) "A Tour of Grant Imahara's Shop" left untouched since his passing
       39 points by drannex (4 comments)
 (DIR) Hit Me with a Wrench All You Want, I Can't Tell You My Password
       21 points by cyounkins (25 comments)
 (DIR) Fourier Series Visualisation with D3
       151 points by colinprince (27 comments)
 (DIR) Reactive Clojure: A web language
       338 points by audionerd (133 comments)
 (DIR) Using two keyboards at once for pain relief
       184 points by ruffrey (185 comments)
 (DIR) It's tough being an Azure fan
       23 points by ealexhudson (9 comments)
 (DIR) Book review: The Checklist Manifesto
       71 points by lobbly (41 comments)
 (DIR) AWS SIGv4 and SIGv4A - How AWS signs and verifies API requests
       53 points by Corrado (28 comments)
 (DIR) BuildZoom (better way to build custom homes) Is hiring a Princip...
       1 points (job listing)
 (DIR) Facebook paid billions to spare Zuckerberg in data suit, shareho...
       353 points by croes (179 comments)
 (DIR) Ask HN: Are you also getting extremely obvious spam bypassing Gm...
       243 points by kace91 (117 comments)
 (DIR) Catala Lang: DSL designed for deriving implementations from legi...
       45 points by wut42 (15 comments)
 (DIR) FD 100
       30 points by susam (12 comments)
 (DIR) Skia Shaders in Compose Desktop
       10 points by farmerbb (1 comments)
 (DIR) Dog parasite is developing resistance to treatments
       111 points by gmays (50 comments)
 (DIR) Authenticated Boot and Disk Encryption on Linux
       297 points by Aissen (183 comments)
 (DIR) The NSA and CIA use ad blockers
       405 points by infodocket (260 comments)
 (DIR) Epic launches anti-cheat support for Linux, Mac, and Steam Deck
       243 points by cactusbee (202 comments)
 (DIR) Google keeps records of everything you buy, even if you delete t...
       570 points by decrypt (295 comments)
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       (page generated 2021-09-23 23:00 UTC)