 (DIR) floodgap systems
       `-> where everything starts in gopherspace
 (DIR) tilde.town gopherholes
       `-> fellow ~ neighbors in town <3
 (DIR) new gopher servers since 1999
       `-> list of new gopherholes by floodgap
 (DIR) the observable gopherspace universe project
       `-> an other list of servers by mateusz viste
 (DIR) the gopher club
       `-> sdf's gopher club
 (DIR) the midnight virtual pub
       `-> where to hang out in the digital meadow
 (DIR) the gopher lawn
       `-> a gopher directory by bitreich
 (DIR) bongusta!
       `-> my favorite phlog aggregator in the meadow
 (DIR) the gopher club phlogs
       `-> other favorite: sdf user phlogs in chronological order
 (DIR) moku pona phlog feed on rpod
       `-> the well known original moku pona selector
 (DIR) rak's moku pona
       `-> rak's personal phlog aggregator
 (DIR) tomasino's moku pona
       `-> tomasino's personal phlog aggregator
 (DIR) 5 random gopherholes
       `-> gopher servers randomly chosen from OGUP database
 (DIR) atdt e-zine
       `-> argentino zine about hacking, retrocomp &c.
 (DIR) bitreich gopherhole
       `-> to reduce software complexity in life
 (DIR) phrack magazine
       `-> the ezine written by and for hackers
 (DIR) boris shminke's gopherlog
       `-> daily little life capsules
 (DIR) fax sex phlog
       `-> yeah, baud baby!
 (DIR) solene's %
       `-> thoughts from an openbsd developer
 (DIR) gopherhole in tokyo, japan
       `-> nm03's gopher hole in... tokyo, japan
 (DIR) loopdreams gopherhole
       `-> journal of an english teacher in korea
 (DIR) rak's gopherhole
       `-> hole of ryan kavanagh, in montreal, quebec
 (DIR) anna's gopherhole
       `-> a healthcare worker in usa's rural south
 (DIR) mateusz' gopher lair
       `-> a lot of ressources shared by mateusz viste
 (DIR) quux by john goerzen
       `-> huge archive with a lot of historical content
 (DIR) a gopherhole in shangai, china
       `-> peter guo's phlog from shangai, china
 (DIR) linkerror gopher hole
       `-> john 'jns' sennesael's personal gopher hole
 (DIR) the xiled rumination construct
       `-> phlog and projects by xiled
 (DIR) gef's reaching for eternity
       `-> poetry, reflections, stories and links by gef
 (DIR) solderpunk's realm
       `-> phlog and projects by solderpunk
 (DIR) usagi the time travelling bunny
       `-> gopherhole of an IT bunny girl
 (DIR) the magical fish
       `-> the mobile optimized portal to the best selectors
 (DIR) d1337's ramblings on retro computing, &c
       `-> very interesting 90's authentic experiences by d1337
 (DIR) she12's gopherhole
       `-> an ascii artist in the meadow
 (DIR) dacav
       `-> the shed of an italian, living abroad
 (DIR) survivor library
       `-> mirror of the survivor library by mr. leveck
 (DIR) project gutenberg mirror
       `-> mirror of the project gutenberg (text only) by mr. leveck
 (DIR) first aid (new where there is no doctor)
       `-> where there is no doctor resources cared by agk
 (DIR) shakuhachi music guide
       `-> how to japanese end-blown bamboo flute
 (DIR) gopherpedia
       `-> the plain text ressource to (almost) everything
 (TEL) plain text world map
       `-> browse the world map in ascii
 (DIR) gopherddit
       `-> simple gopher interface to reddit
 (DIR) port70 news
       `-> link aggregator driven by the gopher community
 (DIR) the gopher bay
       `-> pirates sailing in the meadow
 (DIR) gophernews
       `-> a simple google news reader for gopher
 (DIR) hackernews
       `-> the underground hacker news mirror
 (DIR) textfiles
       `-> dive into t.e.x.t.f.i.l.e.s.com but on gopher
 (DIR) text-based google directions
       `-> get directions between two addresses
 (TEL) telehack
       `-> may the command line live forever
 (DIR) gophhub
       `-> browse github on gopher
 (QRY) magical fish's current weather
       `-> enter zip, airport code, or "city,country"