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       › D4T3       › T1TL3
 (TXT) 2024-05-07   Clara & Bobby
 (TXT) 2024-04-08   public Enemy, Ed Piskor (1982 - 2024)
 (TXT) 2024-04-07   things to love, for Christina
 (TXT) 2024-04-04   black Tape Time Capsule
 (TXT) 2024-03-16   the Hacker & the Mechanic
 (TXT) 2024-02-05   ISO 216:2007
 (TXT) 2023-12-25   Peril
 (TXT) 2023-09-18   embryonic.church & Feral Kingdom
 (TXT) 2023-08-30   Office hours non-launch
 (TXT) 2023-08-24   Derelict life & B4UDW3RK5 office hours soft launch
 (TXT) 2023-07-14   Basic Euclidean VR (beVR, "Beaver")
 (TXT) 2023-03-29   "Long road, south to north"
 (TXT) 2022-11-03   Origin story
 (TXT) 2022-09-05   "A war in my pocket" - thee B4UDW3RK5 manifesto
 (TXT) 2022-06-08   "Quake"
 (TXT) 2022-05-13   23_embryo
 (TXT) 2022-04-26   "CJS"
 (TXT) 2022-03-18   Tangible Internet? IDK
 (TXT) 2022-03-07   KONPEITO, Hackers card game & lurid.pink
 (TXT) 2022-02-10   Magnetic north
 (TXT) 2022-01-07   "Now we've named them all"
 (TXT) 2021-11-04   VR
 (TXT) 2021-08-16   Trade offer
 (TXT) 2021-06-28   TDK
 (TXT) 2021-06-05   Recognition
 (TXT) 2021-05-24   Little ritual, big ritual
 (TXT) 2021-03-19   Dextromethorphan & ego loss
 (TXT) 2021-03-19   A salty post about Gemini
 (TXT) 2021-03-18   "Predator"
 (TXT) 2021-03-08   Bad dreams
 (TXT) 2021-02-19   baudVision update
 (TXT) 2021-02-11   +1 (929) 601-BAUD
 (TXT) 2021-01-20   Contrary to popular rumors...
 (TXT) 2021-01-15   "Soft spell"
 (TXT) 2021-01-04   The future of ~tel
 (TXT) 2020-11-25   A black bat
 (TXT) 2020-05-24   Lovecraftian blind spot
 (TXT) 2020-04-19   baud.vision
 (TXT) 2020-01-04   Happy new year sticker update
 (TXT) 2019-12-26   Let me send you stickers
 (TXT) 2019-12-12   ASMR, KONPEITO & a webcam
 (TXT) 2019-10-30   The Gopherspace cycle
 (TXT) 2019-10-28   To-do list (~tel, TildeRadio, etc.)
 (TXT) 2019-10-27   Importance of touch
 (TXT) 2019-10-15   Social push-to-talk (re. xiled)
 (TXT) 2019-10-14   The s-word
 (TXT) 2019-10-07   Where u bin at?
 (TXT) 2019-09-19   R U OK? Day
 (TXT) 2019-08-18   :Of the Wand & the Moon: live (Dani guest phlog)
 (TXT) 2019-08-15   re. Automation of Propaganda
 (TXT) 2019-08-06   Some things around gopherspace
 (TXT) 2019-08-05   Elegance of addiction, bitreich & ~tel
 (TXT) 2019-07-12   Codeine & dextromethorphan
 (TXT) 2019-07-07   This week
 (TXT) 2019-07-01   One & a half deaths
 (TXT) 2019-05-31   Gopher will not save you
 (TXT) 2019-05-30   You will not save Gopher
 (TXT) 2019-05-28   Top 3 board & card games
 (TXT) 2019-05-27   Lizard eggs
 (TXT) 2019-05-21   Further adventures in ghetto pharmacology
 (TXT) 2019-05-19   A little about the wedding
 (TXT) 2019-05-03   Dead birds
 (TXT) 2019-04-14   Anxiety, dispossession & Cult Leader live
 (TXT) 2019-04-06   Updates & fun questions
 (TXT) 2019-03-30   BABYFACE
 (TXT) 2019-03-19   Comics 'R' Us
 (TXT) 2019-03-17   The 1900s
 (TXT) 2019-03-06   Deafheaven live & tilde.tel is live
 (TXT) 2019-02-18   Jawbreakers
 (TXT) 2019-02-04   Full circle
 (TXT) 2019-01-25   Gun control
 (TXT) 2019-01-17   Port 70 stickers
 (TXT) 2019-01-08   Da finger
 (TXT) 2019-01-03   Revisiting old mixtapes on Tildeverse Radio
 (TXT) 2018-12-13   PG 300
 (TXT) 2018-12-05   Moya
 (TXT) 2018-11-28   tilde.tel & a call for pilot users
 (TXT) 2018-11-26   Soft Ash, LOW WIRE & depression
 (TXT) 2018-11-06   The SDF
 (TXT) 2018-11-02   How to gophermap
 (TXT) 2018-10-31   Cat's guide to commode
 (TXT) 2018-10-23   ezstream & OpenMic
 (TXT) 2018-10-11   Ethical drug dealers
 (TXT) 2018-09-26   Voca AT-551
 (TXT) 2018-09-24   LOW WIRE, K6MWT redux & an audio cassette
 (TXT) 2018-09-13   Teacher's Gaze
 (TXT) 2018-09-10   LOW WIRE, Saturdays @ 21:00 UTC on aNONradio
 (TXT) 2018-09-09   Baudpunk
 (TXT) 2018-08-25   Miscolored memory of Washington
 (TXT) 2918-08-18   Doll people
 (TXT) 2018-08-07   Go read something else
 (TXT) 2018-08-04   Elbow grease
 (TXT) 2018-08-03   Back on my bullshit
 (TXT) 2018-07-03   A bunch of Touchfone stuff
 (TXT) 2018-06-28   baud.baby
 (TXT) 2018-06-19   Phlog anniversary & SDF birthday
 (TXT) 2018-05-19   Good diet, bad diet
 (TXT) 2018-05-08   Snoqualmie, North Bend & Issaquah
 (TXT) 2018-05-07   Seattle barcade shenanigans
 (TXT) 2018-04-30   Melbourne's smallest barcade
 (TXT) 2018-04-28   Sketchy Subway, antique mall & Living Computers
 (TXT) 2018-04-25   Daydreaming about cyberpunk cars
 (TXT) 2018-04-23   Washington (State)
 (TXT) 2018-04-17   Some board games added to files
 (TXT) 2018-04-09   Yo yo yo wassup
 (TXT) 2018-03-29   Long post about doll stuff
 (TXT) 2018-03-26   Asterisk & Touchfones
 (TXT) 2018-03-25   Anxiety & depression
 (TXT) 2018-03-20   Some responses & some projects
 (TXT) 2018-03-19   re. Chemistry
 (TXT) 2018-03-13   A shout-out, a response & an update
 (TXT) 2018-03-12   In defence of no-contact
 (TXT) 2018-02-15   Text formatting (re. kvothe)
 (TXT) 2018-02-07   Phloggers & the phlog list
 (TXT) 2018-01-29   Codeine & LSD
 (TXT) 2018-01-27   Guess I'm becoming a developer
 (TXT) 2018-01-15   The Gopher Browser
 (TXT) 2018-01-13   Ladybeard in Adelaide
 (TXT) 2018-01-08   Big in Japan & Ladybeard again
 (TXT) 2018-01-05   My favorite software
 (TXT) 2017-12-08   Work, Christmas lights, hobbies
 (TXT) 2017-12-01   Something about basketball, IDK
 (TXT) 2017-11-21   Stress test
 (TXT) 2017-11-16   Grumbling
 (TXT) 2017-11-10   UnPLuGeD's SDF rap
 (TXT) 2017-11-09   Loss of periphery
 (TXT) 2017-11-08   MadFest, 2017 & Ladybeard
 (TXT) 2017-10-09   Weird angry moment
 (TXT) 2017-10-04   Friday night, nerd bars
 (TXT) 2017-09-28   AVCon, 2002
 (TXT) 2017-09-27   Solderpunk on AVCon
 (TXT) 2017-09-25   VoidRealm III
 (TXT) 2017-09-24   VoidRealm II
 (TXT) 2017-09-23   VoidRealm
 (TXT) 2017-09-22   My convention anchor
 (TXT) 2017-09-21   Animaga, 2017
 (TXT) 2017-09-11   Anime club, first meetup
 (TXT) 2017-09-01   Volunteer day
 (TXT) 2017-08-25   Joined an anime club
 (TXT) 2017-08-24   Polly wants a protest
 (TXT) 2017-08-10   Cats I've known
 (TXT) 2017-08-02   General grumbling
 (TXT) 2017-07-20   Loose thoughts on phlog feedback
 (TXT) 2017-07-19   Driving in Adelaide, 1991
 (TXT) 2017-07-12   Lum ASCII art & horrible poeple
 (TXT) 2017-07-10   Loose Otarchive project thoughts
 (TXT) 2017-07-04   Forgotten Worlds
 (TXT) 2017-07-03   Oz Comic-Con & geek role models
 (TXT) 2017-06-29   An introduction
 (TXT) 2017-06-23   Washington, 2016
 (TXT) 2017-06-22   What makes a good dungeon master?
 (TXT) 2017-06-20   The Otarchive project
 (TXT) 2017-06-19   Crystal set receivers & fathers
 (TXT) 2017-06-16   Why a Gopher space phlog?
       │                                                                 │
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       ╰─────────────────────────────────┘  Y0UR 515T3R'Z F4V0R1T3 H4CK3R