(DIR) madmike's grex hole :01/24/19
 (DIR) This is the hacking.allowed gopher site :01/24/19
 (DIR) Willkommen auf der Gopherspace :01/24/19
 (DIR) Umbrellix Gopher is back!! :01/24/19
 (DIR) Welcome to ZZO38COMPUTER Gopher Server! :01/24/19
 (DIR) of many trades :01/24/19
 (DIR) KHZAE DOT NET :01/25/19
 (DIR) 4 D 2 dot ORG :01/25/19
 (DIR) The gopher hole for ymodem.org :01/25/19
 (DIR) Keven's Gopherspace :01/25/19
 (DIR) Ray Lopez' Gopher Space!!! :01/25/19
 (DIR) The Underground Hacker News Mirror :01/25/19
 (DIR) The Rpi4 Gopher :01/25/19
 (DIR) SDF Public Access UNIX System . . est. 1987 :01/25/19
 (DIR) fritterware.org's gopher server :01/25/19
 (DIR) NOT crummysocks ;-) ymodem gopher hole :01/25/19
 (DIR) Conman Laboratories :01/28/19
 (DIR) -=shroom.party=- :01/28/19
 (DIR) Virtually Fun SuperGlobalMegaCorp :01/29/19
 (DIR) Music and Ideas of Steve :01/29/19
 (DIR) SmolderingWizard.com :01/29/19
 (DIR) Approved by the NASC - FUCKUP solutions :01/29/19
 (DIR) plan 9 from GOPHERSPACE :01/29/19
 (DIR) docfile.org (formerly paragrafprint.com) host :) :01/29/19
 (DIR) BITREICH Project :01/29/19
 (DIR) boomlin.de! :01/29/19
 (DIR) Logout's Gopherspace :01/31/19
 (DIR) zlg.space, port 70 :01/31/19
 (DIR) YEGOR'S GOPHER :02/01/19
 (DIR) ?     joshuah.net    ? :02/05/19
 (DIR) The Frugal Web Server's Gopher portal! :02/05/19
 (DIR) Downlink Omega gopher server! :02/07/19
 (DIR) srjskam - A Phlog of Things and Stuff :02/27/19
 (DIR) The Rat Thing - Ray Lopez :03/28/19
 (DIR) Raymii.org - Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? :04/17/19
 (DIR) SDF? :04/17/19
 (DIR) Silent Messengers :04/19/19
 (DIR) wolfgirl engineering syndicate :04/19/19
 (DIR) Elektronische-Musik :08/10/19
 (DIR) Welcome_to_the_vernunftzentrum_gopher_service! :12/05/19
 (DIR) An active phlog that's run by a senior in high school :) :12/12/19
 (DIR) VIRTUALLY FUN :01/10/20
 (DIR) dbucklin Text Obsessed :01/29/20
 (DIR) MMNs gopher.is :01/30/20
 (DIR) Logouts Gopherspace :02/05/20
 (DIR) Cheap Carnaval Tricks with Bash :02/05/20
 (DIR) Baguettes Godawful Gopherspace :02/14/20
 (DIR) SDK c0dev0id :02/19/20
 (DIR) White Mesa (node js) Server :02/24/20
 (DIR) CoNCoN's Gopher Space :02/26/20
 (DIR) Kroovy's Gopherhole :02/28/20
 (DIR) tomasino's gopher hole :03/01/20
 (DIR) Ratfactors Gopher Burrow :03/04/20
 (DIR) Mateusz' Gopher Hole :03/04/20
 (DIR) tomas.dscloud.me GopherHole :03/05/20
 (DIR) The Rpi4 Gopher :03/05/20
 (DIR) Gamliel Fishkin. Coder, sysadmin :03/08/20
 (DIR) Ctrl Z back to Sanity :03/08/20
 (DIR) phlog about BBSing :03/09/20
 (DIR) LinkError - projects, software, text and phlog :03/11/20
 (DIR) A Gopher Hole of Verisimilitudes :04/24/20
 (DIR) go4she12! @ SDF :06/21/20
 (DIR) your friendly neighborhood internet ghost :09/06/20
 (DIR) Geir Isene's gopherhole @ isene.com Philosophy - Sciences - Geekery - Art - Life :04/22/21
 (DIR) nm03  Gopher hole in Tokyo, Japan :05/17/21
 (DIR) "Delivering text since 2008" :05/21/21
 (DIR) conspiransy digest !(warning dangerous files)! :11/18/21
 (DIR) Joneworlds :12/09/21
 (DIR) Quis custodiet ipsos custodes? :03/22/22
 (DIR) Phlog and website dealing on fantasy, gamebooks, rpg, random stuff :06/30/22
 (DIR) YWNBAW :04/15/23
 (DIR) Cancelled Software Solutions by Roman productions :12/20/2023
 (DIR) Gamliel Fishkin. Programmer, sysadmin :01/09/24