(DIR) Return to the begining
       iThe world as we know it today is called the Fifth World. What
       icame before is described in the Fourth World (and covered by
       ia separate game, Earthdawn). Shadowrun exists in the Sixth
       iWorld, everything after The Awakening. For the timeline
       icovering the period before the Shadowrun storyline please see
       ithis article Shadowrun Prehistory Timeline
       iThis Shadowrun timeline covers in-universe events from circa
       i1989 (when the game was first published) to the in-game
       icurrent day.
 (TXT) 1980-1989
 (TXT) Slouching toward Apocalypse 1990-1999
 (TXT) Beginning of an Interesting Centry 2000-1009
 (TXT) Rude Awakening 2010-2019
 (TXT) Brave New World 2020-2029
 (TXT) A New World Order 2030-2039
 (TXT) Corporate Mess 2040-2049
 (TXT) Welcome to Our World 2050-2059
 (TXT) A New Spin and the Wireless World 2060-2069
 (TXT) Emergence 2070-2079
 (TXT) 2080
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